Week 1 Problem Sheet
Group Theory and Linear algebra
Semester II 2011

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 1 July 2011

(1) Week 1: Vocabulary
(2) Week 1: Results
(3) Week 1: Examples and Computations

Week 1: Vocabulary

Define set, subset and equal sets and give some illustrative examples.
Define union of sets, intersection of sets, and product of sets and give some illustrative examples.
Define partition of a set and give some illustrative examples.
Define relation, symmetric relation, reflexive relation and transitive relation and give some illustrative examples.
Define equivalence relation and equivalence class and give some illustrative examples.
Define the order on and give some illustrative examples.
Define well ordered set and give some illustrative examples.
Let d. Define the ideal generated by d and give some illustrative examples.
Let d,a and define
(i)   d divides a,
(ii)   d is a factor of a,
(iii)   a is a multiple of d,
and give some illustrative examples.
Let a,b. Define greatest common divisor of a and b and give some illustrative examples.
Define relatively prime integers and give some illustrative examples.
Define prime integer and give some illustrative examples.
Let m. Define congruence modulo m and give some illustrative examples.
Let m. Define congruence class modulo m and give some illustrative examples.
Define >0 and give some illustrative examples.
Define >0 and the operations of addition and multiplication on >0 and give some illustrative examples.
Define 0 and give some illustrative examples.
Define 0 and the operations of addition and multiplication on 0 and give some illustrative examples.
Define and give some illustrative examples.
Define and the operations of addition and multiplication on and give some illustrative examples.
Let m. Define /m and give some illustrative examples.
Let m. Define /m and the operations of addition and multiplication on /m and give some illustrative examples.
Let m. Define multiplicative inverse in /m and give some illustrative examples.
Which sets are the three elements of /3?

Week 1: Results

(Division with remainder) Show that if a,d and d>0 then there exist unique integers q and r such that 0r<d and a=qd+r.
Let a,b,c. Show that if a|b and b|c then a|c.
Let a,b, and c be integers. Show that if a|b and a|c then a2| (b2 +3c2).
Show that if a,b,c,d are integers such that a|b and c|d then ac|bd.
Prove that if a,b,c,d, x,y are integers such that a|b and a|c then a|(xb+yc).
Prove that if a,b are positive integers such that a|b and b|a then a=b.
Show that if a,d and q1, r1, q2, r2 and 0r1<d and 0r2<d and a= q1d+r1 and a= q2d+r2 then q1=q2 and r1=r2.
Let a,b . Show that
(a)   gcd(a,b) = gcd(b,a) = gcd(-a,b) ,
(b)   gcd(a,0) =a,
(c)   If q and r are integers such that a=bq+r then gcd(a,b) = gcd(b,r) .
Let a,b and let d be the greatest common divisor of a and b. Show that there exist integers x and y such that ax+by=d.
Let a,b and let d be the greatest common divisor of a and b. Show that d is the largest integer that divides both a and b.
Let d,a,b . Show that if d|ab and gcd (a,d)=1 then d|b.
Let p,a,b . Show that if p is prime and p|ab then p|a then or p|b.
Give an example of positive integers a,b,c such that a|c and b|c but abc.
Let a,b,c be integers with gcd(a,b) =1. Prove that if a|c and b|c then ab|c.
Let m0. Prove that congruence mod m is an equivalence relation.
Let m0. Prove that the operation of addition on /m is well defined.
Let m0. Prove that the operation of multiplication on /m is well defined.
Let m0 and let a. Prove that [a] has a multiplicative inverse in /m if and only if gcd(a,m) =1.
Let p be prime. Show that every non-zero element of /p has a multiplicative inverse.
Prove that if a=b mod m and b=c mod m then a=c mod m
(a)   Prove that if a,b,c are integers with ac=bc mod m and gcd(c,m)=1 then a=b mod m.
(b)   Give an example to show that this result fails if we drop the condition that gcd(c,m)=1.
(c)   What can you conclude if gcd(c,m) =d?
(a)   Show that if p is prime, then p divides the binomial coefficient (pk) = p! p!(p-k)! , for 0<k<p.
(b)   Deduce, using induction on n and the binomial theorem, that if p is prime then np=n mod p, for all natural numbers n (“Fermat’s Little Theorem”).

