Last update: 26 June 2012
This section is a summary of the main facts and notations that are needed for working with the affine Weyl group The main point is that the elements of the affine Weyl group can be identified with alcoves via the bijections in (2.11).
Let be a finite dimensional vector space over A reflection is a diagonalizable element of which has exactly one eigenvalue not equal to 1. A lattice is a free module. A Weyl group is a finite subgroup of which is such that Let be an index set for the reflections in so that, for the fixed point space of the transformation The chambers are the connected components of the complement of these hyperplanes in These are fundamental regions for the action of
Let be a nondegenerate invariant bilinear form on Fix a chamber and choose vectors such that where
The alcoves are the connected components of the complement in The fundamental alcove is the alcove where is the closure of An example is the case of type where the picture is
The translation in is the operator given by The reflection in the hyperplane is given by The extended affine Weyl group is Denote the walls of by and extend this indexing so that the fundamental alcove. Then the affine Weyl group, the reflections in the hyperplanes Furthermore, is a fundamental region for te action of on and so there is a bijection The length of is The difference between and is the group The group is the set of elements of of length 0. An element of acts on the fundamental alcove by an automorphism. Its action on induces a permutation of the walls of and hence a permutation of If and let be the image of the origin under the action of on If denotes the reflection in the wall of and denotes the longest element of the stabilizer of in then
The group acts freely on ( copies of tiled by alcoves) so that is in the same spot as except on the "sheet" of It is helpful to think of the elements of as the deck transformations which transfer between the sheets in Then is a bijection. In type the two sheets in look like and where the numbering on the walls of the alcoves is equivariant so that, for the numbering on the walls of is the image of the numbering on the walls of
The 0-polygon is the orbit of in and for
Define so that is a set of representatives of the orbits of the action of on The fundamental weights are the generators of the module so that The lattice has basis and the map is a bijection. The simple coroots are the dual basis to the fundamental weights, Define The dominance order is the partial order on given by
In type the lattice with an orthonormal basis of and is the dihedral group of order 8 generated by the reflections and in the hyperplanes and respectively, where
In this case and
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