VIII. Hall algebras

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 13 October 2012

The results in §1 are outlines in [CPr1994] §9.3D. The proof of Theorem (1.2) appears in [BGP1973] Theorem 3.1 The results in §1 are outlined in [CPr1994] §9.3D. The proof of Theorem (1.2) appears in [BGP1973] Theorem 3.1 and the proof of Theorem (1.4) appears in [Lus1990] Prop. 5.7. The material in §2 is a combination of [Lus1991] and [Lust1993] Part II. In particular, Theorem (2.7)(1) is proved in [Lus1993] 13.1.2, 12.3.2, and 9.2.7, Theorem (2.7)(2) is proved in [Lus1993] 13.1.5, 13.1.12e, 12.3.3, and 9.2.11, Theorem (2.7)(3) is proved in [Lus1993] 13.1.12d and 12.3.6. The statement about the symmetric form given in (2.6) is proved in [Lus1993] 12.2.2, 9.2.9 and the references given there. The proof of the isomorphism theorem in (2.8) is given in [Lus1993] 13.2.11 and in [Lus1991] Th. 10.17. The material in §3 appears in [Lus1990] §9. The isomorphism in (3.4) is stated in [Lus1990] 9.6.

Hall algebras

The Hall algebra is an algebra which has a basis labelled by representations of quivers and for which the structure constants with respect to this basis reflect the structure of these representations. The Hall algebra encodes a large amount of information about the representations of the quiver. Amazingly, this algebra is almost isomorphic to the nonnegative part of the quantum group.


A quiver is an oriented graph Γ, i.e. a set of vertices and directed edges. The following is an example of a quiver.

Every Dynkin diagram if type A, D or E can be made into a quiver by orienting the edges. Note that there are many possible ways of orienting the edges of a Dynkin diagram in order to make a quiver. For example the quivers

are both obtained by orienting the edges of the Dynkin diagram of type E6.

Representations of a quiver

A representation R of a quiver Γ over a field k is a labelling of the graph Γ such that

  1. Each vertex iΓ is labelled by a vector space Ri over k,
  2. Each edge ij in Γ is labelled by a (vector space) homomorphism ϕij:RiRj.

Define morphisms of representations of quivers in the natural way and make the category of representations of the quiver Γ. The dimension of a representation R is the vector dim(R)=(di) where, for each vertex iΓ, di=dim(Ri). An irreducible representation of Γ is a representation R of Γ such that the only subrepresentations of R are 0 and R.

A representation of R of a quiver Γ is indecomposable if it cannot be written as R=ST where S and T are nonzero representations of Γ.

Let Γ be a quiver.

  1. There are a finite number of indecomposable representations of Γ if and only if Γ is an oriented Dynkin diagram of type A, D or E.
  2. If Γ is an oriented Dynkin diagram of type A, D or E then the indecomposable representations of Γ are in 1-1 correspondence with the positive roots for the Lie algebra 𝔤 corresponding to the Dynkin diagram.

Definition of the Hall algebra

Let Γ be a quiver and let 𝔽q be a finite field with q elements. The Hall algebra or Grothendieck ring RΓ of representations of Γ is the algebra over with

  1. basis labelled by the isomorphism classes [R] of representations of Γ over 𝔽q, and
  2. multiplication of two isomorphism classes [R] and [S] given by [R]·[S]= [T]CRST [T]where CRST=Card ( { PTP R,T/PS } ) .

Connecting Hall algebras to the quantum group

Let Γ be a quiver which is obtained by orienting the edges of a Dynkin diagram of type A, D, or E, and let 𝔽q be a finite field with q elements. Let us describe explicitly two types of indecomposable representations of Γ.

  1. Let i be a vertex of Γ. The representation eigiven byVj= { 𝔽q, ifj=i; 0, ifji; is an irreducible representation of Γ.
  2. Let ij be an edge of Γ. The representation eijgiven by V= { 𝔽q, if=ior =j; 0, otherwise; andϕij= id𝔽q, is an indecomposable (but not irreducible) representation of Γ.

