Schubert classes [Xw]

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 17 February 2013

Schubert classes [Xw]

Now we consider the inclusions σw:XwG/B of the Schubert varieties into the flag variety. For wW0, define the Schubert classes

[Xw]= (σw)! (1),where (σw)!: ΩT (Xw) ΩT (G/B). (5.1)

If Xw is not smooth then, as discussed further below, it is not clear that (σw)! is well defined. Though we consider various approaches to the analysis of [Xw]= (σw)! (1) below, w have not yet found a definition of (σw)! which is fully satisfying (at least to us) in the singular case.

In generalized cohomology

the Schubert class [Xw] isnot always equal to[Zw]

for a reduced word w of w, although, in equivariant cohomology and equivariant K-theory, [Xw]= [Zw] if w is a reduced word for w. We consider various approaches to the analysis of [Xw]= (σw)!(1):

  1. Defining (σw)!(1) by (3.3);
  2. Comparing [Xw]= (σw)!(1) and the Bott-Samelson class [Zw] via the diagram ΩT (Γw) (γw)! ΩT (Xw) (σw)! ΩT (G/B) (γw)! (5.2)
  3. Combinatorial forcing by support conditions, normalization and/or (S,S)-bimodule structure of the cohomology.

(a) Is (σw)!(1) given by (3.3)? As pointed out in [Tym0604578, Proposition 2.7], since Xw is filtered by Schubert cells BvB with vw and BvB(v) has even real dimension, the Schubert variety Xw has no odd-dimensional cohomology, and thus, by [GKM1489894, Theorem 14], the Schubert variety Xw is ‘equivariantly formal’ (i.e., is a GKM-space) and the moment graph theory applies. The moment graph of Xw is the subgraph of the moment graph of G/B with vertices {vW0vw}. If Xw is smooth then there are no challenges in defining the pushforward (σw)! and the pushforward formula in (3.3) gives that

ifXwis smooth, then[Xw]v= yR- βR+ vsβw y-β ,forvW0 such thatvw, (5.3)

as found, for example, in [BLa1782635, Theorem 7.2.1] (the notation f=wW0fwbw for elements of ΩT(G/B) is as (3.17)). For example, the inclusion σs2s1: Xs2s1 G/B for G=GL3 corresponds to the inclusion of moment graphs

1 s1 s2 s2s1 y-α2 y-(α1+α2) y-α1 y-α1 1 s1 s2 s1s2 s2s1 s1s2s1=s2s1s2 y-α2 y-(α1+α2) y-(α1+α2) y-α1 y-α1 y-(α1+α2) y-α2 y-α2 y-α1

so that

yR- y-α1 y-α2 [Xs2s1] = yR- y-α1 y-s1α2 0 yR- y-α1 y-α2 yR- y-α1 y-s1α2 0

The following example illustrates that this procedure does not work well when Xw is not smooth. From [Kum1383959, Prop. 6.1], the singular Schubert varieties for G of rank 2 are

Type Singular Locus B2 Xs1s2s1 Xs1 G2 Xs1s2s1 Xs1 G2 Xs1s2s1s2 Xs1s2 G2 Xs2s1s2s1 Xs2s1 G2 Xs1s2s1s2s1 Xs1s2s1 G2 Xs2s1s2s1s2 Xs2

The inclusion σs1s2s1: Xs1s2s1 G/B for G=Sp4 (Type B2) corresponds to the inclusion of moment graphs

1 s1 s2 s1s2 s2s1 s1s2s1 y-α1 y-α2 y-s1α2 y-s1α2 y-s2α1 y-α2 y-α1 y-s2α1 y-α1 1 s1 s2 s1s2 s2s1 s1s2s1 s2s1s2 s1s2s1s2 y-α1 y-α2 y-s1α2 y-s2α1 y-s1α2 y-s2α1 y-α2 y-α1 y-s1α2 y-s2α1 y-α1 y-α2 y-s1α2 y-s2α1 y-α1 y-α2

but the direct "naive" application of the pushforward formula in (3.3) produces

[Xs1s2s1]? =? y-s2α1 y-s2α1 y-s1α2 y-s1α2 y-α2 y-α2 0 0 = y-(α1+α2) y-(α1+α2) y-(2α1+α2) y-(2α1+α2) y-α2 y-α2 0 0 (5.4)

which cannot be correct for [Xs1s2s1] since the right hand side does not satisfy the condition to be in im Φ (the difference across the edge 1s2 is not divisible by y-α2). This answer needs to be corrected by finding N so that

[Xs1s2s1] = Ny-(α1+α2) Ny-(α1+α2) y-(2α1+α2) y-(2α1+α2) y-α2 y-α2 0 0

where the correction factor N appears on vertices corresponding to the singular locus.

