Weyl Group Symmetric Functions and the Representation Theory of Lie Algebras

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 11 September 2013

Classical symmetric functions

This section gives a brief summary of the classical symmetric function theory. See [Mac] Chapter 1 for a complete treatment.

Fix a positive integer n. A partition λ=(λ1,λ2,,λn) is a sequence λ1λ2λn0 of nonnegative integers. Let 𝒫 denote the set of partitions. We have the following sequence of inclusions 𝒫nn. (1.1) There is a partial ordering, the dominance ordering, on elements of n given by γκif γ1+γ2+ +γiκ1+ κ2+κi, for alli. (1.2)

Let Sn denote the symmetric group. The sign ε(w) of a permutation wSn is the determinant of the corresponding permutation matrix. Sn acts on elements of n by permuting the positions.

For each 1i<jn the raising operator Rij is the operator which acts on elements of n by Rij (γ1,γ2,,γn) =(γ1,γ2,,γi+1,,γj-1,,γn) . (1.4)

Let x1,x2,,xn be commuting variables and for each γ=(γ1,γ2,,γn)n define xγ= x1γ1 x2γ2 xnγn. (1.5) Define an action of Sn on monomials by wxγ= xwγ. (1.6) The ring Λn= [x1,x2,,xn]Sn is the ring of symmetric functions.

Bases of symmetric functions

For each partition λ define the monomial symmetric function by mλ= γSnλ xγ, (1.7) where the sum runs over all γn in the Sn orbit of λ, i.e., over all distinct permutations of λ.

The Schur functions are given by sλ= wSn ε(w) xw(λ+ρ) wSn ε(w) xwρ , (1.8) where ρ=(n-1,n-2,,1,0).

The elementary symmetric functions are given by defining e0 = 1, er = 1i1<<irn xi1xi2xir, for each positive integer r, and eλ=eλ1 eλ2eλn , (1.9) for all partitions λ.

The homogeneous symmetric functions are given by defining h0 = 1, hr = 1i1irn xi1xi2xir, for each positive integer r, and hγ=hγ1 hγ2hγn, for all sequences γn.

Define integers Kλμ by sλ=μ𝒫 Kλμmμ. (1.10) One has the following (nontrivial) facts:

(a) The Kλμ are nonnegative integers.
(b) Kλλ=1 for all λ𝒫.
(c) Kλμ=0 if μλ.

Each of the sets {mλ}λ𝒫, {sλ}λ𝒫, {eλ}λ𝒫, {hλ}λ𝒫, forms a -basis of Λn.

Inner product

There is an inner product on the ring of symmetric functions given by making the Schur functions orthonormal, sλ,sμ =δλμ. (1.11)

Further facts

The homogeneous symmetric functions are the dual basis to the basis of monomial symmetric functions, hλ,mμ =δλμ. (1.12) A consequence of this is that hμ=λ sλKλμ. (1.13)

One has the following "Jacobi-Trudi" formula for the Schur functions in terms of the homogeneous symmetric functions, sλ=wSn ε(w) hλ+ρ-wρ. (1.14) There is also a formula for the Schur function in terms of raising operators and the homogeneous symmetric function. sλ=i<j (1-Rij) hλ. (1.15)

Notes and references

This is an excerpt of a paper entitled Weyl Group Symmetric Functions and the Representation Theory of Lie Algebras, written by Arun Ram.

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