Representations of Hecke Algebras of Finite Groups with BN-Pairs of Classical Type

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 8 June 2014

Notes and References

This is a typed copy of Peter Norbert Hoefsmit's thesis Representations of Hecke Algebras of Finite Groups with BN-Pairs of Classical Type published in August, 1974.

Chapter 3.Degrees of the Irreducible Constituents of 1BG

Definitions and Characters of Parabolic Type

In this chapter we give some results on the irreducible constituents of the induced representation 1BG of the Borel subgroup B of a finite group G with BN-pair of classical type. The following theorem is basic to the study of these representations.

Theorem (3.1.1) ([CFo1968]) Let denote the algebraic closure of . Each irreducible -character χ of H(G,B) is the restriction to H(G,B) of a unique irreducible -character ζχ of G, such that (ζχ,1BG)>0. Moreover every irreducible constituent of 1BG is obtained in this way. The degree of ζχ is given by (3.1.2) degζχ= |G:B|deg χ ( wW (indw)-1 χ(Sw)χ (Sˆw) ) -1 where Sˆw is the basis element of H(G,B) corresponding to w-1 and indw= |B:BBw|, wW,Bw=w-1 Bw.

Let 𝒜 be the generic Ring of a Coxeter system (W,R) defined over D=[μr,rR] as in (2) and let k be the quotient field of D, K the algebraic closure of K. It is clear from the relations (2.1.8) (see e.g. [CIK1971]), lemma 2.7) that there exists a unique homomorphism ν:𝒜D such that ν(ar)=μr, rR.

Definition (3.1.3) Let χ be an irreducible K-character of 𝒜K. Set dχ= (wWν(aw)) degχ (wWν(aw)-1χ(aw)χ(âw))-1 where âw=aw-1. We call dχ the generic degree associated with χ.

Let M be an irreducible K-matrix representation of 𝒜K. Let Mij(a) denote the i,j-th entry of M(a), a𝒜K. Thus Mij is a function from 𝒜K to k. The ring 𝒜K is a symmetric algebra with dual basis {aw} and {ν(au)-1âw} (see e.g. [Gre1970], Lemma 5.1). Then from ([CRe1961], Lemma 62.8) and Schur's lemma, we have (3.1.4) (Mij,Mrs) =wWν (aw)-1 Mij(aw) Mrs(âw) =CMδisδjr, where δ is the Kronecker delta and if χ is the character of M, (3.1.5) CM(degχ)-1 wWν(aw)-1 χ(aw)χ(âw). Now let 𝒜 be the generic ring of a Coxeter system (W,R) of classical type and let G be a finite group with BN-pair of type (W,r). Let ϕ:D be the homomorphism defined by ϕ(μr)=qr, rR, qr the index parameters (see 2.1.5). Let P=kerϕ and let ϕ*:DP be the extension of ϕ to the ring of fractions DP, regarded as a subring of k. Let χ be an irreducible character of 𝒜K. The results of chapter 2 (see also [CIK1971], Proposition 7.1) show χ(aw)DP for all wW and the -linear map χϕ:𝒜ϕ, defined by (3.1.6) χϕ(awϕ) =ϕ*(χ(aw)) is an irreducible character of Aϕ,. The map χχϕ is a bijection between the irreducible characters of 𝒜K and those of Aϕ,.

As Aϕ,=H(G,B), we regard the specialized character χϕ as an irreducible character of H(G,B) and denote the corresponding irreducible constituent of 1BG in the sense of Theorem (3.1.1) by ζχ,ϕ.

Proposition (3.1.7) With the notations as above we have ϕ*(dχ)= degζχ,ϕ.


From ([CIK1971], lemma 5.9), ϕ(wWν(aw))=|G:B| and ϕ(ν(aw))=indw. The statement now follows from (3.1.2) and (3.1.6) and the definition of dχ.

In particular if ϕ0:D is defined by ϕ0(μr)=1 for all rR, 𝒜ϕ0,=W and (3.1.7) becomes degχ=degζχ,ϕ0.

We will evaluate dχ for the irreducible character χ of the generic ring corresponding to a Coxeter system of classical type in the next section. We conclude this section with the following.

Let JR and let WJ=J. J determines a parabolic subgroup GJ=BWJB.

Definition (3.1.8) Let ζ be an irreducible character of G such that (ζ,1BG)>0. ζ is said to be of parabolic type if (ζ,1GJG)=1 for some JR.

From the above there is a natural bijective correspondence ζχ,ϕζχ,ϕ0 between the irreducible -characters ζχ,ϕ of G and the irreducible -characters of W. In ([CIK1971], Theorem 7.2) it is shown that (3.1.9) (ζχ,ϕ,1GJG)= (ζχ,ϕ0,1WJW) for all JR. Thus to show the irreducible constituents of 1BG are of parabolic type it is enough to show it for the irreducible characters of the Weyl groups.

Proposition (3.1.10) Every irreducible character χ of W(An), W(Bn), n2, and W(Dn), n4, is of parabolic type.


Let (α) be a partition of n. Let R(α) denote the group of row permutations of the canonical tableau of shape (α). Then R(α) coincides with WJ for some JR, R the set of distinguished generators for W(An-1)Sn given in (3). Order the partitions of n lexicographically and let χα denote the character of the irreducible representation of W(An-1) corresponding to (α). From ([Rob1961], pp. 40-41) (3.1.11) 1R(α)Sn= χα+β>α mα,βχβ, mα,β0. Thus (χα,1R(α)Sn)=1, which is well known.

For a double partition (α,β) of n, (α)=(α1,,αr), (β)=(β1,,βs) let (α+β) denote the partition of n defined by (α+β)=(α1+β1,,αt+βt), t=max{r,s}. Let χ[α]·[β] denote the character of the outer product representation [α]·[β] of Sn (see (1.2.2)). From ([Rob1961], Theorem 3.13), χ[α]·[β]= χα+β+μ>α+β mμ,α+βχμ, mμ,α+β0. Then by (3.1.11) (3.1.12) (χ[α]·[β],1R(α+β)Sn) =(Xα+β,χα+β) =1. But by Theorem (1.2.2) the restriction of the irreducible representation πϕ0α,β of W(Bn) to Sn is the outer product representation [α]·[β]. Thus, letting χα,β denote the character of πϕ0α,β, we have ( χα,β, 1R(α,β)W(Bn) ) = ( χ[α]·[β], 1R(α+β)Sn ) =1 by (3.1.12) and Frobenius reciprocity. As R(α+β) is a parabolic subgroup of W(Bn), the χα,β are of parabolic type.