The following relations hold in the Hall algebra RΓ,

eij=eiej- ejei,ei eij=qeij ei,eijei =qejeij, for each edgeijin Γ.

It is easier to prove the first relation by writing it in the form eiej=eij +ejei. Combining the first two of these relations and the first and last of these relations respectively, gives the identities

ei2ej- (q+1)eiej ei+qejei2 =0andei ej2-(q+1) ejeiej+q ej2ei=0, respectively.

We shall make the Hall algebra a bit bigger by adding the Ki±1s that are in the quantum group Uq𝔤. Let 𝔤 be the finite dimensional complex simple Lie algebra corresponding to the Dynkin diagram given by Γ and let Uq𝔤 be the rational version of the quantum group with k= and q the number of elements in the field 𝔽q. Let Uq𝔥 be the subalgebra of Uq𝔤 generated by K1±1,, Kr±1. Let α1,,αr be the simple roots corresponding to the Lie algebra 𝔤 (see II (2.6)). Define

RΓ~= algebra generated byRΓand K1±1,, Kr±1with the additional relations Ki[R]Ki-1= q(αi,d(R)) [R],for all1i rand representationsRof Γ,

where d(R)=j=1r dim(Rj)αj, and the inner product in the exponent of q is the inner product on 𝔥* given in II (2.7).

Let Γ be a quiver which is obtained by orienting the edges of a Dynkin diagram of type A, D or E. Let RΓ be the Hall algebra of representations of Γ over the finite field 𝔽q with q elements and let RΓ~ be the extended Hall algebra defined above. Let Uq𝔤 be the rational form of the quantum group with k= which corresponds to the Dynkin diagram Γ and let

Uq𝔟+=subalgebra of Uq𝔤generated by K1±1,, Kr±1and E1,,Er.

Choose elements z1,,zr such that zi-zj=1 if ij is an edge in Γ. Then the homomorphism of algebras determined by

Uq𝔟+ RΓ~ A Ki±1 Ki±1 Ei Kiziei

is an isomorphism.

An algebra of perverse sheaves

In this section we shall construct an algebra 𝒦 from a Dynkin diagram Γ. There is a strong relationship between this algebra and the quantum group Uq𝔤 where 𝔤 is the simple complex Lie algebra corresponding to the Dynkin diagram Γ.

The algebra 𝒦 is graded,

𝒦=νQ+ 𝒦ν,

in the same way that the quantum group Uq𝔫+ is graded, see VII (1.2). The vector space 𝒦 comes with natural shift maps [n] which correspond to multiplication by qn in the quantum group Uq𝔟+. The algebra 𝒦 has a natural multiplication which comes from an induction functor and a natural "psuedo-comultiplication" which comes from a restriction functor. The multiplication and the pseudo-comultiplication turn out to be almost the same as the multiplication and the comultiplication on the quantum group Uq𝔟+. Lastly, the algebra 𝒦 has a natural inner product {,} that is related to the inner product , pairing Uq𝔟- and Uq𝔟+, (see VII (2.1)).

In Theorem (2.8) we shall see that if we extend the algebra 𝒦 a little bit, by adding the Ki±1's that are in the quantum group Uq𝔤 then we get an algebra K~ such that


This last fact is very similar to the case of the Hall algebra (1.4) where after extending the Hall algebra RΓ by adding the Ki±1's that are in the quantum group Uq𝔤, we got an algebra RΓ~ which was also isomorphic to Uq𝔟+. We shall see in section 3 that this is not a coincidence, there is a concrete connection between RΓ and the algebra 𝒦. The advantage of working with the algebra 𝒦 instead of the Hall algebra RΓ is that 𝒦 has more natural structure than RΓ, it has:

  1. a natural pseudo-comultiplication r:𝒦𝒦𝒦,
  2. a natural inner product {,}:𝒦×𝒦 ((q)),
  3. a natural involution D:𝒦𝒦,
  4. a natural basis coming from simple perverse sheaves.

The natural basis coming from simple perverse sheaves is called the canonical basis.

