Metric and Hilbert Spaces

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 4 November 2014

Lecture 46: Convergence

§1 Limit points and cluster points.

§1.1 Filters, nets and sequences.

A directed set is a set P with a relation such that

(a) If iP then ii,
(b) If i,j,kP and ij and jk then ik,
(c) If i,jP then there exists kP such that ik and jk.
The favourite example of a directed set if >0 with ij if there exists n0 with i+n=j.

Let X be a set.

A filter on X is a collection of subsets of X such that
(a) (upper ideal) if N and E is a subset of X with NE then E,
(b) (closed under finite intersection) If >0 and N1,N2,,N in then N1N2 N,
(c) .
An ultrafilter is a maximal filter on X (with respect to inclusion).
A net in X is a function x: P X n xn where P is a directed set.
A sequence in X is a function x: >0 X n xn .
We often write x=(x1,x2,) for a sequence in X.

Let P be a directed set. The tail filter is the filter on P given by {PN|NP}, where PN={jP|jN}.

Let Y be a topological space and let yY. The neighbourhood filter of y is the filter on Y generated by the open sets containing y.

Let Y be a topological space and let yY.

A neighbourhood of y is a subset NY such that there exists an open set UY with yUN.
The neighbourhood filter of y is 𝒩(y)= {neighbourhoods ofy}.

Let Y be a topological space and let 𝒢 be a filter on Y.

A limit point of 𝒢 is a point yY such that 𝒢𝒩(y).
A cluster point of 𝒢 is a point yY such that if N𝒢 then yN, where N is the closure of N.

Let Y be a topological space. Let X be a set and f:XY be a function. Let be a filter on X.

A limit point of f with respect to is a limit point of the filter on Y generated by {f(N)|N}.
A cluster point of f with respect to is a cluster point of the filter on Y generated by {f(N)|N}.
Write y=limf if y is a limit point of f with respect to .

Let X and Y be topological spaces and let f:XY be a function. Let aX. Write y=limxaf(x) if y is a limit point of f with respect to the neighbourhood filter of a.

Let x: P X n xn be a net in X. Write y=limnxn if y is a limit point of x with respect to the tail filter on P.

Let x=(x1,x2,) be a sequence in X. Write y=limnxn, if y is a limit point of x: >0 X n xn with respect to the tail filter on >0.

A cluster point of a sequence x=(x1,x2,) in X is a cluster point of x: >0 X n xn with respect to the tail filter on >0.

Let X be a topological space.

(a) Let AX. Then A = { zX| there exists a filter onXwith Aand lim=z } = { zX| there exists a neta: PAwith limn an=z } .
(b) Let Y be a topological space and let f:XY be a function. The following are equivalent.
(1) f:XY is continuous.
(2) If is a filter on X and lim exists then f(lim)= limf.
(3) If aX then limxaf(x)=f(a).
(4) If x: P X n xn is a net in X and limnxn exists then limnf(xn) =f(limnxn).
Notes and References: See [Clark, Cor. 5.9 and Prop. 5.14].

A topological space X is first countable if X satisfies: if aX then there exists a countable collection of neighbourhoods of x which generates 𝒩(a).

Let X be a first countable topological space.

(a) Let AX. Then A= { zX|there exists a sequence (a1,a2,) inAwith limnαn=z } .
(b) Let Y be a topological space and let f:XY be a function. The following are equivalent
(1) f is continuous.
(2) If x=(x1,x2,) is a sequence in X and limnxn exists then limnf(xn)= f(limnxn).

Let X be a topological space and let (x1,x2,) be a sequence in X.

(a) If (xn1,xn2,) is a subsequence of (x1,x2,) and y=limxxnk exists then y is a cluster point of (x1,x2,).
(b) If X is first countable and y is a cluster point of (x1,x2,) then there exists a subsequence (xn1,xn2,) of (x1,x2,) such that y=limkxnk.

Let X be an uncountable set and let 𝒯={AX|Acis countable}. Show that

(a) X is a topological space.
(b) X is not first countable.
(c) X is not Hausdorff.
(d) X is not discrete.
(e) If (x1,x2,) is a sequence in X and y=limnxn exists then there exists N>0 such that if nN then xn=y i.e., (x1,x2,) is eventually constant at y.
(f) If AX and A is uncountable then A=X.
(g) If AX then { zX|there exists a sequence (a1,a2,) inAwithz= limnan } =A.
(h) If AX is uncountable and AX then A { zX|there exists a sequence (a1,a2,) inAwithz= limnan } .
Notes and References: [Clark Example 2.1.5]

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of Lecture 46 from a series of handwritten lecture notes for the class Metric and Hilbert Spaces given on October 19, 2014.

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