Affine and degenerate affine BMW algebras: The center

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 18 October 2013

Affine and degenerate affine BMW algebras

In this section, we define the affine Birman-Murakami-Wenzl (BMW) algebra Wk and its degenerate version 𝒲k. We have adjusted the definitions to unify the theory. In particular, in section 2.1, we define a new algebra, the degenerate affine braid algebra k, which has the degenerate affine BMW algebras 𝒲k and the degenerate affine Hecke algebras k as quotients. The motivation for the definition of k is that the affine BMW algebras Wk and the affine Hecke algebras Hk are quotients of the group algebra of affine braid group CBk.

The definition of the degenerate affine braid algebra k also makes the Schur-Weyl duality framework completely analogous in both the affine and degenerate affine cases. Both k and CBk are designed to act on tensor space of the form MVk. In the degenerate affine case this is an action commuting with a complex semisimple Lie algebra 𝔤, and in the affine case this is an action commuting with the Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum group Uq𝔤. The degenerate affine and affine BMW algebras arise when 𝔤 is 𝔰𝔬n or 𝔰𝔭n and V is the first fundamental representation and the degenerate affine and affine Hecke algebras arise when 𝔤 is 𝔤𝔩n or fn and V is the first fundamental representation. In the case when M is the trivial representation and 𝔤 is 𝔰𝔬n, the “Jucys-Murphy” elements y1,,yk in k become the “Jucys-Murphy” elements for the Brauer algebras used in [Naz1996] and, in the case that 𝔤=𝔤𝔩n, these become the classical Jucys-Murphy elements in the group algebra of the symmetric group. The Schur-Weyl duality actions are explained in [DRV1205.1852v1] and [RamNotes].

The degenerate affine braid algebra k

Let C be a commutative ring, and let Sk denote the symmetric group on {1,,k}. For i1,,k, write si for the transposition in Sk that switches i and i+1. The degenerate affine braid algebra is the algebra k over C generated by tu (uSk), κ0,κ1, andy1,, yk, (2.1) with relations tutv= tuv, yiyj=yjyi, κ0κ1=κ1 κ0,κ0yi= yiκ0,κ1 yi=yiκ1, (2.2) κ0tsi= tsiκ0, κ1ts1κ1 ts1=ts1 κ1ts1κ1 ,andκ1 tsj=tsj κ1,forj1, (2.3) tsi(yi+yi+1) =(yi+yi+1) tsi,and yjtsi=tsiyj, forji,i+1, (2.4) and tsitsi+1 γi,i+1 tsi+1tsi= γi+1,i+2, whereγi,i+1= yi+1-tsi yitsifor i=1,,k-2. (2.5)

In the degenerate affine braid algebra k let c0=κ0 and cj=κ0+2 (y1++yj), so thatyj=12 (cj-cj-1) ,forj=1,,k. (2.6) Then c0,,ck commute with each other, commute with κ1, and the relations (2.4) are equivalent to tsicj=cj tsi,for ji. (2.7)

The degenerate affine braid algebra k has another presentation by generators tu,foru Sk,κ0,, κkand γi,j,for 0i,jkwith ij, (2.8) and relations tutv= tuv, twκi tw-1= κw(i), twγi,j tw-1= γw(i),w(j), (2.9) κiκj= κjκi, κiγ,m= γ,mκi, (2.10) γi,j=γj,i, γp,rγ,m =γ,mγp,r, andγi,j (γi,r+γj,r) =(γi,r+γj,r) γi,j, (2.11) for p and pm and r and rm and ij, ir and jr.

The commutation relations between the κi and the γi,j can be rewritten in the form [κr,γ,m]=0, [γi,j,γ,m]=0, and [γi,j,γi,m]= [γi,m,γj,m], (2.12) for all r and all i and im and j and jm.


