Affine and degenerate affine BMW algebras: Actions on tensor space

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 13 October 2013

Actions of general type tantalizers

Our goal in Section 2 is to provide a tensor space action of the affine Birman-Murakami-Wenzl (BMW) algebra Wk and its degenerate version 𝒲k by way of the group algebra of the affine braid group CBk and the degenerate affine braid algebra k,, respectively. The definition of the degenerate affine braid algebra k makes the Schur-Weyl duality framework completely analogous in both the affine and degenerate affine cases.

In this section, we define CBk and k and show that both act on tensor space of the form MVk. In the degenerate affine case this action commutes with complex reductive Lie algebras 𝔤; in the affine case this action commutes with the Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum group Uh𝔤. As we will see in Section 2, the affine and degenerate affine BMW algebras arise when 𝔤 is orthogonal or symplectic and V is the defining representation; similarly, the degenerate affine Hecke algebras arise when 𝔤 is of type 𝔤𝔩n or 𝔰𝔩n and V is the defining representation. In the case when M is the trivial representation and 𝔤 is 𝔰𝔬n, the elements y1,,yk in k become the Jucys-Murphy elements for the Brauer algebras used in [Naz1996]; in the case that 𝔤=𝔤𝔩n, these become the classical Jucys-Murphy elements in the group algebra of the symmetric group.

The action of the degenerate affine braid algebra k and the action of the affine braid group Bk on MVk each provide Schur functors FVλ: {U-modules} { {k-modules}, ifU=U𝔤, {Bk-modules}, ifU=Uh𝔤. M HomU ( M(λ), MVk ) (1.1) where in each case HomU(M(λ),MVk) is the vector space of highest weight vectors of weight λ in MVk. These ubiquitous functors transfer representation theoretic information back and forth either between U𝔤 and k or between Uh𝔤 and CBk.

The degenerate affine braid algebra action

Let C be a commutative ring and let Sk denote the symmetric group on {1,,k}. For i{1,,k}, write si for the transposition in Sk that switches i and i+1. The degenerate affine braid algebra is the algebra k over C generated by tu(uSk), κ0,κ1, andy1,,yk, (1.2) with relations tutv= tuv, yiyj=yjyi, κ0κ1= κ1κ0, κ0yi=yi κ0,κ1 yi=yiκ1, (1.3) κ0tsi=tsiκ0, κ1ts1κ1ts1 =ts1κ1ts1κ1 ,andκ1tsj =tsjk1,for j1, (1.4) tsi(yi+yi+1) (yi+yi+1) tsi,and yjtsi=tsi yjforji,i+1, (1.5) and, for i=1,,k-2, tsitsi+1 γi,i+1 tsi+1tsi =γi+1,i+2, where γi,i+1= yi+1-tsi yitsi. (1.6) This presentation highlights the “Jucys-Murphy” elements y1,,yk for the degenerate BMW algebra 𝒲k as in [Naz1996]. However, the algebra k also admits the following presentation, which highlights its natural action on tensor space (as we will see in Theorem 1.2).

[DRV1105.4207, Theorem 2.1] The degenerate affine braid algebra k has another presentation by generators tu(uSk), κ0,,κk andγi,j, for0i, jkwithij, (1.7) and relations tutv=tuv, twκitw-1 =κw(i), twγi,jtw-1 =γw(i),w(j), (1.8) κiκj=κjκi, κiγ,m= γ,mκi, (1.9) γi,j=γj,i, γp,rγ,m =γ,mγp,r, and γi,j ( γi,r+ γj,r ) = ( γi,r+γj,r ) γi,j, (1.10) for p and pm and r and rm and ij, ir and jr.

