Metric and Hilbert Spaces

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 4 November 2014

Assignment 2 Solutions

  1. Let A = { (x,y)2 |x2+y2<1 } and B = { (x,y)2 |(x-2)2 +y2<1 } . Determine, with proof, whether X=AB, Y=AB and Z=AB are connected subsets of 2 with the usual topology.

    The picture is A p B (rcosθ,rsinθ) with A = {(x,y)|x2+y21}and B = {(x,y)|(x-2)2+y21}. The sets A,B,A and B are all path connected since A= { (rcosθ,rsinθ) |r[0,1] andθ[0,2π) } and p:[0,1]A given by p(t)=(rtcosθ,rtsinθ) is a path from (0,0) to (rcosθ,rsinθ).
    B is a translate of A by 2 so it is also path connected.
    Namely, B=(2,0) +A= { (rcosθ+2,rsinθ) |r[0,1],θ [0,2π) } and p:[0,1]B given by p(t)=(rtcosθ+2,rtsinθ) is a path from (2,0) to (rcosθ+2,rsinθ).
    (a) Let X=AB. Then X=AB, AB=, Aand B and so X is not connected.
    (b) Let Y=AB. Then A is path connected and B is path connected and (1,0)AB. It follows that Y=AB is path connected and connected.
    (c) Let Z=AB=A((1,0)B).
    Then every point of A is path connected to (1,0).
    Every point of (1,0)B is path connected to (1,0).
    So Z is path connected and connected (since path connected implies connected, see the Rubinstein notes, the sentence between Definition 8.13 and Example 8.14).

  2. Let X and Y be topological spaces and assume that Y is Hausdorff. Let f:XY and g:XY be continuous functions.
    1. Show that the set {xX|f(x)=g(x)} is a closed subset of X.
    2. Show that if f:X and g:X are continuous then f-gis continuous.
    3. Show that if f:X and g:X are continuous then {xX|f(x)<g(x)} is open.

    To show: {xX|f(x)=g(x)}c is open.
    To show: {xX|f(x)g(x)} is open.
    Let A={xX|f(x)g(x)}.
    Let xA.
    To show: x is an interior point of A.
    Since Y is Hausdorff and f(x)g(x) there exist open sets U and V of Y with f(x)U, g(x)Vand UV. X x U V Y f(x) g(x) f g To show: There exists an open set B of X such that xB and BA.
    Let N=f-1(U) and P=g-1(V) and let B=NP.
    To show:
    (aa) B is open.
    (ab) xB.
    (ac) BA.
    (aa) Since f is continuous, N=f-1(U) is open.
    Since g is continuous, P=g-1(V) is open.
    So B=NP is open.
    (ab) Since f(x)U, then xf-1(U)=N.
    Since g(x)V, then xg-1(V)=P.
    So xNP=B.
    (ac) To show: BA.
    To show: If xB then xA.
    Assume xB.
    To show: f(x)=g(x).
    Since xB, then f(x)f(N)U and g(x)g(P)V.
    Since UV= then f(x)g(x).
    So xA.
    So BA.
    So x is an interior point of A.
    So A is open and {xX|f(x)=g(x)} is closed.
    Assume f:X and g:X are continuous.
    To show: f-g is continuous.
    The function f-g is the composition of X f×g × x (f(x),g(x)) and × (x,y) x-y and the composition of continuous functions is continuous.
    To show:
    (ba) f×g: X × x (f(x),g(x)) is continuous.
    (bb) × (x,y) x-y is continuous.
    (ba) This is part 1 of theorem 3.6 in the Rubinstein notes. No proof is given there, so it might be desirable to provide a proof.
    (bb) To show: If (x1,y1),(x2,y2), is a sequence in 2 and limn(xn,yn)=(x,y) then limn (xn-yn)=x-y. To show: limn(xn-yn)=(limnxn)-(limnyn).
    This is a fact usually proved in 2nd year Real analysis. Again, it might be desirable to provide a proof.
    (c) Let B={xX|f(x)<g(x)}.
    Then B={xX|(f-g)(x)<0}=(f-g)-1(<0).
    Since <0 is open in and, by (b), f-g is continuous, B=(f-g)-1(<0) is open.

  3. Let X be a complete normed vector space over . A sphere in X is a set S(a,r)= { xX| d(x,a)= x-a=r } ,foraX andr>0.
    1. Show that each sphere in X is nowhere dense.
    2. Show that there is no sequence of spheres {Sn} in X whose union is X.
    3. Give a geometric interpretation of the result in (b) when X=2 with the Euclidean norm.
    4. Show that the result of (b) does not hold in every complete metric space X.

