Representations of Hecke Algebras of Finite Groups with BN-Pairs of Classical Type

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 8 June 2014

Notes and References

This is a typed copy of Peter Norbert Hoefsmit's thesis Representations of Hecke Algebras of Finite Groups with BN-Pairs of Classical Type published in August, 1974.

Chapter 2.Representations of the Generic Ring Corresponding to a Coxeter System of Classical Type

Partitions and Tableaux

Let B be a subgroup of a finite group G and let k be a field of characteristic zero. Set e=|B|-1bBb in the group algebra kG. Then e affords the 1-representation 1B of B and the left kG-module kGe affords the induced representation 1BG.

Definition (2.1.1) The Hecke algebra Hk(G,B) is the subalgebra of kG given by e(kG)e.

The Hecke algebra acts on kGe by right multiplication and the action defines an isomorphism between Hk(G,B) and the endomorphism algebra EndkG(kGe). The double coset sums xBgBx, gG, form a basis for Hk(G,B) (see [Ste1967], Lemma 84).

In this thesis we will be concerned with finite groups G with BN-pairs of subgroups (B,N) satisfying the axioms of [Tit1969]. Then H=BN is a normal subgroup of N and the Weyl group W=N/H has a presentation with a set of distinguished involutionary generators R and defining relations (2.1.2) r2=1,rR (rs)nrs= (sr)nrs, r,sR,rs where nrs is the order of rs in W and (xy)m denotes a product of alternating x's and y's with m factors. The pair (W,R) is called a Coxeter system. The group G is said to be of type (W,R).

If w1W, we denote by l(w) the least length l of all expressions (2.1.3) w=r1rl, r1,,rlR. (2.1.3) is called a reduced expression for W if l=l(w).

There is a bijection between the double cosets B\G/B and the elements wW resulting in the Bruhat decomposition G=wWBwB. The structure of the Hecke algebra Hk(G,B) of a finite group with a BN-pair with respect to a Borel subgroup B was shown in [Iwa1964] and [Mat1969-2] to be as follows.

Theorem (2.1.4) Hk(G,B) has k-basis {Sw:aW} where Sw=|B|-1 xBwBx with S1 the identity element. Multiplication is determined by the formula SwSr = Swr,rR, l(wr)>l(w), SwSr = qrSwr+ (qr-1)Sw, rR,l(wr)<l(w) where the {qr,rR} are the index parameters (2.1.5) qr=|B:(BrBr)|. For any reduced expression w=r1rl for W in R, w1 Sw=Sr1 Srl. Thus Hk(G,B) is generated by {Sr,rR} and has defining relations (2.1.6) Sr2=qrS1 +(qr-1)Sr, rR (SrSs)nrs= (SsSr)nrs, where nrs is as in (2.1.2).

Let (W,R) be a Coxeter system and let {μr,rR} be indeterminates over k, chosen such that μr=μs if and only if r and s are conjugate in W. Let D be the polynomial ring D=k[μr:rR]. Then there exists an associative D-algebra 𝒜 with identity, free basis {aw,wW} over D and multiplication determined by the formulas (2.1.7) awar = awr,rR, l(wr)>l(w), awar = μrawr+ (μr-1)aw, rR,l(wr)<l(w), (see [Bou1968], p. 55). The D-algebra 𝒜 is called the generic ring corresponding to the Coxeter system (W,R). Analogous to Theorem (2.1.4) the generic ring has a presentation with generators {ar,rR} and relations (2.1.8) ar2 = μra1+ (μr-1)ar, rR (aras)nrs = (asar)nrs ,r,sR,rs with nrs is as in (2.1.2).

The Hecke algebra Hk(G,B) can be compared with the group algebra kW as follows. Let L be any field of characteristic zero and ϕ:DL a homomorphism. Consider L as a D-module by setting d·λ=ϕ(d)λ ,dD,λL. Then the specialized algebra (2.1.9) 𝒜ϕ,L=L𝒜 is an algebra over L with basis {awϕ=1aw}, generators {arϕ,rR} and defining relations obtained from (2.1.8) by applying ϕ. Thus if ϕ:Dk is defined by ϕ(μr)=qr, rR, qr the index parameters (2.1.5), then (2.1.10) 𝒜ϕ,k=Hk (G,B) while if ϕ0:Dk is defined by ϕ0(μr)=1, for all rR, then (2.1.11) 𝒜ϕ0,k=kW.

We say the Coxeter system (W,R) is of classical type if W is of type An, Bn, n2, or Dn, n4. In this chapter we will determine the irreducible representations of the generic ring corresponding to a Coxeter system of classical type and by means of the appropriate specialized algebras the irreducible representations of the Hecke algebras Hk(G,B) of groups with BN-pair of classical type.

The Representations of 𝒜K(Bn)

If a Coxeter system (W,R) is of type Bn, n2, W(Bn) is isomorphic to the hyperoctahedral group, the group of signed permutations on n letters (see 2). Thus W(Bn) has a presentation with generators R={w1,,wn} where wi=(i-1,i), i=2,,n, and w1=-(1), the first sign change and relations wi2 = 1, w1w2w1w2 = w2w1w2w1, wiwi+1wi = wi+1wiwi+1, i=2,,n-1; wiwj = wjwi,|i-j|>1 (see [Car1972]). Furthermore the set of generators R is partitioned into 2 sets under conjugation; namely, wi is conjugate to wj for i,j2 while the negative one-cycle w1 is not conjugate to any wj, j2.

