V. Quantum Groups

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 22 October 2012

The definition of the quantum group and the uniqueness theorem, Theorem (1.4), are stated in [Dri1987] §6 Example 6.2. Theorem (1.4) appears with proof in [SSt1993] Theorem 11.4.1. The statements in (3.3) and (3.4) can be found in [CPr1994] 9.2.1 and 9.3.1 and the treatment there gives references for where to find the proofs.

Definition, uniqueness, and existence

Making the Cartan matrix symmetric

Let 𝔤 be a finite dimensional complex simple Lie algebra and let C= (αj(Hi)) 1i,jr be the corresponding Cartan matrix. There exist unique positive integers d1,d2,,dr such that gcd ( d1,,dr ) =1 and the matrix (diαj(Hi)) 1i,jr is symmetric. The integers d1,d2,,dr are given explicitly by

Ar,Dr, E6,E7, E8: di=1for all 1ir, Br: di=1for 1ir-1,and dr=2, Cr: di=2,for 1ir-1, anddr=1, F4: d1=d2=1, andd3=d4=2, G2: d1=3,and d2=1.

The Poisson homomorphism δ

Let δ:𝔤𝔤𝔤 be the -linear map given by

δ(Hi)=0, δ(Xi±)= di ( Xi±Hi- HiXi± ) ,1ir.

There is a unique extension of the map δ:𝔤𝔤𝔤 to a -linear map δ:𝔘𝔤𝔘𝔤𝔘𝔤 such that

δ(xy)= Δ(x)δ(y) +δ(y)Δ(y) ,for allx,y𝔘𝔤.

The definition of the quantum group

A Drinfel'd-Jimbo quantum group 𝔘h𝔤 corresponding to 𝔤 is a deformation of 𝔘𝔤 as a Hopf algebra over such that

  1. Poisson condition: Δh(a)- Δhop(a) h (modh)= δ(amodh), for alla𝔘h𝔤. (If Δh(a)= aa(1) a(2) then Δhop(a)= aa(2) a(1).)
  2. Cartan subalgebra condition:

    There is a subalgebra 𝔘h𝔥𝔘h𝔤 such that

    1. 𝔘h𝔥 is a cocommutative, i.e. Δh(a) =Δhop(a) , for all a𝔘h𝔥,
    2. The mapping 𝔘h𝔥/h𝔘h𝔥 𝔘𝔥 is injective with image 𝔘𝔥.

  3. Cartan involution condition:

    There is a mapping θ:𝔘h𝔤 𝔘h𝔤 such that

    1. θ2= id𝔘h𝔤,
    2. θ(𝔘h𝔥)= 𝔘h𝔥,
    3. θ is an algebra homomorphism and a coalgebra antihomomorphism, i.e. θ(ab) = θ(a)θ(b), for alla,b 𝔘h𝔤,and Δh (θ(a)) = (θ×θ) δhop(a), for alla𝔘h 𝔤,
    4. θmodh is the Cartan involution.

Uniqueness of the quantum group

Let 𝔤 be a finite dimensional simple Lie algebra. The Drinfel'd-Jimbo quantum group 𝔘h𝔤 corresponding to 𝔤 is unique (up to equivalence of deformations).

Definition of q-integers and q-factorials

For any symbol q define

[n]q= qn-q-n q-q-1 ,[n]q!= [n]q [n-1]q [2>]q [1>]q,and [mn]q= [m]q! [n]q! [m-n]q! ,for all positive integers mn,

Presentation of the quantum group by generators and relations

Note the similarities (and the differences) between the following presentation of the quantum group by generators and relations and the presentation of the enveloping algebra of 𝔤 given in II (2.2).

Let 𝔤 be a finite dimensional complex simple Lie algebra and let C= (αj(Hi)) 1i,jr be the corresponding Cartan matrix. The Drinfel'd-Jimbo quantum group 𝔘h𝔤 corresponding to 𝔤 can be presented as the algebra over [[h]] generated (as a complete [[h]]-algebra in the h-adic topology) by

X1-, X2-, , Xr-, H1,H2,, Hr, X1+, X2+, , Xr+,

with relations

[Hi,Hj]=0, for all1i,jr, [Hi,Xj+]= αj(Hi) Xj+, [Hi,Xj-]= -αj(Hi) Xj-, for all1i,jr, [Xi+,Xj-] =δij edihHi- e-dihHi edih- e-dih , for1i,jr, s+t=1-αj(Hi) (-1)s [ 1-αj(Hi) s ] (Xi±)s Xj± (Xi±)t =0, forij,

and with Hopf algebra structure given by

Δh(Hi)= Hi1+1Hi, Δh (Xi+) Xi+ edihHi +1Xi+, Δh (Xi-)= Xi-1+ e-dihHi Xi-, Sh(Hi)=- Hi,Sh (Xi+)=- Xi+ e-dihHi, Sh (Xi-)=- edihHi Xi-, εh(Hi)= εh(Xi+)= εh(Xi-)=0,

Cartan subalgebra 𝔘𝔥[[h]] 𝔘h𝔤, and Cartan involution θ:𝔘h𝔤 𝔘h𝔤 determined by

θ(Xi+)=- Xi-,θ (Xi-)=- Xi+,θ (Hi)=-Hi.

The rational form of the quantum group

The rational form of the quantum group is an algebra which is similar to the algebra 𝔘h𝔤 except that it is over an arbitrary field k. There are two reasons for introducing this algebra.

  1. In the case when k=(q) is the field this new algebra Uq𝔤 has "integral forms" which can be used to specialize q to special values.
  2. In the case when k= and q is a power of a prime then part of this algebra appears naturally as a Hall algebra of representations of quivers or, equivalenty, as a Grothendieck ring of G-equivariant sheaves on certain varieties EV.