The representations of W(Dn), n4, are handled similarly. If (α)ββ, χα,β remains irreducible when restricted to W(Dn) by ([You1929]). As Sn is a subgroup of W(Dn), ( χα,β, 1R(α,β)W(Dn) ) = ( χ[α]·[β], 1R(α+β)Sn ) =1 If (α)=β the situation is only slightly more complicated. Set J={w2,,wn-1}R, the distinguished generators of W(Dn). Then WJSn-1. Let iχα,α denote the character of iπϕ0α,α, i=1,2. From (2.3.7) (3.1.13) iχα,α |WJ= χ[α]·[αr-] ++χ[α]·[α1-] ,i=1,2 where (αj-) are the partitions of n-1 contained in (α)=(α1,,αr). Now (α)+(αr-)> (α)+(αr-1-) >>(α)+(α1-) in the lexicographic order so ( iχα,α, 1R((α)+(αr-))W(Dn) ) = ( iχα,α |Sn-1, 1R((α)+(αr-))Sn-1 ) = ( χ(α)+(αr-), χ(α)+(αr-) ) ,i=1,2 by (3.1.12), (3.1.13) and Frobenius reciprocity. Hence iχα,α, i=1,2, are of parabolic type.

This completes the proof.

An Induction Formula

Let μ=(μ1,,μs) be a double partition of n and let χμ denote the character of the representation πμ of 𝒜k(Bn). Set Cμ(fμ)-1 wW(Bn) ν(aw)-1 χμ(aw)χμ (âw) We show that the inductive construction of the representations πμ yields an inductive formula for Cμ, which will provide the means to determine the generic degree associated with χμ.

Let (W(Bn),R) be as in Section 2. Take Jn-1R to be the the subset Jn-1={w1,,wn-1} and let WJn-1=Jn-1. Then WJn-1W(Bn-1). Let Mμ(aw) denote the matrix of πμ(aw). From the proof of Theorem (2.2.7) we have the decomposition (3.2.2) Mμ(aw)= M(μs-) (aw) M(μ1-) (aw),w WJn-1 where the sum is taken over those (μt-) which are non-zero. Let gt and ft denote the position, in the arrangement according to the last letter sequence, of the first and last tableau of shape (μ) respectively, which upon deletion of n yield standard tableaux of shape (μt-). Then for at, br, gtatft, grbrfr, (3.2.2) implies (3.2.3) Mat,brμ (aw)=0for tr,wWJn-1 and (3.2.4) Mat,brμ (aw)= Mat,br(μt-) (aw),w WJn-1. Since |W(Bn)|=2nn!, |W(Bn):WJn-1|=2n. From ([Bou1968], p. 37), there exists a set {xk|k=1,,2n} of coset representatives of the left WJn-1-cosets of W(Bn) such that l(xkw)=l(xk)+l(w), wWJn-1, k=1,,2n. The {xk} are the unique elements of minimal length in the left cosets xkWJn-1. We will determine these elements explicitly for our choice of R and Jn-1 in the next section.

Definition (3.2.5) With the notation as above, let E(μt-)= k=12n j=gtft ν(axk)-1 M1,jμ (axk) Mj,1μ (âxk).

We now prove

Theorem (3.2.6) Cμ=C(μt-)E(μt-).


Choose p such that gtpft. Let {xk:k=1,,2n} be the set of left WJn-1-coset representatives of minimal length as above. By (3.1.4) and (3.1.5), (3.2.7) Cμ = (M1,pμ,Mp,1μ) =wW(Bn)ν (aw)-1 M1,pμ(aw) Mp,1μ(âw) = k=12n wWJn-1 ν(axk)-1 ν(aw)-1 M1,pμ (axkaw) Mp,1μ (âwâxk) = k=12n wWJn-1 ν(axk)-1 ν(aw)-1 ( i=1f M1,iμ (axk) Mi,pμ (aw) ) ( i=1f Mp,jμ (âw) Mj,1μ (âxk) ) = k=12n i,j=1f ν(axk)-1 M1,iμ (axk) Mj,1μ (âxk) ( wWJn-1 ν(aw)-1 Mi,pμ (aw) Mp,jμ (âw) ) . The second step follows from the fact that by the choice of the {xk}, l(xkw)=l(xk)+l(w). By (3.2.3) wWJn-1 ν(aw)Mi,pμ (aw)Mp,jμ (âw)=0 for either i or j not lying between gt and ft, while by (3.2.4) and (3.1.4) wWJn-1 ν(aw)-1 Mi,pμ(aw) Mp,jμ(âw) =(Mi,p(μt-),Mp,j(μt-)) =δijC(μt-) for gti,jft, as π(μt-) is an absolutely irreducible representation of 𝒜K(Bn-1) by theorem (2.2.14). Combining the above formulae with (3.2.7) gives Cμ=C(μt-) k=12n j=gtftν (axk)-1 M1,jμ (axk) Mj,1μ (âxk)= C(μt-) E(μt-) which is the required result.

While the above theorem provides the induction step for a variety of factorizations of Cμ, no such factorization lends itself to an explicit formula for Cμ without tedious calculations. To obtain a formula for Cμ by induction using Theorem (3.2.6) requires the evaluation of E(μt-) for some row t. The most convenient choice is the first allowable row from which the last square can be deleted. Let c denote the index of this row. Then in the Young diagram of shape (μ)=(α,β), the row c is a row of the Young diagram of shape (α) if (α)(0). Moreover, the standard tableaux of shape (μ) which upon deletion of n yield standard tableaux of shape (μc-) occur last in the ordering according to the last letter sequence. We defer the evaluation of E(μc-) until the next section. We close this section with a deduction which will prove valuable in the calculations to come.

Proposition (3.2.8) Let (W(Bn),R) be as before and let W be any element of W(Bn) which can be expressed as a product of distinct generators chosen from R in increasing order, i.e. w=wi1wik, wijR, j=1,,k and i1<i2<<ik. For the matrix representation Mμ of 𝒜K(Bn), μ=(α,β) a double partition of n, (3.2.9) Mc,dμ(aw) =s,t,,u Mc,sμ(ai1) Ms,tμ(ai2) Mu,dμ(aik) and there is at most one non-zero term in the above summation. In particular Mc,dμ(aw)0 if and only if there exists a wW(Bn), w=wj1wjs, where j1<<js and {j1,,js}i1,,ik, or w=1, such that w-1Tcμ=Tdμ.


As the {wij}, j=1,,k are distinct, aw=ai1aik and (3.2.9) is just the definition of matrix multiplication. Furthermore the second statement in the proposition follows immediately from the first since by definition (2.2.6) and theorem (2.2.7), a matrix entry Mi,jμ(ak)0, for k=2,,n, if and only if i=j or wkTiμ=Tjμ while Mi,jμ(a1)0 if and only if i=j. Thus a product of matrix entries of the form Mc,c1μ(ai1) Mc1,c2μ(ai2) Mck-1,dμ(aik), i1<i2<<ik is non-zero if and only if there exists a wW, w=wj1wjs with j1<<js, {j1,,js}{i1,,ik} or w=1 such that w-1Tcμ=Tdμ. Hence to complete the proof of the proposition we must show there is at most one non-zero term in the summation (3.2.9). We do this by induction on k. It is certainly true for k=1. Assume true for k-1. By the rules of matrix multiplication, (3.2.10) Mc,dμ(aw)= sMc,sμ (aw)Ms,dμ (aik),w= wi1wik-1. By the induction hypothesis it is enough to show at most one term in (3.2.10) is non-zero. Consider the position of the letters ik and ik-1 in Tdμ.