The generators in (2.8) are written in terms of the generators in (2.1) by the formulas κ0=κ0, κ1=κ1, tw=tw, (2.13) γ0,1=y1- 12κ1,and γj,j+1= yj+1-tsj yjtsj, forj=1,,k-1, (2.14) and κm=tuκ1 tu-1, γ0,m=tu γ0,1tu-1 andγi,j= tvγ1,2 tv-1, (2.15) for u,vSk such that u(1)=m, v(1)=i and v(2)=j.

The generators in (2.1) are written in terms of the generators in (2.8) by the formulas κ0=κ0, κ1=κ1, tw=tw,and yj=12κj+ 0<j γ,j. (2.16) Let us show that relations in (2.2-5) follow from the relations in (2.9-2.11).

(a) The relation tutv=tuv in (2.2) is the first relation in (2.9).
(b) The relation yiyj=yjyi in (2.2): Assume that i<j. Using the relations in (2.10) and (2.11), [yi,yj] = [ 12κi+<i γ,i, 12κj+m<j γm,j ] = [ <i γ,i, m<j γm,j ] = <i [γ,i,m<jγm,j] =<i [ γ,i, (γ,j+γi,j) +m<jm,mi γm,j ] =0.
(c) The relation κ0κ1=κ1κ0 in (2.2) is part of the first relation in (2.10), and the relations κ0yi=yiκ0 and κ1yi=yiκ1 in (2.2) follow from the relations κiκj=κjκi and κiγ,m=γ,mκi in (2.10).
(d) The relations κ0tsi=tsiκ0 and κ1tsj=tsjκ1 for j1 from (2.3) follow from the relation twκitw-1=κw(i) in (2.9), and the relation κ1ts1κ1ts1= ts1κ1ts1κ2 from (2.3) follows from κ1κ2=κ2κ1, which is part of the first relation in (2.10).
(e) The relations in (2.4) and (2.5) all follow from the relations twκitw-1=κw(i) and twγi,jtw-1=γw(i),w(j) in (2.9).
To complete the proof let us show that the relations of (2.9-11) follow from the relations in (2.2-5).
(a) The relation tutv=tuv in (2.9) is the first relation in (2.2).
(b) The relations twκitw-1=κw(i) in (2.9) follow from the first and last relations in (2.3) (and force the definition of κm in (2.15)).
(c) Since γ0,1=y1-12κ1, the relations twγ0,jtw-1=γ0,w(j) in (2.10) follow from the last relation in each of (2.3) and (2.4) (and force the definition of γ0,m in (2.15)).
(d) Since γ1,2=y2-ts1y1ts1, the first relation in (2.4) gives ts1γ1,2ts1- γ1,2= (ts1y2ts1-y1) -y2+ts1y1ts1 =ts1(y1+y2) ts1-(y1+y2)=0. (2.17) The relations twγ1,2tw-1=γw(1),w(2) in (2.9) then follow from (2.17) and the last relation in (2.4) (and force the definitions γi,j=tvγ1,2tv-1 in (2.15)).
(e) The third relation in (2.2) is κ0κ1=κ1κ0 and the second relation in (2.3) gives κ1κ2=κ2κ1. The relations κiκj=κjκi in (2.10) then follow from the second set of relations in (2.9).
(f) The second relation in (2.3) gives [κ1,κ2]=0. Using this and the relations in (2.2), [κ1,γ0,2+γ1,2]= [ κ1, (y2-12κ2-γ1,2) +γ1,2 ] =[κ1,12κ2]=0, (2.18) and [γ0,1,γ0,2+γ1,2]= [y1-12κ1,y2-12κ2]= 14[κ1,κ2]=0, (2.19) so that [γ0,1,κ2]= [γ0,1,2y2-2(γ0,2+γ1,2)]= [γ0,1,2y2]= [y1-12κ1,2y2]= -[κ1,y2]=0. Conjugating the last relation by ts1 gives [κ1,γ0,2]=0, and thus [κ1,γ1,2]=0, by (2.18). By the third and fourth relations in (2.2), [κ0,γ0,1]= [κ0,y1-12κ1]=0, and [κ1,γ0,1]= [κ1,y1-12κ1]=0. By the relations in (2.3) and (2.2), [κ0,γ1,2]= [κ0,y2-ts1y1ts1]=0 and[κ1,γ2,3] =[κ1,y3-ts2y2ts2]=0. Putting these together with the (already established) relations in (2.9) provides the second set of relations in (2.10).
(g) From the commutativity of the yi and the second relation in (2.4) γ1,2γ3,4= (y2-ts1y1ts1) (y4-ts3y3ts3)= (y4-ts3y3ts3) (y2-ts1y1ts1)= γ3,4γ1,2. By the last relation in (2.2) and the last relation in (2.3), [γ0,1,γ2,3]= [y1-12κ1,y3-ts2y2ts2]=0. Together with the (already established) relations in (2.9), we obtain the first set of relations in (2.11).
(h) Conjugating (2.19) by ts2ts1ts2 gives [γ0,2,γ0,3+γ2,3]=0, and this and the (already established) relations in (2.10) and the first set of relations in (2.11) provide 0 = [y2,y3]= [ 12κ2+γ0,2+ γ1,2,12κ3+ γ0,3+γ1,3+ γ2,3 ] = [ γ0,2+γ1,2, γ0,3+γ1,3+γ2,3 ] = [ γ1,2,γ0,3+ γ1,3+γ2,3 ] =[γ1,2,γ1,3+γ2,3]. Note also that [γ1,2,γ1,0+γ2,0] = [γ1,2,γ0,1+γ0,2]= -[γ0,1,γ1,2]+ [γ1,2,γ0,2] = [γ0,1,γ0,2]+ [γ1,2,γ0,2]= ts1[γ0,2+γ1,2,γ0,1] ts1=0, by (two applications of) (2.19). The last set of relations in (2.11) now follow from the last set of relations in (2.9).

