MATH 221

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 6 September 2014

Lecture 39

There is one function that

(a) In the Beginning, created something from nothing, and
(b) is "unchanging", or rather, its change is itself.
Through the ages thinkers have contemplated this function and nowadays it is common to write (a) and (b) in abbreviated form:
(a') god(0)=1, and
(b') dgod(t)dt=god(t),
but the meaning is still the same.

Two of the children of god are eve and adam: god(it)=eve(t) +iadam(t). If we try to understand god in normal terms god(t)= a0+a1t+ a2t2+ a3t3+ then we find that since god(0)=1, a0=1, and since dgod(t)dt=god(t), a1 = a0, a2 = 12a1, a3 = 13!a2, a4 = 14!a3, and so god(t)=1+t+ t22!+ t33!+ t44!+ t55!+ from which we see that god exists everywhere and goes on forever.

One of the amazing things about god is that god(t+s)=god (t)god(s). You can see that god must be this way by supposing that there were a "different" function that

(a'') is "unchanging".
(b'') In the Beginning, was the way that god is after s millenia.
Because of the chain rule, dgod(t+s)dt= god(t+s), and god(0+s)=god(s), and, since dgod(t)god(s)dt= god(t)god(s), and god(0)god(s)= god(s), we see that both god(t+s) and god(t)god(s) fit the job description for this "different" function job and this is why god(t+s)= god(t)god(s). What about eve and adam? Since god(it) = 1+it+ (it)22!+ (it)33!+ (it)44!+ (it)55!+ (it)66!+ = 1 + it + i2t22! + i3t33! + i4t44! + i5t55! + i6t66! + 1+ it +i2t22!+ i3t33! +i4t44!+ i5t55! +i6t66!+ = 1+ it -t22! -it33! +t44! +it55! -t66! + 1+ it -t22! -it33! +t44! +it55! -t66! - = ( 1- t22!+ t44!- t66!+ ) +i ( t- t33!+ t55!- ) and since god(it)=eve(t)+iadam(t), it follows that eve(t) = 1-t22!+ t44!- t66!+,and adam(t) = t- t33!+ t55!- t77!+. From these we see that eve(0)=1and adam(0)=0, and deve(t)dt= -adam(t), dadam(t)dt= eve(t) and eve(-t)=eve(t) andadam(-t)= -adam(t), all of which illustrate that eve and adam are both identical twins and opposites at the same time. Another manifestation is 1 = god(0) = god(it-it) = god(it+(-it)) = god(it) god(i(-t)) = (eve(t+iadam(t))) (eve(-t)+iadam(-t)) = (eve(t)+iadam(t)) (eve(t)-iadam(t)) = eve2(t)-i2 adam2(t) = eve2(t)+ adam2(t), i.e. eve2(t)+ adam2(t)=1. Let x=adam(t) and y=eve(t). Then, in the Beginning, the point (x,y) was at (1,0) = t=0t=d adam2(t)+eve2(t)dt = t=0t=d 1dt = t=0t=ddt= = t|t=0t=d = d-0 = d. So eve(t)= y-coordinate of a point on a circle of radius 1 which is distancedfrom(1,0) and adam(t)= x-coordinate of a point on a circle of radius 1 which is distancedfrom(1,0) -1 1 x -1 1 1 y (x,y)=(adam(t),eve(t)) The triangle in this picture has 1 t adam(t) eve(t) and so eve(t) = oppositehypotenuse, and adam(t) = adjacenthypotenuse since the hypotenuse is length 1, the opposite edge is length eve(t), and the adjacent edge is length adam(t).

Note: Mathematicians are a cloistered group and prefer to study god(t) in anonymity. Thus they write etinstead ofgod(t) costinstead ofeve(t) sintinstead ofadam(t) in the mathematical literature.

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of Lecture 39 from a series of handwritten lecture notes for the class MATH 221 given on December 13, 2000.

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