A Ribbon Hopf Algebra Approach to the Irreducible Representations of Centralizer Algebras: The Brauer, Birman-Wenzl, and Type A Iwahori-Hecke Algebras

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 13 March 2014

Irreducible Representations of the Iwahori-Hecke Algebras of Type A, the Birman-Wenzl Algebras and the Brauer Algebras

The Iwahori-Hecke Algebras of Type A, Hm(q2)

The Iwahori-Hecke algebra of type A, denoted Hm(q2), is the algebra generated over (q) by 1,g1,,gm-1 subject to the relations

(B1) gigi+1gi= gi+1gigi+1,
(B2) gigj=gjgiif|i-j|2,
(IH) gi2=(q-q-1)gi+1.
The Iwahori-Hecke algebra Hm(q) is often defined as the algebra generated over (q) by 1,g1,,gm-1 subject to the relations
(B1) gigi+1gi= gi+1gigi+1,
(B2) gigj= gjgi if|i-j|2,
(IH) (gi)2= (q-1)gi +q.
One can pass from one presentation to the other by setting gi=gi/q.

Let 𝔘 be the Drinfel'd-Jimbo quantum group 𝔘h(𝔰𝔩(r+1)) and let V=Λω1 be the irreducible 𝔘-module indexed by the fundamental weight ω1. The centralizer 𝒵m=End𝔘(Vm) is a quotient of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra of type A, Hm(q2).


This follows immediately from Proposition (4.4) and Corollary (4.15).

In fact, the classical Schur-Weyl duality gives that 𝒵m is isomorphic to Hm(q2) if 𝔘=𝔘h(𝔰𝔩(r+1)), rm.

The Young lattice Y is the Bratteli diagram given in Fig. 1. The shapes of Y which are on level m are the partitions of m; Yˆm= {λm}. A partition λYˆm is connected by an edge to a partition μYˆm+1 if μ can be obtained by adding a box to λ. Each tableau T𝒯λ in the Bratteli diagram Y can be identified in a natural way with a standard tableau of shape λ.

Let S=(σ(0),,σ(m)) be a standard tableau, i.e. a tableau in the Bratteli diagram Y. Define m-1(S,S)= σk(m)- σl(m-1) -k+l, (6.2) when σ(m) is obtained by adding a box to the kth row of σ(m-1) and σ(m-1) is obtained by adding a box to the lth row of σ(m-2).

The following result follows immediately from Theorem (4.8) and Corollary (6.1).

There is an identification of the Iwahori-Hecke algebras Hm(q2) with the path algebras corresponding to the Young lattice so that the generators gi are given by the formula gi= (S,T)Ωi-1i+1 (gi)STEST, where for each S𝒯m (gi)SS= qi(S,S) [i(S,S)] , and for each pair (S,T)Ωi-1i+1 such that ST we have (gi)ST= [i(S,S)-1] [i(S,S)+1] [|i(S,S)|] , where i(S,S) is defined by (6.2).

The following corollaries are immediate consequences of the path algebra setup.

([Hoe1974], [Wen1988]) For each λYˆm let dλ=Card(𝒯λ) be the number of standard tableaux of shape λ. Define representations πλ: Hm(q2) Mdλ((q)) a (πλ(a)ST)(S,T)Ωλ of Hm(q2) by the following formulas: For each S𝒯λ, πλ(gi)SS= qi(S,S) [i(S,S)] and for each pair (S,T)Ωλ such that ST, πλ(gi)ST= { [i(S,S)-1] [i(S,S)+1] [|i(S,S)|] , ifσ(j) =τ(j)for all ji, 0, otherwise, where S=(σ(0),,σ(m)), T=(τ(0),,τ(m)) and i(S,S) is defined by (6.2). Then the representations πλ, λYˆm, are nonisomorphic irreducible representations of Hm(q2).

For each λYˆm let 𝒵λ be a vector space with basis vS, S𝒯λ. If S=(σ(0),,σ(m)=λ)𝒯λ then let T be a tableau of the form T=(σ(0),,σ(i-1),τ(i),σ(i+1),,σ(m)) such that τ(i)σ(i). In view of (4.1), if T exists then it is unique. Let πλ(gi)SS and πλ(gi)ST be as given in the previous corollary. Define an action of Hm(q2) on 𝒵λ by defining givS= { πλ(gi)SS vS+πλ(gi)ST vT, ifTexists, πλ(gi)SS vS, ifTdoes not exist, for each S𝒯λ. Then the 𝒵λ, λYˆm, are a complete set of nonisomorphic irreducible Hm(q2)-modules.