For the Coxeter system (W(Bn),R) taken as above, we take the generic ring 𝒜(Bn) to be defined over the polynomial ring D=[x,y], x,y indeterminates over . It has a presentation with generators awi=ai, aiR, and relations

(B1) a12=y1+(y-1)a1,
(B2) ai2=x1+(x-1)ai,i=2,,n;
(B3) a1a2a1a2=a2a1a2a1,
(B4) aiaj=ajai,|i-j|>1.
We depart from the notations of 1 strictly for notational convenience, i.e., we switch from (μ1,μ2) to (x,y) to avoid carrying around subscripts.

We now construct for each double partition (μ)=(α,β) of n, n2, a k-representation of 𝒜K(Bn)=K𝒜(Bn), K=(x,y). The method involves the construction of fμ×fμ matrices over k for each of the generators ai of 𝒜K(Bn) in a manner analogous to the construction of the matrices of the transpositions (i-1,i) for the outer tensor product representation [α]·[β] of Sn.

For any integer k, let Δ(k,y)=xk y+1 Denote by M(k,y) the 2×2 matrix (2.2.1) M(k,y)=1Δ(k,y) ( (x-1) Δ(k+1,y) xΔ(k-1,y) xky(x-1) ) . Then traceM(k,y)=(x-1), detM(k,y)=-x, so the characteristic polynomial of M(k,y) gives (2.2.2) M(k,y)2=xI+ (x-1)M(k,y), I the 2×2 identity matrix.

For k1, let Δ(k,-1)= i=0k-1 xi. Denote by M(k,-1), k2, the 2×2 matrix (2.2.3) M(k,-1)= 1Δ(k,-1) ( -1 Δ(k+1,-1) xΔ(k-1,-1) xk ) . As M(k,-1) is obtained from M(k,y) by setting y=-1, (2.2.1) shows (2.2.4) M(k,-1)2=xI +(x-1)M(k,-1) Denote by D(z,w) the 2×2 diagonal matrix D(z,w)= ( z0 0w ) . Then (2.2.5) D(z,-1)2=zI +(z-1)D(z,-1). In what follows, we employ the definitions and notations of (1) in regards to double partitions, standard tableaux, and axial distance.

Definition (2.2.6) Let (μ)=(α,β) be a double partition of n and let T1μ,,Tfμ, f=fμ be the ordering of the standard tableaux of shape (μ) according to the last letter sequence. Construct f×f matrices Mμ(i), i=1,,n, over K=(x,y) as follows:

(1) Construct Mμ(1) by placing
(i) y in the p,p-th entry if the letter 1 appears in Tpα of Tpμ=(Tpα,Tpβ),
(ii) -1 in the p,p-th entry if the letter 1 appears in Tpβ of Tpμ=(Tpα,Tpβ),
(iii) zeros elsewhere.
(2) Construct Mμ(i), i=2,,n, by placing
(i) x in the p,p-th entry if the letters i-1 and i appear in the same row of Tpα or Tpμ=(Tpα,Tpβ),
(ii) -1 in the p,p-th entry if the letters i-1 and i appear in the same column of Tpα or Tpβ of Tpμ,
(iii) the matrix M(k,-1) in the p,p-th, p,q-th,, q,p-th and q,q-th entries corresponding to the tableaux Tpμ and Tqμ where
(a) p<q, (i-1,i)Tpμ=Tqμ and the letters i-1 and i appear either both in Tpα or Tpβ of Tpμ,
(b) k is the axial distance from i to i-1 in Tpμ,
(iv) the matrix M(k,y) in the p,p-th, p,q-th, q,p-th and q,q-th entries corresponding to the tableaux Tpμ and Tqμ where
(a) p<q, (i-1,i)Tpμ=Tqμ and the letters i-1 and i appear in different tableaux of Tpμ,
(b) k is the axial distance from i to i-1 in Tpμ,
(v) zeros elsewhere.

Let Vμ denote the free -module generated by t1,,tf, f=fμ corresponding to the standard tableaux T1μ,,Tfμ of shape (μ) ordered according to the last letter sequence. For any field L of characteristic zero set VμL=VμL. The corresponding basis elements ti1 of VμL will be denoted simply by ti. Set K=(x,y). Define linear operators Ziμ, i=1,,n, on VμK such that the matrix of Ziμ with respect to the basis {t1,,tf} of VμK is given by Mμ(i).

Theorem (2.2.7) Let K=(x,y) and let 𝒜K(Bn) denote the generic ring of the Coxeter system (W(Bn),R) as before. Let (μ) be a double partition of n, n2. Then the K-linear map πμ :𝒜K(Bn) End(VμK) defined by πμ(ai)=Ziμ is a representation of 𝒜K(Bn).