Γ-graded vector spaces and the varieties EV with GV action

Let Γ be a quiver obtained by orienting the edges of a Dynkin diagram of type A, D or E. For convenience we label the vertices by 1,2,,r. Let 𝔤 be the finite dimensional complex simple Lie algebra corresponding to the Dynkin diagram given by Γ.

Let p be a positive prime integer and let 𝔽p be the algebraic closure of the finite field 𝔽p with p elements. A Γ-graded vector space V over 𝔽p is a labelling of the graph Γ such that each vertex i is labelled by a vector space Vi over 𝔽p. The dimension of a Γ-graded vector space V is the r-tuple of nonnegative integers dim(V)= (dim(Vi)) . We shall identify dimensions of Γ-graded vector spaces with elements of

Q+=iαi so thatdim(V)= i=1rdim (Vi)αi,

where α1,,αr are the simple roots for 𝔤 and =0.

Fix an element νQ+ and a Γ-graded vector space V over 𝔽p such that dim(V)=ν. Define

GV=iGL (Vi)and EV=ij Hom(Vi,Vj),

where the sum in the definition of EV is over all edges of Γ. There is a natural action of GV on EV given by

g·(ϕij)= ( gjϕijgi-1 ) ,if(ϕij) EVandg= (g1,,gr) GV.

Let xEV and let W be a Γ-graded subspace of V, i.e. WiVi for all vertices i in Γ. The subspace W is x-stable if xWiWj for all edges ij in Γ. We shall simply write WV if W is a Γ-graded subspace of V and xWW if W is x-stable.

Definition of the categories 𝒬V and 𝒬T𝒬W

The reader map ship this definition if it looks like too much to swallow. The only important thing at this stage is that 𝒬V is a category of objects and it is contained in a category called Dcb(EV).

Let V be a Γ-graded vector space over 𝔽p and let EV be the variety over 𝔽p defined in (2.1). Let Dcb(EV) be the bounded derived category of l-(constructible) sheaves on EV, see IV (1.4). Recall that Dcb(EV) comes endowed with shift functors IV (2.4),

[n]: Dcb(EV) Dcb(EV) A A[n].


𝒬V = the full subcategory of Dcb(EV) consisting of finite direct sums of simple perverse sheavesL such that some shift ofLis a direct summand of Lν for some partition νof ν=dim(V).

The complexes Lν are defined in (2.7). Let T and W be a Γ-graded vector spaces of 𝔽p. Define

𝒬T𝒬W = the complexes LDcb (ET×EW) such that Li=1s AiBi, for someAi𝒬T, Bi𝒬W, and some positive integers.

This is a subcategory of Dcb (ET×EW).

The Grothendieck group 𝒦 associated to the categories 𝒬V

Let νQ+ and let V be a Γ-graded vector space of dimension ν. Let 𝒬V be as in (2.2). The important thing about 𝒬V at the moment is that it is a category related to EV.

The Grothendieck group 𝒦(𝒬V) of the category 𝒬V is the (q)-module generated by the isomorphism classes of objects in 𝒬V with the addition operation given by the relations

[B1B2]= [B1]+[B2], ifB1,B2 𝒬V,

and multiplication by q given by the relations

[B[n]]=qn [B],forB 𝒬Vandn,

where the map BB[n] is the shift functor on Dcb(EV), see IV (2.4). The structure of 𝒦(𝒬V) depends only on the element ν and so we shall often write 𝒦ν in place of 𝒦(𝒬V).


𝒦=νQ+ 𝒦ν.

The group 𝒦 is graded in the same way that 𝔘q𝔫+ is graded, see VII (1.2).

Definition of the multiplication in 𝒦

Let V be a Γ-graded vector space. Let T and W be Γ-graded vector spaces such that


If xEV such that xWW then let xW be the linear transformation of W induced by the action of x on W and let xT be the linear transformation of TV/W induced by the action of x on V/W. Define

𝒮= { xEV xWW } , P= { gGV gWW } ,U= { gPgW= idW,gT=idT } .