The BirmanWenzl Algebras BWm(z,q)

Let z and q be indeterminates. We define the Birman-Wenzl algebra BWm(z,q) (defined in [BWe1989] and [Mur1987]) as the algebra generated over (z,q) by 1,g1,g2,,gm-1, which are assumed to be invertible, subject to the relations

(B1) gigj=gjgi if|i-j|2,
(B2) gigi+1gi= gi+1gigi+1,
(BW1) (gi-z-1) (gi+q-1) (gi-q) =0,
(BW2) eigi-1±1ei= z±1ei and eigi+1±1ei =z±1ei,
where ei is defined by the equation (q-q-1) (1-ei)= gi-gi-1. (6.6) Letting x= z-z-1 q-q-1 +1, (6.7) one has the following relations ei2 = xei, (6.8) eigi±1 = gi±1ei =z1ei. (6.9)

Let 𝔘 be the Drinfel'd-Jimbo quantum group 𝔘h(𝔰𝔬(2r+1)) and let V=Λω1 be the irreducible 𝔘 module indexed by the fundamental weight ω1. Then centralizer 𝒵m=End𝔘(Vm) is isomorphic to a quotient of the Birman-Wenzl algebra, BWm(q2r,q).


This follows immediately from Proposition (5.10), Corollary (5.22) and the definition of the Birman-Wenzl algebras.

Recall the Bratteli diagram B given in Fig. 2. The shapes λBˆm of B which are on level m are the partitions in the set Bˆm= { λm-2k,0k m/2 } . A partition λBˆm is connected by an edge to a partition μBˆm+1 if μ can be obtained from λ by adding a box to λ or removing a box from λ. The tableaux T𝒯λ in the Bratteli diagram B are called up-down tableaux since they are sequences of partitions in which each partition differs from the previous one by either adding or removing a box.

For the remainder of this section, unless otherwise specified, all paths and tableaux shall be from the Bratteli diagram B.

Let y be a formal symbol and for each integer d make the following notations: [d] = qd-q-d q-q-1 , [-y+d] = z-1qd-zq-d q-q-1 , [1y+d] = zqd [y+d] , [y+d] = zqd-z-1q-d q-q-1 , [1d] = qd[d], [1-y+d] = z-1qd [-y+d] . (6.11)

Let λ be a partition. Let λi denote the length of the ith column and let λj denote the length of the jth column. Define the hook length at a box (i,j)λ to be h(i,j)=λi -i+λj-j+1, and, for each box (i,j)λ, define d(i,j)= { λi+λj-i-j+1, ifij, -λi-λj +i+j-1, ifi>j. (6.12) Following [Wen1990] we define rational functions Qλ(z,q) as follows Qλ(z,q)= (j,j)λ [y+λj-λj] +[h(j,j)] [h(j,j)] (i,j)λij [y+d(i,j)] [h(i,j)] . (6.13) The important property of these functions ([Wen1990], Theorem 5.5) is that, if 𝔘=𝔘h𝔰𝔬(2r+1), then for all λ𝔘ˆ, Qλ(q2r,q)=dimq(Λλ), where Λλ is the irreducible 𝔘-module corresponding to the partition λ. Thus, Qλ(z,q) is a two parameter version of the quantum dimension.

Now let us define two parameter versions of the constants m(S) and m-1(S,T) which are given in Proposition (5.13).

Let S=(σ(0),,σ(m)) be a tableau in the Bratteli diagram B. Define m(S)= { q2(σk(m-1)-k+1), whenσ(m)= σ(m-1)+εk; z-2 q2(-σk(m-1)+k), whenσ(m)= σ(m-1)-εk. (6.14) Let S=(σ(m-2),σ(m-1),σ(m)) and T=(σ(m-2),τ(m-1),σ(m)) be such that (S,T)Ωm-2m. Then define m-1(S,T)= { ±(σk(m)-k-τl(m-1)+l), ifτ(m-1)= τ(m-2)±εl andσ(m)= σ(m-1)±εk, ±(y+τl(m-1)-l+σk(m)-k+1), ifσ(m)= σ(m-1)± εkand τ(m-1)= τ(m-2) εl.

