Standard Young tableaux, representations and Jucys-Murphy elements
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia
Last update: 27 February 2013
Standard Young tableaux, representations and Jucys-Murphy elements
In this section we review the generalization of standard Young tableaux in [Ram0401326] which is used to construct representations of the affine Hecke algebras
Then we show how this theory
can be transported to provide combinatorial constructions of simple modules for the cyclotomic Hecke algebras
This approach shows that Jucys-Murphy type elements in the cyclotomic Hecke algebras arise naturally as images of the elements
in the affine Hecke algebra. The standard Jucys-Murphy type theorems then follow almost
immediately from standard affine Hecke algebra facts.
3.1 Skew shapes and standard tableaux
A partition is a collection of boxes in a corner. We shall conform to the conventions in [Mac1995] and assume
that gravity goes up and to the left.
Any partition can be identified with the sequence
where is the number of boxes in row of
The rows and columns are numbered in the same way as for matrices. In the example above we have
If and
are partitions such that for all
we write The skew shape
consists of all boxes of which are not in
Any skew shape is a union of connected components. Number the boxes of each skew shape
along major diagonals from southwest to northeast and
Let be a skew shape with boxes. A standard tableau of shape
is a filling of the boxes in the skew shape
with the numbers such that the numbers increase from left to
right in each row and from top to bottom down each column.
3.2 Placed skew shapes
If is a positive real number then the function
is a bijection. The elements of
index the in
A placed skew shape is a pair consisting of a skew
shape and a content function
This is a generalization of the usual notion of the content of a box in a partition (see [Mac1995] I §1 Ex. 3).
Suppose that is a placed skew shape such that
takes values in One can visualize
by placing
on a piece of infinite graph paper where the diagonals of the graph paper are indexed consecutively (with elements of
from southeast to northwest. The content of a box is the index
of the diagonal that is on. In the general case, when takes values in
one imagines a book where each page is a sheet of infinite graph paper with the diagonals indexed consecutively (with elements of
from southeast to northwest. The pages are numbered by values
and there is a skew shape
placed on page The skew shape is a union of the disjoint skew shapes on each page,
and the content function is given by
for a box
3.6 Example
The following diagrams illustrate standard tableaux and the numbering of boxes in a skew shape
The following picture shows the contents of the boxes in the placed skew shape
such that the sequence
The following picture shows the contents of the boxes in the placed skew shape
such that
This “book” has two pages, with page numbers 0 and
3.7 Calibrated
A finite dimensional
is calibrated if it has a basis such that
for each and each in the basis
This is the class of representations of the affine Hecke algebra for which there is a good theory of Young tableaux [Ram2003].
The following theorem classifies and constructs all irreducible calibrated representations of the affine Hecke algebra
The construction is a direct
generalization of A. Young’s classical “seminormal construction” of the irreducible representations of the symmetric group [You1931]. Young’s construction was
generalized to Iwahori-Hecke algebras of type A by Hoefsmit [Hoe1974] and Wenzl [Wen1988] independently, to Iwahori-Hecke algebras of types B and D by Hoefsmit
[Hoe1974] and to cyclotomic Hecke algebras by Ariki and Koike [AKo1994]. In (3.7) and (3.11) below we show how all of these earlier generalizations of Young’s
construction can be obtained from Theorem 3.8. Some parts of Theorem 3.8 are originally due to I. Cherednik, and are stated in [Che1987, §3].
Theorem 3.8.
([Ram1997, Theorem 4.1]) Let
be a placed skew shape with n boxes. Define an action of
on the vector space
by the formulas
where is the same as except that the entries
and are interchanged,
and denotes the box of containing the entry
is a calibrated irreducible
The modulesare non-isomorphic.
Every irreducible calibrated
is isomorphic to
for some placed skew shape
Remark 3.9. All of the irreducible modules for the affine Hecke algebra have been classified and constructed by Kazhdan and Lusztig [KLu0862716].
The construction in [KLu0862716] is geometric and noncombinatorial. It is nontrivial (but not very difficult) to relate the construction of Theorem 3.8 and the
classification in [KLu0862716].
3.10 Calibrated
A finite dimensional module is
calibrated if it has a basis such that for each
and each in the basis
Let us show how Theorem 3.8, Theorem 2.2 and Theorem A.13 provide explicit constructions of simple calibrated
The resulting
construction is a generalization of the construction of
given by Ariki [Ari1995] (as amplified and applied in [HRa1998]). Comparing the following machinations with those in [HRa1998, §3] (where more pictures are given) will be helpful.
The on
induces an action of
on the simple
as in (A.1) of the
Appendix, and this action takes calibrated modules to calibrated modules since the
preserves the subalgebra
action on simple calibrated modules can be described combinatorially as follows.
If is a placed skew shape with boxes
and define
and denotes the content function defined by
for all boxes To make this definition we are identifying the
set with
One can imagine the placed skew shape as a book with pages numbered by values
and a skew shape
on each page. The action of
If is a standard tableau of shape
let denote the same filling of as
but viewed as a standard tableaux of shape
be the
twisted by the automorphism see (A.1) in the Appendix. It follows from the formulas in Theorem 3.8 that the map
is an isomorphism. Indeed,
where ∘ denotes the H∞,1,n-action
on gH∼(c,λ/μ)
as in (A.1). Identify gH∼(c,λ/μ)
with H∼g(c,λ/μ) via the isomorphism in (3.12).
