The affine Hecke algebra
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia
Last update: 25 September 2012
The affine Hecke algebra
Let be an indeterminate and let
The affine Hecke algebra is the algebra over given by generators
and relations
An alternative presentation of is by the generators
and relations
With notations as in (1.10-1.20) the conversion between the two presentations is given by the relations
The research of A. Ram was partially supported by the National Science Foundation (DMS-0097977), the National Security Agency (MDA904-01-1-0032) and by EPSRC
Grant GR K99015 at the Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences. The research of K. Nelsen was partially supported by the National Science Foundation (DMS-0097977
and a VIGRE grant) and the National Security Agency (MDA904-01-1-0032).
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