(i) If they belong either to the same row or column of the tableau of shape (α) or the tableau of shape (β) of Tdμ, Ms,dμ(aik)0 if and only if s=d. Thus Mc,dμ(aw)= Mc,dμ(aw) Md,dμ(aik) and the proposition is proved for this case.

(ii) If the letters ik and ik-1 do not belong to the same row or column of either the tableau Tα or the tableau Tβ of Tdμ=(Tα,Tβ), set Teμ=wikTdμ. Then ed, Ms,dμ(aik)0 if and only if s=d or e and Mc,dμ(aw)= Mc,dμ(aw) Md,dμ(aik)+ Mc,eμ(aw) Me,dμ(aik). Suppose Mc,dμ(aw)0. By the inductive hypothesis and the first part of the proposition, there exists a wW expressible as a product of distinct generators chosen from the set {wi1,,wik-1} such that wTcμ=Tdμ. As i1<<ik, the letter ik is left fixed under the action of w on Tcμ, i.e. ik occupies the same position in the standard tableaux Tcμ and Tdμ. Therefore by the choice of e, the letter ik occupies different positions in the standard tableaux Tcμ and Tcμ. But then there cannot exist a wW expressible as a product of generators taken from {wi1,,wik-1} such that wTcμ=Teμ, i.e. Mc,eμ(aw)=0. Thus Mc,dμ (ai1aik)= Mc,sμ (ai1aik-1) Ms,dμ(aik) where s=e or d, depending on the position of the letter ik in Tdμ. This completes the proof.

The above proposition is a distinctive property of the shape of the matrices Mμ(ai) in that it clearly depends only on the position of the zero entries. Furthermore if wW(Bn) is as in the statement of the proposition, the proposition is clearly valid for w-1 as well. Finally, for the diagonal entries Mc,cμ(aw), the proposition is valid for any W expressible as a product of distinct generators, not necessarily an increasing (or decreasing) product (see [Rut1948], pp. 43-44).

The Evaluation of E(μc-)

Our aim in this section is an expression for E(μc-) in terms of the polynomials Δ(m,y) and Δ(m,-1). Throughout, μ=(α,β) will denote a double partition of n, with the partition (α) having sα parts (α)=(α1,,αsα) and the partition (β) having sβ parts (β)=(β1,,βsβ). As before (μc-) denotes the non-zero double partition of n-1 obtained from (μ) by deletion of a square from the end of row c of the Young diagram D(μ), i.e. the first allowable row.

We first determine explicitly the elements {xk} of minimal length in the left WJn-1-cosets of (W(Bn),R), R and Jn-1 defined as in the previous section. We introduce some more notation. For any set of consecutive integers 1k,k+1,,ln, set w(k,l)=wkwk+1wl so that w(k,k)=wk. For ease of notation we also define w(k+1,k)=1. Furthermore, set w(k)=w(2,k)-1w1w(2,k), k=1,,n. Thus w(1)=w1. w(k) is the k-th sign change -(k) of W(Bn).

Lemma (3.3.1) The set S={1} {w(k,n):k=2,,n} {w(k)w(k+1,n):k=1,,n} is the unique set of elements of minimal length in the left WJn-1-cosets of W(Bn).


W(Bn) acts on a fixed orthonormal basis {ϵ1,,ϵn} of n as all permutations and sign changes. For the given choice of R, the set of fundamental roots of W(Bn) is { ϵ1,ϵ2- ϵ1,ϵ3- ϵ2,,ϵn -ϵn-1 } and the set of positive roots is { ϵi,ϵj- ϵi,ϵj+ ϵi|1 i,jn,j>i } see ([Bou1968]). For an element x=w(k,n), x-1 is the n-k+2 cycle (nn-1k-1) working from right to left. Hence x-1 sends the positive roots ϵj-ϵk-1, j>k-1, to the negative roots ϵj-1-ϵn, j=k,,n. By the choice of Jn-1, these roots remain negative under the action of WJn-1W(Bn-1). Thus l(wx-1)l(x-1) for all wWJn-1, as l(w) equals the number of positive roots sent to negative roots under W (see [Bou1968] or [Ste1967], appendix). Therefore x is of minimal length in the left WJn-1-coset xWJn-1. A similar argument shows l(wx-1)l(x-1) for x=w(k)w(k+1,n), k=1,,n and for all wWJn-1. As l(x)l(x) for any x,xS, the elements of S must belong to distinct cosets. As |W(Bn):WJn-1|=2n and |S|=2n, S must be a set of coset representatives for the left WJn-1-cosets of W(Bn). This completes the proof.

Let aw(2,k)=a(2,k) and aw(k)=a(k) in 𝒜(Bn). As the expression for w(2,k) and w(k) as a product of generators from R is reduced (3.3.2) a(2,k) = a2ak a(k) = (aka2)a1 (a2ak). In order to state the next proposition concerning the matrices Mμ(a(k)) corresponding to the k-th sign change of W(Bn) we need some notations. Let ρi,p, i=2,,n denote the axial distance from i-1 to i in the standard tableau Tpμ. Let ρp(i)= j=2i (ρj,p+1), i=2,,n and define ρp(1)=0 for all indices p=1,,fμ.

Proposition (3.3.3) The matrix Mμ(a(k)), k=1,,n is a diagonal matrix with the p,p-th entry equal to zxρp(k), where z=y if the letter k appears in the tableau Tα of Tpμ=(Tα,Tβ) and z=-1if k appears in the tableau Tβ of Tpμ.


The proof is by induction on k. For k=1 the statement of the proposition is just the definition of Mμ(a1). Now assume Mμ(a(k-1)) is diagonal. By (3.3.2) Mμ(a(k))= Mμ(ak)Mμ (a(k-1))Mμ (ak). Write VμK as the direct sum VμK=Vp,q of ak invariant subspaces, where Vp,q has basis {tp,tq} if (k-1,k)Tp=Tq, p<q, and Vp,p has basis {tp} if the letters k-1 and k appear either in the same row or column of the same tableau. With this ordering of the basis, Mμ(a(k)) has the corresponding block form Mμ(a(k))=Mp,qμ(a(k)). Thus the usual case by case argument on the configuration of the letters k-1 and k will suffice.

1. k-1 and k in the same row or column of the same Tp.

If k-1 and k are in the same row, ρk,p=1. Therefore ρp(k)=ρp(k-1)+2. As Mp,pμ(ak)=x by theorem (2.2.7) Mp,pμ(a(k))= x(zxρp(k-1)) x=zxρp(k-1)+2 =zxρp(k). If k-1 and k are in the same column, ρk,p=-1. Therefore ρp(k)=ρp(k-1). As Mp,pμ(ak)=-1 by theorem (2.2.7) Mp,pμ(a(k)) =(-1)(zxρp(k-1)) (-1)=zxρp(k).

2. k-1 and k in distinct rows and columns of Tpμ.