There is an identification of the Birman-Wenzl algebras BWm(z,q) with the path algebras corresponding to the Bratteli diagram B. With this identification:

(a) The elements Dm=gm-1gm-2g1g1gm-2gm-1 are given by the formula, Dm=S𝒯m (Dm)SSESS ,where (Dm)SS= m(S).
(b) The elements ei are given by the formula, ei=(S,T)Ωi-1i+1 (ei)STEST where, if S=(σ(i-1),σ(i),σ(i+1)) and T=(σ(i-1),τ(i),σ(i+1)), then (ei)ST= { Qσ(i) (z,q) Qτ(u) (z,q) Qσ(i-1) (z,q) if σ(i-1)= σ(i+1), 0 otherwise.
(c) The generators gi are given by the formula gi=(S,T)Ωi-1i+1 (gi)STEST, where, for each S=(σ(i-1),σ(i),σ(i+1)), (gi)SS= { [1i(S,S)], ifσ(i-1) σ(i+1), [1i(S,S)] ( 1- Qσ(i)(z,q) Qσ(i-1)(z,q) ) , ifσ(i-1) =σ(i+1) and for each pair (S,T)=((σ(i-1),σ(i),σ(i+1)),(σ(i-1),τ(i),σ(i+1)))Ωi-1i+1 such that ST, (gi)ST= { [i(S,S)-1] [i(S,S)+1] [|i(S,S)|] , ifσ(i-1) σ(i+1), -[1i(S,T)] Qσ(i)(z,q) Qτ(i)(z,q) Qσ(i-1)(z,q) , ifσ(i-1) =σ(i+1), where i(S,T) is given by (6.14).


If z is specialized to q2r, r>m, then the formulas given above coincide with the formulas given in (2.25), (5.9), and Theorem (5.14). In view of the results in Corollary (2.25), Theorem (3.12), and Theorem (5.14) it follows that this theorem holds whenever z is specialized to q2r, r>m. Thus, for an infinite number of specializations of the parameter z, the theorem holds. This is sufficient to guarantee that the theorem holds over (z,q).

For each λBˆm let dλ=Card(𝒯λ) be the number of up-down tableaux of shape λ. Define representations πλ: BWm(z,q) Mdλ((z,q)) a (πλ(a)ST)(S,T)Ωλ of BWm(z,q) by defining For each S𝒯λ, πλ(gi)SS= { [1i(S,S)], ifσ(i-1) σ(i+1), [1i(S,S)] (1-Qσ(i)(z,q)Qσ(i-1)(z,q)) ifσ(i-1) =σ(i+1), and for each pair (S,T)Ωλ such that ST, πλ(gi)ST= { [i(S,S)-1] [i(S,S)+1] [|i(S,S)|] ifσ(j)= τ(j)for all jiand σ(i-1) σ(i+1), -[1i(S,T)] Qσ(i)(z,q) Qτ(i)(z,q) Qσ(i-1)(z,q) , ifσ(j)=τ(j) for alljiand σ(i-1)= σ(i+1), 0, otherwise, where S=(σ(0),,σ(m)), T=(τ(0),,τ(m)) and i(S,S) is given by (6.14). Then the representations πλ, λBˆm, are nonisomorphic irreducible representations of BWm(z,q).

Let λBˆm. If S=(σ(0),,σ(m))𝒯λ such that σ(i-1)σ(i+1) then let siS be the tableau siS= ( σ(0),, σ(i-1), τ(i), σ(i+1), ,σ(m) ) such that τ(i)σ(i). In view of Lemma (5.1), if siS exists then it is unique. If S=(σ(0),,σ(m))𝒯λ such that σ(i-1)=σ(i+1) then define eiS= { T=(τ(0),,τ(m)) 𝒯λ|ST andτ(j)= σ(j)for allji } . With this notation we have the following.

For each λBˆm(r) let 𝒵λ be a vector space with basis vS, S𝒯λ. Let constants πλ(gi)ST, (S,T)Ωλ, be as given in Corollary (6.16). Define an action of BWm(z,q) on 𝒵λ by defining givS= { πλ(gi)SS vS+πλ (gi)S,siS vsiS, ifσ(i-1) σ(i+1)and siSexists, πλ(gi)SS vS ifσ(i-1) σ(i+1)and siSdoes not exist, πλ(gi)SSvS+ TeiS πλ(gi)STvT, ifσ(i-1) =σ(i+1), for each S=(σ(0),,σ(m))𝒯λ. Then the 𝒵λ, λBˆm(r), are nonisomorphic irreducible BWm(z,q)-modules.

