Representation theory Lecture Notes: Chapter 6

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 2 December 2013

Reflection groups

Let 𝔥* be a finite dimensional vector space over . The algebra S(𝔥*), generated byx𝔥* with relationsxy=yxfor x,y𝔥* is the symmetric algebra of 𝔥*. It can be identified with the algebra of polynomial functions on the dual vector space 𝔥=Hom(𝔥*,). As a vector space, S(𝔥*)=k0 Sk(𝔥*),where Sk(𝔥*)=-span {x1xk|x1,,xk𝔥*}. An element fS(𝔥*) is homogeneous of degree k if fSk(𝔥*).

The general linear group is the group GL(𝔥*) of all invertible linear transformations of 𝔥*. A subgroup W of GL(𝔥*) acts on S(𝔥*) by w(p1p2)= (wp1) (wp2), forwW, p1,p2𝔥*. (2.1) The invariant ring of W is S(𝔥*)W= { pS(𝔥*) |wp=p for allwW } . (2.2)

A reflection sα:𝔥*𝔥* is an element of GL(𝔥*) such that codim(ker(sα-1))=1, i.e. sα is diagonalizable and has exactly one eigenvalue not equal to 1. The reflection sα is the reflection in the hyperplane Hα=ker (sα-1)= (𝔥*)sα= {x𝔥*|sαx=x} (2.3) A reflection group is a finite subgroup W of GL(𝔥*) generated by reflections, W=sα|αR+, where R+ is some index set for the reflections in W.

Let 𝔥* be a finite dimensional complex vector space and let W be a finite subgroup of GL(𝔥*). Then W is a reflection group if and only if there are homogeneous elements e1,,enS(𝔥*)W such that [y1,,yn] S(𝔥*) yi ei, is a ring isomorphism.

The theorem says that W is a reflection group if and only if S(𝔥*) is generated by n algebraically independent homogeneous polynomials e1,,en.

Let W be a finite subgroup of GL(𝔥*) and let (,):𝔥*𝔥* by a bilinear form on 𝔥*. Then the bilinear form ,:𝔥*𝔥* given by x1,x2= wW (wx1,wx2), forwW,x1,x2 𝔥*, is W-invariant, i.e. wx1,wx2= x1,x2, for allx1,x2V, wW. Thus W is a subgroup of the unitary group U(𝔥*,,)= { gGL(𝔥*)| gx1,gx2= x1,x2, for allx1,x2𝔥* } . The radical of the form , is Rad(,)= { x𝔥*| x,y=0 for ally𝔥* } . The form , is nondegenerate, if Rad(,)=0. The dual 𝔥=Hom(𝔥*,) of the vector space 𝔥* has a W-action given by (wv)(x)= v(w-1x), for allv𝔥,x 𝔥*andwW, and the map 𝔥* 𝔥 x x,· (2.5) is a W-module homomorphism if and only if the form , is nondegenerate. If 𝔥* is a simple W-module then we say that W acts irreducibly on 𝔥*. If , is nondegenerate and W acts irreducibly on 𝔥* then, by Schur’s lemma, the isomorphism in (???) is unique up to constant multiples and so , is, up to constant multiples the unique W-invariant nondegenerate bilinear form on 𝔥*.

If sαW is a reflection in the hyperplane Hα then, for any (αHα), Hα= { x𝔥*| x,α=0 } . If ξ* such that sα=ξα then, for all x𝔥*, sαx=x- x,α α,whereα= (ξ-1)α α,α . (2.6)

Let W be a finite reflection group and let L be a W-invariant -lattice in 𝔥*. Let R= { β𝔥*|β is a minimal length element ofHαL } . The set R is the root system of the pair (W,L). It is a set of vectors in 𝔥* which satisfy:

(1) If, for each αR, sα: 𝔥* 𝔥* x x-x,αα whereα= 2αα,α is the reflection in the hyperplane Hα={x𝔥*|x,α=0} then W=sα|αR is a finite group.
(2) The root lattice Q=-span{αR} is contained in the weight lattice P= { x𝔥*| x,α for allαR } .
(3) R is W-invariant, i.e. if αR and wW then wαR.