By the first formula in (2.6) and the last formula in (2.16), cj=i=0j κi+2 0<mj γ,m. (2.20)

The degenerate affine BMW algebra 𝒲k

Let C be a commutative ring and let k be the degenerate affine braid algebra over C as defined in Section 2.1. Define ei in the degenerate affine braid algebra by tsiyi= yi+1tsi- (1-ei), fori=1,2,,k-1, (2.21) so that, with γi,i+1 as in (2.5), γi,i+1tsi =1-ei. (2.22)

Fix constants ε=±1and z0()C, for0. The degenerate affine Birman-Wenzl-Murakami (BMW) algebra 𝒲k (with parameters ε and z0()) is the quotient of the degenerate affine braid algebra k by the relations eitsi= tsiei= εei, eitsi-1 ei=eitsi+1 ei=εei, (2.23) e1y1e1= z0()e1, ei (yi+yi+1) =0=(yi+yi+1) ei. (2.24) Conjugating (2.21) by tsi and using the first relation in (2.23) gives yitsi=tsi yi+1-(1-ei). (2.25) Then, by (2.22) and (2.5), γi,i+1=tsi -εei,and ei+1=tsi tsi+1ei tsi+1tsi. (2.26) Multiply the second relation in (2.26) on the left and the right by ei, and then use the relations in (2.23) to get eiei+1ei= eitsitsi+1 eitsi+1tsi ei=eitsi+1 eitsi+1ei= εeitsi+1ei =ei, so that eiei±1ei =ei.Note that ei2=z0(0) ei (2.27) is a special case of the first identity in (2.24). The relations ei+1ei= ei+1tsi tsi+1, tiei+1= tsi+1tsi ei+1, (2.28) tsiei+1ei =tsi+1ei, andei+1ei tsi+1=ei+1 tsi (2.29) result from ei+1tsitsi+1 = εei+1tsiei+1 tsitsi+1=ei+1 tsi+1tsiei+1tsi tsi+1=ei+1ei, tsi+1tsiei+1 = εtsi+1tsi ei+1tsiei+1= tsi+1tsi ei+1tsi tsi+1ei+1= eiei+1, tsiei+1ei = εtsiei+1tsi ei=εtsi+1ei tsi+1ei= tsi+1ei,and ei+1eitsi+1 = εei+1tsi+1ei tsi+1=ε ei+1tsiei+1 tsi=ei+1tsi.

