Induction and Restriction

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 6 November 2012

Induction and Restriction

Let A be a subalgebra of an algebra B.

Let V be a representation of B. The restriction V AB of V to A to be the representation of A given by the action of A on V. Let W be a representation of A. Define BAW to be all formal linear combinations of elements bw, where bB, wW with the relations

(b1+b2)w =(b1w)+ (b2+w), b(w1+w2) =(bw1)+ (bw2), (αb)w=b (αw)=α (bw), baw=baw, (5.1)

for all aA, b,b1,b2B, w,w1,w2W and α. The induced representation W AB is the representation of B on BAW given by the action

b(bw)= (bb)w, (5.2)

for all b,bB and wW.

(5.3) Proposition. Let ABC be such that A is a subalgebra of B and B is a subalgebra of C. Let V,V1,V2 be representations of C and let W,W1,W2 be representations of C.

1) (V1V2) ACV1 AC V2 AC. 2) (VBC) ABV AC. 3) (V1V2) AB=V1 ABV2 AB. 4) (VAB) BCV AC.


1) and 2) are trivial consequences of the definition. he fact that the map

ϕ: BA (V1V2) (BAV1) (BAV2) b(v1,v2) ( bv1,b v2 ) .

is a B-module isomorphism gives 3). The map

ϕ1: CB (BAV) (CBB) AV c(bv) (cb)v

and the map

ϕ2: CBB C cb cb

are both C-module isomorphisms. So


giving 4).

Note: Proving that these maps are isomorphisms is not a complete triviality. One must show that they are well defined (by showing that they preserve the bilinearity relations (5.1)) and that the inverse maps are also well defined. It is helpful to use the fact that the tensor product is a universal object as given in Ex. 1.

(5.4) Theorem. (Frobenius reciprocity) Let AB be algebras and Vλ and Wμ be irreducible representations of A and B respectively. Then

HomB ( Vλ AB,, Wμ ) HomA ( Vλ,Wμ AB ) .


The map

Ψ: HomB ( BAVλ, Wμ ) HomA ( Vλ,Wμ AB ) ϕ ϕ ,


ϕ(v)= ϕ(1v),

is an isomorphism. The inverse map is given by Ψ-1 (ϕ)=ϕ where ϕ is given by

ϕ(bv)=bϕ (1v)=bϕ (v),

so that ϕ is a B-module homomorphism.

Branching rules

Now suppose that A is a subalgebra of B and that both A and B are semisimple. Let A^ and B^ be index sets for the irreducible representations of A and B respectively. Let Vλ and Wμ be the irreducible representations of A and B labelled by λA^ and μB^ respectively. Let gλμ be such that

Vλ AB μB^ GλμWμ (5.5)

for each pair (λ,μ), λA^, μB^. Frobenius reciprocity implies that

WμAB λA^ gλμVλ (5.5')

for each μB^. An equation of the form (5.5) or (5.5') is called a branching rule between A and B.

One can produce a visual representation of branching rules in the form of a graph. Construct a graph with two rows of vertices, the vertices in the first row labelled by the elements of A^ and the vertices of the second row labelled by the elements of B^ such that the vertex labelled by λA^ and the vertex labelled by μB^ are connected by gλμ edges. This graph is the Bratteli diagram of AB.

As an example, the following diagram is the Bratteli diagram of S2S3, where Sn denotes the symmetric group. Recall that the irreducible representations of S2 and S3 are indexed by partitions of 2 and of 3 respectively.

S2 S3 (111) (21) (3) (2) (11)

Note that in this example each gλμ is either 0 or 1; there are no multiple edges.

Let pA and consider the representation of A given by left multiplication on the space Aa. Then

(Ap) AB Bp. (5.6)

To see this, informally, one notes that since ApA we can move Ap across the tensor product to give,

(Ap)AB= BAAp=BAp A1=BpA 1Bp.

BAp=Bp since 1A. More formally we should show that the map

BAAp Bp bap bap

is well defined and has well defined inverse given by


Now let pλ be a minimal idempotent of A such that the action of A by left multiplication on Apλ is a representation of A isomorphic to the irreducible representation Vλ of A (3.6). Suppose that


is a decomposition (§1 Ex. 7) of the minimal idempotent pλ of A into minimal orthogonal idempotents of B. Then Bpλ=Bqi=Bqi gives a decomposition of Bpλ into irreducible representations. So, by (5.6) and the branching rule (5.5), for exactly gλμ of the qi we will have that Bqi is isomorphic to the irreducible representation Wμ of B. We can write the decomposition of pλ as

pλ= μB^ i=1gλμ qμi (5.7)

where each qμi is such that Bqμi is isomorphic to the irreducible representation Wμ of B.

Characters of induced representations

Let V be a representation of A where A is a subalgebra of an algebra B and both A and B are semisimple. Let χV be the character of V and let χVBA be the character of VAB. For each A𝒜 let a* denote the element of the dual basis to 𝒜 with respect to the trace, tr, of the regular representation of A such that tr(aa*)=1.

