VI. Modules for quantum groups

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 28 October 2012

The isomorphism theorem in (1.1) is found (with proof) in [Dri1990] p. 330-331. The proof of this theorem uses several cohomological facts,

H2(𝔤,𝔘𝔤)=0, H1 ( 𝔥,𝔘𝔤/ (𝔘𝔤)𝔥 ) =0,andH1 ( 𝔤,𝔘𝔤𝔘𝔤 ) =0.

The correspondence theorem in (1.3) is also found in [Dri1990] p.331. All of the results in section 2 can be found, with detailed proofs, in [Jan1995] Chapt. 5.

Finite dimensional 𝔘h𝔤-modules

As algebras, 𝔘h𝔤𝔘𝔤[[h]]

The algebra 𝔘𝔤[[h]] is just the enveloping algebra of the Lie algebra 𝔤 except over the ring [[h]] (and then h-adically completed) instead over the field . It acts exactly like the algebra 𝔘𝔤, the only difference is that we have extended coefficients.

The following theorem says that the algebra 𝔘h𝔤 and the algebra 𝔘𝔤[[h]] are exactly the same! In fact we have already seen that this must be so, since 𝔘𝔤 has no deformations as an algebra (Chapt. III Theorem (2.6)). One might ask: If 𝔘h𝔤 and 𝔘𝔤[[h]] are the same then what is the big deal about quantum groups? The answer is: They are the same as algebras but they are not the same when you look at them as Hopf algebras.

Let 𝔤 be a finite dimensional complex simple Lie algebra and let 𝔘h𝔤 be the Drinfel'd-Jimbo quantum group corresponding to 𝔤. Then there is an isomorphism of algebras

φ:𝔘h𝔤 𝔘𝔤[[h]], such that (a)φ=id𝔘𝔤 (modh), and (b)φ𝔥= id𝔥,

where, in the second condition, 𝔥=-span {H1,,Hr} 𝔘h𝔤.

Definition of weight spaces in a 𝔘h𝔤 module

A finite dimensional 𝔘h𝔤-module is a 𝔘h𝔤-module that is a finitely generated free module as a [[h]]-module. If M is a finite dimensional 𝔘h𝔤-module and μ𝔥* define the μ-weight space of M to be the subspace

Mμ= { mMam=μ (a)m,for all a𝔥 } .

The dimension of the weight space Mμ is the number of elements in a basis for it, as a [[h]]-module.

Classification of modules for 𝔘h𝔤

Theorem (1.1) says that 𝔘h𝔤 and 𝔘𝔤[[h]] are the same as algebras. Since the category of finite dimensional modules for an algebra depends only on its algebra structure it follows immediately that the category of finite dimensional modules for 𝔘h𝔤 is the same as the category of modules for 𝔘𝔤[[h]].

There is a one to one correspondence between the isomorphism classes of finite dimensional 𝔘h𝔤-modules and the isomorphism classes of finite dimensional 𝔘𝔤-modules given by

𝔘h𝔤-modules 1-1 𝔘𝔤-modules M M/hM V[[h]] V

where the 𝔘h𝔤 module structure on V[[h]] is defined by the composition

𝔘h𝔤𝔘𝔤 [[h]]End (V[[h]]).

It follows from condition (b) of Theorem (1.1) that, under the correspondence in the Theorem above, weight spaces of 𝔘h𝔤-modules are taken to weight spaces of 𝔘𝔤-modules and their dimension remains the same. Furthermore, irreducible finite dimensional 𝔘𝔤-modules correspond taken to indecomposable 𝔘h𝔤-modules and vice versa. (Note that hV[[h]] is always a 𝔘h𝔤-submodule of the 𝔘h𝔤-module V[[h]].)

The previous theorem combined with Chapt. II Theorem (2.5) gives the following corollary.

Let P+=i=1rωi be the set of dominant integral weights for 𝔤, as in (2.4). For every λP+ there is a unique (up to isomorphism) finite dimensional indecomposable 𝔘h𝔤-module L(λ) corresponding to λ.

Finite dimensional Uq𝔤-modules

The category of finite dimensional modules for the rational form Uq𝔤 of the quantum group is slightly different from the category of finite dimensional modules for 𝔘h𝔤. The construction of the finite dimensional irreducible modules for Uq𝔤 is similar to the construction of these modules in the case of the Lie algebra 𝔤. Let us describe how this is done.