We need to show the relations (B1 - B5) are satisfied with Ziμ in place of ai. We argue by induction on n. For n=2 it is a case by case verification. The double partitions ((2),(0)), ((0),(2)), ((12),(0)) and ((0),(12)) are clearly seen to yield the well known one-dimensional representations of 𝒜K(B2) ([CIK1971], 10). For the double partition ((1),(1)) there are two standard tableaux, 1 2 and 2 1 . From (2.2.6) M((1),(1))(1)=D(y,-1) and M((1),(1))(2)=M(0,y). Direct computation verifies the relation M(0,y) D(y,-1) M(0,y) D(y,-1)= D(y,-1) M(0,y) D(y,-1) M(0,y). Thus the relations (B1 - B3) are satisfied with Z1μ and Z2μ in place of a1 and a2 by the above computation, (2.2.2) and (2.2.5).

Now let (μ)=(μ1,,μs) be a double partition of n. Deletion of the letter n from a standard tableau automatically yields a standard tableau involving n-1 letters. In fact deletion of n from all standard tableaux having n at the end of the i-th column will yield all standard tableaux of shape (μ1,,μi-1,,μs). Denoting this partition by (μi-) and using the fact that all standard tableaux with n in the i-th row precede all tableaux with n in the j-th row for i>j when ordered according to the last letter sequence, we have (2.2.8) VμK=V(μs-)K V(μ1-)K and the corresponding matrix block form Mμ(i)= M(μs-)(i) M(μ1-) (i),i<n as by (2.2.6), Mμ(i) depends only on the letters i-1 and i. It is understood that (μi-) is taken to equal zero if n cannot appear in the i-th row and the above summation, here and elsewhere, will be taken over those (μi-) which are non-zero. By the induction hypothesis it therefore suffices to check the relations (B1 -B5) as they pertain to Znμ.

The matrix Mμ(n) from (2.2.6) is composed of the matrices M(k,y) and M(k,-1) centered about the diagonal along with diagonal entries x and -1. Thus the relation (Znμ)2=xI+ (x-1)Znμ follows from (2.2.2), (2.2.4) and (2.2.5).

Let Vi,j denote the subspace of VμK with basis t1i,j,,tsi,ji,j, corresponding to the standard tableaux of shape (μ) with the letter n appearing in the i-th row and n-1 appearing in the j-th row, the ordering of the basis taken according to the last letter sequence. Then VμK=i,j Vi,j, the summation taken over all allowable i,j such that n appears in row i and n-1 appears in row j, and this decomposition is consistent with the last letter sequence arrangement of the basis of VμK. Thus, whenever n and n-1 are in distinct rows and columns, we have Vi,jVj,i as 𝒜K(Bn-2)-modules for n appearing in row i, n-1 appearing in row j, where W(Bn-2)=w1,,wn-1.

Suppose first that n and n-1 appear in distinct rows and columns, in the tableaux corresponding to Vi,j; n in row i, n-1 in row j. Then n appears in row j and n-1 appears in row i in the tableaux corresponding to Vj,i and the map tpi,jtpj,i, p=1,,si,j=sj,i, gives an isomorphism Vi,jVj,i as 𝒜K(Bn-2)-modules, as the configuration of the first n-2 letters in the tableau corresponding to tpi,j is the same as the configuration of the first n-2 letters in the tableau corresponding to tpj,i. In particular the matrix of Zkμ, k=1,,n-2, on Vi,jVj,i is Sk= ( Ak 0Ak ) where Ak is the matrix of πμ(ak) on Vi,j. On the other hand, the matrix of Znμ on Ktpi,jKtpj,i is, by (2.2.6), M(l,y) or M(l,-1), l the axial distance from n to n-1. Thus the matrix of Znμ on Vi,jVj,i is Sn= ( a11I a12I a21I a22I ) where (aij)=M(l,y) or M(l,-1), l the si,j×si,j identity matrix. Then SnSk=SkSn for k=1,,n-2 and (B5) holds. The only other possibility is when n and n-1 appear in the same row or column of the tableaux corresponding to Vi,j. But in this case the matrix of Znμ on Vi,j is the scalar matrix xI or -I by (2.2.6) and thus commutes with Znμ on Vi,j, k=1,,n-2. This proves (B5) for all cases.

To check the relation (B4), we consider the restriction of Zn-1μ and Znμ to subspaces with basis {ti} corresponding to all tableaux Tiμ having a fixed arrangement of the first n-3 letters and all possible rearrangements of the letters n-2, n-1 and n. Let Vμk=pVp denote the corresponding decomposition of Vμk, the ordering of the basis of each Vp taken with respect to the last letter sequence. Then each Vp is invariant under Zn-1μ and Znμ and it suffices to check (B4) for the various possible arrangements of the last 3 letters in a case by case basis.

In what follows, Mp(i), i=n or n-1, will denote the matrix of Ziμ on Vp.

Case 1 — the letters n-2, n-1 and n in the same row or column. Then Vp is one dimensional and Mp(n)=Mp(n-1)=x or -1 by (2.2.6). Thus Mp(n)Mp(n-1) Mp(n)=Mp(n-1) Mp(n)Mp(n-1) and (B4) is satisfied.