In the example in (5.4) we see that the moment graph knows that Xs1s2s1 is not smooth! It is interesting to contrast (5.4) with the same analysis for σs2s1s2: Xs2s1s2 G/B, where the pushforward formula gives

[Xs2s1s2] = y-s1α2 y-s2α1 y-s1α2 y-α1 y-s2α1 0 y-α1 0 = y-(2α1+α2) y-(α1+α2) y-(2α1+α2) y-α1 y-(α1+α2) 0 y-α1 0

which is in im Φ (this case works out well since Xs2s1s2 is smooth).

(b) Using (5.2) to compare [Xw] and [Zw]. Working in rank 2, use notations yR-, Δ121 and Δ212 as in (7.2), so that (see (4.8) and Figure 1)

[Z212] = Δ212 yR- y-α1 y-α2 y-s1α2 Δ212 yR- y-α2 y-s2α1 y-s2s1α2 yR- y-α1 y-α2 y-s1α2 0 yR- y-α2 y-s2α1 y-s2s1α2 0

Since Xs1s2s1 is smooth it is reasonable to apply the pushforward formula in (3.3) which gives

[Xs2s1s2] = yR- y-α1 y-α2 y-s2α1 yR- y-α1 y-α2 y-s1α2 yR- y-α1 y-α2 y-s2α1 yR- y-α2 y-s2α1 y-s2s1α2 yR- y-α1 y-α2 y-s1α2 0 yR- y-α2 y-s2α1 y-s2s1α2 0

Using these and computing with the formulas (3.10)-(3.12) gives the formula

[Z212] = [Xs2s1s2]+ ( Δ212- yR- y-α1 y-α2 y-s2α1 ) y-α2 yR- [Xs2] = [Xs2s1s2]+ yR- y-α1 y-α2 y-s2α1 ( y-s2α1 -y-α1 y-α2 +p ( yα2, y-α2 ) y-α1-1 ) y-α2 yR- [Xs2] = [Xs2s1s2]+ yR- y-α1 y-α2 y-s2α1 ( 1-p ( y-α1, y-α2 ) y-α1+p ( yα2, y-α2 ) y-α1-1 ) y-α2 yR- [Xs2] = [Xs2s1s2]+ 1y-s2α1 ( p ( yα2, y-α2 ) -p ( y-α1, y-α2 ) ) y-α1 y-α2 yR- [Xs2]

which is reflected in [CPZ0905.1341, 17.3, first equation] and [HKi0903.3926, §5.2]. Similarly, with our conjectured correction factor N as in (7.3), we get a formula which would provide [Z121]- [Xs1s2s1] =0 in cohomology and K-theory but have [Z121]- [Xs1s2s1] 0 in complex or algebraic cobordism:

[Z121]- [Xs1s2s1] = ( Δ121- NyR- y-α1 y-α2 y-s1α2 ) y-α1 yR- [Xs1] = yR- y-α1 y-α2 y-s1α2 ( y-s1α2- y-α2 y-α1 +p ( yα1, y-α1 ) y-α2-N ) y-α1 yR- [Xs1] = yR- y-α1 y-α2 y-s1α2 ( ( 1-p ( y-α2, y-jα1 ) y-α2 ) ( 1+ k=1j-1 ( 1-p ( y-α1, y-kα1 ) y-kα1 ) ) +p ( yα1, y-α1 ) y-α2-N ) y-α1 yR- [Xs1] = yR- y-α1 y-α2 y-s1α2 ( p ( yα1, y-α1 ) -p ( y-α2, y-jα1 ) ) y-α2 y-α1 yR- [Xs1] = 1y-s1α2 ( p ( yα1, y-α1 ) -p ( y-α2, y-jα1 ) ) [Xs1].

(c) Combinatorial forcing: The Schubert classes satisfy

  1. (normalization) [Xw]w= αR(w) y-α, where R(w)= { αR+ wαR+ } .
  2. If WJu=WJz then [XwJu]v= [XwJu]z,
  3. (support) [Xw]v=0 unless vw.

These properties do not characterize the Schubert classes; the Bott-Samelson classes also satisfy these properties. As observed, for example, in [HHH0409305, Proposition 4.3], in equivariant cohomology a degree condition can be imposed to get uniqueness. It is not clear to us how to generalize the degree \ condition to equivariant K-theory and/or equivariant cobordism. It seems plausible that in generalized equivariant cohomology the Schubert classes might be characterized by positivity properties, or by using the (S,S)-bimodule structure of ΩT(Xw) and ΩT(Zw) as in the theory of Soergel bimodules (see [Soe2329762] and [EWi2012]).

Notes and References

This is an excerpt from a paper entitled Generalized Schubert Calculus authored by Nora Ganter and Arun Ram. It was dedicated to C.S. Seshadri on the occasion of his 90th birthday.

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