Construction of the Verma module M(λ) and the simple module L(λ)

Let 𝔤 be a finite dimensional complex simple Lie algebra and let Uq𝔤 be the corresponding rational form of the quantum group over a field k and with qk. We shall assume that

chark2,3andq is not a root of unity ink.

Let λP be an element of the weight lattice for 𝔤. The Verma module M(λ) is be the Uq𝔤-module generated by a single vector vλ where the action of Uq𝔤 satisfies the relations

Eivλ=0,and Kivλ= q(λ,αi)vλ ,for all1ir.

The map

Uq𝔫- M(λ) y yvλ

is a vector space isomorphism.

The module M(λ) has a unique maximal proper submodule. For each λP define


where N is the maximal proper submodule of the Verma module M(λ).

Let 𝔤 be a finite dimensional complex simple Lie algebra and let Uq𝔤 be the corresponding rational form of the quantum group over a field k with qk. Assume that char k2,3 and that q is not a root of unity in k. Let λP be an element of the weight lattice of 𝔤 and let L(λ) be the Uq𝔤-module defined above.

  1. The module L(λ) is a simple Uq𝔤-module.
  2. The module L(λ) is finite dimensional if and only if λ is a dominant integral weight.

Twisting L(λ) to get L(λ,σ)

Let Q be the root lattice corresponding to 𝔤 as give in II (2.6) and let σ:Q{±1} be a group homomorphism. The homomorphism σ induces an automorphism σ:Uq𝔤Uq𝔤 of Uq𝔤 defined by

σ: Uq𝔤 Uq𝔤 Ei σ(αi)Ei Fi Fi Ki±1 σ(±αi)Ki±1,

where α1,,αr are the simple roots for 𝔤. Let λP be an element of the weight lattice and let L(λ) be the irreducible Uq𝔤-module defined in (2.1). Define a Uq𝔤-module L(λ,σ) by defining

  1. L(λ,σ)=L(λ) as vector spaces,
  2. Uq𝔤 acts on L(λ,σ) by the formulas um-σ(u)m, for alluUq𝔤, mL(λ), where σ is the automorphism of Uq𝔤 defined above.

Classification of finite dimensional irreducible modules for Uq𝔤

Let 𝔤 be a finite dimensional complex simple Lie algebra and let Uq𝔤 be the rational form of the quantum group over a field k. Assume that chark2,3 and qk is not a root of unity in k. Let P+ be the set of dominant integral weights for 𝔤 and let Q be the root lattice for 𝔤 (see II (2.6)).

  1. Let λP+ and let σ:Q{±1} be a group homomorphism. The modules L(λ,σ) defined in (2.2) are all finite dimensional irreducible Uq𝔤-modules.
  2. Every finite dimensional Uq𝔤-module is isomorphic to L(λ,σ) for some λP+ and some group homomorphism σ:Q{±1}.

Weight spaces for Uq𝔤-modules

Retain the notations and assumptions from (2.3) and let (,) be the inner product on 𝔥* defined in II (2.7). Let M be a finite dimensional Uq𝔤-module. Let σ:Q{±1} be a group homomorphism and let λP. The (λ,σ)-weight space of M is the vector space

M(λ,σ)= { mMKim =σ(αi) q(λ,αi)m for all1ir. }

The following proposition if analogous to Chapt. II Proposition (2.4).

Every finite dimensional Uq𝔤-module is a direct sum of its weight spaces.

The following theorem says that the dimensions of the weight spaces of irreducible Uq𝔤-modules coincide with the dimensions of the weight space of corresponding irreducible modules for the Lie algebra 𝔤.

Let λP+ be a dominant integral weight and let σ be a group homomorphism σ:Q{±1}. Let Vλ be the simple 𝔤-module indexed by the λ and let L(λ,σ) be the irreducible U𝔤-module indexed by the pair (λ,σ). Then, for all μP and all group homomorphisms τ:Q{±1},

dimk (L(λ,σ)μ,σ) =dim ((Vλ)μ) anddimk (L(λ,σ)μ,τ) =0,ifστ.

Notes and References

This is an excerpt from a paper entitled Quantum groups: A survey of definitions, motivations and results by Arun Ram. Research and writing supported in part by an Australian Research Council fellowship and a National Science Foundation grant DMS-9622985.

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