A consequence (see (3.7)) of the defining relations of 𝒲k is the equation (z0(-u)-(12+εu)) (z0(u)-(12-εu)) e1=(12-εu) (12+εu)e1, where z0(u) is the generating function z0(u)= 0 z0()u-. This means that, unless the parameters z0() are chosen carefully, it is likely that e1=0 in 𝒲k.

From the point of view of the Schur-Weyl duality for the degenerate affine BMW algebra (see [ASu9710037] and [RamNotes]) the natural choice of base ring is the center of the enveloping algebra of the orthogonal or symplectic Lie algebra which, by the Harish-Chandra isomorphism, is isomorphic to the subring of symmetric functions given by C= { z[h1,,hr]Sr |z(h1,,hr)= z(-h1,h2,,hr) } , where the symmetric group Sr acts by permuting the variables h1,,hr. Here the constants z0()C are given, explicitly, by setting the generating function z0(u)equal, up to a normalization, to i=1r (u+12+hi) (u+12-hi) (u-12-hi) (u-12+hi) . This choice of C and the z0() are the universal admissible parameters for 𝒲k. This point of view will be explained in [DRV1205.1852v1].

Careful manipulation of the defining relations of 𝒲k provides an inductive presentation of 𝒲k as 𝒲k=𝒲k-1 ek-1𝒲k-1+ 𝒲k-1tsk-1 𝒲k-1+ 0 𝒲k-1yk 𝒲k-1, and provides that ek𝒲kek= 𝒲k-1ek, and 𝒲k 𝒲k-1ek b ekbek is a (𝒲k-1,𝒲k-1)-bimodule homomorphism. These structural facts are important to the understanding of 𝒲k by “Jones basic constructions”. Under the conditions of Theorem 4.1(a) it is true, but not immediate from the defining relations, that the natural homomorphism 𝒲k-1𝒲k is injective so that 𝒲k-1 is a subalgebra of 𝒲k. These useful structural results for the algebras 𝒲k are justified in [AMR0506467].

Quotients of 𝒲k

The degenerate affine Hecke algebra k is the quotient of 𝒲k by the relations ei=0,fori =1,,k-1. (2.30) Fix b1,,br. The degenerate cyclotomic BMW algebra 𝒲r,k(b1,,br) is the degenerate affine BMW algebra with the additional relation (y1-b1) (y1-br)=0. (2.31) The degenerate cyclotomic Hecke algebra r,k(b1,,br) is the degenerate affine Hecke algebra k with the additional relation (2.31).

Since the composite map C[y1,,yk]k𝒲kk is injective (see [Kle2165457, Theorem 3.2.2]) and the last two maps are surjections, it follows that the polynomial ring C[y1,,yk] is a subalgebra of k and 𝒲k.

A consequence of the relation (2.31) in 𝒲r,k(b1,,br) is (z0(u)+u-12) e1=(u-12(-1)r) ( i=1r u+bi u-bi ) e1. (2.32) This equation makes the data of the values bi almost equivalent to the data of the z0().