    Let aX and r>0.
    To show: (S(a,r))=.
    To show:
    (aa) S(a,r)=S(a,r).
    (ab) S(a,r)=.
    (aa) To show: S(a,r) is closed. S(a,r)= f-1({r}), where f: X x d(x,a) Since f is continuous (see Theorem 3.6 of the Rubinstein notes) and {r} is closed, then S(a,r)=f-1({r}) is closed.
    (ab) To show: S(a,r)=.
    To show: If xS(a,r) then x is not an interior point of S(a,r).
    Assume xS(a,r).
    To show: If ε>0 then B(x,ε)S(a,r).
    Assume ε>0.
    For t>0 let c(t)=a+t(x-a) a r c(t) x=c(1) S(a,r) Since d(c(t),x) = a+t(x-a)-x = (t-1)(x-a) = t-1 x-a = t-1·r, then c(t)B(x,ε) for r·t-1<ε.
    So c(t)B(x,ε) for 1-εr<t<1+ε2.
    Since d(c(t),a)= a+t(x-a)-a= tx-a=t·r, then c(t)S(a,r) only if t=1.
    So B(x,ε)S(a,r).
    So x is not an interior point of S(a,r).
    So S(a,r)=.
    So (S(a,r))=S(a,r)= and S(a,r) is nowhere dense in X.
    (b) To show: If a1,a2,X and r1,r2,>0 then Xn>0S(an,rn).
    Assume a1,a2,X and r1,r2,>0.
    By part (a), each S(an,rn) is nowhere dense in X.
    By the Baire theorem, X is not a countable union of nowhere dense sets. So, Xn>0S(an,rn).
    (c) If X=2 then S(a,r) is a circle with centre a and radius r.
    So (b) says that the plane 2 cannot be completely covered by a sequence of circles.
    (d) To show: There exists a complete metric space X and spheres S(a1,r1),S(a2,r2), in X with X=n>0S(an,rn).
    Let X= (so X is an infinite set with the discrete topology).
    Then is a complete metric space (since it is a closed subset of the complete metric space ).
    Let 0=a1=a2= and rn=n for n>0.
    Then S(an,rn)= S(0,n)= {-n,n} in .
    So =n>0 {-n,n}= n>0 S(0,n).

  4. Prove that if X and Y are path connected, then X×Y is also path connected.

    Assume X and Y are path connected.
    To show: X×Y is path connected.
    To show: If (x1,y1),(x2,y2)X×Y then there exists a path p:[0,1]X×Y connecting (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).
    Assume (x1,y1)X×Y and (x2,y2)X×Y.
    Since X and Y are path connected we know that there exist continuous functions p1:[0,1]X and p2:[0,1]Y with p1(0) = x1, p1(1) = x2, and p2(0) = y1, p2(1) = y2. To show: There exists a continuous function p:[0,1]X×Y with p(0)=(x1,y1) and p(1)=(x2,y2).
    Let p:[0,1]X×Y be given by p(t)=(p1(t),p2(t)).
    Then p(0) = (p1(0),p2(0))= (x1,y1), p(1) = (p1(1),p2(1))= (x2,y2), and p is continuous by Theorem 3.6 in the Rubinstein notes.
    More specifically Theorem 3.6 part (a) states: Let f be a function from X to Y1 and let g be a function from X to Y2. Define the function h from X to the product Y1×Y2 by h(x)=(f(x),g(x)), for xX.
    Then h is continuous if and only if both functions f and g are continuous.
    This statement is not proved in the Rubinstein notes so it might be desirable to provide a proof.

  5. Let p>1 and define q>1 by 1p+1q=1.
    1. Define the normed vector space p.
    2. Show that p is a Banach space.
    3. Prove that the dual of p is q.

    (a) p= { (x1,x2,) |xi and(x1,x2,)p < } where (x1,x2,)= (i>0xip)1p.
    (b) If V and W are normed vector spaces let B(V,W)= { T:VW|T is a linear operator andT is bounded } where T=sup { Txx |xV } . Recall the following from the Rubinstein notes:
    Theorem 11.8 If W is a Banach space then B(V,W) is a Banach space.

