A Ribbon Hopf Algebra Approach to the Irreducible Representations of Centralizer Algebras: The Brauer, Birman-Wenzl, and Type A Iwahori-Hecke Algebras
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia
Last update: 13 March 2014
Ribbon Hopf Algebras, Conditional Expectations, and Markov Traces on Centralizer Algebras
Let be a ribbon Hopf algebra. Let
be a finite dimensional Let
be a basis of and let be the dual basis in
be the ordinary pairing between and so that
for elements and
Using this notation, the action of an element can be given in the form
The Hopf algebra acts on via the antipode in the standard way,
for all and
We shall often use the relation
which follows from this definition. The material in this section is very much motivated by [Wen1988-2, Section 1] and [Wen1990].
Quantum Trace and Quantum Dimension
Define the quantum trace of an element by
where the sum is over the basis of If
then both and commute with
for all
Define the quantum dimension of the to be
where id denotes the identity operator on
Let be the subset of that indexes the irreducible modules
appearing in the decomposition of
As a trace on the quantum trace
has weights given by
where are the irreducible
appearing in the decomposition of
Proof. |
By the double centralizer theory we know that as
where are irreducible modules for
are irreducible modules for By taking traces on both sides of this isomorphism we have
where is the irreducible character of
on the module
and is the irreducible character of the
Thus the trace of a minimal idempotent in the minimal ideal corresponding to is
The Projection onto the Invariants
Let be a and let
be the dual module to Let be
a basis of and let be the dual basis in
denotes the evaluation of the functional at the element
It follows from (a) and (b) of the following proposition that
(1) |
(2) |
is the projection onto the invariants in
(a) |
For every we have
(b) |
Proof. |
(a) Let
Then, by direct computation,
where we are using the identity
which follows from the definition of the antipode in a Hopf algebra. On the other hand, since is in the center of
for all
where we are using the identity
which follows from the definition of the skew antipode in a Hopf algebra.
(b) This follows from the following easy computation.
The Conditional Expectation
Let be a and let
be the dual to For each
Let be a basis of
and let
be a dual basis in
Let be a basis of and let
be a dual basis in
Then define an operator
for each The map
is called the conditional expectation. Let
(a) |
for all
(b) |
for all
and In particular,
for all
(c) |
for all
Proof. |
Let and
be bases of and respectively and let and
be dual bases in and
(a) Then
The remaining assertion follows since commutes with elements of
(b) The action of
on a basis element of satisfies
(c) Let and let
be the endomorphism of determined by the action of on Then, since
This implies that
Since the map
given by is injective, it follows that
Markov Traces and Framing Anomalies
Assume that is an irreducible and let
Define traces by
The traces are called Markov traces.
Let be the element of given in (2.16). Since is irreducible it
follows from Schur's lemma that Thus,
for some constant The constant is called the
framing anomaly of
(a) |
If then
In particular for all
(b) |
For each
(c) |
For each
where is the framing anomaly of
(d) |
The Markov traces have weights given by
where denotes the irreducible
corresponding to
Proof. |
(a) By the definition of the Markov trace and the fact that
is a grouplike element of
by the definition of the quantum trace on
Since traces on tensor products of modules are the products of the individual traces we may write
where the first Tr in the numerator is on
and the second is on Then, by the definition of quantum dimension, we get
In particular,
(b) Let
Let be a basis of and let
be a dual basis in
Let be
a basis of and let be a dual basis of
Since the element
is a grouplike element of we have
where the quantum trace on the left hand side of equation is the quantum trace on
and the quantum trace on the right side of the equation is the quantum trace on
The statement follows by converting to Markov traces.
(c) Let be the element of
given by
where is as in (3.2). Then, since
commutes with and
It follows that
and thus that
(d) This follows immediately from Lemma (3.1) and the definition of the Markov traces.