Case 2 — the letters n-2, n-1 and n in two adjacent rows and two adjacent columns of the same diagram. Then Vp is two-dimensional with basis elements corresponding to tableaux where the configuration of the last 3 letters is (a) n-2 n-1 n , n-1 n-2 n or (b) n-2 n-1 n , n-2 n n-1 ordered according to last letter sequence. Then by (2.2.6), Mp(n-1)=M(2,1) and Mp(n)=D(x,-1) in (a) and Mp(n-1)=D(x,-1) and Mp(n)=M(2,-1) in (b). Thus (B4) is satisfied in both cases by direct verification of the relation M(2,-1) D(x,-1) M(2,-1)= D(x,-1) M(2,-1) D(x,-1).

Case 3 — the letters n-2, n-1 and n in two rows and three columns or three rows and two columns. Then Vp is three dimensional with basis elements corresponding to tableaux where the configuration of the last 3 letters is one of (a) 1 n-2 n-1 n 2 n-2 n n-1 3 n-1 n n-2 (b) 1 n-2 n-1 n 2 n-1 n-2 n 3 n n-2 n-1 (c) 1 n-2 n-1 n 2 n-2 n n-1 3 n-1 n n-2 (d) 1 n-2 n-1 n 2 n-1 n-2 n 3 n n-2 n-1 ordered according to the last letter sequence. If we set S1= ( c · · · a11 a12 · a21 a22 ) ,S2= ( b11 b12 · b21 b22 · · · c ) we have, by (2.2.6), in case (a), Mp(n-1)=S1 and Mp(n)=S2 where (aij)=M(d1,ϵ), (bij)=M(d2,ϵ), ϵ=y or -1, and c=x. Here d1 is the axial distance form n-1 to n-2 in 2 and d2 is the axial distance from n to n-1 in 1 so that d2=d1+1. In case (b), Mp(n-1)=S2 and Mp(n)=S1 with the same entries in Si as in case (a). The analysis of (c) and (d) is similar except that now c=-1 in S1 and S2. Thus in all cases (B4) is satisfied by

Lemma (2.2.9) Let S1, S2 be as above and let (aij)=M(a,y), (bij)=M(b,y). Then for

(i) c=x and b-1=a,
(ii) c=-1 and b+1=a,
we have S1S2S1=S2S1S2.


Observe that S1S2S1=S2S1S2 iff

(1) cb11(c-b11)=a11b12b21,
(2) ca22(c-a22)=b22a12a21,
(3) bij(a11b22+c(b11-a11))=0,ij,
(4) aij(a11b22+c(b22-a2))=0,ij,
(5) a11b22(b22-a11)=c(a12a21-b12b21).
For (1), (2.2.10) cb11(c-b11)- a11b12b21= (x-1)Δ(b,y)2Δ(a,y) ( Δ(a,y) (c2Δ(b,y)-c(x-1)) -xΔ(b-1,y) Δ(b+1,y) ) . Now for c=x, c2Δ(b,y)- c(x-1)=xΔ(b+1,y) and for c=-1, c2Δ(b,y)- c(x-1)=xΔ (b-1,y). Hence (2.2.10) equals zero for c=x, b+1=a and for c=-1, b-1=a. The relation (2) is entirely similar.

For (3) and (4) we have a11b22+c (b11-a11)= (x-1)Δ(a,y)Δ(b,y) ( xby(x-1)+c (Δ(a,y)-Δ(b,y)) ) and a11b22+c(b22-a22)= (x-1)Δ(a,y)Δ(b,y) ( xby(x-1)+c ( xayΔ(b,y)- xbyΔ(a,y) ) ) . But for c=x, b-1=a and c=-1, b+1=a, Δ(a,y)- Δ(b,y) = xayΔ(b,y)- xayΔ(a,y) = xby(1-x). For (5), first note the useful factorization (2.2.11) (xΔ(a-1,y)Δ(a+1,y)Δ(a,y)2)- (xΔ(b-1,z)Δ(b+1,z)Δ(b,z)2) = (x-1)2Δ(a,y)2Δ(b,z)2 ( xay(xbz+1)2- xbz(xay+1)2 ) = (x-1)2 (xa+byz-1) (xbz-xay) Δ(a,t)2Δ(b,z)2 . Now (2.2.12) 1ca11b22 (b22-a11)= (x-1)2Δ(b,y)2Δ(a,y)2 (xb+1y-xbyc) (xa+by2-1). But 1c(xb+1y-xby)= xby-xay for c=x, b-1=a and for c=-1, b+1=a. So for both cases, (2.2.12) equals a12a21-b12b21 using (2.2.11) with z=y.