The conversion between the two presentations is given by the formulas κ0=κ0, κ1=κ1, tw=tw, yj=12κj+ 0<j γ,j, (1.11) and the formulas in (1.8). Set c0=κ0and cj=κ0+2 (y1++yj), (1.12) for j=1,2,,k. Then c0,,ck pairwise commute, yj=12 (cj-cj-1) andcj= i=0jκi+2 0<mj γ,m. (1.13)

Let 𝔤 be a finite-dimensional complex Lie algebra with a symmetric nondegenerate ad-invariant bilinear form i.e., ,:𝔤 𝔤,with [x1,x2],x3+ x2,[x1,x3]=0 and x1,x2=x2,x1, for x1,x2,x3𝔤. Let B={b1,,bn} be a basis for 𝔤 and let {b1*,,bn*} be the dual basis with respect to ,. The Casimir is κ=b1b1*++ bnbn*=bB bb*andκZ (U𝔤), (1.14) where Z(U𝔤) is the center of the enveloping algebra U𝔤 (see [Bou1990, I §3 Prop. 11]). Since the coproduct on 𝔤 is defined by Δ(x)=x1+1x for x𝔤, Δ(κ)= κ1+1κ+2γ, whereγ=bB bb*. (1.15)

Let 𝔤 be a finite-dimensional complex Lie algebra with a symmetric nondegenerate ad-invariant bilinear form ,, and let U𝔤 be the universal enveloping algebra. Let C=Z(U𝔤) be the center of U𝔤, κ be the Casimir in C, and γ=bbb* as in (1.15). Let M and V be 𝔤-modules and let s1·(uv)=vu, for u,vV.

The degenerate affine braid algebra k acts on MVk via Φ:kEnd(MVk) defined by Φ(tsi)= idMidVi-1 s1idVk-i-1 so that Sk by permuting tensor factors of V,
Φ(κi) is κ acting in the ith factor of V in MVk and Φ(κ0) is κ acting on M,
Φ(γ,m) is γ acting in the th and mth factors of V in MVk,
Φ(γ0,) is γ acting on M and the th factor of V in MVk,
Φ(ci) is κ acting on M and the first i factors of V,
Φ(z)=zidVk for zC.
This action of k commutes with the U𝔤-action on MVk.


Since κZ(U𝔤) the operators Φ(κi) are in End𝔤(MVk). From the relation 2γ=Δ(κ)-k1-1k it also follows that Φ(γ,m)End𝔤(MVk).

All of the relations in Theorem 1.1 except the last relations in (1.10) follow from consideration of the tensor factors being acted upon. The last relations in (1.10) are established by the computation γ1,2 ( γ1,3+ γ2,3 ) (vwz) =γ1,2 ( ibivw bi*z+vbi wbi*z ) =γ1,2 ( iΔ(bi) bi* ) (vwz) = ( iΔ(bi) bi* ) γ1,2 (vwz) =(γ1,3+γ2,3) γ1,2 (vwz), for v,w,zV. Recursively applying the coproduct formula from (1.15) connects the action of ci with the action of κi and γ,m as in the second formula in (1.13).

For a U𝔤-module M let κM: M M m κm whereκis the Casimir as in (1.14). If M is a U𝔤-module generated by a highest weight vector vλ+ of weight λ then κM= λ,λ+2ρ idM,whereρ= 12αR+α (1.16) is the half-sum of the positive roots (see [Bou1990, VIII §2 no. 3 Prop. 6 and VIII §6 no. 4 Cor. to Prop. 7]). By equation (1.15), if M=L(μ) and N=L(ν) are finite-dimensional irreducible U𝔤-modules of highest weights μ and ν respectively, then γ acts on the L(λ)-isotypic component of the decomposition L(μ)L(ν)λL(λ)cμνλ by the constant 12 ( λ,λ+2ρ - μ,μ+2ρ - ν,ν+2ρ ) . (1.17) Pictorially, Φ(cj)= j j+1 κ M V V V V V M V V V V V andΦ(tsi)= i i+1 M V V V V V V M V V V V V V . By (1.17) and (1.12), the eigenvalues of yj are functions of the eigenvalues of the Casimir.

