Quantum groups: A survey of definitions, motivations and results
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia
Last update: 28 October 2012
- 1.1 Goal of this survey
- 1.2 References for quantum groups
- 1.3 Some missing topics and where to find them
- 1.4 Further references for the background topics
- 1.5 On reading these notes
- 1.6 Disclaimer
- 1.7 Acknowledgements
I. Hopf algebras and quasitriangular Hopf algebras
- 1.1 Definition of an algebra
- 1.2 Definition of a module
- 1.3 Motivation for SRMCwMFFs
- 1.4 Definition of SRMCwMFFs
2. Hopf algebras
- 2.1 Definition of Hopf algebras
- 2.2 Sweedler notation for the comultiplication
- 2.3 Hopf algebras give us SRMCwMFFs!
- 2.4 Group algebras are Hopf algebras
- 2.5 Enveloping algebras of Lie algebras are Hopf algebras
- 2.6 Definition of the adjoint action of a Hopf algebra on itself
- 2.7 Motivation for the definition of the adjoint action
- 2.8 Definition of an ad-invariant form on a Hopf algebra
3. Braided SRMCwMFFs
- 3.1 Motivation for braided SRMCwMFFs
- 3.2 Definition of braided SRMCwMFFs
- 3.3 Pictorial representation of braiding isomorphisms
- 3.4 What "natural isomorphism" means
- 3.5 The braid relation
4. Quasitriangular Hopf algebras
- 4.1 Motivation for quasitriangular Hopf algebras
- 4.2 Definition of quasitriangular Hopf algebras
- 4.3 Quasitriangular Hopf algebras give braided SRMCwMFFs
5. The quantum double
- 5.1 Motivation for the quantum double
- 5.2 Construction of the Hopf algebra
- 5.3 Construction of the quantum double
- 5.4 If is an infinite dimensional Hopf algebra
- 5.5 An ad-invariant pairing on the quantum double
II. Lie algebras and enveloping algebras
1. Semisimple Lie algebras
- 1.1 Definition of a Lie algebra
- 1.2 Definition of a simple Lie algebra
- 1.3 Definition of the radical of a Lie algebra
- 1.4 Definition of simple modules for a Lie algebra
- 1.5 Definition of the adjoint representation of a Lie algebra
- 1.6 Definition of the Killing form
- 1.7 Characterizations of semisimple Lie algebras
2. Finite dimensional complex simple Lie algebras
- 2.1 Dynkin diagrams and Cartan matrices
- 2.2 Classification of finite dimensional complex simple Lie algebras
- 2.3 Triangular decomposition
- 2.4 Weights and weight spaces
- 2.5 Classification of simple modules
- 2.6 Roots and the root lattice
- 2.7 The inner product on
- 2.8 The Weyl group corresponding to
3. Enveloping algebras
- 3.1 Motivation for the enveloping algebra
- 3.2 Definition of the enveloping algebra
- 3.3 A functorial way of realising the enveloping algebra
- 3.4 The enveloping algebra is a Hopf algebra
- 3.5 Modules for the enveloping algebra and the Lie algebra are the same!
- 3.6 The Lie algebra can be recovered from its enveloping algebra!