Case 4 — the letters n-2, n-1 and n in three distinct rows and three distinct columns. Then Vp is 6-dimensional with basis elements corresponding to tableaux where the configuration of the last 3 letters is 1 n-2 n-1 n 2 n-1 n-2 n 3 n-2 n n-1 4 n-1 n n-2 5 n n-2 n-1 6 n n-1 n-2 ordered according to the last letter sequence. Let S1= ( a11 a12 · · · · · · b11 b12 · · · · b21 b22 · · · · · · c11 c12 · · · · c21 c22 ) ,S2= ( c11 · c12 · · · · b11 · · b12 · c21 · c22 · · · · · · a11 · a12 · b21 · · b22 · · · · a21 · a22 ) . Then if all rows are in the same diagram we have by (2.2.6), Mp(n-1)=S1 and Mp(n)=S2 where (aij)=M(d1,-1), (bij)=M(d2,-1) and (cij)=M(d3,-1). Here d1 is the axial distance from n-1 to n-2 in 1, d2 is the axial distance from n-1 to n-2 in 3 and d3 is the axial distance from n-1 to n-2 in 5 so that d1+d3=d2 and all di2. If two rows are in one diagram and the third in the second diagram, we assume, without loss of generality, the lowest box to be in the second diagram. Superimposing the second diagram upon the first again does not alter the relation d1+d3=d2 except that now only d12. In this case Mp(n-1)=S1 and Mp(n)=S2, where now (aij)=M(d1,-1), (bij)=M(d2,y) and (cij)=M(d3,y). Thus for both cases (B4) is satisfied by

Lemma (2.2.13) Let S1 and S2 be as above and let (aij)=M(s,w), (bij)=M(p,y), (cij)=M(t,z) with s+t=p. Then for

(i) w=-1, y=z, s2,
(ii) z=-1, y=w, t2,
(iii) w=y=z=-1, s,t,p2,
we have S1S2S1=S2S1S2.


First, either (i) or (ii) clearly imply (iii). Now S1S2S1=S2S1S2 iff

(1) akl(ciiaii+bii(ajj-cii))=0, kl, ij;
(2) ckl(ciiaii+bii(cjj-aii))=0, kl, ij;
(3) bkl(ciiaii-ciibjj-ajjbii)=0, kl, ij;
(4) aiicii(aii-cii)=bii(cijcji-aijaji), ij;
(5) aiibjj(aii-bjj)=cji(bijbji-aijaji), ij;
(6) ciibjj(cii-bjj)=aji(bijbji-cijcji), ij;
and as these relations are symmetric in the (aij) and (cij), it suffices to prove the lemma for (i).

For (1), (2), and (3), we observe that E1 = Δ(s,-1)+xs Δ(t,y)- Δ(p,y)=0, E2 = xtyΔ(s,-1) -Δ(t,y)+ Δ(p,q)=0. Also set D=(x-1)2Δ(p,y)Δ(t,y)Δ(s,-1). We then obtain c11a11+b11 (a22-c11)= -DE1 = 0, c22a22+b22 (a11-c22) =xpyDE2 = 0, c11a11+b11 (c22-a11) =DE2 = 0, c22a22+b22 (c11-a22) =xpyDE1 = 0, c11a22-c11 c22-a22b11 =xsDE2 = 0, c22a11-c22 b11-a11b22 =-xtyDE1 = 0.

For (4) we have 1b11a11c11 (a11-c11)= 1b22a22c22 (a22-c22)= (x-1)2(xs+ty+1)(xty+xs) Δ(s,-1)2Δ(t,y)2 =c12c21-a12a21 from (2.2.11), setting a=t, b=s, z=-1.

The relations (5) and (6) are handled in an entirely similar manner.

This completes the proof of the lemma and the proof of the theorem.

Theorem (2.2.14) Let k be as before. The representations πμ of 𝒜K(Bn) are irreducible, pairwise inequivalent and are, up to isomorphism, a complete set of irreducible, inequivalent representations of 𝒜K(Bn). In particular k is a splitting field for 𝒜K(Bn).


By induction in n. For the representations of 𝒜K(B2) it is a matter of direct computation to check irreducibility and inequivalence. Consideration of degrees shows a complete set of inequivalent representations is obtained. For 𝒜K(Bn) we employ the decomposition (2.2.8) afforded by the last letter sequence and the position of the letter n in a standard tableau. Let (μ) be a double partition of n. The 𝒜K(Bn)-module VμK is either irreducible or (2.2.8) is the decomposition of VμK into irreducible inequivalent 𝒜K(Bn) components, inequivalent because each of the double partitions (μi-) of n-1 is distinct. But for each pair (μi-), (μj-), ij, there exists a tableau Tpμ with n in row i, n-1 in row j and (i-1,i)Tpμ=Tqμ a tableau with n in row j and n-1 in row i. Thus the action of πμ(an) does not decompose with respect to the V(μi-), i=1,,s+r. Hence VμK is irreducible. Furthermore the double partition (μ) is completely determined by the set of double partitions (μi,), i=1,,s+r, of n-1. Thus by the induction hypothesis VμKVμK as 𝒜K(Bn)-modules implies (μ)=(μ). From ([You1929]), μ(fμ)2=2nn!, (μ) a double partition of n. Thus 𝒜K(Bn) is semisimple and as the πμ are defined over k, k is a splitting field for 𝒜K(Bn). This completes the proof.

It is clear that the above representations of the generic ring yield representations of a wide variety of specialized algebras of 𝒜K(Bn). Specifically, set P(Bn)=x i=0n-1 (xi+y) (xiy+1) (1++xi)D =[x,y].

Corollary (2.2.15) Let L be any field of characteristic zero, ϕ:DL a homomorphism such that ϕ(P(Bn))0. Let (μ) be a double partition of n and let Ziϕμ denote the linear operator on VμL obtained by the substitution xϕ(x), yϕ(y) in the entry of Mμ(i). Then Ziϕμ is well defined and the L-linear map πϕ,Lμ: 𝒜ϕ,L(Bn) End(VμL) defined by πϕ,Lμ(ai)=Ziϕμ is a representation of 𝒜ϕ,L(Bn). The representations {πϕ,Lμ} are a complete set of irreducible inequivalent representations of 𝒜ϕ,L(Bn).