The groups P and U are subgroups of GV. The group P is the stabilizer of W in GV, it is a parabolic subgroup of GV. The group U is the unipotent radical of P.

Let 𝒬T𝒬W be the subcategory of Dcb(ETEW) which is defined in (2.2). The diagram

ET×EW p1 GV×U𝒮 p2 GV×P𝒮 p3 EV (xT,xW) (g,x) (g,x) gx

induces the diagram

𝒬T𝒬W Dcb(ET×EW) p1* Dcb(G×U𝒮) (p2) Dcb(G×P𝒮) (p3)! Dcb(EV)

where the first map is the inclusion map.

Let V be a Γ-graded vector space and let EV be the variety with the GV action which is defined in (2.1). Let W and T be Γ-graded vector spaces such that WV and V/WT. Let 𝒬T𝒬W and 𝒬V be the categories of complexes of sheaves on ET×EW and EV, respectively, which are defined in (2.2). There is a well defined functor

IndT,WV: 𝒬T𝒬W 𝒬V A ( (p3)! (p2) p1*A ) [ dim(p1)- dim(p2) ]

where p1, p2, and p3 are as defined in the diagram above, dim(p1) is the dimension of the fibers of the map p1, and dim(p2) is the dimension of the fibers of the map p2.

The multiplication in 𝒦 is defined by the formula

[A]·[B]= [ IndT,WV (AB) ] ,forA𝒬T andB𝒬W.

With this multiplication 𝒦 becomes an algebra. The strange shift by [ dim(p1)- dim(p2) ] in the definition of IndT,WV is there to make the multiplication in 𝒦 match up with the multiplication in the nonnegative part of the quantum group Uq𝔟+, see Theorem (2.8) below.

Definition of the psuedo-comultiplication r:𝒦𝒦𝒦

Let V be a Γ-graded vector space. Let T and W be Γ-graded vector spaces such that


If xEV such that xWW then let xW be the linear transformation of W induced by the action of x on W and let xT be the linear transformation of TV/W induced by the action of x on V/W.


𝒮= { xEV xWW }

and let 𝒬V be the subcategory of Dcb(EV) which is defined in (2.2). The diagram

EV ι 𝒮 κ ET×EW x x (xT,xW)

induces the diagram

𝒬V Dcb(EV) ι* Dcb(𝒮) κ! Dcb(ET×EW)

where the first map is the inclusion map.

Let V be a Γ-graded vector space and let EV be the variety with the GV action which is defined in (2.1). Let W and T be Γ-graded vector spaces such that WV and V/WT. Let 𝒬T𝒬W and 𝒬V be the categories of complexes of sheaves on ET×EW and EV, respectively, which are defined in (2.2). There is a well defined functor

ResT,WV: 𝒬V 𝒬T𝒬W B (κ!ι*B) [ dim(p1)- dim(p2)-2 dim(GV/P) ]

where p1, p2, κ, and ι are as defined above, dim(p1) is the dimension of the fibers of the map p1, dim(p2) is the dimension of the fibers of the map p2, and P is the parabolic subgroup of GV defined in (2.4).

The pesudo-comultiplication on 𝒦 is the map r:𝒦𝒦𝒦 defined by

r([A])= [ResT,WV(A)] ,ifA𝒬V.

The strange shift by [ dim(p1)- dim(p2)-2 dim(GV/P) ] in the definition of ResT,WV is there to make the pseudo-comultiplication in 𝒦 match up with the comultiplication in the nonnegative part of the quantum group Uq𝔟+, see Theorem (2.8) below.

The symmetric form on 𝒦

Recall that we write 𝒦ν in place of 𝒦(𝒬V) since the structure of 𝒦(𝒬V) depends only on ν. For each νQ+, define a bilinear form

{,}ν: 𝒦ν×𝒦ν (q)by defining { [B1], [B2] } ν =jq-j dim ( j+2dim (G\Ω) ( u! ( ts* B1t s*B2 ) ) ) ,

for B1,B2𝒬V. The vector spaces j+2dim (G\Ω) ( u! ( ts* B1t s*B2 ) ) are defined in (2.10) below. At this stage the important thing is that they depend only on B1, B2 and j.