(1) |
Let be a ribbon Hopf algebra
and let be a irreducible
Since is a central element of
the element acts by a constant
Then the framing anomaly of is given by
(2) |
Let be a finite dimensional complex simple Lie algebra and let
be the corresponding Drinfel'd-Jimbo quantum group. Suppose that
is an irreducible representation of highest weight Then the framing anomaly
of is given by
Proof. |
(1) By Proposition (3.7)(a) it is enough to show that
as elements of
Let be a basis of and let
be a dual basis in
It follows from the identities (2.5), (2.6) and (2.7) that if
Let and let Then,
(2) follows immediately, since, by Proposition (2.14), the element
acts on an irreducible module of highest weight
by the constant
A Path Algebra Formula for
Assume that is an irreducible module and that the branching rule for tensoring by is
multiplicity free. Let
as in (3.4). Identify the centralizer algebras
with path algebras as in Section 1. It can be shown that if the branching rule for tensoring by is multiplicity free, then the branching rule for
tensoring by is also multiplicity free. It follows that the sequence of centralizer algebras
can be identified with a sequence of path algebras corresponding to a multiplicity free Bratteli diagram. Let us review the notation.
(1) |
is a set indexing the irreducible representations of
(2) |
is a set indexing the irreducible representations of the algebra
(3) |
By the double centralizer theory is naturally identified with the subset of
containing the indexes of representations that appear in the decomposition of
into irreducible
(4) |
Let be an index set for the irreducible
representations of which is naturally identified with the subset of
containing indexes of representations that appear in the decomposition of
into irreducible
The notation for paths and tableaux will be as in Section 1. Let denote the Markov trace on
and let denote the weights of the Markov trace.
(a) |
Viewing and
as sets with elements in
we have
(b) |
One can identify the centralizer algebra
with a path algebra in such way that is given by the formula
where, if
and then
Proof. |
Step 1. Let
and let Then
Proof. |
Suppose that
for some constants
Suppose that
and that
On the other hand, by Proposition (3.7b)
By Proposition (3.7a), these two expressions are equal. Since the weights of the Markov trace are nonzero, it follows that
and, if then
The formula for
Step 2. It follows from Proposition (1.4) that has the form
since, by its definition, commutes with all elements of
Step 3. Let
and define
Define and analogously. Let
and let
Then, if then
Proof. |
It follows from the path algebra definitions and (3.13) that
where the sum is over all tableaux such that
Since the Bratteli diagram is multiplicity free there is at most one such Thus
Let and be as above. Then
it follows that (3.16) and (3.17) are equal. Assuming that and that
for all this gives the following equation.
The formula in (3.14) follows by setting The formula in (3.15) now follows from
(3.14) and (3.18) (recall that μ(m-1)=σ(m-1)).
Step 4. For each λ∈𝒵ˆm-1
there exist S such that (S,S)∈Ωλm+1
and (ěm)SS≠0.
Proof. |
Fix λ∈𝒵ˆm-1 and let
M be such that μ(m-1)=λ.
Assume that (ěm)SS=0
for all S such that (S,S)∈Ωλm+1.
Then (ěm)SM(ěm)MS=0
for all S. So, by (3.16),
for all S. This implies that
which is a contradiction to Step 1.
Step 5. If S is such that
(ěm)SS≠0 then
Proof. |
Let S∈𝒯m+1 be a tableau such that
Then, as 𝔘-modules,
for all b∈𝒞m+1 such that
ESSb≠0. In particular, since
and we have that
Since ES″S″V⊗(m-1)≅Λσ(m-1)
and em(V⊗V*)≅Λ∅
it follows that Λσ(m+1)
is isomorphic to an irreducible component in the tensor product Λσ(m-1)⊗Λ∅.
Thus Λσ(m+1)≅Λσ(m-1),
and so σ(m+1)=σ(m-1)
as elements of 𝔘ˆ.
Let us complete the proof of the theorem. Part (a) follows from step 5. Recall from Section 1 that there is some freedom in the choice of the matrix units
ESM and EMS when
M≠S. This freedom allows us to normalize the matrix units
in any way such that (3.15) holds. In particular, we can choose that normalization so that the formula is as in the theorem. The fact that
(ěm)SM=0 if
follows from steps 3, 4, and 5.
Notes and References
This is a typed version of the paper A Ribbon Hopf Algebra Approach to the Irreducible Representations of Centralizer Algebras: The Brauer, Birman-Wenzl, and Type A Iwahori-Hecke Algebras by Robert Leduc* and Arun Ram†.
The paper was received June 24, 1994; accepted September 12, 1994.
*Supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant DMS-9300523 to the University of Wisconsin.
†Supported in part by National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship DMS-9107863.
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