If ϕ(P(Bn))0, (2.2.1) and (2.2.3) show the matrices M(k,y) and M(k,-1) are well defined under the substitution xϕ(x), yϕ(y) for -n+1kn-1. It is clear from the definition that axial distance in a Young diagram corresponding to a double partition of n cannot exceed n-1 in absolute value. Thus by (2.2.6), Ziμ is well defined for all i. As 𝒜ϕ,L has a presentation with generators {aiϕ} and relations obtained from (B1 - B5) by applying ϕ, the proofs of Theorem (2.2.7) and (2.2.14) carry over to this case.

Let A be a separable algebra over a field L and let L be an algebraic closure of L. Define the numerical invariants of A to be the set of integers {ni} such that AL is isomorphic to a direct sum of total matrix algebras AL=i Mni(L). Thus for ϕ defined as in Corollary (2.2.15) the algebras 𝒜K(Bn) and 𝒜ϕ,L have the same numerical invariants. In particular Corollary (2.2.15) gives the well known result (see [BCu1972]) that for G a finite group with BN-pair with Coxeter system (W,R) of type Bn, H(G,B) W. Indeed in ([BCu1972]) this is shown to be the case for all Coxeter system with the possible exception of (W,R) of type E7.

Finally we remark that, for the specialization ϕ0:D defined by ϕ0(x)=ϕ0(y)=1, the representations {πϕ0,μ} are the irreducible representations of W(Bn) given by Theorem (1.2.3).

The Representations of 𝒜K(An) and 𝒜K(Dn)

We now obtain the representations of the generic ring of a Coxeter system of type An and Dn.

If (W,R) is a Coxeter system of type An-1, W(An-1) is isomorphic to the symmetric group Sn and we take the set R to be {w2,,wn} where wi=(i-1,i), i=2,,n. We take the generic ring 𝒜(An-1) to be defined over the polynomial ring D=[x]. It has a presentation with generators awi=ai, i=2,,n, and relations (B2, B4, B5).

Set K=(x). The representations of 𝒜K(An-1)=𝒜(An-1)DK are readily obtained from the results of the previous section. As the matrices M(k,-1) are defined in (x), (2.2.6) shows the matrices M(α,(0))(i), i=2,,n, are defined in (x) and Zi(α,(0)) can be regarded as a linear operator on V(α,(0))K. Thus

Theorem (2.3.1) Let α be a partition of n, n2 and K=(x). The k-linear map πα:𝒜K (An-1) End(V(α,(0))K) defined by πα(ai)=Zi(α,(0)), i=2,,n, is a representation of 𝒜K(An-1). The representations {πα}, are a complete set of irreducible, inequivalent representations of 𝒜K(An-1).


Theorem (2.2.7) shows the {πα} are representations of 𝒜K(An-1). Irreducibility and inequivalence follows from Theorem (2.2.14) as the matrix of Z1(α,(0)) on V(α,(0)) is the scalar matrix yI. As (see [You1929]) α(fα)2 =n!,αa partition ofn, the {πα} are a complete set of inequivalent representations and are absolutely irreducible.

The representations of the specialized algebra are handled entirely analogous to Corollary (2.2.15). Set P(An)=x i=1n (1++xi). Then from the above and Corollary (2.2.15) we have

Corollary (2.3.2) Let L be any field of characteristic zero, ϕ:D=[X]L a homomorphism such that ϕ(P(An))0. Then for (α) a partition of n2, the linear operators Ziϕ(α,(0)), i=2,,n, are well defined and the L-linear maps πϕ,Lα: 𝒜ϕ,L (An-1) End(V(α,(0))L) defined by πϕ,Lα(ai)=Ziϕ(α,(0)) is a representation of 𝒜ϕ,L(An-1). The {πϕ,Lα} are a complete set of irreducible, inequivalent representations of 𝒜ϕ,L(An-1).

Thus for ϕ as above the algebras 𝒜K(An) and 𝒜ϕ,L(An) have the same numerical invariants. We remark that for the specialization x1 the definitions of the matrices M(k,-1) shows the semi-normal matrix representation of Sn is obtained (see Theorem (1.2.1)).

If (W,R) is a Coxeter system of type Dn, n4, W(Dn) can be regarded as a subgroup of index 2 in W(Bn); W(Dn) acting on an orthonormal basis of n by means of permutations and even sign changes. A set of distinguished generators for W(Dn) can be obtained from the set {w1,,wn} of W(Bn) given in section (1) by setting w1=w1w2w1 and taking the set R to be {w1,w2,,wn}. (see [Car1972]).