Use the forms {,}ν, νQ+, to define a bilinear form

{,}:𝒦×𝒦 ((q)) on𝒦= νQ+𝒦ν by setting A {𝒦μ,𝒦ν} = 0, ifμ,νQ+ such thatμν,and {x,y} = {x,y}ν, ifx,y𝒦ν.

Let V be a Γ-graded vector space and let T and W be Γ-graded subspaces such that WV and TV/W. Let A𝒬T𝒬W and let B𝒬V. Then

{ A,ResT,WV (B) } = { IndT,WV (A),B }

The result in this theorem is an analogue of the property of the bilinear form , on the quantum group which is given in VII (2.1)(d).

Definition of the elements Lν𝒦

Let νQ+ and let V be a Γ-graded subspace of dimension ν. A partition of ν is a sequence ν= (ν1,,νm) of elements of the root lattice Q such that

  1. each νj, 1jm, is a nonnegative integer multiple of a simple root, and
  2. ν1++ νm=ν.

For example we might have ν= ( 3α1,2α3, 0,α1,2α1 ) if ν=6α1+2α3. A flag of type ν in V is a sequence

f= ( V=V(0) V(1) V(m)=0 )

of Γ-graded subspaces of V such that dim ( V(-1)/ V() ) =ν, for all 1m.

Let xEV. A flag f is x-stable if xV() V() for all 1m. Define

ν= { (x,f)x EV,f is anx-stable flag of typeν inV } .

The map

ν πν EV (x,f) x induces a map Dcb (ν) (πν)! Dcb (EV).

Let f(ν)= dim(ν) and define

Lν= ( (πν)! 1 ) [ dim (ν) ] ,i.e. LINE Dcb (ν) (πν)! Dcb (EV) [ dim (ν) ] Dcb (EV) 1 Lν

where 1 is the constant sheaf on ν and [ dim (ν) ] is a shift, see IV (2.4).

Let V be a Γ-graded vector space of dimension ν and let T and W be Γ-graded vector spaces such that WV and TV/W.

  1. Let τ and ω be partitions of dim(T) and dim(W), respectively. Then IndT,WV ( Lτ Lω ) =Lτω, where, if τ= ( τ1, τ2, , τs ) and ω= ( ω1,,ωt ) , then τω= ( τ1,,τs, ω1,,ωt ) .
  2. Let ν be a partition of dim(V). Then ResT,WV Lν τ,ω ( Lτ Lω ) [ M (τ,ω) ] , where the sum is over all τ,ω such that τ is a partition of dim(T), ω is a partition of dim(W) and τ+ω=ν. The positive integer M(τ,ω) is defined in (2.9) below.
  3. Let ν=αi be a simple root for 𝔤 and let V be a Γ-graded subspace such that dim(V)=αi. Define Li𝒦(𝒬V) by Li=Lν where ν=(αi). Then { [Li], [Li] } =11-q2.

The connection between 𝒦 and the quantum group

We shall make the algebra

𝒦=νQ+ 𝒦ν

a bit bigger by adding the Ki±1's that are in the quantum group Uq𝔤. Let 𝔤 be the finite dimensional complex simple Lie algebra corresponding to the Dynkin diagram given by Γ and let Uq𝔤 be the rational version of the quantum group with k=(q) where q is an indeterminate. Let Uq𝔥 be the subalgebra of Uq𝔤 generated by K1±1,, Kr±1. Let α1,,αr be the simple roots corresponding to the Lie algebra 𝔤. Define

𝒦~=algebra generated by 𝒦and K1±1,, Kr±1with the additional relations KixKi-1= q(αi,ν)x, for all1ir and allx𝒦ν,

where the inner product in the exponent of q is the inner product on 𝔥* given in II (2.7).

Define a map j+:𝒦𝒦 𝒦~𝒦~ by

j+(xy)=x K1ν1 Krνry, ifx𝒦and y𝒦ν,where ν=iνiαi.

