Representation Theory

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 2 October 2014

Lecture 4

The Iwahori-Hecke algebra Hk(q) has generators Ti= i i+1 , 1ik+1, and relations TiTi+1Ti= Ti+1TiTi+1 andTi-Ti-1 =(q-q-1). If q=1 then Hk(q) is Sk, where Sk is the symmetric group. If yεi= then yεi yεj= yεj yεi and yε1 yεn= Tw02 𝒵(Hk(q)), where 𝒵(Hk(q)) is the center of Hk(q).

We want to study the tower H1H2H3, where Hk-1 Hk b b using ResHk-1Hk and IndHk-1Hk.

A partition is a collection of boxes in a corner λ= =(6,6,4,1,1).

Let Hˆk= {partitions withkboxes}. The Bratelli diagram of the tower H1H2 has λHˆkas vertices on levelk λ-μifμis obtained by adding a box toλ. This means {IrreducibleHk-modules} 1-1Hˆk and ResHk-1Hk (Hkλ)= μλλ/μ= Hk-1μ. Since HomHk (IndHk-1Hk(Hk-1μ),Hkλ)= HomHk-1 (Hk-1μ,ResHk-1Hk(Hkλ)) and HomHk (Hkλ,Hkν)= { 0, ifλν, ·Id, ifλ-ν, we get IndHk-1Hk (Hk-1μ)= λμλ/μ= Hkλ. Note that dim(Hkλ)= # of paths fromλ

As vector spaces H4 = H3 H3 = H2 H2 H = H1 H1 H1 . (H1M1() which has one 1-dimensional simple module.)

A standard tableau of shape λ is a filling T of the boxes of λ with 1,2,,k such that

(a) the rows increase left to right,
(b) the columns increase top to bottom.
There is a bijection {standard tableaux of shapeλ} 1-1 {pathsλ} 1 3 2 4 5 so that dim(Hkλ)= # of standard tableaux of shapeλ.

The irreducible Hk(q)-modules are Hkλ=span {vT|Ta standard tealux of shapeλ} with Hk-action given by yεivT = qc(T(i)) vT, TivT = q-q-1 1-q2(c(T(i)))-c(T(i+1)) vT+ ( q-1 q-q-1 1-q2(c(T(i)))-c(T(i+1)) vsiT ) where T(i) = box containingiinT, c(b) = s-r,ifbis in row r, columns, siT is Twithiandi+1 switched, vsiT = 0ifsiTis not standard.

H5 has basis v123455, v123545, v132455, v132545, v142535 and T2 v123545 = q-q-11-q2(1-(-1)) v123545+ (q-1+q-q-11-q2(1-(-1))) v132545 T2 v142535 = q-q-11-q2(-1-(-2)) v142535+ (q-1+q-q-11-q2) v143525 = -q-1 v142535. Since Hk TLk Ti-q ei is a surjective homomorphism every TLk-module is an Hk-module.

The Bratelli diagram for the tower TL1TL2 is =

Lie algebras

A Lie algebra is a vector space 𝔤 with a bracket [,]:𝔤𝔤𝔤 such that

(a) [x,y]=-[y,x], for x,y𝔤,
(b) [x,[y,z]]=[[x,y],z]+[y,[x,z]], for x,y𝔤.

A Lie algebra is not an algebra.

The enveloping algebra of 𝔤 is the algebra U𝔤 generated by the vector space 𝔤 with relations yx=xy-[x,y], for x,y𝔤.

The Lie algebra 𝔰𝔩2 𝔰𝔩2 = {xM2()|trx=0} = {(abcd)|a+d=0} with [x,y]=xy-yx (product on the right is matrix multiplication).

The vector space 𝔰𝔩2 has basis e=(0100), f=(0010), h=(100-1) and [e,f]=h, [h,e]=2e, [h,f]=-2f. The enveloping algebra U𝔰𝔩2 is generated by e,f,h with relations ef=fe+h, eh=he-2e, hf=fh-2f. The algebra U𝔰𝔩2 has basis { fm1 hm2 em3 | m1,m2,m30 } . Note: U𝔰𝔩2 is not far from [ε,φ,η], the algebra generated by ε,φ,η with relations εφ=φε, εη=ηε, ηφ=φη.

U𝔰𝔩2 is a Hopf algebra

Let M,N be U-modules. Mhas basis{m1,,mr} Nhas basis{n1,,ns} The tensor product vector space is MN with basis { minj| 1ir,1js } so that dim(MN)=r·s. (Note MN has basis {m1,,mr,n1,,ns} and dim(MN)=r+s).

U is a Hopf algebra means that it comes with a map Δ:UUU, the coproduct, that tells me how to make U act on MN.

For U=U𝔰𝔩2 this map is Δ(e) = e1+1e, Δ(f) = f1+1f, Δ(h) = h1+1h.

An 𝔰𝔩2-module is a U𝔰𝔩2-module.

Modules for U𝔰𝔩2

L() has basis {v1,v-1} with U𝔰𝔩2 End(L()) e (0100) f (0010) h (100-1). L()L() has basis {v1v1,v1v-1,v-1v1,v-1v-1} and e(v1v1) = 0 v0=f(v1v1) = v-1v1+r1 v-1 2v-2=fv0 = 2(v-1v-1) ev0 = 2(v1v1)=2v2 e(v2) = v0=v1v1 e(v-1v-1) = v-1v1+ v1v-1 e v2 f e v0 f e v-2 f hv2 = hv1v1= v1v1+ v1v1= 2v1v1 hv0 = 0 hv-2 = -2v-1v-1 and v0=v1v-1- v-1v1 has ev0 = 0, fv0 = 0, hv0 = 0. So L() L()= L ( ) L() where L ( ) has basis{v2,v0,v-2}, L()has basis {v}. L()L() has basis {v0v1,v0v-1} e(v0v1) = 0, f(v0v1) = v0v-1, h(v0v1) = v0v1, e(e0v-1) = v0v1, f(v0v-1) = 0, h(v0v-1) = -v0v-1. So L()L() L() v0v1 v1 v0v-1 v-1. Then L ( ) L()has basis { v2v1,v2v-1 v0v1,v0v-1 v-2v1,v-2v-1 } and e(v2v1) = 0 v1=f(v2v1) = v0v1+v2v-1 2v-1=f(v1) = v-2v1+ v0v-1+ v0v-1 3v-3= fv-1 = v-2v-1+ v-2v-1+ v-2v-1. e v3 =v2v1 f e v1 f e v-1 f e v-3 =v-2v-1 f hv3 = 3v3 hv1 = v1 hv-1 = -v1 hv-3 = -3v3 and if v1 = v0v1-2v2 v1 v-1 = 2v-2v1+ v0v-1 -2v0v-1 = 2v-2v1- v0v-1 e v1 f v-1 f So L ( ) L()=L ( ) L(). In general L ( k ) L()=L ( k+1 ) L ( k-1 ) and U𝔰𝔩2 End ( L ( k ) ) e ( 01 02 03 0 0k 0 ) f ( 0 10 20 3 0 k0 ) h ( k0 k-2 k-4 -(k-4) -(k-2) 0-k ) The rule for -L() is given by So U𝔰𝔩2 should have something to do with TL1TL2.

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of Lecture 4 from a series of handwritten lecture notes for the class Representation Theory given on August 19, 2008.

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