The Brauer Algebra

An m-diagram is a graph on two rows of m-vertices, one above the other, and m edges such that each vertex is incident to precisely one edge. The number of m-diagrams is (2m)!!=(2m-1)(2m-3)3·1. We multiply two m-diagrams d1 and d2 by placing d1 above d2 and identifying the vertices in the bottom row of d1 with the corresponding vertices in the top row of d2. The resulting graph contains m paths and some number γ of closed cycles. Let d be the m-diagram whose edges are the paths in this graph (with the cycles removed). Then the product d1d2 is given by d1d2=xγd. For example, if d1= andd2= then d1d2= =x2 Let x be an indeterminate. The Brauer algebra Bm(x) (defined originally by R. Brauer [Bra1937]) is the (x)-span of the m-diagrams. Diagram multiplication makes Bm(x) an associative algebra whose identity idm is given by the diagram having each vertex in the top row connected to the vertex just below it in the bottom row. By convention B0(x)=B1(x)=(x).

The group algebra (x)[𝒮m] of the symmetric group 𝒮m is embedded in Bm(x) as the span of the diagrams with only vertical edges. For 1im-1,, let si= i i+1 andei= i i+1 . Then ei2=xei, and the elements of the set {si,ei|1im-1} generate Bm(x). Note that the si correspond to the simple transpositions (i,i+1) of 𝒮m and that the si, 1im-1, generate (x)[𝒮m].

For each complex number ξ one defines a Brauer algebra Bm(ξ) over as the linear span of m-diagrams where the multiplication is given as above except with x replaced by ξ. R. Brauer [Bra1937] originally introduced the Brauer algebra Bm(n) in his study of the centralizer of the tensor representation of the complex orthogonal group O(n)={gMn()|ggt=I}. Let V=n be the standard or fundamental representation for O(n). The tensor space Vm is a completely reducible O(n)-module with irreducible summands labeled by partitions in the set Bˆm(n)= { λ(m-2k)| 0km/2, λ1+λ2n } . Note that when n is sufficiently large Bˆm(n)=Bˆm where Bˆm is as defined in Section 5. Brauer gives an action of Bm(n) on Vm which commutes with the action of O(n). This action is such that si is the permutation which transposes the ith and the (i+1)st tensor factors of Vm and e1 is (2r+1) times the projection onto the invariants in the first two tensor factors of Vm (see [Ram1995] for details). Brauer showed that the action of the Brauer algebra generates the full centralizer of the orthogonal group action on Vm. Provided we assume that rm, all of these results hold if the group O(n) is replaced by the group SO(2r+1).

Let r2 and set G=SO(2r+1). Let V=2r+1 be the standard module for G and let 𝒵2=EndG(VV). As SO(2r+1) modules, VV V(0) V(12) V(2), where Vλ denotes the irreducible G-module indexed by the partition λ. Let E, E(12)(12), and E(2),(2) be the G-invariant projections onto the irreducible summands V, V(12), and V(2) respectively. We have chosen this notation so that it is suggestive of the identification of the centralizer algebra 𝒵2 with a path algebra corresponding to the Bratteli diagram B. It can easily be shown that B2(2r+1) is isomorphic to 𝒵2 and that under this isomorphism e1 = (2r+1) E, s1 = E+ E(2),(2)- E(12)(12). (6.19) Let 𝔘=𝔘h(𝔰𝔬(2r+1)) and V=Λω1 be the irreducible 𝔘-module indexed by the fundamental weight ω1. As 𝔘 modules, VVΛ(0) Λ(12) Λ(2), where Λλ denotes the irreducible 𝔘-module indexed by the partition λ. Let E, E(12)(12), and E(2),(2) be the 𝔘-invariant projections onto the irreducible summands Λ, Λ(12), and Λ(2) respectively. It follows from (5.9) and Theorem (5.14), or by direct calculation, that the elements Ř1, Ě1𝒵2=End𝔘(VV) are given by Ě1 = ([2r]+1) E, Ř1 = q-2r E+q E(2),(2) -q-1 E(12)(12). (6.20) By comparing (6.19) and (6.20) we see that, at q=1, the transformations Ř1 and Ě1 are the transformations s1 and e1 respectively. The transformations Ři and Ěi in 𝒵m=End𝔘(Vm) are the same transformations as Ř1 and Ě1 respectively, except that they act on the ith and the (i+1)st tensor factors of Vm instead of the first and second tensor factors. Similarly, the transformations ši and ěi in 𝒵m=EndG(Vm) are the same transformations as s1 and ε1 respectively, except that they act on the ith and the (i+1)st tensor factors of Vm instead of the first and second tensor factors. Since, at q=1, the transformations Ř1 and Ě1 are the same as s1 and ε1 respectively, it follows that, at q=1, Ři and Ěi are the same as si and ei respectively. Hence, at q=1, the centralizer algebras 𝒵m=End𝔘(Vm) are the centralizer algebras 𝒵m=EndG(Vm),