Use the map j+ and the pseudo-comultiplication r:𝒦𝒦𝒦 defined in (2.5) to define a coproduct on 𝒦~ by

Δ: 𝒦~ 𝒦~𝒦~ Ki±1 Ki±1 Ki±1 for1ir, x j+r(x) forx𝒦,

where r:𝒦𝒦𝒦 is the pseudo-comultiplication defined in (2.5). Then 𝒦~ is a Hopf algebra!

Let Li be as defined in Theorem (2.7b). The algebra homomorphism determined by

: 𝒦~ Uq𝔟+ LINE Li Ei Ki±1 Ki±1

is an isomorphism of Hopf algebras.

Dictionary between 𝒦 and Uq𝔟+

Let us make a small dictionary between the algebra 𝒦 and the quantum group Uq𝔟+. Our intent is to describe, conceptually, the correspondence between the structures inherent in the algebra 𝒦 and the structures in the quantum group Uq𝔟+. The map is the isomorphism given in Theorem (2.8).

𝒦~ is isomorphic to Uq𝔟+.
𝒦~ is the algebra generated by 𝒦 and the Ki±1s. Similarly, Uq𝔟+ is the algebra generated by Uq𝔫+ and the Ki±1s.
𝒦 is graded, 𝒦=νQ+ 𝒦ν. Similarly, Uq𝔫+ is graded, Un+= νQ+ (Uq𝔫+)ν.
The shift functor [n] gives rise to multiplication by qn in 𝒦 which corresponds to multiplication by qn in Uq𝔟+.
The functor IndT,WV corresponds to the multiplication in Uq𝔫+.
The functor ResT,WV corresponds to the comultiplication in Uq𝔟+.
The inner product {,} corresponds to the bilinear form , pairing Uq𝔟- and Uq𝔟+.
A partition ν= ( ν1αi1,, νlαil ) indexes Lν which maps, under , to Ei1(ν1) Eil(νl) where Ei(n)= Ein/[n]!.
The Verdier duality functor D corresponds to the -algebra involution -:Uq𝔫+ Uq𝔫+ which sends qq-1 and EiEi.
The simple perverse sheaves in the various 𝒬V map, under , to a canonical basis in Uq𝔫+.

Definition of the constant M(τ,ω) which was used in (2.7)

Let V be a Γ-graded vector space and let T and W be Γ-graded subspaces such that WV and TV/W. If xEV such that xWW then let xW be the linear transformation of W induced by the action of x on W and let xT be the linear transformation of TV/W induced by the action of x on V/W. Let ν be a partition of dim(V). If

f= ( V=V(0) V(1) V(m)=0 )

is a flag of type ν in V then define

fW = ( (VW)= (V(0)W) (V(1)W) (V(m)W) =0 ) and fT = ( p(V)= p(V(0)) p(V(1)) p(V(m)) =0 )

where p:VV/W is the canonical projection.

Let τ be a partition of dim(T) and let ω be a partition of dim(W), such that τ+ω=ν.


F~ (τ,ω)= { (x,f) xWW,f is anx-stable flag of typeν inV,and fWis a flag of type ωW } .

Define a map

α: F~(τ,ω) τ×ω (x,f) ( (xT,fT), (xW,fW) )

and define

M(τ,ω)= dim(p1)- dim(p2)-2 dim(GV/P)+ dim(ν)- dim(τ)- dim(ω)- 2dim(α).

where p1 and p2 are the maps given in (2.4), P is the parabolic subgroup of GV defined in (2.4), and dim(p1), dim(p2) and dim(α) are the dimensions of the fibers of the maps p1, p2, and α, respectively.

Definition of the vector spaces j+2dim (G\Ω) ( u! ( ts* B1t s*B2 ) ) from (2.6)

Let Ω be a smooth irreducible algebraic variety with a free action of GV such that the l-cohomology of Ω is zero in degrees 1,2,,m where m is a large integer. Consider the diagram

EV s Ω×EV t G\(Ω×EV) x (ω,x) GV(ω,x) and the diagram GV\ (Ω×EV) u {point}.