The affine braid group Bk

The affine braid group Bk is the group given by generators T1,T2,,Tk-1 and Xε1, with relations TiTj = TjTi, ifji±1, (2.33) TiTi+1Ti = Ti+1Ti Ti+1, fori=1,2,,k-2, (2.34) Xε1T1 Xε1T1 = T1Xε1 T1Xε1, (2.35) Xε1Ti = TiXε1, fori=2,3,,k-1. (2.36) The affine braid group is isomorphic to the group of braids in the thickened annulus, where the generators Ti and Xε1 are identified with the diagrams Ti= i i+1 andXε1= . (2.37) For i=1,,k define Xεi=Ti-1 Ti-2T2T1 Xε1T1T2 Ti-2Ti-1= i . (2.38) The pictorial computation XεjXεi= i i = i i =XεiXεj shows that the Xεi all commute with each other.

The affine BMW algebra Wk

Let C be a commutative ring and let CBk be the group algebra of the affine braid group. Fix constants q,zCand Z0()C, for, with q and z invertible. Let Yi=zXεi so that Y1=zXε1, Yi=Ti-1 Yi-1Ti-1, andYiYj= YjYi,for1 i,jk. (2.39) In the affine braid group TiYiYi+1= YiYi+1Ti. (2.40) Assume q-q-1 is invertible in C and define Ei in the group algebra of the affine braid group by TiYi=Yi+1 Ti-(q-q-1) Yi+1(1-Ei). (2.41) The affine BMW algebra Wk is the quotient of the group algebra CBk of the affine braid group Bk by the relations EiTi±1= Ti±1Ei= z1Ei, EiTi-1±1 Ei=Ei Ti+1±1Ei =z±1Ei, (2.42) E1Y1E1= Z0()E1, EiYiYi+1 =Ei=Yi Yi+1Ei. (2.43) Since Yi+1-1(TiYi)Yi+1= Yi+1-1YiYi+1Ti= YiTi, conjugating (2.41) by Yi+1-1 gives YiTi=Ti Yi+1- (q-q-1) (1-Ei) Yi+1. (2.44) Left multiplying (2.41) by Yi+1-1 and using the second identity in (2.39) shows that (2.41) is equivalent to Ti-Ti-1=(q-q-1)(1-Ei), so that Ei=1- Ti-Ti-1 q-q-1 and TiTi+1 Ei Ti+1-1 Ti-1= Ei+1. (2.45) Multiply the second relation in (2.45) on the left and the right by Ei, and then use the relations in (2.42) to get EiEi+1Ei= EiTiTi+1 EiTi+1-1 Ti-1Ei=Ei Ti+1Ei Ti+1-1Ei =zEiTi+1-1 Ei=Ei, so that EiEi±1Ei =Ei ,andEi2= (1+z-z-1q-q-1) Ei (2.46) is obtained by multiplying the first equation in (2.45) by Ei and using (2.42). Thus from the first relation in (2.43), Z0(0)=1+ z-z-1 q-q-1 and (Ti-z-1) (Ti+q-1) (Ti-q)=0, (2.47) since (Ti-z-1) (Ti+q-1) (Ti-q) Ti-1 = (Ti-z-1) (Ti2-(q-q-1)Ti-1) Ti-1 = (Ti-z-1) (Ti-Ti-1-(q-q-1)) = (Ti-z-1) (q-q-1) (-Ei) = -(z-1-z-1) (q-q-1) =0. The relations Ei+1Ei= Ei+1Ti Ti+1, EiEi+1= Ti+1-1 Ti-1 Ei+1, (2.48) TiEi+1Ei =Ti+1-1 Ei,and Ei+1Ei Ti+1= Ei+1Ti-1, (2.49) follow from the computations Ei+1TiTi+1= z(Ei+1Ti-1Ei+1) TiTi+1=z (z-1Ei+1Ti+1-1) Ti-1Ei+1Ti Ti+1=Ei+1Ei, Ti+1-1 Ti-1 Ei+1= Ti+1-1 Ti-1 (z-1Ei+1TiEi+1) =Ti+1-1 Ti-1z-1 Ei+1Tiz Ti+1Ei+1= EiEi+1, TiEi+1Ei= TiEi+1 (Ti-1Eiz-1) =z-1 Ti+1-1Ei Ti+1Eiz-1 =Ti+1-1z Eiz-1= Ti+1-1Ei, and Ei+1EiTi+1 =Ei+1Ti+1-1 zEiTi+1=z Ei+1TiEi+1 Ti-1=zz-1 Ei+1Ti-1= Ei+1Ti-1.

