Hecke algebra generalities

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 27 November 2014

Hecke algebra generalities

Let G be a group and let B be a subgroup of G. Let W be a set of representatives of the double cosets of B in G so that G=wWBwB, where the union is disjoint. For each wW define ind(w)=Card (BwB/B)= # of left cosets ofBin BwB and assume that ind(w)<, for allwW.

Let be the collection of unions of left cosets of B. For each A define μ(A)=Card(A/B) =# of left cosets ofBinA.

is a σ-algebra on G and μ is a measure on G with respect to .

Define H(G,B) to be the set of complex valued B-biinvariant functions on G with μ-finite support, i.e. a function f:G is in H(G,B) if

(a) f(b1gb2)=f(g), for all b1,b2B, gG, and
(b) μ(supp(f))<.
The convolution product (f1*f2)(h)= Gf1(hg) f2(g-1)dμ(g) makes H(G,B) into an associative algebra.

(a) The characteristic functions IBwB, BwBB\G/B, form a basis of H(G,B).
(b) The structure constants μu,vw defined by IBuB*IBvB =wμu,vw IBwB are given by μw,vu=Card ((BvBuBw-1B)/B).
(c) We have μw,vu=0 unless BuB(BwB)(BvB).


(b) Let u,v,wG. Then (IBuB*IBvB) (w) = GIBuB (wg)IBvB (g-1)dμ(g) = Bv-1Bw-1BuB dμ(g) = μ(BuBwBv-1B) = Card ( (BuBwBv-1B).B ) = # left cosets ofBin BuBwBv-1B. (c) It follows from the formula for μu,vw in part (b) that if μu,vw0 then there exist b1,b2,b3B such that b1ub2=wb3v-1. Thus w=b1ub2vb3-1. It follows that BwB(BuB)(BvB).

(a) The map ind: H(G,B) f Gf(g)dμ(g) is an algebra homomorphism.
(b) For each wW, ind(IBwB)=ind(w)=Card(BwB/B).


This is an easy calculation.

Example 1: Let G be a locally compact topological group and let B be a compact open subgroup. Let dg be a Haar measure on G normalized so that Bdg=1. Then the pair (G,B) satisfies the condition in () and dμ(g)=dg where μ is the measure defined in (). The Hecke algebra H(G,B) is a subalgebra of the convolution algebra Cc(G) of continuous functions on G with compact support.

Example 2: Let G be a finite group. Then the discrete topology on G makes G into a locally compact group and with this topology any subgroup B is compact and open. This is a particularly nice special case of example 1.

(a) The Haar measure on G, normalized so that Bdg=1 is given explicitly by Gf(g)dg= 1B gGf(g), for a function f:G.
(b) The map Φ: Cc(G) [G] f 1BgGf(g)g is an isomorphism of algebras.
(c) The Hecke algebra H(G,B) is a subalgebra of Cc(G) and restriction of the isomorphism Φ to H(G,B) gives an isomorphism Φ:H(G,B) e[G]e, where e=1B xBx.
(d) Φ(IBwB)=1BxBwBx.


The module 1BG

Define Cμ(G/B) = { fCμ(G)| f(gb)= f(g)for allbB } H(G,B)=Cμ (B\G/B) = { fCμ(G)| f(b1gb2)= f(g)for allb1,b2 B }

(a) The vector space Cμ(G) with product given by convolution (f1*f2)(h) =Gf1(hg) f2(g-1)dμ (g) is an associative algebra over , Cμ(B\G/B) = IB*Cμ(G) *IB Cμ(G/B) = Cμ(G)*IB.
(b) Cμ(B\G/B) is a subalgebra of the -algebra Cμ(G) with identity IB.
(c) The vector space Cμ(G/B) is a left Cμ(G) module and a right Cμ(B\G/B) module where the action of Cμ(G) is by convolution on the left and the action of Cμ(B\G/B) is by convolution on the right.