Let be a basis of B and let tB=(tμB) be a nondegenerate trace on B. For each b let b* denote the element of the dual basis to with respect to the trace tB such that t(bb*)=1. For any element xB we set (as in §3 EX.7)

[x]=b bxb*.

(5.8) Theorem.

χVAB (b)=munde a χV(a) [b],a* ,

where b1,b2 =tB (b1b2).


In keeping with the notations of earlier sections, let A^ and B^ be index sets for the irreducible representations of A and B respectively and let χAλ,λA^ and χBμ,μB^ denote the irreducible characters of A and B respectively. Let zλA,λA^ and zμB,μB^ denote the minimal central idempotents of A and B respectively. Let dλA=χAλ(1) so that dλ is the dimension of the irreducible representation of A corresponding to λA^.

We have the following facts:

  1. (Theorem (3.10)) For each λA^, μB^, zλA = a𝒜 tλA χAλ (a) a* ,and zμB = b tμB χBμ (b) b* , respectively.
  2. (§3 Ex. 5) The trace vector )(tλA) of the trace of the regular representation of A is given by tλA=dλA for all λA^.
  3. Suppose that VλA^Vλmλ gives the decomposition of V into irreducible representations of A. Then χV(a)= λA^ mλχAλ (a),

    for all aA.

  4. The branching rule (5.5) for AB gives that χVAB (b)= λA^mλ μB^ gλμχBμ (b), for all bB.
  5. For each λA^ let zλA= i=1dλA pλiA be a decomposition of zλA into minimal orthogonal idempotents of A. For each λA^ and 1idλA let pλiA= μB^ j=1gλμ qμjB be a decomposition (5.7) of pλiA into minimal orthogonal idempotents of B. qμj denotes a minimal idempotent in the minimal ideal of B corresponding to μb^, i.e., a minimal idempotent such that the representation Bqμj of B is isomorphic to the irreducible representation of B corresponding to μB^. Then, by (3.12), [qμjB]= (1/tμB) zμB, for each minimal idempotent qμjB, since for each νB^, χν(qμjB) =δμν.
  6. Let b1,b2B. Using the trace property, [b1], b2 = tB ( b bb1b*b2 ) = tB ( b b1b*b2 b ) = b1,[b2] . Now, define z=λA^ (mλ/dλA) zλA. Then, using 1), 2) and 3), z = λA^ mλa (tλA/dλA) χAλ(a)a* = aχV (a)a*, and, by 5), 1) and 4), [z] = λ (mλ/dλA) [zλA] = λ (mλ/dλA) i=1dλA [pλiA] = λ (mλ/dλA) i=1dλA μ j=1gλμ [qμjB] = λ (mλ/dλA) i=1dλA μ j=1gλμ (1/tμB) zμB = λμ (mλ/dλA) dλAgλμ (1/tuB) btμB χBμ(b)b* = bχVAB (b)b*. Combining these and using 6) we get χVAB (b) = [z],b = [ aχV (a)a* ] ,b = aχV(a) [a*],b = aχV(a) a*,[b] , as desired.


Let A be a subalgebra of an algebra B, and let B be a representation of B. Let A and B be the centralizers of V(A) and V(B) respectively. Then B is a subalgebra of A; AB and AB.

(5.9) Theorem. Suppose that

Wμ AB λgμλ Vλ, Vλ BA μgλμ Wμ

are the branching rules for AB and BA respectively. Then for all λ,μ

gμλ= gλμ.


We know, Theorem (4.11), that, as AA representations,

VλVλ Vλ,

and as BB representations,

VμWμ Wμ,

where Vλ, Vλ, Wμ, and Wμ are irreducible representations of A,A,B, and B respectively.

AB is a subalgebra of both AA and BB. We have that as AB representations

VV AB AA λVλ ( μgλμ Wμ ) λ,μ gλμ VλWμ.

On the other hand as AB representations

VV AB BB μ ( λ gμλ Vλ ) Wμ λ,μ gμλVλ Wμ.


  1. Let A,B and C be vector spaces. A map f:A×BC is bilinear if f a 1 + a 2 b =f a 1 b +f a 2 b , f a b 1 + b 2 =f a b 1 +f a b 2 , f αa b =f a αb =αf ab , for all a, a 1 , a 2 A,b, b 1 , b 2 B,α.
  2. The tensor product is given by a vector space AB and a map i:A×BAB such that for every bilinear map f:A×BC there exists a linear map f - :ABC such that the following diagram commutes:

    A×B C AB i f f

    One constructs the tensor product AB as the vector space of elements ab,aA,bB, with relations a 1 + a 2 b= a 1 b+ a 2 b, a b 1 + b 2 =a b 1 +a b 2 , αa b=a αb =α ab , for all a, a 1 , a 2 A,b, b 1, b 2 B and α. The map i:A×BAB is given by i ab =ab. Using the above universal mapping property one gets easily that the tensor product is unique in the sense that any two tensor products of A and B are isomorphic.