The affine braid group action

The affine braid group Bk is the group given by generators T1,T2,,Tk-1 and Xε1, with relations TiTj = TjTi, ifji±1, (1.18) TiTi+1Ti = Ti+1Ti Ti+1, fori=1,2,,k-2, (1.19) Xε1T1 Xε1T1 = T1Xε1 T1Xε1, (1.20) Xε1Ti = tiXε1, fori=2,3,,k-1. (1.21) The generators Ti and Xε1 can be identified with the diagrams Ti= i i+1 andXε1= . (1.22) For i=1,,k define Xεi=Ti-1 Ti-2T2T1 Xε1T1T2 Ti-2Ti-1= i . (1.23) The pictorial computation XεjXεi= i i = i i =XεiXεj shows that the Xεi pairwise commute.

Let 𝔤 be a finite-dimensional complex Lie algebra with a symmetric nondegenerate ad-invariant bilinear form, and let U=Uh𝔤 be the Drinfel’d-Jimbo quantum group corresponding to 𝔤. The quantum group U is a ribbon Hopf algebra with invertible -matrix =R1R2 inUU, and ribbon elementv=e-hρ u, where u=S(R2)R1 (see [LRa1977, Corollary (2.15)]). For U-modules M and N, the map ŘMN: MN NM mn R2nR1m M N N M (1.24) is a U-module isomorphism. The quasitriangularity of a ribbon Hopf algebra provides the braid relation (see, for example, [ORa0401317, (2.12)]), M N P P N M = M N P P N M (ŘMNidP) (idNŘMP) (ŘNPidM) = (idMŘNP) (ŘMPidN) (idPŘMN).

Let 𝔤 be a finite-dimensional complex Lie algebra with a symmetric nondegenerate ad-invariant bilinear form, let U=Uh𝔤 be the corresponding Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum group and let C=Z(U) be the center of Uh𝔤. Let M and V be U-modules. Then MVk is a CBk-module with action given by Φ: CBk EndU(MVk) Ti Ři, 1ik-1, Xε1 Ř02, z zM, (1.25) where zM=zidVk, Ři=idM idV(i-1) ŘVV idV(k-i-1) and Ř02= (ŘMVŘVM) idV(k-1), with ŘMV as in (1.24). The CBk action commutes with the U-action on MVk.


The relations (1.18) and (1.21) are consequences of the definition of the action of Ti and Xε1. The relations (1.19) and (1.20) follow from the following computations: ŘiŘi+1Ři= = =Ři+1ŘiŘi+1 and Ř02Ř1 Ř02Ř1= = = = =Ř1Ř02Ř1Ř02.

Let v=e-hρu be the ribbon element in U=Uh𝔤. For a Uh𝔤-module M define CM: M M m vm so that CMN= (ŘMNŘNM)-1 (CmCn) (1.26) (see [Dri1990, Prop. 3.2]). If M is a Uh𝔤-module generated by a highest weight vector vλ+ of weight λ, then Cm= q-λ,λ+2ρ idM,whereq= eh/2 (1.27) (see [LRa1977, Prop. 2.14] or [Dri1990, Prop. 5.1]). From (1.27) and the relation (1.26) it follows that if M=L(μ) and N=L(ν) are finite-dimensional irreducible Uh𝔤-modules of highest weights μ and ν respectively, then ŘMNŘNM acts on the L(λ)-isotypic component L(λ)cμνλ of the decomposition L(μ) L(ν)=λ L(λ)cμνλ by the scalar q λ,λ+2ρ- μ,μ+2ρ- ν,ν+2ρ. (1.28) By the definition of Xεi in (1.23), Φ(Xεi)= ŘMV(i-1),V ŘV,MV(i-1)= i , (1.29) so that, by (1.26), the eigenvalues of Φ(Xεi) are functions of the eigenvalues of the Casimir.

Notes and references

This is a typed exert of the paper Affine and degenerate affine BMW algebras: Actions on tensor space by Zajj Daugherty, Arun Ram and Rahbar Virk.

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