Set Tqμ=(k-1,k)Tpμ and take p<q. The deletion of all letters k-1 in Tpμ and Tqμ yield the same tableaux of k-2 letters. Therefore ρp(k-2)=ρq(k-2). Let k-2 k-1 k ϵ1 ϵ2 denote the configuration of the letters k-2, k-1, and k in Tpμ, with ϵ1, ϵ2 the respective axial distances. With this notation we have, ρp(k-1) = ρp(k-2)+ ϵ1+1 ρp(k) = ρp(k-2)+ ϵ1+ϵ2+2 ρq(k-1) = ρq(k-2)+ ϵ1+ϵ2+1 ρq(k) = ρq(k-2)+ ϵ2+2. Therefore if k-1 and k belong to the same tableau of Tpμ, Mp,qμ(ak)=M(ϵ2,-1) and Mp,qμ(a(k-1))=zxρp(k-2)+ϵ1+1D(1,xϵ2) by theorem (2.2.7) and the induction hypothesis. Direct computation verifies the relation M(ϵ2,-1)D (1,xϵ2)M (ϵ2,-1)=x D(xϵ2,1). Therefore Mp,qμ(a(k))= zxρp(k-2)+ϵ1+2 D(xϵ2,1)=D (zxρp(k),zxρq(k)) If k-1 and k belong to distinct tableaux of Tpμ, Mp,qμ(ak)=M(-ϵ2,y) by theorem (2.2.7). As we have taken p<q with respect to the last letter sequence, k-1 appears in the tableau corresponding to (α) of Tpμ. Thus by the induction hypothesis Mp,qμ(a(k-1)) =xρp(k-2)+ϵ1+1 D(y,-xϵ2). Direct computation verifies the relation M(-ϵ2,y)D (y,-xϵ2) M(-ϵ2,y)= xD(y,-xϵ2). Therefore Mp,qμ(a(k))= xρp(k-2)+ϵ1+2 D(-xϵ2,y)=D (-xρp(k),yxρq(k)). This completes the proof of the proposition.

We use this proposition to affect a reduction of E(μc-). Pairing the WJn-1-coset representatives a(k)a(k+1,n) and a(k+1,n) of W(Bn) (lemma (3.3.1)) we have (3.3.4) M1,iμ (a(k+1,n))+ M1,iμ (a(k)a(k+1,n)) =(1+M1,lμ(a(k))) M1,iμ(a(k+1,n)) ,i=1,,f, as Mμ(a(k)) is diagonal by proposition (3.3.3).

Furthermore for letters k-1 and k both appearing in the same row of the canonical tableau T1μ of shape (μ) (see section 1), wk=(k-1,k), k=1,,n, is a row permutation of the canonical tableau. As any row permutation W can be written as a product of such transpositions (3.3.5) M1,iμ(aw) =Mi,1μ(aw) =0,i1, and (3.3.6) M1,1μ(aw) =M1,1μ (âw)=x by theorem (2.2.7), W a row permutation of T1μ. Let ri, i=1,,s, s=sα+sβ, denote the last letter in the i-th row of the canonical tableau T1μ, i.e. ri= { j=1iαj ifisα, j=1sα αj+j=1k βj ifi=sα+k. Set (3.3.7) Ri= k=ri-1+1ri ( 1+ν(a(k))-1 M1,1μ (a(k))2 ) ν(a(k+1,ri))-1 M1,1μ (a(k+1,ri))2. Combining (3.3.5) and (3.3.6) with the definitions of Ri and E(μc-) and using the explicit coset representatives given by lemma (3.3.1) we have (3.3.8) E(μc-)= i=1sRi ν(a(ri+1,n))-1 j=gcfμ M1,jμ (a(ri+1,n)) Mj,1μ(â(ri+1,n)). Set Δ(m,y-1)=1+xmy-1. Then

Proposition (3.3.9) For 1isα denote Ri by Rαi. For sα+1isα+sβ, denote Ri by Rβj where i=sα+j. Then Rαi = Δ(αi-2i+1,y) Δ(αi,-1), Rβi = Δ(βi-2i+1,y-1) Δ(βi,-1).


First let 1isα. The axial distance from ri to ri+1 is -αi while for k and k+1 in the same row of T1μ, the axial distance from k to k+1 is 1. Therefore ρ1(ri-1+1)= k=2ri-1+1 (ρk,1+1)= j=1i-1 (2(αj-1)+(1-αj)) =j=1i-1 (αj-1). Also ν(a(ri-1+1+k))=yx2(m+k) where m=j=1i-1αj and k=0,,αi. Therefore ν(a(ri-1+1+k))-1 M1,1μ (a(ri-1+1+k))2= (yx2(m+k))-1 y2x2(m-(i-1)+2k) =yx-2(i-1)+2k for k=0,,αi.

Furthermore ν(a(ri-1+1+k,ri))=xαi-k and M1,1μ (a(ri-1+1+k,ri))2 =x2(ri-ri-1-k) =x2(αi-k) for k=1,,αi by (3.3.6), as we defined a(m+1,m)=1. Thus (3.3.7) implies Rαi = k=1αi (1+yx-2(i-1)+2(k-1)) xαi-k = k=1αi ( xαi-k+y xαi+k-2i ) = (1+yxαi-2i+1) (1++xαi-1) = Δ(αi-2i+1,y) Δ(αi,-1).

We now turn to the second part of the proposition. Observe first that the axial distance from rsα to rsα+1 in the canonical tableau T1μ is by definition (1.1.6) the axial distance from the last square in the diagram (α) to the first square in the first row of (α). Therefore the path traversed from the letter 1 to the letter rsα+1 is a closed path in terms of axial distance. As a result j=2rsα+1 ρj,1=0and ρ1(rsα+1)= j=2rsα+1 ρj,1+1=|α|. For i>sα set l=i-sα. Then ρ1(ri-1+1) = |α|+ k=rsα+2ri-1+1 ρk,1+1 = |α|+ j=1l-1 βj-1. Also ν(a(ri-1+1+k))=-x2(m+k) where m=|α|+j=1l-1βj and k=0,,βl. Therefore ν(a(ri-1+1+k)) M1,1μ (a(ri-1+1+k)) = (yx2(m+k))-1 x2(m-(l-1)+2k) = y-1x-2(l-1)+2k. The argument used in the first part of the proposition can now be used to give Rβi=Δ (βi-2i+1,y-1) Δ(βi,-1). This completes the proof.

We now start the evaluation of the sum j=gcfμ M1,jμ (a(ri+1,n)) Mj,1μ (â(ri+1,n)) in the expression for E(μc-) given by (3.3.8).

Proposition (3.3.10) Let c be as above. Then

(i) Mi,jμ(a(k,n))=0 for k>rc+1 and for all jgc.
(ii) Mi,jμ(a(rc+1,n))=0 for all j>gc while M1,gcμ (a(rc+1))= i=1n-rc Mei-1,eiμ (arc+i) where Te0μ=T1μ, the canonical tableau of shape (μ), and Teiμ=wrc+iTei-1μ, i1.
(iii) Mi,jμ(a(k,n))=(i=1fμM1,iμ(a(k,rc)))M1,gcμ(a(rc+1,n)) for jf1 and krc.
(iv) i=1fμM1,jμ(a(rk+1,rc))=i=kc-1(j=1fμM1,jμ(a(ri+1,ri+1))) for k<rc.