Let 𝔥*=L 𝔥*. The chambers and the alcoves are the connected components of 𝔥*\ (αHα) and 𝔥*\ (αkHα,k) , respectively, where Hα, αR and Hα,k, αR, k, are the hyperplanes Hα= {x𝔥*|x,α=0} ,andHα,k= {x𝔥*|x,α=k}. Then

(a) the reflection sα:𝔥*𝔥* in the hyperplane Hα is given by sα(x)=x- x,α α,forx𝔥*,
(b) The reflection sα,k:𝔥*𝔥* in Hα,k:𝔥*𝔥* in Hα,k is given by sα,k(x)=x- (x,α-k) α,forx𝔥*,
(c) for λP, the translation tλ:𝔥*𝔥* in λ is given by tλ(x)=x+λ, forx𝔥*.
For αR, k and λP, sα,k= tkαsα=sα t-kαand sαtλ=tsαλ sα. (2.7) The Weyl group the affine Weyl group, and the extended affine Weyl group are, respectively, W0 = sα|αR = wt0|wW0 = W0{1} | WQ = sα,k|αR,k = wtλ|wW0,λQ = W0Q | WP = sα,ktλ|αR,k,λP = wtλ|wW0,λP = W0P since, by the second relation in (???) wtλ=twλw, for allλP,wW0.

Fix a choice of a chamber C in 𝔥*. The set of positive roots is R+= { αR| x,α >0,for allxC } andC= { x𝔥*| x,α >0,for allαR+ } . There are bijections R+ 1-1 {reflectionssαinW} α sα and W0 1-1 {chambers in𝔥*\(Hα)} w w-1C For wW0 the inversion set and the length of w are R(w) = { αR+|Hα is betweenCandw-1C } ={αR+|wαR+} and (w) = Card(R(w)).

Let Hα1,,Hαn be the walls of C. The corresponding elements αi of R+ and the corresponding reflections si=sαi are the simple roots,α1,, αnand thesimple reflections, s1,,sn, respectively. The fundamental weights ω1,,ωn 𝔥*are given by ωi,αj =δij,1i,j n. Then Q=i=1n αi,P= i=1n ωi,and C= { x𝔥*| x,αi >0,1in } .

Let A+ be the unique alcove contained in C whose closure contains 0. The element φR such that Hφ,1 is a wall of A+ is the highest root of R. Then A+= { x𝔥*|xC andx,φ <1 } and WQ 1-1 {alcoves} w w-1A+ is a bijection. The walls of A+ are Hα1,,Hαn and Hα0=Hϕ,1 and the reflection in Hα0 is s0=tφsφ= sφt-φ. (2.8) For wWP the inversion set and the length of w are given by R(w)= { Hα,k| Hα,kis between A+andwA+ } ,and(w)= Card(R(w)). (2.9) If wW0 and λP then (wtλ)= αR+HαR(w) |λ,α+1|+ αR+HαR(w) |λ,α|. (2.10) Define Ω={gWP|(g)=0}. (2.11) If gΩ then gA+=A+ and so g induces a permutation (also denoted by g) of the walls Hα1,,Hαn of A+. Then gsig-1= sg(i), forgΩ, 0in. Thus Ω corresponds to automorphisms of the Dynkin diagram.

The basic data

A reflection in O(n) is an element s such that codim(ker(s-1))=1. A finite real reflection group is a finite subgroup W of GL(n) which is generated by reflections. Any nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form (,):n×n can be symmetrized to produce a form ,:n×n given by x,y= wW (wx,wy), forx,yn, which is W-invariant, wx,wy= x,y, for allx,y,wW. Let R+ be an index set for the reflections in W. Each reflection sα, αR+, in W fixes a hyperplane Hα= {xn|sαx=x}. For any fixed choice of αn with αHα (i.e. α,x=0 for all xHα) the reflection sα:nn is given by sαy=y- y,αα ,whereα= 2αα,α, since the linear transformation defined by the right hand side of the formula acts as the identity on (Hα) and takes α to -α. The hyperplanes Hα, αn, cut the whole space n into a collection of cones, each of which is a fundamental chamber for the action of W.

The basic data is W a finite real reflection group,
C a fixed fundamental chamber for W,
L a W-invariant lattice.
For each reflecting hyperplane Hα, fix αn so that α,α is minimal such that αL,αHα, andα,x >0,for allxC, For λn let λ,α= the distance fromλto the hyperplaneHα, with the positive side of Hα being the side towards the chamber C so that C= { xn| x,α >0for allsα } . For each reflection sα in W let αP be such that Hα= { xRn| x,α=0 } , α is on the positive side of Hα and and α,α is minimal. These are the positive roots αR+.

Let P=iIωi, P+=iI0ωi, P++=iI>0ωi. Let ρ=iIωi so that P+ P++ λ λ+ρ is a bijection. The raising operators are Rα: P P γ γ+α and the dominance order is the partial order on P given by λμif λ=Rb1 Rβkμ for some sequenceβ1, ,βkR+. The dominance order on W is the partial order defined by vwifvρwρ. This partial order on W is often called the Bruhat order or the Bruhat-Chevalley order.

