Group Theory and Linear Algebra

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 21 September 2014

Lecture 16: Orthogonal complements and adjoints

Let V be a vector space over . Let ,:V×V be a positive definite Hermitian form. Let W be a subspace of V. The orthogonal complement to W is W= { vV|ifwW thenv,w =0 } .

(a) W is a subspace of V.
(b) V=WW.


To show:
(aa) If u1,u2W then u1+u2W.
(ab) If uW and c then cuW.
(aa) Assume u1,u2W.
To show: u1+u2W.
To show: If wW then u1+u2,w=0.
Assume wW.
To show: u1+u2,w=0. u1+u2,w = u1,w+ u2,w = 0+0,sinceu1,u2 W = 0.
(ab) Assume uW and c.
To show: cuW.
To show: If wW then cu,w=0.
Assume wW.
To show: cu,w=0. cu,w = cu,w = c·0,sinceuW = 0.
To show: V=WW.
To show:
(ba) WW={0}.
(bb) W+W=V.
Choose an orthonormal basis of W (by Gram-Schmidt).
Extend this to an orthonormal basis of all V (by more Gram-Schmidt). { b1,b2,,bk basis ofW , bk+1, bk+2,, bk+ basis ofV } Then {bk+1,bk+2,,bk+} is an orthonormal basis of W: If w=c1b1++ckbkW then bk+i,w = bk+i, c1b1++ckbk = c1bk+i,b1++ ckbk+i,bk = c1·0++ck·0 = 0, so that bk+iW.


Let V be a vector space over C and ,:V×V a positive definite Hermitian form. Let f:VV be a linear transformation. The adjoint of f is a linear transformation f*:VV such that if u,wV then f(u),w=u,f*(w).

The linear transformation f:VV is

self adjoint, or Hermitian, if f satisfies f=f*,
an isometry, or unitary, if f satisfies f*f=1,
normal, if f satisfies f*f=ff*.

Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over and ,:V×V a positive definite Hermitian form. Let f:VV be a linear transformation and B={b1,,βk} an orthonormal basis of V. Then Bf*=(Bf)t.

If A is a matrix with (i,j) entry Aij then At is a matrix with (i,j) entry Aji.

Let A be a matrix. The transpose of A is the matrix At given by (At)ij=Aji. The conjugate of A is the matrix A given by (A)ij =Aij. The conjugate transpose of A is the matrix At given by (At)ij =Aji.

Proof of the theorem.

If f*(bj)= p1jb1+ p2jb2++ pkjbk then pij = f*(bj),bi = bi,f*(bj) = f(bi),bj = qi1+b1+q2ib2++qkibk,bj = qji. So Bf*=(pij) and Bf=(qij) and (Bf*)ij= pij=qji =(Bft)ij. So Bf*=Bft.

Let V be a vector space over which is finite dimensional and let ,:V×V be a positive definite Hermitian form. Let f:VV be a linear transformation. Let g:VV be a linear transformation. Then

(a) f*VV is a linear transformation and is unique,
(b) f*+g*=(f+g)*,
(c) (fg)*=g*f*,
(d) If c then (cf)*=cf*,
(e) (f*)*.

Idea of proof.

(a) f* has matrix Bf*=(Bf)t as given in the theorem.
Let B={b1,,bk} be an orthonormal basis and let A=Bf*and C=Bg*. Then show that
(b') (A+C)t=At+Ct,
(c') (AC)t=CtAt,
(d') If cC then (cA)t=cAt,
(e') (At)t=A.

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of Lecture 16 from a series of handwritten lecture notes for the class Group Theory and Linear Algebra given on August 30, 2011.

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