Following [EKi1979], for each partition λ, define polynomials Pλ(x)= (i,j)λ x-1+d(i,j) h(i,j) , (6.21) where the constants d(i,j) and h(i,j) are as given in (6.12). These polynomials have the important property that Pλ(2r+1)=dim(Vλ), for each irreducible representation Vλ of the orthogonal group SO(2r+1).

Let S-(σ(m-2),σ(m-1),σ(m)) and T=(σ(m-2),τ(m-1),σ(m)) be such that (S,T)Ωm-2m. Then define m-1(S,T)= { ±(σk(m)-k-τl(m-1)+l), ifτ(m-1)= τ(m-2)±εl andσ(m)= σ(m-1)±εk, ±(x+τl(m-1)-l+σk(m)-k)m ifσ(m)= σ(m-1)±εk andτ(m-1)= τ(m-2)εl.

There is an identification of the Brauer algebras Bm(x) with the path algebras corresponding to the Bratteli diagram B. With this identification:

(a) The elements ei are given by the formula ei=(S,T)Ωi-1i+1 (ei)STEST where, if S=(σ(i-1),σ(i),σ(i+1)) and T=(σ(i-1),τ(i),σ(i+1)), then (ei)ST= { Pσ(i)(x) Pτ(i)(x) Pσ(i-1)(x) ifσ(i-1) =σ(i+1), 0 otherwise.
(b) The elements si are given by the formula si=(S,T)Ωi-1i+1 (si)STEST, where, for each S=(σ(i-1),σ(i),σ(i+1)), (si)SS= { 1i(S,S), ifσ(i-1) σ(i+1), 1i(S,S) (1-Pσ(i)(x)Pσ(i-1)(x)), ifσ(i-1) =σ(i+1), and for each pair (S,T)=((σ(i-1),σ(i),σ(i+1)),(σ(i-1),τ(i),σ(i+1)))Ωi-1i+1 such that ST, (si)ST= { (i(S,S)-1) (i(S,S)+1) |i(S,S)| , ifσ(i-1) σ(i+1), -1i(S,T) Pσ(i)(x) Pτ(i)(x) Psi(i-1)(x) , ifσ(i-1) =σ(i+1), where i(S,T) is as given just before Theorem (6.22).


It follows from the discussion above that, at q=1, the centralizer algebras 𝒵m are the same as the centralizer algebras 𝒵m. Note that the formulas in Theorem (5.14) all specialize to well defined rational numbers at q=1. Thus, there is an identification of the centralizer algebras 𝒵m with the path algebras corresponding to the centralizer algebras so that the elements ei and si are given by the formulas in Theorem (5.14) evaluated at q=1. These specializations are well defined and are equal to the formulas in the statement of Theorem (6.15) except with x replaced by 2r+1.

The centralizer algebras 𝒵m are quotients of the Brauer algebras Bm(2r+1). If r>m these algebras are isomorphic [Bra1937]. Thus, it follows from the previous paragraph that there is an identification of the Brauer algebras Bm(2r+1), r>m, with the path algebras corresponding to the centralizer algebras so that the elements ei and si are given as in the above statement except with x replaced by 2r+1. So Theorem (6.15) is true for an infinite number of specializations of the parameter x. The result follows.

Notes and References

This is a typed version of the paper A Ribbon Hopf Algebra Approach to the Irreducible Representations of Centralizer Algebras: The Brauer, Birman-Wenzl, and Type A Iwahori-Hecke Algebras by Robert Leduc* and Arun Ram.

The paper was received June 24, 1994; accepted September 12, 1994.

*Supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant DMS-9300523 to the University of Wisconsin.
Supported in part by National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship DMS-9107863.

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