A fundamental theorem is the following theorem of Chevalley.

The data (W,C,L) is equivalent to a different data (GBT) where G is a connected reductive algebraic group over ,
B is a Borel subgroup of G, and
T is a maximal torus of G.
These data are equivalent in the sense that each can be uniquely reconstructed from the other.

Example. The basic data corresponding to the group GLn().

Let ε1,,εn be an orthonormal basis of n = i-1n εi, W = Sn,acting onn by permuting theεi, C = { μ=μ1ε1++ μnεn| μ1>μ2>> μn } , L = i=1n εi, and R+ = { εi-εj| 1i<jn } , αi = εi-εi+1, for1in-1, sεi-εj = (i,j), the transposition switchingiandj inSn, si = (i,i+1), 1in-1.

Symmetric functions

The group algebra of P is [P]=-span {eμ|μP} witheμeν= eμ+ν, for all μ,νP. Define [P]W= {f[P]|wf=f} andA= {f[P]|wf=(-1)(w)f}. Define aμ=wW (-1)(w) ewμ,for everyμ P. The elements aμA satisfy

(a) awμ=(-1)(w)aμ,
(b) aμ=0 if μ,αi=0.
(c) aρ=αR+(eα/2-e-α/2) =wW(-1)(w)ewρ,
(d) aμ is divisible by aρ.

The orbit sums mλ=γWλ eγ,λP+, and theaμ= wW(-1)(w) ewμ,μP++, form bases of [P]W and A, respectively. The Weyl characters are sλ=aλ+ρaρ= wW (-1)(w) ew(λ+ρ) wW (-1)(w) ewρ ,λP+; the inverse images of the elements of our favorite basis {aλ+ρ|λP+} of A under the vector space isomorphism [P]W A f faρ g/aρ g sλ aλ+ρ (a vector space generalization of the bijection in (???)). Thus the sλ, λP+, are a basis of [P]W.

Let f= μPfμeμ [P]W. Then f=λP+ ηλsλ whereηλ= wW (-1)(w) fμ+ρ-wρ.


ηλ = ( coefficient ofsλin f ) = ( coefficient ofaλ+ρ infaρ ) = ( coefficient ofeλ+ρ inμP wW (-1)(w) fμeμ+wρ ) .

For λP+, μP define Kλμ by sλ=μP Kλμeμ= μP+ Kλμmμ. Then Kλλ=1, Kλ,wμ= Kλμand Kλμ=0unless μλ.


By (???) the coefficients Kλμ-1 defined by mμ=λP+ sλKλμ-1 are given byKλμ-1 =wW(-1)(w) δ(μ+ρ-wρWλ), where δ(νWλ)= { 1, ifνWλ, 0, otherwise.

If ν𝔥* and fμPfμeν[P] define f(eν)=μPfμeμ,ν. Let λP+ and let q=et. Then sλ(qρ)= αR+ [λ+ρ,α] [ρ,α] andsλ(1) =αR+ λ+ρ,α ρ,α where [k]=(qk-1)/(q-1) for an integer k0.


sλ(qρ)= sλ(etρ) = aλ+ρ(etρ) aρ(etρ) = wW (-1)(w) ew(λ+ρ),tρ aρ(etρ) = wW (-1)(w) etρ,w(λ+ρ) aρ(etρ) = aρ(et(λ+ρ)) aρ(etρ) =αR+ eα/2,t(λ+ρ)- e-α/2,t(λ+ρ) eα/2,tρ- e-α/2,tρ = αR+ etλ+ρ,α/2- e-tλ+ρ,α/2 etρ,α/2- e-tρ,α/2 For part (b) sλ(1)=sλ(e0) =limt0sλ(etρ) =limt0αR+ etλ+ρ,α/2- e-tλ+ρ,α/2 etρ,α/2- e-tρ,α/2 =αR+ λ+ρ,α/2 ρ,α/2

[P] is a free [P]W-module with basis {eλw|wW} whereλw= w-1(siw<wωi).


For each iI define Δi:[P] [P]by Δif= eαif-sif eαi-1 ????is this formula for Δi correct???? and for each μP define Xλ:[P] [P]by Xλf=eλf. The operators Δi and Xλ satisfy the following relations ΔiΔjΔi mijfactors = ΔjΔiΔj mijfactors for allij, Δi2 = Δi, for alliI, XλΔi = ΔiXsiλ+ Xλ-Xsiλ 1-X-αi , for alliI,λP.