(i) and (ii). For jgc, the letter n occupies the last square in row c by definition of (μc-). Suppose M1,jμ(a(k,n))0, jgc. By proposition (3.2.8) there exists a wW such that wT1μ=Tjμ, W expressible as a product of distinct generators chosen from {wk,,wn}. It follows that W fixes all letters k-1 in T1μ. Hence if k>rc+1, the letter rc occupies the same position in the tableaux T1μ and Tjμ, i.e. the last square in row c. This is impossible. Therefore M1,jμ(a(k,n))=0 for k>rc+1 which proves (i).

On the other hand, if k=rc+1, wT1μ=Tjμ implies w=wwrc+1, since the letter rc must be moved under the action of W. Therefore rc+1 is in the last square of row c in wrc+1T1μ=Te1μ. Similarly, as wrc+1 does not occur in the expression of w as a product of distinguished generators, w=wwrc+2 because the letter rc+1 must be moved under the action of w. Therefore rc+2 is in the last square of row c in wrc+2Te1μ=Te2μ. Continuation of this argument allows us to conclude j=gc and M1,gcμ (arc+1an)= M1,e1μ (arc+1) Me1,e2μ (arc+2) Men-k,gcμ (an) where wrc+iTei-1μ=Teiμ. This proves (ii).

(iii) and (iv). Let Teμ denote a standard tableau obtained from T1μ by any rearrangement of the letters 1,,rj, for jc. This amounts to a rearrangement of the above letters among the first j rows of (μ). Because the first j rows, (jc) are of equal length, any such arrangement of 1,,rj in the first j rows must have rj in the last box of row j. Thus the position of the letters rj,,n is the same in wTeμ and wT1μ, for any W whose reduced expression as a product of elements from R is made up entirely of the generators wi, i=rj+1,,n. It follows that Me,iμ (a(rj+1,k))= M1,iμ (a(rj+1,k)) for jc and krj+1.

Therefore M1,iμ (a(rj+1,rc)) = s,t,,u M1,sμ (a(rj+1,rj+1)) Ms,tμ (a(rj+1+1,rj+2)) Mu,iμ (a(rc-1+1,rc)) = s,t, M1,sμ (a(rj+1,rj+1)) M1,tμ (a(rj+1+1,rj+2)) M1,iμ (a(rc-1+1,rc)) = i=jc-1 k=1fμ M1,kμ (a(ri+1,ri+1)) by the above argument and the ordering of the last letter sequence. For the same reason M1,iμ (a(k,n)) = j=1fμ M1,jμ (a(k,rc)) Mj,iμ (a(rc+1,n)) = ( j=1fμ M1,jμ (a(k,rc)) ) M1,gcμ (a(rc+1,n)). This proves (iii) and (iv).

Using this proposition and proposition (3.2.8) it is straight forward from (3.3.8) that E(μc-) can be written as (3.3.11) E(μc-) = i=1cRi ν(a(ri+1,n))-1 j=gcfμ M1,jμ (a(ri+1,n)) Mj,1μ (â(ri+1,n)) = D1D2 where D1 = i=1cRiν (a(ri+1,rc))-1 j=1c-1 ( k=1fμ M1,lμ (a(rj+1,rj+1)) Mk,1μ (â(rj+1,rj+1)) ) , D2 = ν(a(rc+1,n))-1 M1,gcμ (a(rc+1,n)) Mgc,1μ (â(rc+1,n)). Consider a part of the Young digram of shape (α,β) consisting of the last box in the p-th row and the entire q-th row, p<q. l l+1 l+t tboxes rowp rowq Let Te0μ be a standard tableau with t+1 letters l,l+1,,l+t distributed in increasing order in this part. Set Teiμ=wl+iwl+1Te0μ, i=1,,t. Then wl+i is a row permutation of Tejμ for ji-1 or i, as the letters l+i-1 and l+i have either not been moved from row q or have been returned to row q. Hence Mej,kμ (al+i)= Mk,ejμ (al+i)=0 for kej and ji-1 or i, by theorem (2.2.4). Therefore (3.3.12) j=1fμ Me0,jμ (a(l+1,l+t)) Mj,e0μ (â(l+1,l+t)) = i=1t [Me0,e0μ(al+i)]2 +k=1t-1 j=1k Mej-1,ejμ (al+j) Mej,ej-1μ (al+j) j=k+1t [Mek,ekμ(al+j)]2 +i=1t Mei-1,eiμ (al+i) Mei,ei-1μ (al+i), by proposition (3.2.8). Label these three terms A, B, and C respectively. As the entries of Mμ(ai) depend only on the position of the letters i-1 and i in a standard tableau, the above computation is independent of the letter l and depends only on the rows P and q. Hence set (3.3.13) Fp,q = ν(a(l+1,l+t))-1 (A+B)=xt(A+B) fp,q = ν(a(l+1,l+t))-1 C=xtC We now rewrite (3.3.11) as follows.

Let dj be such that w(rc+1,rj)-1T1=Tdj. Then dj=erj-rc where the ei's are defined as in (ii) of proposition (3.3.10). The proof of (3.3.10 (ii)) shows the letters rj,rj+1,,ri+1 occur in the last square of row c and in the j+1-st row of Tdj in increasing order, i.e. in a configuration as described above. Hence (3.3.10 (ii)) and proposition (3.2.8) show (3.3.14) ν(a(rc+1,n))-1 M1,gcμ (a(rc+1,n)) Mgc,1μ (â(rc+1,n)) = j=cs-1 ν(a(rj+1,rj+1))-1 i=rj-rc+1rj+1-rc Mei-1,eiμ (arc+i) Mei,ei-1μ (arc+i) = j=c+1s fc,j. Similarly, for j<c the letters rj,rj+1,,ri+1 appear in the last square of row j and in the j+1-st row of T1μ. Noting that fp,q=0 for rows P and q of equal length and both belonging to the same tableau of T1μ the computation (3.3.12) shows (3.3.15) ν(a(rj+1,rj+1))-1 i-1fμ M1,iμ (a(rj+1,rj+1)) Mi,1μ (â(rj+1,rj+1)) =Fj,j+1 for j<c. Substitution of (3.3.14) and (3.3.15) into (3.3.11) now gives (3.3.16) E(μc-) ( i=1c-1 Rij=ic-1 Fj,j+1+Rc ) i=c+1s fc,i.

Proposition (3.3.17) Let m be the axial distance from the first square in the q-th row to the last square in the p-th row and assume row p is a row of the tableau Tα and row q is a row of the tableau Tβ of Te0=(Tα,Tβ). Let t be the length of the q-th row. Then

(i) fp,q=Δ(m+1,y)Δ(m-t,y)Δ(m,y)Δ(m-t+1,y),
(ii) Fp,q=(x-1)2Δ(t,-1)xΔ(m,y)Δ(m-t+1,y).