Let (c,λ/μ) be a placed skew shape with n boxes and let
K(c,λ/μ) be the stabilizer of
(c,λ/μ) under the action of
ℤ/pℤ. The cyclic group
K(c,λ/μ) is a realization of the inertia group
of H∼(c,λ/μ) and
where κ is the smallest integer between 1 and p such that
and ∣K(c,λ/μ)∣
is the order of K(c,λ/μ).
The elements of K(c,λ/μ) are all
H∞,p,n-module isomorphisms. Since
K(c,λ/μ) is a cyclic group the irreducible
are all one-dimensional and the characters of these modules are given explicitly by
is the minimal idempotent of the group algebra ℂK(c,λ/μ)
corresponding to the irreducible character ηj. It follows
(from a standard double centralizer result, [Bou1958]) that, as an
and K(j) is the irreducible
with character ηj. The following theorem now follows from Theorem A.13 of the Appendix.
Theorem 3.15
Let (c,λ/μ) be a placed skew shape with
n boxes and let H∼(c,λ/μ)
be the simple calibrated H∞,1,n-module
constructed in Theorem 3.8. Let K(c,λ/μ) be the
inertia group of H∼(c,λ/μ)
corresponding to the action of ℤ/pℤ on
H∞,1,n defined by (A.1). If pj
is the minimal idempotent of K(c,λ/μ) given by (3.13) then
is a simple calibrated H∞,p,n-module.
Theorem 3.15 provides a generalization of the construction of the Hr,p,n-modules
which was given by Ariki [Ari1995] and extended and applied in [HRa1998].
3.16 Simple Hr,1,n(u1,…,ur;q)-modules
Many (usually all) of the simple Hr,1,n(u1,…,ur;q)-modules
can be constructed with Theorems 2.8 and 3.8.
If λ/μ is a skew shape define
NW(λ/μ)={northwest corner boxes ofλ/μ},
so that NW(λ/μ) is the set of boxes
b∈λ/μ such that there is no box of λ/μ
immediately above or immediately to the left of b.
Theorem 3.17.
Fix u1,…,ur∈ℂ*
and let (c,λ/μ) be a placed skew shape with n boxes. If
then the H∞,1,n-moduleH∼(c,λ/μ)
is a simple
(via Theorem 2.8).
Let (c,λ/μ) be a placed skew shape with n
boxes and let H∼(c,λ/μ)
be the simple H∞,1,n-module of Theorem 3.8. Let
be the representation corresponding to H∼(c,λ/μ).
By the formulas in Theorem 3.8 the matrix ρ(Xε1)
is diagonal with eigenvalues q2c(L(1)), for
where ℱ(c,λ/μ) is the set of standard
tableaux of shape λ/μ.
The boxes L(1),L∈ℱ(c,λ/μ)
are exactly the northwest corner boxes of λ/μ and so the minimal polynomial of
ρ(Xε1) is
Thus the condition
is exactly what is needed for H∼(c,λ/μ)
to be an Hr,1,n(u1,…,ur;q)-module
via Theorem 2.8.
Theorem 3.18.
If the cyclotomic Hecke algebra
is semisimple, then its simple modules are the modules H∼(c,λ)
constructed in Theorem 3.17, where
is an r-tuple of partitions with a total of n boxes and c is the content
function determined by
q2c(b)=ui,ifbis the northwest corner box ofλ(i).
The equations q2c(b)=ui,
for b∈NW(λ(i)),
determine the values c(b) for all boxes
b∈λ and thus the pair (c,λ)
defines a placed skew shape. By a Theorem of Ariki [Ari1994],
is semisimple if and only if
These conditions guarantee that (c,λ) is a placed skew shape and that the
H∼∞,1,n-moduleH∼(c,λ) defined in Theorem 3.8 is well
defined and irreducible. The reduction in Theorem 2.8 makes H∼(c,λ)
into a simple Hr,1,n(u1,…,ur;q)-module
and a count of standard tableaux (using binomial coefficients and the classical identity for the symmetric group case) shows that
where the sum is over all r-tuplesλ=(λ(1),…,λ(r))
with a total of n boxes. Thus the H∼(c,λ)
are a complete set of simple Hr,1,n(u1,…,ur;q)-modules.
Theorem 3.18 demonstrates that the construction of simple modules for Hr,1,n
by Ariki and Koike [AKo1994, Theorem 3.7], for
by Hoefsmit [Hoe1974], for
by Hoefsmit [Hoe1974] and Wenzl [Wen1988] (independently), and for
and ℂWBn=H2,1,n(1,1;1)
by Young [You1929,You1931], are all special cases of Theorem 3.8.