- 3.7 A basis for the enveloping algebra
4. The enveloping algebra of a complex simple Lie algebra
- 4.1 A presentation by generators and relations
- 4.2 Triangular decomposition
- 4.3 Grading on and
- 4.4 Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt bases of and
- 4.5 The Casimir element in
III. Deformations of Hopf algebras
1. completions
- 1.1 Motivation for completions
- 1.2 The algebra an example of an completion
- 1.3 Definition of the topology
- 1.4 Definitions of an completion
2. Deformations
- 2.1 Motivation for deformations
- 2.2 Deformation as a Hopf algebra
- 2.3 Definition of equivalent deformations
- 2.4 Definition of the trivial deformation as a Hopf algebra
- 2.5 Deformation as an algebra
- 2.6 The trivial deformation as an algebra
IV. Perverse sheaves
1. The category
- 1.1 Complexes of sheaves
- 1.2 The category and derived functions
- 1.3 Bounded complexes and constructible compelxes
- 1.4 Definition of the category
2. Functors
- 2.1 The direct image with compact support functor
- 2.2 The inverse function
- 2.3 The functor
- 2.4 The shift functor
- 2.5 The Verdier duality functor
3. Perverse sheaves
- 3.1 Definition of perverse sheaves
- 3.2 Intersection cohomology complexes
V. Quantum groups
1. Definition, uniqueness, existence
- 1.1 Making the Cartan matrix symmetric
- 1.2 The Poisson homomorphism
- 1.3 The definition of the quantum group
- 1.4 Uniqueness of the quantum group
- 1.5 Definition of and
- 1.6 Presentation of the quantum group by generators and relations
2. The rational form of the quantum group
- 2.1 Definition of the rational form of the quantum group
- 2.2 Relating the rational form and the original form of the quantum group
3. Integral forms of the quantum group
- 3.1 Definition of integral forms
- 3.2 Motivation for integral forms
- 3.3 Definition of the non-restricted integral form of the quantum group
- 3.4 Definition of the restricted integral form of the quantum group
VI. Modules for quantum groups
1. Finite dimensional
- 1.1 As algebras
- 1.2 Definition of weight spaces in a
- 1.3 Classification of modules for
2. Finite dimensional
- 2.1 Construction of the Verma module and the simple module
- 2.2 Twisting to get
- 2.3 Classifications of the finite dimensional irreducible modules for
- 2.4 Weight spaces for
VII. Properties of quantum groups
1. Triangular decomposition and grading
- 1.1 Triangular decomposition
- 1.2 The grading on and
2. The inner product
- 2.1 The pairing between and
- 2.2 Extending the pairing to an ad-invariant pairing on
- 2.3 Duality between matrix coefficients for representations and
3. The universal
- 3.1 Motivation for the
- 3.2 Existence and uniqueness of
- 3.3 Properties of the
4. An analogue of the Casimir element
- 4.1 Definition of the element
- 4.2 Properties of the element
- 4.3 Why the element is an analogue of the Casimir element
5. The element
- 5.1 The automorphism
- 5.2 Definition of the element
- 5.3 Properties of the element
6. The Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt
- 6.1 Root vectors in
- 6.2 Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt bases of and
- 6.3 The PBW-bases of and are dual bases with respect to (almost)
7. The quantum group is a quantum double (almost)
- 7.1 The identification of with
- 7.2 Recalling the quantum double
- 7.3 The relation between and
- 7.4 Using the of to get the of
8. The quantum Serre relations occur naturally
- 8.1 Definition of the algebras and
- 8.2 The difference between the algebras and the algebras
- 8.3 A pairing between and
- 8.4 The radical of is generated by the quantum Serre relations
VIII. Hall algebras and perverse sheaf algebras
1. Hall algebras
- 1.1 Quivers
- 1.2 Representations of a quiver
- 1.3 Definition of the Hall algebra
- 1.4 Connecting Hall algebras to the quantum group
2. An algebra of perverse sheaves
- 2.1 vector spaces and the varieties with action
- 2.2 Definition of the categories and
- 2.3 The Grothendieck group associated to the categories
- 2.4 Definition of the multiplication in
- 2.5 Definition of the pseudo-comultiplication
- 2.6 The symmetric form on
- 2.7 Definition of the elements
- 2.8 The connection between and the quantum grouo
- 2.9 Dictionary between and
- 2.10 Definition of the constant which was used in (2.7)
- 2.11 Definition of the vector spaces from (2.6)
- 2.12 Some remarks on Part II of Lusztig's book'
3. The connection between representations of quivers and perverse sheaves
- 3.1 Relating orbits and isomorphism classes of representations of
- 3.2 Realizing the structure constants of the Hall algebra in terms of orbits
- 3.3 Rewriting the Hall algebra in terms of functions constant on orbits
- 3.4 The isomorphism between and
IX. Link invariants from quantum groups
- 1.1 Knots, links and isotopy
- 1.2 Link invariants
- 1.3 Braids
- 1.4 Every link is the closure of a braid
- 1.5 Markov equivalence
- 1.6 Quantum dimensions and quantum traces
- 1.7 Quantum traces give us link invariants!
Notes and References
This is an excerpt from a paper entitled Quantum groups: A survey of definitions, motivations and results by Arun Ram. Research and writing supported
in part by an Australian Research Council fellowship and a National Science Foundation grant DMS-9622985.
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