We use the notations of (3.3.13).

(i) Because the letter l appears in the last box in row P and l+1 in the first box of row q, the axial distance from l+1 to l in Te0μ is m and the axial distance from l+i to l+i-1 in Te0μ is m-i+1, i=1,,t. Therefore Mei-1,eiμ (al+i) Mei,ei-1μ (al+i)= xΔ(m-i,y) Δ(m-i+2,y) (Δ(m-i+1,y))2 by theorem (2.2.4). Thus (3.3.11) implies C=i=1t xΔ(m-i,y) Δ(m-i+2,y) (Δ(m-i+1,y))2 = xtΔ(m+1,y)Δ(m-t,y) Δ(m,y)Δ(m-y+1,y) . As fp,q=x-tC, we have the required result.

(ii) We have Mei-1,ei-1μ (al+i)= x-1Δ(m-i+1,y), i=1,,t, by theorem (2.2.7) and as wl+i is a row permutation of Tejμ for i>j+1, Mej,ejμ(al+1)=x for i>j+1, by theorem (2.2.4). Hence (3.3.11) implies A= x2(t-1)(x-1)2 (Δ(m,y))2 . Furthermore, using (i) and (3.3.11) B = k=1t-1 ( j=1k xΔ(m-i,y)Δ(m-i+2,y) (Δ(m-i+1,y))2 ) (x-1)2x2(t-1-k) (Δ(m-k,y))2 = k=1t-1 xkΔ(m+1,y)Δ(m-k,y) Δ(m,y)Δ(m-k+1,y) · (x-1)2x2(t-1-k) (Δ(m-k,y))2 = (xt-1(x-1)2Δ(m+1,y)Δ(m,y)) k=1t-1 xt-1-kΔ(m-k+1,y)Δ(m-k,y). An easy induction argument, using the fact that xΔ(k,-1) Δ(m-k-1,y)+ Δ(m,y)= Δ(k+1,-1) Δ(m-k,y) shows k=1t-1 xt-1-kΔ(m-k+1,y)Δ(m-k,y)= Δ(t-1,-1)Δ(m,y)Δ(m-t+1,y). Therefore B= xt-1(x-1)2Δ(t-1,-1)Δ(m+1,y) (Δ(m,y))2Δ(m-t+1,y) . Finally, the above computations give A+B = xt-1(x-1)2(Δ(m,y))2 (xt-1+Δ(t-1,-1)Δ(m+1,y)Δ(m-t+1,y)) = xt-1(x-1)2 (Δ(m,y))2 Δ(m,y)Δ(t,-1) Δ(m-t+1,y) = xt-1(x-1)2Δ(t,-1) Δ(m,y)Δ(m-t+1,y) . As Fp,q=x-t(A+B), we have the required result.

Corollary (3.3.18) Let P and q be rows belonging to the same tableau of Te0μ. With the same notations as in proposition (3.3.17) we have

(i) fp,q=Δ(m+1,-1)Δ(m-t,-1)Δ(m,-1)Δ(m-t+1,-1),
(ii) Fp,q=(x-1)2Δ(t,-1)xΔ(m,-1)Δ(m-t+1,-1).
If furthermore, p=q-1 and the rows q and q-1 have the same length, then Fp,q=x-1.


If the rows p and q belong to the same tableau of Te0μ, the matrices M(k,y) are replaced by the matrices M(k,-1) in proposition (3.3.17) by theorem (2.2.7). The matrices M(k,-1) are obtained from M(k,y) by setting y=-1, whence the first statement. For the second statement we have m=t and Δ(1,-1)=1.

Generic Degrees

Recall from (1) that (α)=(a1,,αsα) denotes the partition conjugate to the partition (α)=(α1,,αsα).

Definition (3.4.1) Let (α,β) be a double partition with corresponding ordered pair of Young diagrams (D(α),D(β)). For the (i,j)-th square of D(α), set hi,jα = (αi-j)+ (αj-i) +1, gi,jα = (αi-j)+ (βj-i) +1, where βj=0 for j>sβ. For the (i,j)-th square of D(β), set hi,jβ = (βi-j)+ (βj-i) +1, gi,jβ = (βi-j)+ (αj-i) +1, where αj=0 for j>sα. We call hi,jα [resp. hi,jβ] the hook length of the (i,j)-th square of D(α) [resp. D(β)]. We call gi,jα [resp. gi,jβ] the split hook length of the (i,j)-th square of D(α) [resp. D(β)].

From (1.1.1), hi,jα [hi,jβ] is the length of the (i,j)-hook of D(α) [D(β)]. As the last square in the i-th row of D(α) has coordinates (i,αi) while the last square in the j-th column of D(α) has coordinates (αj,j), (1.1.5) shows hi,jα equals the axial distance from the (αj,j)-square to the (i,αi)-square plus one in D(α). hi,jβ has the same interpretation for the diagram D(β). The split hook lengths have a corresponding interpretation. Namely, gi,jα is the axial distance from the last square in the j-th column of D(β), the (βj,j)-square, to last square in the i-th row of D(α), the (i,αi)-square, plus one. Similarly gi,jβ equals the axial distance from the end of the j-th column of D(α) to the end of the i-th row of D(β), plus one.

Proposition (3.4.2)

(i) For the double partition (α,(0)) E((αc-),(0)) =Δ(αc-c,y) Hα where Hα=j=1c-1 Δ(hj,αcα,-1) xΔ(hj,αcα-1,-1) j=1αc-1 Δ(hc,jα,-1) Δ(hc,jα-1,-1) . Furthermore Δ(αc-c,y)= Δ(gc,αcα,y) j=1αc-1 Δ(gc,jα,y) Δ(gc,jα-1,y) .
(ii) For the double partition ((0),β) E((0),(βc-)) =Δ(βc-c,y-1) Hβ where Hβ is defined as in (i) the partition (β) replacing the partition (α). Furthermore Δ(βc-c,y-1) =(yx1-c)-1Δ (-gc,βcβ,y) j=1βc-1 Δ(-gc,jβ,y) xΔ(-gc,jβ+1,y) .
(iii) For the double partition (α,β), (α)(0), (β)(0), let d be the row of D(β) such that the ac-th column of D(β) ends in row d if αcβ1. If β1<αc, set d=0. Then E((αc-),(β)) =E((αc-),(0))G where G= Δ(gc,αcα,y)Δ(αc-c,y) j=1αc-1 Δ(gc,jα,y)Δ(gc,jα-1,y) j=1d Δ(-gj,αcβ,y)Δ(-gj,αcβ+1,y) It is understood that the last product in the definition of G is taken to be equal to 1 if d=0.


We will show the expression for E(μc-) given by (3.3.16) has the desired form for each of the cases mentioned. Direct computations are all that is required.

