Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia
Last update: 24 December 2012
The double affine braid group
The double affine braid group
is the group generated by
with relations
for , and
where the action of
on is as in (2.10). The element
For ,
view a reduced word
as a minimal length path from the fundamental alcove to
and define
with respect to the periodic orientation (see (2.20) and the pictures in Appendix A).
For , view a reduced word
as a minimal length path from the fundamental alcove to in
and define
Let for
where and
are as in (2.11) and, using the action in (2.15),
is the longest element of the stabilizer of in
The following theorem, discovered by Cherednik [Ch, Thm. 2.2], is proved in [Mac4, 3.5-3.7],
in [Io], and in [Hai, 4.13-4.18].
(Duality) Let The
double affine braid group is generated by
and with relations
for and
where the action of on
is as in (2.10).
Notes and References
This page is taken from a paper entitled A combinatorial formula for Macdonald
polynomials by Arun Ram and Martha Yip.
(2.7) is a reference to the section entitled The double affine Weyl group.