For the second relation: siΔi(f)=Δi(f) and Δi(g)=g if sig=g. So Δi2=Δi.

The affine Hecke algebra H

Fix q*. The affine Hecke algebra H is the algebra over given by generators Ti, iI, and Xλ, λP, and relations TiTjTi mijfactors = TjTiTj mijfactors for allij, Ti2 = (q-q-1) Ti+1, for alliI, XλTi = TiXsiλ+ (q-q-1) Xλ-Xsiλ 1-X-αi , for alliI,λP.

The affine Hecke algebra H is the algebra given by generators Tw, wW, and relations Tw1Tw2= Tw1w2, if(w1w2) =(w1)+(w2), TsiTw= (q-q-1)Tw+ Tsiw,if (siw)<(w).

The conversion between the two presentations is given by Xλ=Ttμ Tν-1, ifλ=μ-ν withμ,νdominant,

The algebra H has bases {XλTw|wW0,λL} and {TwXλ|wW0,λL}.

Let 10=wW q(w)Tw andε0=wW (-q)-(w) Tw. For each μP define Aμ=ε0 Xμ10,and Pλ= q(w0) W0(q2) wWw ( XλαR+ q-q-1X-α 1-X-α )

Let Z(H) be the center of H. Then Z(H) = [P]W 10H10 ε0H10 f f10 Aρf10 sλ sλ10 Aλ+ρ Pλ 10Xλ10 where the first map is a ring isomorphism and the second is a vector space isomorphism. {Aλ+ρ|λP+} is a basis ofε0H 10and {10Xλ10|λP+} is a basis of10H10, and the corresponding bases of Z(H)=[P]W are {sλ|λP+} and{Pλ|λP+}.


(a) First show that Z(H)=[P]W. Assume z=λL,wW cλ,wXλTw Z(H). Let mW be maximal in Bruhat order subject to cγ,m0 for some γL. If m1 there exists a dominant μL such that cγ+μ-mμ,m=0 (otherwise cγ+μ-mμ,m0 for every dominant μL, which is impossible since z is a finite linear combination of XλTw). Since zZ(H) we have z=X-μzXμ= λL,wW cλ,wXλ-μ TwXμ. Repeated use of the relation (4.11) yields TwXμ= νL,vW dν,vXνTv where dν,v are constants such that dwμ,w=1, dν,w=0 for νwμ, and dν,v=0 unless vw. So z=λL,wW cλ,wXλTw= λL,wW νL,vW cλ,w dν,v Xλ-μ+νTv and comparing the coefficients of XγTm gives cγ,m=cγ+μ-mμ,mdmμ,m. Since cγ+μ-mμ,m=0 it follows that cγ,m=0, which is a contradiction. Hence zλLcλXλ[X].

The relation (4.11) gives zTi=Tiz= (siz)Ti+ (q-q-1)z where z[X]. Comparing coefficients of Xλ on both sides yields z=0. Hence zTi=(siz)Ti, and therefore z=siz for 1in. So z[X]W.

(b) Since Xλ+Xsiλ is in the center of the tiny little affine Hecke algebra generated by Ti and the Xλ, Aλ+Asiλ = ε0 (Xλ+Xsiλ) 10=q-1ε0 (Xλ+Xsiλ) Ti10 = q-1ε0Ti (Xλ+Xsiλ) 10=-q-2ε0 (Xλ+Xsiλ) 10=-q-2 (Aλ+Asiλ). Thus it follows that Aλ+Asiλ=0 and so Awλ= (-1)(w) Aλ,for all λP,wW. Thus {Aλ+ρ|λP+} is a basis of ε0H10 Since ε0aλ10=ε0 ( wW (-1)(w) Xwλ ) 10=wW (-1)(w) Awλ=|W| Aλ, and sλZ(H), Aρsλ10= 1|W|ε0 aρ10sλ 10=1|W| ε0aρsλ 102= 1|W|ε0 aλ+ρ10= Aλ+ρ. Since {sλ|λP+} is a basis of [P]W and {Aλ+ρ|λP+} is a basis of ε0H10 the composite map Z(H) 10 Z(H)10 10H10 Aρ ε0H10 f f10 f10 Aρf10 sλ sλ10 sλ10 Aλ+ρ is a vector space isomorphism.