A consequence (see (3.26)) of the defining relations of Wk is the equation ( Z0-- zq-q-1- u2u2-1 ) ( Z0-+ z-1q-q-1- u2u2-1 ) E1= -(u2-q2) (u2-q-2) (u2-1) (q-q-1)2 E1, where Z0+ and Z0- are the generating functions Z0+= 0 Z0()u- andZ0-= 0 Z0()u-. This means that, unless the parameters Z0() are chosen carefully, it is likely that E1=0 in Wk.

From the point of view of Schur-Weyl duality for the affine BMW algebra (see [ORa0401317] and [RamNotes]) the natural choice of base ring is the center of the quantum group corresponding to the orthogonal or symplectic Lie algebra which, by the (quantum version) of the Harish-Chandra isomorphism, is isomorphic to the subring of symmetric Laurent polynomials given by C= { z [L1±1,,Lr±1]Sr |z(L1,L2,,Lr)= z(L1-1,L2,,Lr) } , where the symmetric group Sr acts by permuting the variables L1,,Lr. Here the constants Z0()C are given, explicitly, by setting the generating functions Z0+ and Z0- equal, up to a normalization, to i=1r (u-qLi) (u-q-1Li) · (u-qLi-1) (u-q-1Li-1) and i=1r (u-q-1Li) (u-qLi) · (u-q-1Li-1) (u-qLi-1) , respectively. This choice of C and the Z0() are the universal admissible parameters for Wk. This point of view will be explained in [DRV1205.1852v1].

Careful manipulation of the defining relations of Wk provides an inductive presentation of wk as Wk=Wk-1Ek-1 Wk-1+Wk-1 Tk-1Wk-1+ Wk-1Tk-1-1 Wk-1+ Wk-1Yk Wk-1 (see [GHa0411155, Prop. 3.16] or [Här1834081]), and provides that EkWkEk= Wk-1Ekand Wk Wk-1Ek b EkbEk is a (Wk-1,Wk-1)-bimodule homomorphism (see [GHa0411155, Prop. 3.17]). These structural facts are important to the understanding of Wk by “Jones basic constructions”. Under the conditions of Theorem 4.4(a) it is true, but not immediate from the defining relations, that the natural homomorphism Wk-1Wk is injective so that Wk-1 is a subalgebra of Wk (see [GHa0411155, Cor. 6.15]).

Quotients of Wk

The affine Hecke algebra Hk is the affine BMW algebra Wk with the additional relations Ei=0,fori= 1,,k-1. (2.50) Fix b1,,brC. The cyclotomic BMW algebra Wr,k(b1,,br) is the affine BMW algebra Wk with the additional relation (Y1-b1) (Y1-br)=0. (2.51) The cyclotomic Hecke algebra Hr,k(b1,,br) is the affine Hecke algebra Hk with the additional relation (2.51).

Since the composite map C[Y1±1,,Yk±1]CBkWkHk is injective and the last two maps are surjections, it follows that the Laurent polynomial ring C[Y1±1,,Yk±1] is a subalgebra of CBk and Wk.

A consequence of the relation (2.51) in Wr,k(b1,,br) is ( Z0++ z-1q-q-1- u2u2-1 ) E1= ( zq-q-1+ uzu2-1 ) ( j=1r u-bj-1 u-bj ) E1. (2.52) This equation makes the data of the values bi almost equivalent to the data of the Z0().

Notes and references

This is a typed exert of the paper Affine and degenerate affine BMW algebras: The center by Zajj Daugherty, Arun Ram and Rahbar Virk.

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