Metric and Hilbert Spaces

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 4 November 2014

Lecture 30: Examples of linear operators

Let V and W be normed vector spaces over 𝔽, where 𝔽= or 𝔽=.

A bounded linear operator from V to W is a linear operator T:VW such that there exists C>0 such that if uV then TuCu.

The norm of T is the minimal C that works.

Let V be a normed vector space and let 1: V V x x and 0: V V x 0 . Then 1=1 and 0=0.

Let V=n or V=n and let T:VW be a linear operator. Then the function Φ: V 0 x Tx is continuous (Really? Why?). Let Sn-1= {xV|x=1}. Since Sn-1 is closed and bounded, Sn-1 is compact. Since Φ is continuous, Φ(Sn-1) is compact. So {Tx|x=1} is closed and bounded in 0. So T=sup(Φ(Sn-1)).

Let C[0,1]={f:[0,1]|fis continuous}, with norm given by f=01 f(t)dt. Let T:C[0,1] be given by Tf=ev0(f)=f(0). Let f1,f2, be the sequence in C[0,1] given by fn(t)= { -n2t+n, fort[0,1n], 0, fort[1n,1]. 1 n 1 t n y Then fn= n(1n)2=12 (the area under y=fn(t)), and limnTfn= in 0{} since Tf1=1, Tf2=2, Tf3=3, So there does not exist C0 such that if fC[0,1] then TfCf.

Let λ1,λ2, be a bounded sequence in . Define T: by T(a1,a2,)= (λ1a1,λ2a2,). The norm on is (a1,a2,)= sup{|a1|,a2,}. A basis of is {e1,e2,e3,} where ei= ( 0,0,,0, 1ith spot,0,0, ) . Then Tei= (0,,0,λi,0,0,) andTei= λi=λi ei. So Tsup {λ1,λ2,}. Let x=(x1,x2,) in . Then Tx = (λ1x1,λ2x2,) = sup { λ1 x1, λ2 x2, } sup { λ1, λ2, } · sup { x1, x2, } = Cx where C=sup{λ1,λ2,}. So TC. So T=sup { λ1, λ2, } .

Let C[a,b]={f:[a,b]|fis continuous} with the sup norm f=sup {f(t)|t[a,b]}. Let T:C[a,b] be given by Tf=abf(t)dt. If X:[a,b] is the function given by x(t)=1 then Tx=abdt=b-a andTx= (b-a)=(b-a) x since x=1. So Tb-a. If fC[a,b] then Tf= abf(t)dt abf(t) dtf(b-a). So Tb-a. Thus T=b-a.

Integral operators. Let C[a,b]= {f:[a,b]|fis continuous} with norm given by f=sup {f(t)|t[a,b]}. Let K:[a,b]×[a,b] be a continuous function. Define T:C[a,b]C[a,b] by (Tf)(t)=ab K(t,s)f(s)ds (generalised matrix multiplication!).

To show:
(a) If fC[a,b] then TfC[a,b].
(b) T is a bounded linear operator.
(a) Assume fC[a,b].
To show: Tf is continuous.
In fact we will show: Tf is uniformly continuous.
To show: If ε>0 then there exists δ>0 such that if t,t[a,b] and t-t<δ then Tf(t)-Tf(t)<ε. Assume ε>0.
Since [a,b]×[a,b] is compact and K is continuous then K is uniformly continuous.
Let δ>0 be such that if s,s,t,t[a,b] and d((s,t),(s,t))<δ then (K(s,t)-K(s,t))<ε(b-a)f.
To show: If t,t[a,b] and t-t<δ then Tf(t)-Tf(t)<ε.
Assume t,t[a,b] and t-t<δ.
To show: Tf(t)-Tf(t)<ε. Tf(t)-Tf(t) = ab(K(s,t)-K(s,t)) f(s)ds abK(s,t)-K(s,t) ·f(s)ds < ε(b-a)f ·(b-a)f = ε. So Tf is uniformly continuous.
So Tf is continuous and so TfC[a,b].
(b) To show: T is a bounded linear operator.
To show: There exists C>0 such that if fC[a,b] then TfCf.
Since [a,b]×[a,b] is compact and K is continuous K([a,b]×[a,b]) is compact and K([a,b]×[a,b]) is bounded.
Let C=sup({K(s,t)|s,t[a,b]}). To show: If fC[a,b] then TfC||f|.
Assume fC[a,b].
Then Tf(t) ab K(s,t)· f(s)ds (b-a)Cf. So Tf=sup {Tf(t)|ta,b} (b-a)Cf. So T(b-a)C.
So T is bounded.

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of Lecture 30 from a series of handwritten lecture notes for the class Metric and Hilbert Spaces given on September 17, 2014.

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