These diagrams induce diagrams

Dcb(EV) s* Dcb (Ω×EV) t Dcb ( G\ (Ω×EV) ) and Dcb ( G\ (Ω×EV) ) u! Dcb({point}).

With these notations one has that j+2dim (G\Ω) ( u! ( ts* B1t s*B2 ) ) is a sheaf on the space {point}, i.e. a l-vector space.

Some remarks on Part II of Lusztig's book

The construction of the algebra 𝒦 and the relationship between it and the quantum group is detailed in Lusztig's book [Lus1993]. Lusztig works in much more generality there

  1. Lusztig allows Γ to be an arbitrary quiver, rather than just a quiver gotten by orienting a Dynkin diagram of type A, D or E. It does not require any more theory than what we have already outlined in order to define the algebra 𝒦 in this more general setting.
  2. Lusztig wants to construct algebras 𝒦 which will be isomorphic to the nonnegative parts of the quantum groups corresponding to general Dynkin diagrams. In order to do this he must first consider only diagrams with single bonds and then 'fold' the diagram by analyzing the action of an automorphism of the diagram. The addition of the folding automorphism into the theory is a nontrivial extension of what we have developed in these notes.
  3. We have ignored the effect of the orientation of the quiver. If one wants to compare the algebras 𝒦 that are obtained by orienting the same quiver in different ways one must analyze a Fourier-Deligne transform between these two different algebras. The amazing thing is that, after one extends the algebras by adding the Ki±1s that are in the quantum group, the two different algebras (from the different orientations) become isomorphic!

The connection between representations of quivers and perverse sheaves

Correspondence between orbits and isomorphism classes of representations of Γ

Let Γ be a quiver obtained by orienting the edges of a Dynkin diagram of type A, D or E. For convenience we label the vertices by 1,2,,r. Let 𝔤 be the finite dimensional complex simple Lie algebra corresponding to the Dynkin diagram given by Γ.

Let p be a positive prime integer and let 𝔽p be the algebraic closure of the finite field 𝔽p with p elements. Fix an element νQ+ (see VII (1.2)) and a Γ-graded vector space V over 𝔽p such that dim(V)=ν. Define

GV=iGL (Vi)and EV=ij Hom(Vi,Vj),

where the sum in the definition of EV is over all edges of Γ. The natural action of GV on EV is given by

g·(ϕij)= ( gjϕij gi-1 ) ,if (ϕij) EVandg= (g1,,gr) GV.

The group GV is an algebraic group over 𝔽p and EV is a variety over 𝔽p with a GV action. Each element (ϕij)EV determines a representation of Γ of dimension dim(V). Each GV-orbit in EV determines an isomorphism class of representations of Γ. Let us make this correspondence precise.

An orbit index for V is a sequence of positive integers labeled by the positive roots

c= (cα)αR+ such thatαR+ cαα=dim(V),

where R+ is the set of positive roots for 𝔤. For each orbit index c for V define a representation of Γ by

Rc= αR+ eαcα and let𝒪c= theGV-orbit in EVcorresponding to Rc,

where eα is the indecomposable representation of Γ indexed by the positive root α, see Theorem (1.2b). Then we have a one-to-one correspondence

GVorbits in EV 1-1 isomorphism classes of representations ofΓ of dimensionν 𝒪c [Rc]

Realizing the structure constants of the Hall algebra in terms of orbits

Let q be a power of the prime p. Since EV is a variety of 𝔽p there is an action of the qth power Frobenius map F on EV, see [Car1985] p. 503. If X is a subset of EV then let XF denote the set of points of X which are fixed under the action of the Frobenius map F.

