Representations of Hecke Algebras of Finite Groups with BN-Pairs of Classical Type

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 8 June 2014

Notes and References

This is a typed copy of Peter Norbert Hoefsmit's thesis Representations of Hecke Algebras of Finite Groups with BN-Pairs of Classical Type published in August, 1974.


The results in this thesis are concerned with the irreducible complex representations of a finite group G with a BN-pair and Weyl group W of classical type, which appear in the induced permutation representation 1BG from a Borel subgroup B of G. These representations were constructed by Steinberg in [Ste1951] for GL(n,q), parametrized by partitions of n and he showed an elegant formula to hold for their degrees in terms of the hook lengths of a Young diagram. Some special representations of the generic ring of a Coxeter system and the degrees of the corresponding irreducible constituents of 1BG were also obtained by Kilmoyer (cf. [CIK1971]).

In this thesis we construct explicitly all the irreducible representations of the generic ring corresponding to a Coxeter system of classical type, i.e. of type An, Bn (n2), and Dn (n4), which specialize to irreducible representations of the Hecke algebra HC(G,B) affording the induced representation 1BG. The method employed involves a generalization of Young's construction of the semi-normal matrix representations of the symmetric group. This construction also enables us to compute the degrees of the irreducible constituents of 1BG. In the case that the Weyl group of G is of type Bn, we obtain a formula for the degrees determined by the hook lengths of pairs of Young diagrams comparable to Steinberg's formula for GL(n,q). Indeed, Steinberg's formula is recovered as a special case.

Here is a survey of the contents of this thesis. Chapter 1 contains the necessary preliminaries about the representation theory of the symmetric group. In Chapter 2 the generic ring corresponding to a Coxeter system is introduced. The irreducible representations of the generic ring 𝒜(Bn) if a Coxeter system of type Bn, defined over the polynomial ring [x,y] are constructed in Section 2.2. They are parametrized by pairs of partitions (α), (β) with |α|+|β|=n and are rational representations, i.e. they are define over K=(x,y). The representations of the generic rings 𝒜(An) and 𝒜(Dn), defined over [x], corresponding to Coxeter systems of type An and Dn are obtained in section 2.3 as corollaries by considering appropriate specialized algebras of 𝒜(Bn). For the specialization x1, the representation of 𝒜(An) obtained specialize to give the semi-normal matrix representations of the symmetric group.

Chapter 3 is concerned with the degrees of the irreducible constituents of 1BG. It is first shown in Section 3.1 that the representations obtained are of parabolic type, i.e. they appear with multiplicity one in some permutation representation 1PG, where P is a parabolic subgroup of G. The generic degree dχ of an irreducible character χ of the generic algebra is introduced, such that the degree of the corresponding irreducible character of G is obtained by specializing dχ. In Section 3.2 an interesting induction formula is derived for dχ, where χ is an irreducible character of 𝒜(Bn). This formula, and lengthy computations, enables us to prove in Section 3.4 an explicit formula for dχ as a rational function in the indeterminates x and y, in terms of the hook lengths of pairs of Young diagrams. The generic degrees of all the irreducible characters of 𝒜(An) and almost all the irreducible characters of 𝒜(Dn) are obtained as a corollary.

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