Affine and degenerate affine BMW algebras: Actions on tensor space

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 13 October 2013


1 Actions of general type tantalizers
1.2 The degenerate affine braid algebra action
1.2 The affine braid group action
2 Actions of classical type tantalizers
2.1 The degenerate affine BMW algebra action
2.2 The affine BMW algebra action
3 Central element transfer via Schur-Weyl duality
3.1 Central elements zV()
3.2 Central elements ZV()
4 Symplectic and orthogonal higher Casimir elements
4.1 The central elements zV() as higher Casimir elements
4.2 The central elements ZV() as quantum higher Casimir elements

Notes and references

This is a typed exert of the paper Affine and degenerate affine BMW algebras: Actions on tensor space by Zajj Daugherty, Arun Ram and Rahbar Virk.

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