Let T and W be Γ-graded vector spaces such that WV and TV/W. Recall the diagram

ET×EW p1 GV×U𝒮 p2 GV×P𝒮 p3 EV (xT,xW) (g,x) (g,x) gx

given in (2.4). Let a, b, and c be orbits indices for T, W and V, respectively. Then we have

ET×EW p1 GV×U𝒮 p2 GV×P𝒮 p3 EV 𝒪a×𝒪b p1-1 ( 𝒪a×𝒪b ) p2 ( p1-1 ( 𝒪a×𝒪b ) ) p3-1 (𝒪c) 𝒪c

Let M=Ra, N=Rb and P=Rc be the representations of Γ given in (3.1). By a direct count, we have

CM,NP= Card ( ( p2 ( p1-1 ( 𝒪a×𝒪b ) ) p3-1 (𝒪c) ) F ) .

where CM,NP are the structure coefficients of the Hall algebra RΓ given in (1.3).

Rewriting the Hall algebra in terms of functions constant on orbits

Let q be a power of the prime p. On any variety Y over 𝔽p there is an action of the qth power Frobenius map F on EV, see [Car1985] p. 503. If X is a subset of Y then XF denotes the set of points of X which are fixed under the action of the Frobenius map F.

Let l be a positive prime number, invertible in 𝔽p. Let l be the algebraic closure of the field of l-adic numbers. Define

Kν = the vector space ofl -valued functions on(EV)F which are constant on the orbits (𝒪c)F for all orbit indexesc forV.


K=νQ+ Kν,

where Q+ is as in VII (1.2).

Define a multiplication on K as follows. Let T and W be Γ-graded vector spaces such that WV and TV/W. Recall the diagram

ET×EW p1 GV×U𝒮 p2 GV×P𝒮 p3 EV (xT,xW) (g,x) (g,x) gx

given in (2.4). Let τ=dim(T) and ω=dim(W). Given f1Kτ and f2Kω define a function f1*f2 as follows:
If x(EV)F then

(f1*f2)(x) =xT,xW CT,WVf1 (xT)f2 (xW),

where the sum is over all xT(ET)F and xW(EW)F, and

CT,WV = Card ( { (y,f) (GV×P𝒮)F p1 (y,f)= (xT,xW),p3 (p2(y,f))=x } ) Card ((GT)F) Card ((GW)F)

Let c be an orbit index and let χc be the characteristic function of the orbit 𝒪c, i.e.

forx (EV)F, χc(x)= { 1, ifx (𝒪c)F, 0, otherwise.

Then it follows from the observation in (3.2) that the map

KRΓ χc [Rc]

is an isomorphism of algebras, where RΓ is the Hall algebra defined in (1.3).

The isomorphism between 𝒦 and K

Let a be an orbit index and let 𝒪a be the corresponding GV-orbit in EV as defined in (3.1). Let Fc be the constant sheaf l on the orbit 𝒪c extended by 0 on the complement. This sheaf can be viewed as the complex of sheaves A, for which A0=Fc and Ai=0, for all i0. In this way Fc can be viewed as an element of 𝒬V, see IV (1.4), and the isomorphism class [Fc] of Fc is an element of 𝒦.

Let 𝒦 be the algebra defined in §2 and let K be the algebra defined in (3.3). For each orbit index c let 𝒪c be the corresponding GV orbit in EV, as given in (3.1), and let χc be the characteristic function of the orbit 𝒪c. The map

𝒦K [Fc] χc

is an isomorphism of algebras.

This theorem is a consequence of an analogue of the Grothendieck trace formula. The Grothendieck trace formula, [Car1985] p. 504, is the formula

XF = i=0 2dim(X) (-1)i Tr ( F,Hci (X,l) ) ,

which describes the number of points of X which are fixed under a Frobenius map F in terms of the trace of the action of the Frobenius map on the l-adic cohomology Hci(X,l) of the variety X.

Theorems (3.4) and (2.8) together show that there is a natural connection between the algebra 𝒦 and the Hall algebra RΓ which was introduced in (1.3).

Notes and References

This is an excerpt from a paper entitled Quantum groups: A survey of definitions, motivations and results by Arun Ram. Research and writing supported in part by an Australian Research Council fellowship and a National Science Foundation grant DMS-9622985.

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