Definition of the rational form of the quantum group

Many authors use the following form Uq𝔤 of the quantum group as the definition of the quantum group.

Let 𝔤 be a finite dimensional complex simple Lie algebra and let C= (αj(Hi)) 1i,jr be the corresponding Cartan matrix. Let k be a field and let qk be an nonzero element of k. The rational form of the Drinfel'd-Jimbo quantum group Uq𝔤 corresponding to 𝔤 is the algebra Uq𝔤 over k generated by

F1, F2,, Fr, K1, K2,, Kr, K1-1, K2-1, Kr-1, E1, E2,, Er,

with relations

Ki Kj= Kj Ki, for all1i,jr, Ki Ki-1= Ki-1 Ki=1, for all1ir, Ki Ej Ki-1= qdiαj(Hi) Ej, Ki Fj Ki-1= q-diαj(Hi) Fj, for all1i,jr, EiFj- FjEi= δij Ki-Ki-1 qdi-q-di for1i,jr, s+t=1-αj(Hi) (-1)s [ 1-αj(Hi) s ] Eis Ej Eit =0, forij, s+t=1-αj(Hi) (-1)s [ 1-αj(Hi) s ] Fis Fj Fit =0, forij,

and with Hopf algebra structure given by

Δ(Ki)= KiKi, Δ(Ei)= EiKi+1 Ei, Δ(Fi)= Fi1+Ki-1 Fi, S(Ki)= Ki-1, S(Ei)=- EiKi-1, S(Fi)=- KiFi, ε(Ki)=1, ε(Ei)=0, ε(Fi)=0.

It is very common to take q to be an indeterminate and to let k=(q) be the field of rational functions in q.

Relating the rational form and the original form of the quantum group

The relations in the rational form of the quantum group are obtained from the relations in the presentation of 𝔘h𝔤 by making the following replacements:

ehq, ehdiHi Ki, Xi-Fi, Xi+Ei.

The ring Uq𝔤 is an algebra over k and qk while the ring 𝔘h𝔤 is an algebra over [[h]] where h is an indeterminate. They have many similar properties. Most of the theorems about the structure of the algebra 𝔘h𝔤 have analogues for the case of the algebra Uq𝔤. The category of modules for Uq𝔤 is very similar to the category of module for the enveloping algebra 𝔘𝔤. One should note, however, in contrast to Chapt. VI Theorem (1.1) which says that 𝔘h𝔤 𝔘𝔤[[h]], it is not true that Uq𝔤 is isomorphic to 𝔘𝔤, even if k= and qk. This fact complicates many of the proofs when one is trying to generalize results from the classical case of 𝔘𝔤 to the quantum case Uq𝔤.

Integral forms of the quantum group

There are two different commonly used integral forms of a (q)-algebra Uq𝔤, the "non restricted integral form" U𝒜𝔤 and the "restricted integral form" U𝒜res𝔤. Let us begin by defining integral forms precisely.

Definition of integral forms

Let q be an indeterminate and let Uq be an algebra over (q), the field of rational functions in q. An integral form of Uq is a 𝒜=[q,q-1] subalgebra U𝒜 of Uq such that the map

U𝒜𝒜 (q)Uq

is an isomorphism of (q) algebras. In other words, upon extending scalars from [q,q-1] to (q) the algebra U𝒜 turns into Uq.

Motivation for integral forms

The purpose of defining integral forms of algebras is that we can use them to specialize the variable q to certain elements of , or , or , etc. Let U𝒜 be an integral form of an algebra Uq over (q) and let η, η0. The specialization at q=η (over ) of U𝒜 is the algebra over given by

Uη=U𝒜𝒜, where the equationqc=ηc

describes how is an 𝒜=[q,q-1]-module. Similarly, we can define specializations of U𝒜 over any field. With this last definition in mind we see that one could regard an integral form of Uq as an 𝒜=[q,q-1] subalgebra U𝒜 such that Uq is the specialization of U𝒜 over (q) at q=q.

Definition of the non-restricted integral form of the quantum group

Let q be an indeterminate and let k=(q) be the field of rational functions in q. Let Uq𝔤 be the corresponding rational form of the quantum group. For each 1ir, define elements

[Ki;0] qdi = Ki-Ki-1 qdi-q-di .

The non-restricted integral form of Uq𝔤 is the 𝒜=[q,q-1] subalgebra U𝒜𝔤 of Uq𝔤 generated by the elements

F1, F2,, Fr, K1±1, K2±1,, Kr±1, [K1;0], [K2;0],, [Kr;0], E1, E2,, Er.

The Hopf algebra structure on Uq𝔤 restricts to a well defined Hopf algebra structure on U𝒜𝔤.

Definition of the restricted integral form of the quantum group

Let q be an indeterminate and let k=(q) be the field of rational functions in q. Let Uq𝔤 be the corresponding rational form of the quantum group. The restricted integral form of Uq𝔤 is the 𝒜=[q,q-1] subalgebra U𝒜res𝔤 of Uq𝔤 generated by the elements K1±1, K2±1,, Kr±1, and the elements

Fi()= Fi []qdi! ,and Ei()= Ei []qdi! ,for all1ir and all1.

(The notation for the q-factorials is as in (1.5).) The Hopf algebra structure on Uq𝔤 restricts to a well defined Hopf algebra structure on U𝒜res𝔤. It is nontrivial to prove that U𝒜res𝔤 is an integral form on Uq𝔤.

Notes and References

This is an excerpt from a paper entitled Quantum groups: A survey of definitions, motivations and results by Arun Ram. Research and writing supported in part by an Australian Research Council fellowship and a National Science Foundation grant DMS-9622985.

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