Real Analysis

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 8 July 2014

Lecture 2

ex=1+x+x22! +x33!+

Prove that ex+y=exey. ex+y = 1+(x+y) +(x+y)22! +(x+y)33! +(x+y)44! + = 1 +x+y +12(x2+2xy+y2) +16(x3+3x2y+3xy2+y3) +14!(x4+4x3y+6x2y2+4xy3+y4) +15!(x5+5x4y+10x3y2+10x2y3+5xy4+y5) + = 1 +x+y +12!x2+xy+12!>y2 +13!x3+12!x2y+12!xy2+13!y3 +14!x4+13!x3y+12112!x2y2+13!xy3+14!y4 +15!x5+14!x4y+12!13!x3y2+13!12!x2y3+14!xy4+15!y5 + = ex+exy+ex 12!y2+ex 13!y3+ex 14!y4+ = exey.


logx is the expression that undoes ex: log(ex)=xand elogx=x, x is the expression that undoes x2 x2=xand (x)2=x and arcsin(sinx)=x and sin(arcsinx)=x , arccos(cosx)=x and cos(arccosx)=x , tan-1(tanx)=x and tan(tan-1x)=x , sinh-1(sinhx)=x and sinh(sinh-1x)=x , arccosh(coshx)=x and cosh(arccoshx)=x .

Note: arcsinx and sin-1x have the same meaning. sin-1x does not mean 1sinx (which would be written (sinx)-1).

Derivatives - the definition

(a) d(f+g)dx=dfdx+dgdx,
(b) d(cf)dx=cdfdx if c is a constant,
(c) d(fg)dx=fdgdx+dfdxg,
(d) dxdx=1, and
(e) df(g)dx=dfdgdgdx.


Prove that dx2dx=2x. dx2dx= d(x·x)dx= x·dxdx+ dxdx·x= x·1+1·x=2x.

Prove that dexdx=ex.


Suppose we know that if n0 then dxndx=nxn-1. Then dexdx = d(1+x+12!x2+13!x3+14!x4+) dx = 0+ 1+ 12!2x+ 13!3x2+ 14!4x3+ 15!5x4+ = 1+ x+ 12!x2+ 13!x3+ 14!x4+ = ex.

Prove that dlogxdx=1x.


1 = dxdx = de(logx) dx = delogx dlogx · dlogx dx = elogx· dlogx dx = x dlogx dx . So dlogxdx=1x.

Prove that 11-x=1+x+x2+x3+x4+.


(1+x+x2+x3+) (1-x) = 1+x+x2+x3+x4+ -x-x2-x3-x4- = 1. Divide both sides by 1-x. So 1+x+x2+x3+= 11-x.

Prove that 11+x=1-x+x2-x3+x4+.


11+x = 11-(-x) = 1+(-x)+ (-x)2+ (-x)3+ = 1-x+x2-x3+ x4-x5+.

Prove that log(1+x)=x-x22+x33-x44+.


Since dlog(1+x)dx=11+x, then 11+xdx=log(1+x). So log(1+x) = 11+xdx = ( 1-x+x2-x3 +x4-x5+ ) dx = x-x22+ x33-x44 +x55-.

Prove that eix=cosx+isinx. (By definition i2=-1).


cosx+isinx = eix+e-ix2+i eix-e-ix2i = eix+e-ix+eix-e-ix2 = 2eix2 = eix.

Prove that sin2x=2sinxcosx and cos2x=cos2x-sin2x.


cos2x+isin2x = ei2x = ei(x+x) = eix eix = (cosx+isinx) (cosx+isinx) = cos2x+i2sin2x +2isinxcosx = (cos2x-sin2x)+i (2sinxcosx). So cos2x=cos2x-sin2x and sin2x=2sinxcosx.

Notes and References

These are notes from a 2010 course on Real Analysis 620-295. This page comes from 100303Lect2.pdf and was given on 3 March 2010.

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