(i) For the double partition (α,(0)), the row c is a row of D(α) and αi=αc for i=1,,c. Then by Proposition (3.3.9) and (3.3.18) (3.4.3) i=1c-1 Ri j=ic-1 Fj,j+1Rc = Δ(αc,-1) i=1cΔ (αc-2i+1,y) xi-c = x1-cΔ (αc,-1) Δ(c,-1) Δ(αc-c,y). Let mi denote the axial distance from the first square in row i to the last square in row c, i>c. Then mi+1=mi+1 and using Corollary (3.3.18) i=c+1sα fc,i = i=c+1sα Δ(mi+1,-1)Δ(mi-αi,-1) Δ(mi,-1)Δ(mi-αi+1,-1) = Δ(mc+1-αc+1,-1) Δ(mc+1,-1) i=c+1sα Δ(mi+1-αi+1,-1) Δ(mi+1-αi,-1) . Set αj=0 for j>sα and rewrite the above as i=c+1sα fc,i= Δ(mc+1-αc+1,-1) Δ(mc+1,-1) i=c+1sα k=αi+1+1αi Δ(mi+1-k+1,-1) Δ(mi+1-k,-1) where the second product is taken equal to 1 for all i such that αi+1=αi. If ai+1<αi, αi-αi+1 equals the number of columns of D(α) which end in row i while if αi+1=αi, no column ends in row i. Then for ic such that αi+1<αi we have by (3.4.1) and (1.1.5) mi+1-k+1=αc +(i-c)-k+1= hc,kα, αi+1+1kαi. Thus k=αi+1+1αi Δ(mi+1-k+1,-1) Δ(mi+1-k,-1) = k=αi+1+1αi Δ(hc,kα,-1) Δ(hc,kα-1,-1) . Furthermore, by the choice of the row c, mc+1=αc>αc+1 and hc,αcα=1, so that Δ(mc+1-αc+1,-1) Δ(mc+1,-1) =1Δ(αc,-1) k=αc+1+1αc-1 Δ(hc,kα,-1) Δ(hc,kα-1,-1) . The above computations show (3.4.4) i=c+1sα fc,i=1Δ(αc,-1) i=1αc-1 Δ(hc,iα,-1) Δ(hc,iα-1,-1) . Finally, c=h1,αcα, so that (3.4.5) x1-cΔ(c,-1) =x1-cΔ (h1,αcα,-1) =j=1c-1 Δ(hj,αcα,-1) Δ(hj,αcα-1,-1) . (3.4.3) - (3.4.5) combine to give the desired expression for E((αc-),(0)). As the second partition is the empty partition (0), αc-c=gc,1α and gc,jα=gc,j+1α+1, j=1,,c-1, so that the expression for Δ(αc-c,u) given in the statement of (i) is just a telescopic product.

(ii) The proof of (ii) is entirely similar to (i) and will be omitted. Simply replace (α) with (β) and note that by Proposition (3.3.9) y must be replaced with y-1 in (3.4.3). Also βc-c=gc,1β so that Δ(βc-c,y-1) =(yxm)-1Δ (m,y),m=-gc,1β.

(iii) In this case the row c is a row of D(α). Thus employing (3.3.16) E((αc-),(β)) = ( i=1c-1Ri j=1iFj,j+1 +Rc ) i=c+1sαfc,i i=sα+1sα+sβ fc,i = E((αc-),(0)) i=sα+1sα+sβ fc,i It suffices to show (3.4.6) i=sα+1sα+sβ fc,i=G. Let mi, i=1,,s, denote the axial distance from the first box in the i-th row of D(β) to the last box in row c of D(α). Then mi+1=mi+1 and as in (i) i=sα+1sα+sβ fc,i= Δ(msβ+1,y) Δ(m,y) i=1sβ Δ(mi-βi,y) Δ(mi+1-βi,y) . Let βj=0 for j>sβ and let d be as in the statement of the theorem. Rewrite the above as (3.4.7) ( Δ(md+1-dc+1,y) Δ(m,y) i=1d Δ(mi-βi,y) Δ(mi+1-βi,y) ) ( Δ(md+1-βd+1,y) Δ(md+1-αc+1,y) i=d+1sβ Δ(mi+1-βi+1,y) Δ(mi+1-βi,y) ) . Label the two bracketed expressions in (3.4.7) A and B respectively.

By (3.4.1) and (1.1.5) md+1-αc+1= (αc-αc)+ (d-c)+1= gc,αcα and mi-βi=αc +(i-c)-1-βi=- ( (βi-αc)+ (c-i)+1 ) =-gi,αcβ. Therefore A= Δ(gc,αcα,y) Δ(αc-c,y) i=1d Δ(-gi,αcβ,y) Δ(-gi,αcβ+1,y) . As βd+1<αc, and as for βi+1kβi-1, mi+1-k=αc+ (i-c)-k= gc,k+1α, computations identical to those employed in (i) show B=i=1αc-1 Δ(gc,iα,y) Δ(gc,iα-1,y) . The above expressions for A and B and (3.4.7) show (3.4.6) as required. This completes the proof of (iii) and the proposition.

We can now obtain an elegant formula for Cμ=(degχμ)-1 wW(Bn) ν(aw)-1χμ (aw)χμ(âw). For the double partition (μ)=(α,β) set (3.4.8) Hi,jα = x1-αj Δ(hi,jα,-1), Hi,jβ = x1-βj Δ(hi,jβ,-1), Gi,jα = Δ(gi,jα,y), Gi,jβ = (yxm)-1 Δ(m,y), m=-gi,jβ.

Theorem (3.4.9) For the irreducible character χμ of 𝒜K(Bn), (μ)=(α,β) a double partition of n2, Cμ=(i,j)(α) Hi,jαGi,jα (i,j)(β) Hi,jβGi,jβ.


By induction on n2. The statement of the theorem can readily be checked for the representations of 𝒜K(B2) given by Theorem (2.2.7). Let n2. The Young diagram D(μc-) is obtained from the Young diagram D(μ) by deleting the last square from row c. Thus the hook lengths of the squares of D(μc-) differ from the hook lengths of the squares of D(μ) only for squares in the c-th row and the αc or βc column depending on whether the row c is a row of the diagram D(α) or the diagram D(β) of D(μ)=(D(α),D(β)). Indeed, the hook lengths of these squares of D(μc-) are one less than the corresponding squares of D(μ). Similarly the split hook lengths of the squares of D(μc-) differ from the split hook lengths of the squares of D(μ) only in the c-th row and, if c is a row of D(α) and βc0, in the βc column of D(β). Again the split hook lengths of these squares of D(μc-) are one less than the corresponding squares of D(μ). Thus, from the computations of Proposition (3.4.2) we have that E(μc-) is of the form E(μc-)= Gc,λc (i,j) Gi,jμGi,j(μc-) (s,y) Hs,tμHs,t(μc-) where λ=α or β, depending on whether the row c is a row of D(α) or D(β), and where (i,j) and (s,t) run over the appropriate squares of D(μc-), mentioned above, for which the hook lengths and the split hook lengths differ from those of D(μ). As Cμ=C(μc-)E(μc-) by Theorem (3.2.6), this completes the induction and the proof of the theorem.