    Theorem 4.6 The space with the usual metric is complete.
    Together these imply that B(V,) is complete.
    In part (c) we will show that p=B(2,). Thus p is a Banach space.
    To show: q is the dual of p.
    To show: q=B(p,).
    Define φ: q B(p,) y φy: p x y,x where y,x= i>0 yixi, if y=(y1,y2,) and x=(x1,x2,).
    To show:
    (ca) φ is a linear transformation.
    (cb) φ is invertible.
    (cc) If yq then φy=y.
    To show:
    (caa) If y1,y2q then φ(y1+y2)=φ(y1)+φ(y2).
    (cab) If yq and c then φ(cy)=cφ(y).
    (caa) Assume y1,y2q.
    To show: φ(y1+y2)=φ(y1)+φ(y2).
    To show: If xp then φy1+y2(x)=(φy1+φy2)(x).
    Assume xp.
    To show: φy1+y2(x)=(φy1+φy2)(x). φy1+y2(x) = y1+y2,x = y1,x+ y2,x = φy1(x)+ φy2(x) = (φy1+φy2) (x).
    (cab) Assume yq and c.
    To show: φ(cy)=cφ(y).
    To show: If xp then φcy(x)=(cφy)(x).
    Assume xp.
    To show: φcy(x)=(cφy)(x). φcy(x)= cy,x= cy,x= c(φy(x))= (cφy)(x). So φ:qB(p,) is a linear transformation.
    To show: φ:2B(p,) is invertible.
    To show: There exists ψ:B(p,)q such that φψ=id and ψφ=id.
    Let ψ:B(p,)q be given by ψ(γ)= (γ(e1),γ(e2),) where ei=(0,0,,0,1,0,0,) with 1 in the ith spot.
    To show:
    (cba) φψ=id.
    (cbb) ψφ=id.
    (cba) To show: If γB(p,) then φ(ψ(γ))=γ.
    Assume γB(p,).
    To show: φ(ψ(γ))=γ.
    To show: If xp then φ(ψ(γ))(x)=γ(x).
    Assume xp.
    Let x=(x1,x2,).
    To show: φ(ψ(γ))(x)=γ(x). φ(ψ(γ))(x) = φ(γ(e1),γ(e2),)(x) = (γ(e1),γ(e2),), (x1,x2,) = i>0 γ(ei)xi = γ(i>0xiei) = γ(x).
    (cbb) To show: ψφ=id.
    To show: If yq then ψ(φ(y))=y.
    Assume yq.
    Let y=(y1,y2,).
    To show: ψ(φ(y))=y. ψ(φ(y))= ψ(φy)= (φy(e1),φy(e2),)= (y1,y2,), since φy(ei)= y,ei= (y1,y2,),(0,,0,1,0,,0) =yi. So ψ(φ(y))=y.
    To show: If yq then φy=yq.
    Assume yq.
    Let y=(y1,y2,).
    To show:
    (cca) φyyq.
    (ccb) φyyq.
    (cca) To show: If xp then φy(x)xpyq.
    Assume xp.
    Let x=(x1,x2,).
    Then φy(x)= n>0xnyn xp yq by Hölder's inequality.
    So φyyq.
    (ccb) To show: φyyq.
    To show: There exists xp with φy(x)xpyq.
    Let x= ( sgn(y1)y1q-1, sgn(y2)y2q-1, ) . Then xp = (n>0xnp)1p = ( n>0 sgn(yn)ynq-1p ) 1p = (n>0ynpq-p)1p = (n>0ynpq(1-1q))1p = (n>0ynpq1p)1p = ((n>0ynq)1q)q1p = yqq1p = yqq(1-1q) = yqq-1. So φy(x) = n>0xnyn = n>0 (sgn(yn)yn) (sgn(yn)ynq-1) = n>0 ynq = yqq = yq yqq-1 = yq xp. So φy yq.

  6. Let X=C1[0,1], Y=C[0,1] so that functions in X are continuously differentiable and functions in Y are continuous. Y = C[0,1], with norm given by f=sup {f(t)|t[0,1]} ,and X = C1[0,1], with norm given byf0 =f+f, where f=dfdt. Let D:XY be the differentiation operator Df=dfdt.
    1. Show that D:(X,·0)(Y,·) is a bounded linear operator with D=1.
    2. Show that D:(X,·)(Y,·) is an unbounded linear operator. (Hint: Consider the sequence of elements tn in X).

    To show: D=1.
    To show:
    (aa) D1.
    (ab) D1.
    (aa) If n>0 then Dtntn0= ntn-1ntn-1+tn= nn+1=11+1n. So D11+1n for x0.
    So D1.
    (ab) Let fC1[0,1]. Since Df= dfdt f+ dfdt= f0 then Dff01.
    So D=1.
    (b) To show: If n0 then Dn.
    Assume n0.
    Since Dtntn= ntntn= n1=n, then Dn. So D is unbounded.

  7. Let {a1,a2,} be a bounded sequence of complex numbers. Define an operator T:l2l2 by; T(b1,b2,)= (0,a1b1,a2b2,).
    1. Show that T is a bounded linear operator and find T.
    2. Compute the adjoint operator T*.
    3. Show that if T0 then T*TTT*.
    4. Find the eigenvalues of T*.

