Advanced Discrete Math
Semester II 2025 |
Lecturer: Arun Ram, 174 Peter Hall Building, email: aram@unimelb.edu.au
Time and Location:
- Lecture: ???day ??:00-??:00 Room ???, ??? Building
- Practicals: ???day ??:00-??:--, ??? Building
Some of my thoughts about teaching have been written down in the Lecture script:
Teaching Math in the Next Life
I am very interested in listening to and discussing any
thoughts/reaction/improvements that you have in relation to this content.
The student representatives are
??? ??? email: ???@student.unimelb.edu.au
??? ??? email: ???@student.unimelb.edu.au
The handbook entry for this course is at
Main Topics
- (1) Partitions and symmetric functions
- (2) Posets, lattices and generating functions
- (3) The symmetric group and GLn(𝔽q)
- (4) Catalan, Modified Hall-Littlewood and
Modified Macdonald polynomials
- (5) Moment graphs and Kazdhan-Lusztig polynomials
- (6) Flag varieites, Schubert varieties and Springer fibers
- No books, notes, calculators, tablets, ipads, phones, etc at the exam.
- Prof. Ram reads email but generally does not respond by email.
Usually these are collated and reponses to email queries are provided in
the first few minutes of lectures. That way all students can benefit from
the answer to the query.
- Compared to the other resources on this page Lecture Capture
is not an efficient way to absorb material for this course. If you want to
get a hang on the naterial covered in a particular lecture, you should make
a handwritten copy of the Handwritten Lecture Notes
for that lecture which are posted below, and ask any questions that come up
as you make your handwritten copy in the Proof and Solution writing sessions.
Proof and Solution writing sessions
Proof and Solution writing sessions are
???days ??:00-??:00 and ???day ?:00-?:00 in
???? Room, ??? Building.
I am often available for additional questions/discussions after class on ???day.
I am available by appointment. I rarely come in to the University before 12
as I have other responsibilities in the morning until 12. If you email me
suggesting some weekday afternoon times for an appointment that work for you
then I can choose one of them that also works for me. If you email me and
don't suggest some times that work for you,
then I will respond by asking you to suggest some
weekday afternoon times that work for you.
Final exam
The problem sheets.
The final exam will be constructed by ???
To be determined
Tutorial sheets
To be determined
Recommended are:
Another favourite resource for the material we will cover is Chapters 10,11,12,13,14 in the book
Richard Stanley, Enumberative combinatorics, Volumes I and II, ????, 20??.
Another favourite resource for the material we will cover is
I.G. Macdonald, Symmetric functions and Hall polynomials,
Second edition, Oxford University Press, 1995.
Notes written by Arun Ram
In class lectures
Week 1: Partitions, the exponential, and the symmetric group
- 28 July 2025 Lecture 1: Partitions and Bratelli diagrams
- 30 July 2025 Lecture 2: The binomial theorem and the exponential
- 1 August 2025 Lecture 3: The symmetric group
Week 2: Posets, lattices and rank generating functions
- 4 August 2025 Lecture 4: Posets and lattices
- 6 August 2025 Lecture 5: The subspace lattice 𝔾(𝔽n)
- 8 August 2025 Lecture 6: The subset lattice 𝕊(n), and simple refelctions in
Week 3: Fundamental symmetric functions
- 11 August 2025 Lecture 7: Generating functions and monomial formulas
- 13 August 2025 Lecture 8: Power sums and the Cauchy-Macdonald kernel
- 15 August 2025 Lecture 9: Binomial theorems
Week 4: Crystals
- 18 August 2025 Lecture 10: The tensor category of crystals
- 20 August 2025 Lecture 11: The irreducible crystals B(λ)
- 22 August 2025 Lecture 12: Schur functions and the Weyl character formulas
Week 5: Littlewood-Richardson rule, combinatorial R-matrix, RSK, Cauchy identities, Pieri rules, and characters
- 25 August 2025 Lecture 13: Products and restrictions and the
Littlwood-Richardson rule
- 27 August 2025 Lecture 14: The comibnatorial R-matrix, RSK and
Cauchy identities
- 29 August 2025 Lecture 15: Pieri tules and characters of the symmetric group
and the Hecke algebra
Week 6: q-t-Catalan
- 1 September 2025 Lecture 16: q-t-Catalan by Dyck paths
- 3 September 2025 Lecture 17: ∇en and diagonal coinvariants
- 5 September 2025 Lecture 18: Modified Macdonald polynomials and Garsia-Haiman modules
Week 7: G/B
- 8 September 2025 Lecture 19: Generator and relations for GLn(𝔽)
- 10 September 2025 Lecture 20: The Bruhat decomposition and the Poincare polynomial
- 12 September 2025 Lecture 21: Schubert varieties, and Grassmannians
Week 8: Moment graphs and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials
- 15 September 2025 Lecture 22: HT(G/B)
- 17 September 2025 Lecture 23: Sheaves on moment graphs
- 19 September 2025 Lecture 24: Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials
Week 9: Springer fibers
- 22 September 2025 Lecture 25: Cells in Springer fibers
- 24 September 2025 Lecture 26: Modified Hall-Littlewood polynomials
- 26 September 2025 Lecture 27: AFL Grand Final Eve holiday
Non-teaching week 29 September - 3 October
Week 10: Review and Student talks
- 6 October 2025 Lecture 28: Review and Student Talks
- 8 October 2025 Lecture 29: Review and Student Talks
- 10 October 2025 Lecture 30: Review and Student Talks
Week 11: Review and Student Talks
- 13 October 2025 Lecture 31: Review and Student Talks
- 15 October 2025 Lecture 32: Review and Student Talks
- 17 October 2025 Lecture 33: Review and Student Talks
Week 12: Reivew and Student Talks
- 20 October 2025 Lecture 34: Review and Student Talks
- 22 October 2025 Lecture 35: Review and Student Talks
- 24 October 2025 Lecture 36: Review and Student Talks