Let ϕ:[x,y][x] be defined by ϕ(y)=1. Then the specialized ring 𝒜ϕ,[x](Bn) has basis {awϕ,wW(Bn)} with relations obtained by applying ϕ to (B1 - B5). In particular (a1ϕ)2=1. Set a1ϕ= aw1w2w1ϕ. As w1w2w1 is reduced in (W(Bn),R) we have aw1w2w1ϕ=a1ϕa2ϕa1ϕ by (2.1.8). Applying ϕ to (B1 - B5) it is readily seen that

(B'1) a1ϕ2=x1+(x-1)a1ϕ,
(B'2) a1ϕa3ϕa1ϕ=a3ϕa1ϕa3ϕ,
(B'3) a1ϕajϕ=ajϕa1ϕ,j1,3.
As any reduced expression of w1W(Dn) in the generators {w1,w2,,wn} is a reduced expression for W in the generators {w1,w2,,wn} of W(Bn), the relations (B'1 - B'3) show the subring of 𝒜ϕ,[x](Bn) generated by {a1ϕ,a2ϕ,,anϕ} has free basis {awϕ,wW(Dn)}. As all the generators {w1,w2,,wn} are conjugate in W(Dn), the subring generated by {a1ϕ,a2ϕ,,anϕ} is isomorphic to the generic ring of a Coxeter system of type Dn, n4. Denote this subring by 𝒜(Dn).

Thus the representations of 𝒜ϕ,L(Bn) given by Corollary (2.2.15) provide us with representations of 𝒜K(Dn). Young ([You1929]) showed the restrictions of the representations of W(Bn) to W(Dn) corresponding to a double partition (α,β) of n remain irreducible if (α)(β) and decomposes into two irreducible components when (α)=(β). We show that this holds true in a generic sense.

Recall that a standard tableau T for the double partition (α,β) of n is an ordered pair T=(Tα,Tβ). Then the tableau T*=(Tβ,Tα) is a standard tableau of shape (β,α), called the conjugate tableau of T. Moreover the map TT* is a bijection from the standard tableaux of shape (α,β) to the standard tableaux of shape (β,α). Take (α)(β). If T1,Tp,,Tq,Tf, f=fα,β, is the arrangement of the standard tableaux of shape (α,β) according to the last letter sequence, order the tableaux of shape (β,α) according to the scheme; Tq* precedes Tp* if Tp precedes Tq in the last letter sequence. Call this the conjugate ordering of the tableaux of shape (β,α).

Let In* denote the n×n matrix In*= ( 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 ) .

Lemma (2.3.3) Let Mϕα,β(a) denote the matrix of πϕα,β(a) with respect to the basis {ti} of Vα,βK ordered according to the last letter sequence, a𝒜K(Dn). Then If*Mϕα,β(a)If*, f=fα,β, is the matrix of πϕβ,α(a) with respect to the conjugate ordering of the basis {ti} of Vβ,αK. Thus the restrictions of the representations πϕα,β and πϕβ,α to 𝒜K(Dn) are equivalent.


Let T1,,Tq,,Tf be the arrangement of the standard tableaux of shape (α,β) according to the last letter sequence. For fixed i, i=2,,n, write Vα,βK as the direct sum Vα,βK=Vp,q of Ziϕα,β invariant subspaces where Vp,p is taken to have basis {tp} if i-1 and i appear in the same row or column of Tp and Vp,q has basis {tp,tq} where (i-1,i)Tp=Tq, p<q in the last letter sequence. Let Vβ,αK=Vp,q* denote the corresponding decomposition of Vβ,αK, where Vp,q* has basis $ {tp*,tq*} corresponding to Tp*, Tq*, and where the ordering of tp*, tq* is taken with respect to the conjugate ordering. We need to show that if the matrix of Ziϕα,β on Vp,q is M the matrix of Ziϕα,β on Vp,q* is I*MI*. This is a simple case by case verification.

1. If i-1 and i are in the same row or column of Tp they are likewise in Tp* and the lemma is shown for this case.

2. If i-1 and i are in distinct rows and columns of the same tableau Tpα or Tpβ of Tp=(Tpα,Tpβ), set Tq=(i-1,i)Tp and take pq. Then Tq*<Tp* in the arrangement according to the last letter sequence while Tq*<Tp* in the conjugate ordering. The axial distance, k, from i to i-1 is the same both in Tp and Tp*. Thus from (2.2.6) the matrix of Ziϕα,β on Vp,q is M(k,-1) while the matrix of Ziϕβ,α on Vp,q* is I*M(k,-1)I* as is required.

3. If i-1 and i are in distinct tableaux of Tp=(Tpα,Tpβ), set Tq=(i-1,i)Tp and take p<q. Then Tp*<Tq* in both the ordering according to the last letter sequence and the conjugate ordering. If k is the axial distance from i to i-1 in Tp, -k is the axial distance from i to i-1 in Tp*. Let M(k,1) denote the 2×2 matrix obtained from M(k,y) under substitution y=1. Then (2.2.6) shows the matrix of Ziϕα,β on Vp,q is M(k,1) while the matrix of Ziϕβ,α on Vp,q* is M(-k,1). Direct computation verifies the relation (2.3.4) I*M(k,1) I*=M(-k,1) as is required.

