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Arun Ram
-, Room G58 Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
- Research specialties: algebraic topology; more specifically, homotopy theory and its interactions with algebraic geometry, algebraic K-theory, and higher category theory.
-, Room ??? Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
- Research specialties: algebraic topology; more specifically, homotopy theory and its interactions with algebraic geometry, algebraic K-theory, and higher category theory.
-, Room 201 Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
- Research specialties: Differential and algebraic topology and their
interactions with differential geometry; the surgery
classification of manifolds. Especially: 7-manifolds and
G2-structures, almost contact structures, embddings in codimension
>2, mapping class groups in high dimensions and exotic spheres and
the Gromoll filtration
-, Room 202 Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
- Research specialties: Spectra of scattering matrices, Index theory, Hodge theory, Heat equations.
-, Room 203 Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
-, Room 204, Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
- Research specialties: operad theory, homotopy theory, and higher category theory
-, Room 219 Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
- Research specialties: Geometric & Combinatorial Representation Theory,
Categorification, Low-Dimensional Topology & Topological Quantum Field Theory
-, Room 158 Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
-, Room 159, Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
- research specialties: vertex operator algebras / conformal field theories and their relation with string theory, integrable models
-, Room 164 Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
- Research specialties: two dimensional exactly solvable quantum field theories, their mathematical structure and their applications
-, Room 165, Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
-, Room 166 Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
-, Room 168 Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
- Research specialties: algebraic geometry, category theory and mathematical logic
-, Room 169, Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
- Research specialties: Elliptic cohomology, moonshine
-, Room 170 Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
-, Room 171 Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
- Research specialties: Algebraic K-theory and motivic cohomology, in particular the algebraic K-theory of singular schemes and semi-topological K-theory; motivic homotopy theory
-, Room 172 Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
- Research specialties: geometry & topology, low-dimensional topology, hyperbolic 3-manifolds
- Room 173, Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
- Research specialties: Geometric group theory, CAT(0) spaces, Coxeter groups
-, Room 174 Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
- Research specialties: combinatorial and geometric representation theory
-, Room 117, Old Geology South, University of Melbourne
- Research specialties: Quantum algebra, geometric and combinatorial representation theory, knot theory, low-dimensional topology.
Hyam Rubinstein
-, Room ???, Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
- Research specialties: low dimensional topology, minimal surfaces (combinatorial and smooth), differential geometry and shortest network design, especially applied to underground mining
-, Room G31???, Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
-, Room 193 Peter Hall Building, University of Melbourne
- Research specialties: integrable models,
integrable structures in supersymmetric gauge theories and in string theories
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