    (a) Let ei=(0,0,,0ith,1,0,) so that ei=1.
    Then Tei2= ai2= ai2 ei2, so Tai.
    So Tsup {a1,a2,}. To show: T=sup{a1,a2,}.
    To show: Tsup{a1,a2,}.
    Let b=(b1,b2,)2.
    Then Tb2 = i>0 aibi2 = i>0 ai2 bi2 i>0 k2bi2 = k2b2, where k=sup{a1,a2,}.
    So Tk=sup{a1,a2,}.
    So T=sup{a1,a2,}.
    (b) Since 2 is a Hilbert space, T* is determined by b,T*c= Tb,c= i>0 aibici+1= i>0bi (aici+1). So T*c=(a1c2,a2c3,a3c4,).
    (c) To show: If T*T=TT* then T=0.
    Assume T*T=TT*.
    Let c=(c1,c2,)2.
    Then T*T(c) = T*(0,a1c1,a2c2,) = ( a1a1c1, a2a2c3, ) = ( a12c1, a22c2, ) and TT*(c) = T(a1c2,a2c3,) = ( 0, a1a1c2, a2a2c3, ) = ( 0, a12c2, a22c3, ) . Thus T*T=TT* implies a12c1=0, a22c2=a12c2, a32c3=a22c3, for all c=(c1,c2,)2.
    So T*T=TT* implies a12=0, a22=a12, a32=a22,.
    So T*T=TT* implies 0=a1=a2=.
    So T=0.
    (d) Assume c=(c1,c2,)2 is an eigenvector of T* with eigenvalue λ.
    Then λ(c1,c2,)= T*c=(a1c2,a2c3,) so that a1c2=λc1, a2c3=λc2, and c2=λa1c1, c3=λa2c2=λa1a2c1, So c= ( c1,λa1c1, λ2a1a2c1, ) =c1 ( 1,λa1, λ2a1a2, ) . Since c2, 1+1a1λ+ 1a1a2 λ2+ converges.
    By the root test, this series converges if limn (λna1a2an)1n= limsupn>0 (λna1a2an)n<1. So the series converges if λ< limsupn>0 a1a2an1n and the series diverges if λ> limsupn>0 a1a2an1n So λ with λ<L are eigenvalues of T*, where L=limsupn>0a1a2an1n.

  8. Let [aij] be an infinite complex matrix, i,j=1,2,, such that if j>0 then cj=iaij converges,andc=sup {c1,c2,}<. Show that the operator T:11 defined by T(b1,b2,)= ( ja1jbj, ja2jbj, ) is a bounded linear operator and that T=c.

    To show:
    (a) T is a linear operator.
    (b) T:11 is well defined.
    (c) Tc.
    (d) Tc.
    To show:
    (aa) If b=(b1,b2,) and b=(b1,b2,) then T(b+b)=T(b)+T(b).
    (ab) If b=(b1,b2,) and λ then T(λb)=λT(b).
    (aa) Let b=(b1,b2,) and b=(b1,b2,).
    To show: T(b+b)=T(b)+T(b).
    To show: T(b+b)i=(T(b)+T(b))i. T(b+b)i = T(b1+b1,b2+b2,)i = jaij (bj+bj) = jaijbj +jaijbj and (T(b)+T(b))i= jaijbj+ jaijbj. So T(b+b)=T(b)+T(b).
    (ab) Let b=(b1,b2,) and λ.
    To show: T(λb)=λT(b).
    To show: T(λb)i=(λT(b))i. T(λb)i = jaij (λb)j = jaij (λbj) = λjaijbj = λT(b)i = (λT(b))i. So T(λb)=λT(b).
    So T is a linear operator if it is a function.
    To show: T:11 is well defined.
    To show:
    (ba) If b=(b1,b2,)1 then Tb is defined.
    (bb) If b=(b1,b2,)1 then Tb1.
    (ba) Let b=(b1,b2,)1.
    To show: Tb is defined.
    To show: If i>0 then (Tb)i is defined.
    Assume i>0.
    Then (Tb)i=j aijbj which converges since jaij converges and jbj converges.
    (More details: By the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality iaijbj = ( ai1 ai2, ) , ( b1, b2, ) (jaij) (jbj) = (aij)j>0 (bj)j>0 and since jaijbj converges, jaijbj converges.)
    (bb) To show: If b=(b1,b2,)1 then Tb1.
    Assume (b1,b2,)1.
    To show: Tb1.
    To show: iT(b)i converges. iT(b)i = ijaijbj ijaijbj = jiaijbj jicj bj jcbj = cb.(*) So Tb1.
    (c) To show: T=c.
    Since Tej=(a1j,a2j), then Tej= i>0 aij= cj=cjej. so Tcj.
    So Tc, since c=sup{c1,c2,}.
    To show: Tc.
    Let b=(b1,b2,)1.
    By the mysterious computation in (*), Tb= i>0 T(b)i cb. So Tc.
    So T=c.

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of Assignment 2 Solutions from a series of handwritten lecture notes for the class Metric and Hilbert Spaces.

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