The ring
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia
Last update: 23 February 2013
The ring
Let and be as in (1.5). The
trivial representation of is defined by the homomorphism
given by
first of the maps
is an isomorphism if the action of
on is given by
The group algebra of is
for Extend coefficients to so
are Define
to be the
so that the
are an of
given by
If is an via the
homomorphism given by
then as
where is the 1
determined by the homomorphism
Let be the field of fractions of and let
be the algebraic closure of For
If the exist, then they are a of
since they are eigenvectors with distinct eigenvalues. If
are the operators on
given by
because, a direct computation with relation (1.3) gives that
Thus the exist and the form of the
shows that, in fact, they form a of
(it was not really necessary to extend coefficients all the way to
Eqs. (2.6) and (2.7) force
is checked by direct computation using (1.3). Let
for a reduced word
Then, for
where is as in (1.11). In terms of geometry,
is the class of the structure sheaf of the Schubert variety in
and, up to a sign, is class of the sheaf
determined by the exact sequence
(see [Mat2000, Theorem 2.1(ii)] and [LSe2003, Eq. (4)]). We are not aware of a good geometric characterization of the basis
of which appears in the following theorem.
Theorem 2.9.
be as defined in Theorem 1.7 and let
for Then the
form an of
Proof. |
Up to constant multiples,
is determined by the property
If constants are given by
then comparing coefficients of for
on each side of (2.10) yields a recurrence relation for the
which implies
via (1.1) and the fact that Thus,
and if and are the
matrices given by
then the transition matrix between the and the
is the product
By (2.8) and the definition of the
the matrix has determinant 1. Using the method of Steinberg [Ste1975] and subtracting row
from row
in the matrix allows one to
conclude that is divisible by
as the lowest degree term determines exactly. Thus,
Since this is a unit in the transition matrix between the
and the
is invertible.
Theorem 2.12. The composite map
is surjective with kernel
the ideal of the ring generated by the elements
has the structure of a ring.
Proof. |
it follows from Theorem 2.9 that is surjective. Thus
If then, for all
Thus The ring
is a free of rank and,
by Theorem 1.7, so is Thus
Notes and References
This is an excerpt of the paper entitled Affine Hecke algebras and the Schubert calculus authored by Stephen Griffeth and Arun Ram. It was dedicated to Alain Lascoux.
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