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Math 221 Lectures 2 and 3 |
The final exam will be at 7:45am on Dec. 20.
If you are in the 9:55am lecture go to B102 for the final.
If you are in the 11:00am lecture go to B130 Van Vleck for the final.
Some review sessions for the final:
About the course: Math 221 is the first course in our calculus sequence. The sequence is designed to cover sufficient material in enough depth to provide a calculus background for engineers and scientists. Math 221 covers differentiation and integration and their applications. This course is NOT designed for students that have already taken calculus. If you have taken calculus before then some parts will be review and some parts will be new. Very few high school calculus courses have the same depth as Math 221, and Math 221 will probably be quite different from a high school calculus course. The best preparation for this course is a solid background in graphing functions and in high school algebra.
Text: The textbook for the course is
It is not in my blood to follow the book closely in class. What we will cover in class IS covered in the book and the syllabus indicates how the sections in the book correspond to what we are covering in class. I am most able to explain how I think about the material and how I do calculus. There is no "right way". In class I try to teach the way that I think about things. If the book happens to do some particular part of the material differently from the way I have presented it in class and you would like me to explain to you how the book does it, please do not hesitate to ask me in office hours or to make an appointment. I will do my best to explain it in as many different ways as you to need to see it in order to understand it fully.
Course Structure:
There are 3 lectures each week:
Given the number of students in the lecture it isn't usually the best place for discussion and interaction. There are two discussion sections each week with your TA during which you can discuss questions and go over homework problems.
Office Hours:
I will hold office hours on Sunday afternoons from 1:00-4:00pm in
Van Vleck B239.
During office hours we will go over homework problems and try to answer
any other questions that you may have. If nobody shows up I will not
hang around.
You should also feel free to come by my office, Van Vleck 711.
You can drop in to talk math or to make an appointment.
If I am in my office I am available to talk with you or,
if I am busy with something else, we can schedule an appointment for a
mutually agreeable time. If the door is closed please knock.
Please also take advantage of the TAs office hours. You should feel free to
go to the office hours of any of the TAs for the course. The TAs office hours
are as follows:
Discussion sections:
TA Office Hours:
Getting Help: If you are having difficulty first talk to your TA and lecturer. You can make appointments to meet with Prof. Ram by coming up before or after class. There are also many other resources for getting help with calculus. These are described in detail at http://www.math.wisc.edu/~tprogram/mathhelp.html In particular, the Mathematics Tutorial program is well informed about our course and runs a fantastic help service. You must sign up to take advantage of this (it is not a drop in service) and it will be an additional (very helpful) time commitment.
Internet resources: More and more help is available through the internet. The following are some sites that other students have found useful.
Grading: The term grade will be determined as follows: Homework: 8% Midterm 1: 20% Midterm 2: 20% Midterm 3: 20% Final Exam: 32%. Final grades are computed by totalling the points from the homework, the midterms and the final. Grade letters will be assigned with the following curve as a guideline: 20% A's, 30% B's, 30% C's, 20% D's and F's.
Homework: Homework will be due weekly on Monday, in section. Each week your TA will carefully grade 5 randomly chosen problems from your homework. Each of these problems will be worth 1 point and we will give you 2 more points for completeness and 3 more points for general quality of the rest. If you have specific questions include a note to your TA with your homework so that the TA can help. Most of the answers to the homework problems will be given along with the homework problems and so IF YOU DO NOT SHOW YOUR STEPS, AND JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWERS, AND WRITE CLEARLY AND IN COMPLETE SENTENCES AND PUT EQUAL SIGNS WHERE THEY BELONG you will get no credit. Your homework should be turned in in a form which could be given to a typist for typing, i.e. neat, clear, legible, and in complete sentences. Late homework is not accepted. If you make a deal with your TA . . . . . . . I don't know about it. I will make every effort to cover the material on the homework which is due Monday by the end of the Friday lecture the week before.
Exams: There will be three 50 minute in-class midterms: October 6, November 3 and December 1. There will be a 2 hour final exam at 7:45am Monday December 20. The exams will be a random selection of 10 homework problems from the previous month (including the homework assignment which is due the day after the exam). The final exam will be cumulative.
The Final Exam will be 16 questions: one randomly chosen problem from each HW, plus one extra related rate problem, and one additional "theory/regurgitate" problem (the concepts from Math221). The "theory/regurgitate" problems are
HW1A1-5, HW1B1,2,9, HW1C1-16, HW1D1-5, HW2A1-15, HW2B1-13, HW3A1-26, HW3B1-6, HW3C1-13, HW4G1-17, HW6D1-8, HW7D1-3, HW10E1-7, HW12B1-5, HW12D1-5
All problems on the final exam will be taken verbatim from the homework assignments.
The homework and exams are structured to motivate you to learn. This is a 5 credit course and the homework is designed accordingly (2-3 hours of outside class work per hour of class time). The exams are taken verbatim from the homework. The advantage is that there is never a problem on the exam that you have not seen before on the homework. The disadvantage is that there is lots of homework. However, effort spent on the homework problems usually translates to good scores on the exams and students that do most of the homework usually feel that they have learned a lot at the end of the course. It is quite a bit of work and requires discipline but the pay off is significant. Keep in mind that it is more or less impossible to do the average homework assignment for this course (except the first one) in one night. Planning 3-4 hours per day for 3-4 days per week is one possible way to manage your time on this course. I am aware that you also have other classes to study for that will also require 2-3 hours of outside of class study per hour of class time. If you are spending more than 15 hours per week on the homework for this class, please come see me and let's talk about it. If you do not keep me informed I cannot help.
Calculators: Calculators, textbooks and notes are all extremely good tools for learning calculus. Students are strongly encouraged to use these resources fully in order to learn the material. Calculators are not allowed on exams for the same reasons that books and notes are not allowed on exams. Students are encouraged to use calculators while studying and doing the homework problems in the same way that textbooks help with studying and doing homework problems.
Handouts: Handouts will not be distributed in class, they are available on the web at 2004Fmath221/ . If you are looking at this page on the web and handouts are available you will see them below. Your TA may or may not have paper copies of the handouts. Each week there will be some paper copies of the homework assignments and handouts available outside my office door, Van Vleck 711.
Homework assignments:
Lecture notes: Since I will not be following the book too closely in class I will make my handwritten lecture notes from when I taught Math 221 in Fall 2000 available for downloading on the web. Though I will certainly change some things when I lecture this year, these notes will give a very good indication of the material and how I will present it. Be very patient and they will download. Over a modem line the downloading may take 5-10 minutes. Sometimes the files look blank for the first 5 minutes or so before they start to come up.
Sample Exams:
The following are all the midterm exams from when I taught Math 221 in Fall 2000. Do them for practice.
The following is a sample final exam from when I taught Math 221 in Fall 2000.
Another sample final exam.