Week 1: Examples and Calculations

(a)   Find the quotient and remainder when 25 is divided by 3.
(b)   Find the quotient and remainder when 68 is divided by 7.
(c)   Find the quotient and remainder when −33 is divided by 7.
(d)   Find the quotient and remainder when -25 is divided by 3.
(a)   Find the quotient and remainder when 25 is divided by -3.
(b)   Find the quotient and remainder when -25 is divided by -3.
(c)   Find the quotient and remainder when 25 is divided by 0.
(d)   Find the quotient and remainder when 0 is divided by 25.
Show that gcd(4, 6) = 2.
Show that gcd(10, −20) = 10.
Show that gcd(7, 3) = 1.
Show that gcd(0, 5) = 5.
Show that 12 and 35 are relatively prime.
Show that 12 and 34 are not relatively prime.
Find gcd(4163, 8869).
Solve the equation 131x+ 71y=1. Explain why this question is not well stated. Fix up the question and solve it.
Using Euclid’s Algorithm find gcd(14, 35).
Using Euclid’s Algorithm find gcd(105, 165).
Using Euclid’s Algorithm find gcd(1287, 1144).
Using Euclid’s Algorithm find gcd(1288, 1144).
Using Euclid’s Algorithm find gcd(1287, 1145).
Find d=gcd(27,33) find integers x and y such that d=x27+y33.
Find d=gcd(27,32) find integers x and y such that d=x27+y32.
Find d=gcd(312,377) find integers x and y such that d=x312+y377.
(a)   Show that 3=1 mod 2.
(b)   Show that 3=17 mod 17.
(a)   Show that 3=-15 mod 9.
(b)   Show that 4=0 mod 2.
Show that 61 mod 4.
Explain the most efficient way to calculate 294 modulo 12.
Show that 3+4=1, 35=3, and 3-5=4 in /6.
Write down the addition and multiplication tables for /5 and /6.
Show that 2 has no multiplicative inverse in /4.
Find the multiplicative inverse of 71 in /131.
(a)   Decide whether 3 = 42 (mod 13).
(b)   Decide whether 2 = −20 (mod 11).
(c)   Decide whether 26 = 482 (mod 14).
(a)   Decide whether −2 = 933 (mod 5).
(b)   Decide whether −2 = 933 (mod 11).
(c)   Decide whether −2 = 933 (mod 55).
(a)   Simplify 482 (mod 14).
(b)   Simplify 511 (mod 9).
(c)   Simplify −374 (mod 11).
(a)   Simplify 933 (mod 55).
(b)   Simplify 102725 (mod 10).
(c)   Simplify 57102725 (mod 9).
Calculate 2425 (mod 21).
Calculate 84125 (mod 210).
Calculate 252 +243-6 (mod 9).
Calculate 363-319 +2 (mod 11).
Calculate 1 2 3 4 5 6 (mod 7),
Calculate 1 2 3 2021 (mod 22).
Use congruences modulo 9 to show that the following multiplication in is incorrect: 3264471=1357546.
Determine the multiplicative inverses in /7.
Determine the multiplicative inverses in /8,
Determine the multiplicative inverses in /12,
Determine the multiplicative inverses in /13,
Determine the multiplicative inverses in /15,
If it exists, find the multiplicative inverse of 32 in /27.
If it exists, find the multiplicative inverse of 32 in /39.
If it exists, find the multiplicative inverse of 17 in /41.
If it exists, find the multiplicative inverse of 18 in /33.
If it exists, find the multiplicative inverse of 200 in /911.
Write down all the common divisors of 56 and 72.
(a)   Use Euclid’s algorithm to find d= gcd(323,377).
(b)   Find integers x,y such that 323x+377y=d.
Simplify the following, giving your answers in the form a mod m, where 0a<m.
(a)   1413-67+133 (mod 10),
(b)   53 (mod 7),
(c)   53+24 (mod 7),
(d)   212223 2425 (mod 20).
For the following, write your answers in the form 0, 1, . . . , 18 (mod 19).
(a)   Calculate 32, 34, 38, 316, 332, 364, 3128 and 3256 modulo 19.
(b)   Use (a) to calculate 3265 modulo 19. (Hint: 265 = 256 + 8 + 1.)
(A test for divisibility by 11.) Let n= ad ad-1 a2 a1a0 be a positive integer written in base 10, i.e. n=a0+ 10a1+ 102a2 ++ 10dad, where a0, a1, ad , are the digits of the number n read from right to left.
(a)   Show that n= a0- a1+ a2- a3+ + (-1)d ad mod 11. Hence n is divisible by 11 exactly when a0- a1+ a2- a3+ + (-1)d ad is divisible by 11.
(b)   Use this test to decide if the following numbers are divisible by 11: (i) 123537, (ii) 30639423045.
(a)   Write down the addition and multiplication tables for /7.
(b)   Find the multiplicative inverse of 2 in /7.
Find the smallest positive integer in the set {6u+15v | u,v}. Always justify your answers.


[GH] J.R.J. Groves and C.D. Hodgson, Notes for 620-297: Group Theory and Linear Algebra, 2009.