We can now give an explicit expression for the generic degree dχ (3.1.3), of the irreducible character χ of 𝒜K(Bn). Let PBn(x,y) be the Poincaré polynomial of 𝒜K(Bn), (3.4.10) PBn(x,y)= wWν(aw). From ([Mac1972]), PBn(x,y)= i=0n-1 (1+xiy) (1++xi).

Corollary (3.4.11) For the irreducible character χμ of 𝒜K(Bn), (μ)=(α,β), dχμ= PBn(x,y) (i,j)(α) Hi,jαGi,jα (i,j)(β) Hi,jβGi,jβ .


This follows from the definition of dχμ (3.1.3), (3.4.10) and (3.4.9).

The generic degrees of the representations of 𝒜K(An) and 𝒜K(Dn) are readily obtained from Theorem (3.4.9) as well. In particular,

Corollary (3.4.12) Let ϕ:D=[x,y](x) be the homomorphism defined by ϕ(y)=0. Let (α) be a partition of n and let χα and χ(α,(0)) be the irreducible characters of 𝒜K(An-1) and 𝒜K(Bn) corresponding to (α) and (α,(0)). Let ϕ*:DP(x) be the extension of ϕ to the ring of fractions, P=kerϕ. Then dχ(α,(0))DP and ϕ*(dχ(α,(0)))=dχα.


For wW(Bn), define l1(w) to be the number of times w1 occurs in a reduced expression for W in R, and set l2(w)=l(w)-l1(w). Then ν(aw)= yl1(w) xl2(w), aw𝒜(Bn). We first show (3.4.13) χ(α,(0))(aw)= yl1(w) χ(α,(0)) (aw)DP, wW(Bn). Let M(a) denote the matrix of π(α,(0))(a) with respect to the basis {t1,,tf} of V(α,(0))K, a𝒜K(Bn). By (2.2.6) M(a1)=yI and thus commutes with M(ai), i=1,,n. Hence for wW(Bn) M(aw)= (M(a1))l1(w) M(aw) where aw= gW(An-1) cgwag, cgw[x]. From (2.2.6), χ(α,(0))(aw)(x)DP, DP considered as a subring of K=(x,y). Thus we have shown (3.4.13). The rest of the proof is now clear. As l1(w)=l1(w-1), we have ϕ*(C(α,(0))) =wW(An-1) ν(aw)-1χα (aw)χα(âw) =Cα. Similarly ϕ(wW(Bn)ν(aw)) =wW(An-1)ν(aw) and the statement of the corollary follows.

Thus by the above corollary and Theorem (\ref{l349}) we have, for (α) a partition of n, (3.4.14) dχα= PAn-1(x) i,jHi,jα where PAn-1(x)= i=0n-1 (1++xi).

Corollary (3.4.15) Let ϕ:D=[x,y](x) be the homomorphism defined by ϕ(y)=1. Let (μ)=(α,β) be a double partition of n with (α)(β) and let χμ and ψμ be the irreducible characters of 𝒜K(Bn) and 𝒜K(Dn) corresponding to (μ). Then ϕ*(dχμ)=dψμ, where ϕ*:DP(x) is the extension of ϕ to the ring of fractions DP, P=kerϕ.


From Theorem (2.3.9), ψμ is the restriction to 𝒜K(Dn) of the irreducible character χϕμ of 𝒜ϕ,K(Bn), K=(x), where χϕμ(aw)=ϕ*(χμ(aw)). Thus by the definition of generic degree, to prove the corollary it is sufficient to prove (3.4.16) wW(Bn) ν(awϕ)-1 χϕμ(awϕ) χϕμ(âwϕ) =2wW(Dn) ν(awϕ)-1 χϕμ(awϕ) χϕμ(âwϕ) for (μ) as in the statement of the corollary. For any wW(Bn) and corresponding basis element awϕ𝒜ϕ,(x)(Bn), we have awϕaw1ϕ=aww1ϕ, as (aw1ϕ)2=1. Thus, using the orthogonality relations (3.1.4) and the coset decomposition W(Bn)=W(Dn)W(Dn)w1, we have (3.4.17) ϕ*(Cμ) = wW(Bn) ν(awϕ)-1 χϕμ (awϕ) χϕμ (âwϕ) = wW(Bn) i=1fμ ν(awϕ)-1 Miiμ (awϕ) Miiμ (âwϕ) = wW(Dn) i=1fμ ν(awϕ)-1 ( Miiμ (awϕ) Miiμ (âwϕ)+ Miiμ (awϕaw1ϕ) Miiμ (aw1ϕâwϕ) ) where Mμ(awϕ) is the matrix of ϕϕμ(aw) with respect to the last letter sequence arrangement of the basis {t1,,tf} of VμK. Then Mμ(aw1ϕ) is a diagonal matrix with entries ±1 by (2.3.9) so Miiμ(awϕaw1ϕ) Miiμ(aw1ϕâwϕ)= Miiμ(awϕ) Miiμ(âwϕ). Then (3.4.17) becomes ϕ*(Cμ) = 2wW(Dn) i=1fμ ν(awϕ)-1 Miiμ (awϕ) Miiμ (âwϕ) = 2wW(Dn) ν(awϕ)-1 χϕμ (awϕ) χϕμ (âwϕ) as the restriction of πϕμ to 𝒜K(Dn) is an absolutely irreducible representation of 𝒜K(Dn). This proves (3.4.16) and completes the proof.

We conclude with an example. We calculate the generic degree of the reflection representation of the generic algebra of classical type, a computation also given in ([CIK1971]) (as a polynomial in one variable). The double partition (μ)=((n-1),(1)) yields the reflection representation of 𝒜K(Bn) n-1squares (D(n-1),D(1)) We have C((n-1),(1)) =y-1(1+xn-1y) i=-1n-3 (1+xiy) i=1n-2 (1++xi). Thus dχμ= PBn(x,y)Cμ= y(1++xn-1)(1+xn-2y) (1+x-1y) Setting y=1 in the above we have by (3.4.15) the generic degree of the reflection representation of 𝒜K(Dn).

The partition (α)=(n-1,1) of n yields the reflection representation of 𝒜K(An-1). n-1squares (D(n-1),1) D(n-1,1) The generic degree of the representation of 𝒜K(Bn) corresponding to the double partition ((α),(0))=((n-1,1),(0)) is dχ(α,(0))= x(1+xn-1y)(1+xn-2) (1+x-1y) Setting y=0 in the above we have by (3.4.12) the generic degree of the reflection representation of 𝒜K(An-1).

Finally we remark that from (3.1.7) the above corollaries give the degrees of the irreducible constituents of 1BG for G a finite group with BN-pair with Coxeter system of classical type by substitution of the index parameters in the formula for the generic degree. In particular, these computations apply to the families of Chevalley groups Al(q), Bl(q), Dl(q), A2l1(q2), A2l-11(q2), Dl(q2). The degrees of these characters for the families of type Al(q) were already known (see [Ste1951]).

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