Orthogonality and formulae for Kostka–Foulkes polynomials

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 27 September 2012

Orthogonality and formulae for Kostka–Foulkes polynomials

Let 𝕂=[t]. If f=μP fμxμ𝕂 [P] let

f=μP fμx-μ,and [f]1=f0= (coefficient of 1 inf). (3.1)

Define a symmetric bilinear form

,t: 𝕂[P]×𝕂[P] 𝕂by f,gt= 1W [ fg αR 1-xα 1-txα ] 1 . (3.2)

"Specializing" t at the values 0 and 1 gives inner products

,0: 𝕂[P]×𝕂[P] 𝕂and ,1: 𝕂[P]×𝕂[P] 𝕂


f,g0= 1W [ fg αR (1-xα) ] 1 and f,g1= 1W [fg]1. (3.3)

Let λ and μP+. Then

mλ,mμ1 =1Wλ δλμ, sλ,sμ0 =δλμ,and Pλ,Pμt =1Wλ(t) δλμ.


Letting Wλ denote the W-orbit of λ, the first equality follows from

Wλ mλ,mμ1 =WλW γWλ,νWμ [xγx-ν]1= δλμ WλW γWλ1= δλμ.

If λ,μP+,

sλ,sμ0 = 1W [aρsλaρsμ]1 =1W [aλ+ρaμ+ρ]1 = 1W v,wW (-1)(v) (-1)(w) [ x-v(λ+ρ) xw(μ+ρ) ] 1 = δλμ 1W vW (-1)(v) (-1)(v) =δλμ,

giving the second statement.

By Lemma 2.5(b) the matrix K-1 given by the values (K-1)λμ in the equation

Pλ(x;t)=μ (K-1)λμ sμ,

has entries in [t] and is upper triangular with 1's on the diagonal, that is, (K-1)λλ=1 and (K-1)λμ=0 unless μλ. Since Pλ(x;1)=mλ the matrix k-1 describing the change of basis

mλ=μ (k-1)λμ sμ,

is the specialization of K-1 at t=1 and so k-1 has entries in and is upper triangular with 1's on the diagonal. Then the matrix A=K-1k-1 giving the change of basis

Pλ(x;t)= νλ Aλνmμ, (3.4)

has Aλμ[t], Aλλ=1, and Aλμ=0 unless μλ.

Let Q+ be the set of nonnegative integral linear combinations of positive roots. Then

Pμ(x;t) Wμ(t) ( αR 1-xα 1-txα ) = wWw ( xμ αR+ 1-xα 1-txα ) = wWw ( xμ αR+ ( 1+r>0 tr-1 (t-1) xrα ) ) = wWw ( νQ+ cν xμ+ν ) = νQ+ cν ( wW wxμ+ν ) ,

where cν[t] and c0=1. Hence

Pμ(x;t) Wμ(t) αR 1-xα 1-txα =Wμmμ+ γ>μ Bμγmγ= γμ Bμγmγ, (3.5)

with Bμγ[t] and Bμμ=Wμ.

Assume that λμ if λ and μ are comparable. Then, by using (3.4) and (3.5),

Pλ,Pμ t = 1Wμ(t) Pλ,PμWμ (t)αR 1-xα 1-txα 1 = 1Wμ(t) νλ Aλνmν, γμ Bμγmγ 1 .

Since Aλλ=1 and Bμμ=Wμ the result follows from mλ,mμ1 =Wλ-1 δλμ.

The following theorem shows that the spherical functions Pλ(x;t) are uniquely determined by the triangularity in (3.4) and the orthogonality in the third equality of Proposition 3.1.

Let 𝕂=[t]. The spherical functions Pλ(x;t) are the unique elements of 𝕂[P]W such that

  1. Pλ=mλ+ μ<λ Aλμmμ,
  2. Pλ,Pμt =0ifλμ.


Assume that the Pμ are determined for μ<λ. Then the condition in (a) can be rewritten as

Pλ=mλ+ μ<λ CλμPμ,

for some constants Cλμ. Take the inner product on each side with Pν, ν<λ, and use property (b) to get the system of equations

0=mλ,Pνt +μ<λCλμ Pμ,Pνt =mλ,Pνt +Cλν Pν,Pνt.


Cλν= -mλ,Pνt Pν,Pνt ,for eachν<λ,

and this determines Pλ.

(a) The inner product ,t arises naturally in the context of p-adic groups. Let S1= { z z=1 } and view the xλ, λP, as characters of

T=Hom(P,S1) via xλ: TC* s s(λ). (3.6)

Let ds be the Haar measure on T normalized so that

xλ,xμ =Txλ(s) xμ(s)ds= δλμ. (3.7)

Letting p be the field of p-adic number, Macdonald [Mac1971, (5.1.2)] showed that the Plancherel measure for the p-adic Chevalley group G(p) corresponding to the root system R is given by

dμ(s)= W0(p-1) W αR 1-xα(s) 1-p-1xα(s) . (3.8)

The corresponding inner product is

W0(p-1) f,g p-1 =Tf(s) g(s)dμ(s) ,forf,g C(T),

where C(T) is the vector space of continuous functions on T.

(b) The inner product ,t arises naturally in another representation theoretic context. The complex semisimple Lie algebra 𝔤 corresponding to the root system R acts on S(𝔤*), the ring of polynomials on 𝔤, by the (co-)adjoint action. As graded 𝔤-modules the characters of S(𝔤*) and the subring of invariants S(𝔤*)𝔤 are

grch (S(𝔤*)) = ( i=1r 11-t ) ( αR 11-txα ) and grch (S(𝔤*)𝔤) = i=1r 11-tdi= 1W0(t) i=1r 11-t, (3.9)

where r is the rank of 𝔤 and d1,,dr are the degrees of the Weyl group W. Let denote the vector space of harmonic polynomials. An important theorem of Kostant [Kos1963, Theorem 0.2] gives

S(𝔤*)S (𝔤*)𝔤 ,and thus, grch()=W0 (t)αR 11-txα. (3.10)

If L(λ) denotes the finite dimensional irreducible 𝔤-module of highest weight λP+ then L(λ) has character sλ and using the notation of (3.2),

k0 dim ( Hom𝔤 ( L(λ), L(μ) k ) tk ) (3.11) = sλ,sμW0 (t)αR 11-txα 0 = W0(t) [ sλsμ αR 1-xα 1-txα ] 1 =W0(t) sλ,sμt ,

where k is the vector space of degree k harmonic polynomials.


The research of A. Ram was partially supported by the National Science Foundation (DMS-0097977), the National Security Agency (MDA904-01-1-0032) and by EPSRC Grant GR K99015 at the Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences. The research of K. Nelsen was partially supported by the National Science Foundation (DMS-0097977 and a VIGRE grant) and the National Security Agency (MDA904-01-1-0032).

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