Let us only show that if f1Cc(G) and f2Cc(G/K) then f1*f2Cc(G/K). The other facts are proved similarly. Let f1Cc(G) and f2Cc(G/K). Then, if hG and kK, (f1*f2)(hk)= Gf1(hkg)f2 (g-1)dg. Putting p=kg we have (f1*f2)(hk)= Gf1(hp) f2(p-1k)dp= Gf1(hp)f2 (p-1)dp= (f1*f2)(h). It remains to show that f1*f2 is μ-finite. Let P such that supp(f2)P and let Q such that supp(f1)Q. Then f1(hp)f2(p-1)0 only if pP and hpQ, i.e. only if hPQ, which is μ-finite. Thus (f1*f2)(h)= Gf1(hp)f2 (p-1)dp0 only ifhPQ. Let us show that if f1Cμ(G) and f2Cμ(G/B) then f1*f2Cμ(G/B). Let f1Cμ(G) and f2Cμ(G/B). Then, if hG and bB, (f1*f2)(hb)= Gf1(hbg) f2(g-1)dg. Putting p=bg we have (f1f2)(hb)= Gf1(hp)f2 (p-1b)dp= Gf1(hp) f2(p-1)dp= (f1*f2)(h). Let fCμ(G/B). Then (f*IB)(h)= Gf(hg)IB (g-1)dg= Bf(hg)dg= Bf(h)dg= f(h). So f=f*IBCc(G)*IB.

For each fCμ(G) define Lf: Cμ(G/B) Cc(G/B) by φ f*φ. For each ψCμ(B\G/B) define Rψ: Cc(G/K) Cc(G/K) by φ φ*ψ.

Define EndCμ(G) (Cμ(G/B))= { linear mapsT: Cc(G/K) Cc(G/K)| TLf=LfT for allfCμ(G) } . The map Φ: Cμ(B\G/B) EndCμ(G)(Cμ(G/B)) ψ Rψ is an anti-isomorphism of algebras.


Surjectivity: Let T be as in the statement and let ψ=TIK. Then ψ=TIK=T (IK*IK)= IK*(TIK) Cc(K\G/K) and, if φCc(G/K), then Tφ=T(φ*IK) =φ*TIK=φ*ψ= Rψφ. Injectivity: Suppose that ψCμ(B\G/B) and Rψ=0. Then 0=Rψ(IB)= IB*ψ=Ψ. so Ψ=0. Thus R is injective. anti-Homomorphism Rψ1Rψ2(f)= Rψ1(f*ψ2)= f*ψ2*ψ1= Rψ2*ψ1(f).

The trace and the bilinear form

Define a function τ: Cc(K\G/K) by ψ ψ(1) and define a bilinear map ,: Cμ(B\G/B) by ψ1,ψ2= τ(ψ1*ψ2)= (ψ1*ψ2)(1).

If the group G is unimodular then

(a) τ(IKpK)=IKpK(1)={1,ifpK,0,otherwise.
(b) τ(IKpK*IKqK)={ind(p),ifp=q-1,0,ifpq-1.
(c) τ(ψ1*ψ2)=τ(ψ2*ψ1) for all ψ1,ψ2Cc(G).
(d) If G/K is finite then τ(ψ)=1Card(G/K)Tr(Rψ).
(e) The bilinear form , is symmetric and nondegenerate and the dual basis of the basis of Cc(K\G/K) given by {IKpK}pK\G/K is the basis {IKp-1Kind(p)}pK\G/K.


(c) is always true if the group G is unimodular (or the measure μ is both left and right invariant). (2) We have (IpK*IKqK) (p) = GIpK (pq)IKqK (g-1)dg = # of left cosets ofKin KKq-1K = { 1, ifq=1, 0, otherwise. Thus Tr(RIKqK)= { Card(G/K), ifq=1, 0, otherwise. It follows that Tr(Rψ)=Card(G/K)τ(ψ) for all ψCc(K\G/K).

It is interesting to note that if G/K is finite then Card(G/K)= wK\G/K ind(w).

It is a consequence of the trace property of τ that ind(p)=ind(p-1) for all pG.

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