3.19 Jucys-Murphy elements in cyclotomic Hecke algebras
The following result is well known, but we give a new proof which shows that the cyclotomic Hecke algebra analogues of the Jucys-Murphy elements which have appeared
in the literature (see [BMM1993], [Ram1997], [DJM1995] and the references there) come naturally from the affine Hecke algebra
Corollary 3.20.
Let Hr,1,n(u1,…,ur;q)
and Hr,p,n(x0,…,xd-1;q)
be the cyclotomic Hecke algebras defined in (1.1) and (1.2).
The elementsMi=Ti…T2T1T2…Ti,1≤i≤n,generate a commutative subalgebra ofHr,1,n(u1,…,ur;q).
If Hr,1,n(u1,…,ur;q)
is semisimple then every simple Hr,1,n(u1,…,ur;q)-module
has a basis of simultaneous eigenvectors of the elements Mi.
The elementsM1p=a0,andMiM1-1=ai…a3a2a1a3…ai,2≤i≤n,generate a commutative subalgebra ofHr,p,n(x0,…,xd-1;q).
If Hr,p,n(x0,…,xd-1;q)
is semisimple then every simple Hr,p,n(x0,…,xd-1;q)-module
has a basis of simultaneous eigenvectors of the elements M1p and
(a) The elements Xεi,1≤i≤n, generate the subalgebra
Inductive use of the relation (1.4) shows that Mi=Φ(Xεi), where
is the homomorphism in Proposition 2.5. Thus the subalgebra of
generated by the element Mi is the image of
ℂ[X] under the homomorphism Φ.
(b) is an immediate consequence of Theorem 3.18, the construction described in Theorem 3.8, and the fact that
(c)The elements Xpε1 and
Xεi-ε1,2≤i≤n, generate the subalgebra
and the images of these elements under the homomorphism
are the elements M1p and
The proof of part (d) uses the construction described in Theorem 3.15 and is analogous to the proof of part (b).
(3.21) The center of Hr,1,n(u1,…,ur;q)
It is an immediate consequence of (1.12) and the proof of Corollary 3.20 that
The following proposition shows that this inclusion is an equality.
Proposition 3.22.
If the cyclotomic Hecke algebra Hr,1,n(u1,…,ur;q)
is semisimple then its center
is the ring of symmetric polynomials in
By (1.12)
Thus, since Mi=Φ(Xεi), where
is the surjective homomorphism of Proposition 2.5, it follows that
For the reverse inclusion we need to show that the action of the elements
distinguishes the simple
Let λ=(λ(1),…,λ(r))
be an r-tuple of partitions with a total of n boxes and let
H∼(c,λ) be the corresponding simple
as constructed by Theorem 3.18 (and Theorem 3.8). If L is a standard tableau of shape λ then
M1,…,Mn act on vL
by the multiset of values
The elementary symmetric functions
act on H∼(c,λ) by the values
Note that ai does not depend on the choice of the standard tableau L
(since ei(M1,…,Mn)∈Z(Hr,1,n)).
We show that the simple module H∼(c,λ) is
determined by the values a1,…,an.
This shows that the simple modules are distinguished by the elements of ℂ[M1,…,Mn]Sn.
Let us explain how the values a1,…,an
determine the placed skew shape (c,λ). There is a unique
(unordered) multiset of values b1,…,bn such that
for all 1≤i≤n. The bi are determined by the equation
From the previous paragraph, the multiset {b1,…,bn}
must be the same as the multiset
In this way the values a1,…,an determine the
multiset S={c(L(1)),…,c(L(n))}.
The multiset S is a disjoint union S=S1⊔…⊔Sr
of multisets such that each Si is in a single ℤ-coset of
(see (3.4)). These ℤ cosets are determined by the values
u1,…,ur and thus there is a one-to-one
correspondence between the ui and the multisets Si.
Then ∣λ(i)∣=Card(Si),
the nonempty diagonals of λ(i) are determined by the values in
Si, and the lengths of the diagonals of λ(i)
are the multiplicities of the values of the elements of Si. This information completely determines
λ(i) for each i. Thus
(c,λ) is determined by the values
Remark 3.23. In the language of affine Hecke algebra representations (see [Ram2003]) the proof of Proposition 3.22 shows that
(when Hr,1,n(u1,…,ur;q) is semisimple)
the simple Hr,1,n(u1,…,ur;q)-modulesH∼(c,λ) all have different
central characters (as H∞,1,n modules).
Remark 3.24. The elements M1p and
MiM1-1 from Corollary 3.20 cannot be used
to obtain a direct analogue of Proposition 3.22 for
This is because all of the H∞,p,n-modulesVj appearing in the decomposition (3.14) will have the same central character. However,
when n is odd, the natural analogue of Proposition 3.22 does hold for Iwahori-Hecke algebras of type
In that case, every simple H2,2,n(1;q).
has trivial inertia group and the decomposition in (3.14) has only one summand.
Notes and References
This is an excerpt of the paper entitled Affine Hecke Algebras, Cyclotomic Hecke algebras and Clifford Theory authored by Arun Ram and Jacqui Ramagge. It was dedicated to Professor C.S. Seshadri on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
Research partially supported by the Natioanl Science Foundation (DMS-0097977) and the National Security Agency (MDA904-01-1-0032).