    If R is an algebra and A is a right R -module (a vector space that affords an antirepresentation of R ) and B is a left R -module them one forms the vector space A R B as above except that we require a bilinear map f:A×BC to satisfy the additional condition f ar b =f a rb for all rR. Then the tensor product A R B once again is constructed by using the vector space of elements ab,aA,bB, with the relations above and the additional relation arb=arb, for all rR.

  3. Let AB be semisimple algebras such that A is a subalgebra of B Let A ~ and B ~ be index sets of the irreducible representations of A and B respectively, and suppose that f ij μ ,μ A ~ , is a complete set of matrix units of A

    [Bra1972] There exists a complete set of matrix units e rs λ ,λ B ~ , of B that is a refinement of the f ij μ in the sense that for each μ A ~ and each i , f ii μ = e rr λ , for some set of e rr λ .

    Suppose that B λ B ~ M d λ . Let z λ B be the minimal central idempotent of B such that I λ = B z λ is the minimal ideal corresponding to the λ block of matrices in λ M d λ .

    For each μ A ~ and each i decompose f ii μ into minimal orthogonal idempotents of B (Section 1, Ex 7), f ii μ = p j . Label each p j appearing in this sum by the element λ B ~ which indexes the minimal ideal I λ =B p j B of B . Then 1= μ,i f ii μ = λ B ~ j=1 d λ p j λ . Now B=1.B.1= λ,μ B ~ 1i d λ ,1j d μ p i λ B p j μ . If λμ then the space p i λ B p j μ = p i λ B z μ B p j μ = p i λ z μ B B p j μ =0 for all i,j. Since p i λ = p i λ .1. p i λ p i λ I p i λ and p i λ B p j λ p j λ B p i λ = p i λ I λ p i λ 0, we know that p i λ B p j λ is not zero for any 1i,j d λ . Furthermore, since the dimension of B is λ d λ 2 each of the spaces p i λ B p j λ is one dimensional.

    For each p i λ define e ii λ = p i λ . For each λ and each 1i<j d λ let e ii λ be some element of p i λ B p j λ . Then choose e ii λ p j λ B p i λ such that e ij λ e ji λ = e ii λ . This defines a complete set of matrix units of B.

  4. Let G be a finite group and let H be a subgroup of G. Let R= g i be a set of representatives for the left cosets gH of H in G. The action of G on the cosets of H in G by left multiplication defines a representation π H of H in G. This representation is a permutation representation of G. Let gG. The entries π H g i'i of the matrix π H g are given by π H g i'i = δ i'k where k is such that g g i g k H.

    Let V be a representation of H. Let B= v j be a basis of V. Then the elements g v j where gG, v j B span G H V. The fourth relation in 5.1 gives that the set g i v j , g i R, v j B forms a basis of G H V.

    Let gG and suppose that g g i = g k h, where hH and g k R. Then g g i v j = g k h v j = g k h v j = j g k v j' V h j'j = i',j' g i' v j' V h j'j δ i'k = i',j' g i' v j' V h j'j π H g i'i . Then χ V H G g = g i R, v j B g g i v j | g i v j = g i , v j ,g g i g i H V g i -1 g g i jj .

    Since characters are constant on conjugacy classes we have that χ V H G g = 1 H hH g i ; h -1 g i -1 g g i hH χ V h -1 g i -1 g g i h = 1 H aH,a C g χ V a , where C g denotes the conjugacy class of g. This is an alternate proof of Theorem 5.8 for the special case of inducing from a subgroup H of a group G to the group G.

  5. Define G d G to be the subalgebra of the algebra GG consisting of the span of the elements gg , gG. Then GG d G as algebras.

    Let V 1 and V 2 be representations of G. Then the restriction of the GG representation V= V 1 V 2 to the algebra G d G is the Kronecker product (Section 4, Ex 1) V 1 d V 2 = V 1 V 2 GG G d G of V 1 and V 2 . Since GG d G we can view V 1 d V 2 as a representation of G.

    Let V λ and V μ be irreducible representations of G such that V λ v μ appears as an irreducible component of the GG representation V 1 V 2 . The decomposition of the Kronecker product V λ d V μ = V 1 V 2 GG G d G ν g λμ ν V ν into irreducible representations V ν of G is given by the branching rule for GGG d G. Let C 1 and C 2 be the centralisers of the representations V 1 and V 2 respectively. Let C be the centraliser of the GG representation V= v 1 V 2 . Applying Theorem 5.9 to V where A=GG and G d G=BG shows that the g λμ ν are also given by the branching rule for C 1 C 2 C.

Notes and References

The main result, Theorem (5.8), of this section is a generalization of the formula for the induced character for finite groups, see [Ser1977] §7.2. I have been unable to find any similar result in previous literature.

Notes and References

This is an excerpt from the unpublished first chapter of Arun Ram's dissertation entitled Representation Theory, written July 4, 1990.

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