It remains to show the lemma for Mϕα,β(aiϕ). As Z1ϕα,β acts on the basis {ti} of Vα,βK by scalar multiplication, the decomposition of Vα,βK into Z2ϕα,β invariant subspaces as above is valid for Z1ϕα,βZ2ϕα,βZ1ϕα,β as well. It is furthermore clear from (2.2.6) that the action of Z1ϕα,βZ2ϕα,βZ1ϕα,β differs from that of Z2ϕα,β only on the spaces Vp,q where the letters 1 and 2 appear in distinct tableaux of Tp=(Tpα,Tpβ). In this case the matrix of Ziϕβ,α on Vp,q and on Vp,q* is D(1,-1). Using (2.3.4), a simple matrix calculation completes the proof for this case. This completes the proof of the lemma.

We define the conjugate ordering of the standard tableaux T=(T1α,T2α) of shape (α,α) as follows. Set 𝒯i= {T=(T1α,T2α):nappears inTiα} ,i=1,2. All standard tableaux belonging to 𝒯2 precede those belonging to 𝒯1 in the arrangement according to the last letter sequence. Rearrange the last 12fα,α tableaux in the last letter sequence, i.e. those in 𝒯1, as follows; for T1, T2 in 𝒯1, Ta precedes T2 if T2* precedes T1* in the last letter sequence arrangement of the tableaux in 𝒯2.

Lemma (2.3.5) Let Mπα,α(a) denote the matrix of πϕα,α(a) on Vα,αK with respect to the conjugate ordering of the basis {ti} of Vα,αK, a𝒜K(Dn). Set Rf= ( -I12f I12f* I12f* I12f ) ,f=fα,α Then (2.3.6) RfMϕα,α Rf-1= ( M1(a)0 0M2(a) ) .


If (α,(αi-)) is a double partition of n-1 contained in (α,α) then so is ((αi-),α), (αi-) as in the proof of Theorem (2.2.7). Thus we have the decomposition, in the conjugate ordering, Vα,αK= V(α,(αs-)) V(α,(α1-)) V((α1-),α) V((αs-),α) (2.3.7) of Vα,αK as 𝒜(Dn-1)-modules, 𝒜(Dn-1) generated by {a1ϕ,a2ϕ,,a(n-1)ϕ}. Thus Lemma (2.3.3) shows that for a𝒜(Dn-1), Mϕα,α(a) is of the form (2.3.8) ( A0 0I*AI* ) which is easily seen to commute with Rf.

Hence we need to show (2.3.6) only for Mϕα,α(anϕ). If the letters n-1 and n appear in the tableau T2α of Tp=(T1α,T2α)𝒯2, the proof of lemma (2.3.3) shows the matrix of Znϕα,α on the subspaces with corresponding basis {tp,tp*} or {tp,tq,tp*,tq*} if (n-1,n)Tp=Tq, pq, is of the from (2.3.8) and the above reasoning applies. If the letters n-1 and n appear in distinct tableaux of Tp=(T1α,T2α), with Tp𝒯2, then (n-1,n)Tp=Tq𝒯1. Thus Tq*𝒯2 and we can choose Tp such that Tp<Tq* in the last letter sequence arrangement of the tableaux belonging to 𝒯2. Then Tp<Tq*<Tq<Tp* is the arrangement of the tableaux according to the conjugate ordering. Taking the same ordering of the corresponding basis, the matrix of Znϕα,α on the subspace with basis {tp,tq*,tq,tp*} is of the form ( a11 · a12 · · a22 · a21 a21 · a22 · · a12 · a11 ) where {aij}=M(k,1), M(k,1) defined as in lemma (2.3.3) and k the axial distance from i to i-1 in Tp. A simple matrix calculation shows RfARf-1= (A100A2) This completes the proof.

Let Vα,αK= 1Vα,αK= 2Vα,αK= where for basis elements tp corresponding to tableaux Tp𝒯2, 1Vα,αK has basis {tp+tp*} and 2Vα,αK has basis {tp-tp*}. By Lemma (2.3.5) the k-linear maps iπϕα,α: 𝒜K(Dn)End (Vα,αK) where the matrix of iπϕα,α(aw) with respect to the above basis is Mi(aw), wW(Dn), are representations of 𝒜K(Dn).

Theorem (2.3.9) For double partitions (α,β), (α,β), |α|<|β|, and (α,α) of n4, the representations πϕα,β and iπϕα,α, i=1,2, are a complete set of irreducible, inequivalent representations of 𝒜K(Dn).


By induction on n. For n=4, it is a matter of direct verification. For n>4 the induction assumption and the proof of Lemma (2.3.5) shows dimHom𝒜(Vα,αK)=2, 𝒜=𝒜K(Dn), Hom𝒜(Vα,αK) generated by If and If*, f=fα,α. Thus 1πϕα,α and 2πϕα,α are irreducible and inequivalent. The argument employed in Theorem (2.2.14) suffices for the irreducibility and inequivalence of the {πϕα,α}. By (2.3.7) (2.3.10) iVα,αK V((αs-),α) V((α1-),α) ,i=1,2, as 𝒜K(Dn-1)-modules. Thus none of the πϕα,β are equivalent to iπϕα,α, i=1,2. Finally, consideration of degrees using the formula given in Theorem (2.2.14) shows a complete set of inequivalent representations is obtained, and the representations are absolutely irreducible. Thus K=(x) is a splitting field for 𝒜K(Dn). This completes the proof.

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