Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia
Last update: 30 January 2012
Column strict tableaux
A letter is an element of
and a word of length is an element of
as follows. For
place under each in ,
place under each in , and
place under each , , .
Ignoring 0s, successively pair adjacent
pairs to obtain a sequence of unpaired -1s and +1s
(after pairing and ignoring 0s). Then
A partition is a collection of boxes in a corner where the convention is that gravity goes up and to the left. As for matrices, the rows and columns of are indexed from the top to bottom and left to right, respectively.
The parts of are
(the number of boxes in row of ),
the length of is
(the number of rows of ),
the size of is
(the number of boxes of ).
Then is determined by (and identified with) the sequence
of positive integers such that
For example,
Let be a partition and let
be a sequence of nonnegative integers. A column strict tableaux of shape and weight is a filling of the boxes of with 1s, 2s, ..., s, such that
the rows are weakly increasing from left to right,
the columns are strictly increasing from top to bottom.
If is a column strict tableaux write
for the shape and the weight of so that
For example,
For a partition and a sequence
of nonnegative integers write
Let be a partition with boxes and let
The set
is a subset of
via the injection
where the arabic reading of is
if the entries of are
read right to left by rows with the rows read in sequence beginning with the first row.
be a partition with boxes. Then
is the subset of
generated by
under the action of the operators
is a filling of the shape then
is obtained from by reading the entries of in arabic reading order (right to left across rows and from top to bottom down the page). The tableaux
is the column strict tableaux of shape with 1s in the first row, 2s in the second row, and so on. Define operators
on a filling of by
To prove the proposition we shall show that if is a column strict tableaux of shape then
are column strict tableaux,
can be obtained by applying a sequence of
be the column strict tableau formed by the entries of which are
and let
This conversion identifies with the sequence
Let us analyze the action of
on . The sequence of +1, -1, 0 constructed via (5.39) is given by
placing in each box of
placing in each box of
placing in each box of
for ,
and reading the resulting filling in Arabic reading order. The process of removing
pairs can be executed on the horizontal strips
with the effect that the entries in any configuration of boxes of the form
will be removed. Additional +1, -1 pairs will also be removed and the final sequence
will correspond to a configuration of the form
The rightmost -1 in the sequence (5.40) corresponds to a box in
which is leftmost in its row and which does not cover a box of
Similarly the leftmost +1 in the sequence correponds to a box in
which is rightmost in its row and which does not have a box of
covering it. These conditions guarantee that
are column strict tableaux.
The tableau is obtained from
by applying a sequence of
in the following way. Applying the operator
will change the rightmost in row to . A sequence of applications of
can be used to produce a column strict tableau
in which
the entries equal to match the entries equal to in , and
the subtableau of
containing the entries
Iterating the process and applying a sequence of operators
to the tableau
can be used to produce a tableau
in which
the entries equal to and match the entries equal to and in , and
the subtableau of
containing the entries
The tableau is obtained after a total of iterations of this process.
Notes and References
The above notes are taken from section 5.7 of the paper
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