(c) Now show that Pλ10=10Xλ10. First we can do a rank 1 calculation: (q-1Ti) XλU+ = ( q-1Xλ+ XsiλTi +(q-q-1) ) ( Xλ-Xsiλ 1-X-αi ) U+ = 11-X-αi ( q-1Xλ- q-1Xλ-αi +qXsiλ-q Xsiλ-αi +qXλ-qXsiλ -q-1Xλ+ q-1Xsiλ ) U+ = (1-X-αi)-1 ( -q-1Xλ-αi -qXsiλ-αi +qXλ+q-1 Xsiλ ) U+ = (1-X-αi)-1 ( Xλ(q-q-1X-αi) +Xsiλ (q-1-qX-αi) ) U+ = (1+si) ( q-q-1X-αi 1-X-αi Xλ ) U+ Now U+ can be written as a linear combination of products of q-1+Ti and so U+XλU+ can be written as a linear combination of terms of the form (1+si1) ( q-q-1X-αi1 1-X-αi1 ) (1+sip) ( q-q-1X-αi1 1-X-αi1 ) . Thus U+XλU+=Qλ U+,whereQλ= wWXwλ cw, and the cw are some linear combinations of products of terms of the form (q-q-1Xα)/(1-Xα) for roots αR. By the Satake isomorphism we know that in fact Qλ must be a symmetric function and so Qλ=wWw (Xλcw0), where w0 denotes the longest element. It is not difficult to calculate cw0 as it appears for a unique term in the expansion of U+ in terms of linear combination of products of the (q-1+Ti). If w0=si1sip is a reduced word for w0 then w0cw0 = q(w0)W(q2) si1 ( q-q-1X-αi1 1-X-αi1 ) sip ( q-q-1X-αip 1-X-αip ) = si1sip ( q-q-1X-sipsi2αi1 1-X-sipsi2αi1 ) ( q-q-1X-sipsi3αi2 1-X-sipsi3αi2 ) ( q-q-1X-αip 1-X-αip ) = q(w0)W(q2) w0α>0 q-q-1X-α 1-X-α , by [Bou, Prop. ????]. Thus Qλ= q(w0)W(q2) wWw ( Xλα>0 q-q-1X-α 1-X-α ) .

(Straightening for the Pλ) Let λP such that λ,αi0. Then Psiλ=????.


The bar involution on the affine Hecke algebra is the -linear involution :HH given by q=q-1 andTw =Tw-1-1, forwW. Define Cw-H by Cw-= Cw-and Cw-=Tw modq-1L-, whereL-= [q]-1 -span{Tw|wW}.

Let w0 be the longest element of W. Let λP and let z[P]W. Xλ=Tw0 Xw0λTw0-1 ,10= 10,ε0 =ε0, Aλ+ρ= Aλ+ρand z=z.


The length function on W can be given by (wtλ)= α>0 λ,α +χ(wα) ,forwWand λP. Thus, if λP+, then Tw0Ttλ= Tw0tλ= Ttw0λw0 =Ttw0λ Tw0. Let λP and write λ=μ-ν with μ,νP+. Then, since -w0μP+ and -w0νP+, Xλ= TtμTtν-1 =Tt-μ-1 Tt-ν=Tw0 Tt-w0μ-1 Tt-w0ν Tw0-1=Tw0 (X-w0λ)-1 Tw0-1=Tw0 Xw0λTw0-1,

(b) Since TsiU+= Tsi-1U+= q-1U+= qU+ and (U+)2= (U+)2= U+, it follows that U+=U+. The proof for U- is similar.

(c) Since z[P]W is W-symmetric and the coefficients are bar invariant, z is an element of Z(H) and part (a) implies that z=Tw0zTw0-1=z.

(d) By (a), (b) and ???, Aλ+ρ= U-Xλ+ρU+ =U-Tw0Xw0(λ+ρ)Tw0-1U+ =(-q-1)(w0)U-Xw0(λ+ρ)U+q(w0) =(-1)(w0)Aw0(λ+ρ) =Aλ+ρ.

If λP+ let nλ be the element of W of maximal length in the double coset WtλW. Then Cnλ-= q-(w0) W(q2)sλ10.


The first equality follows from ??? and the identity q-(w0)W(q2) =q-(w0)W(q2). Let λP+. Let Wλ=Stab(λ) and let w0 and w0,λ be the maximal length elements in W and Wλ respectively. Let mλ (resp. nλ) be the minimal (resp. maximal) length element in the double coset WtλW. Pλ(X,q-2) 10 = W(q-2) Wλ(q-2) 10Xλ10= W(q-2) Wλ(q-2) 1W(q2)2 (wWq(w)Tw) Ttλ (wWq(w)Tw) = q-2(w0)+2(wλ) Wλ(q2)W(q2) (wWq(w)Tw) Tmλw0wλ (wWq(w)Tw) = q-(w0)+(wλ)-(mλ) Wλ(q2)W(q2) (wWq(w)Tw) q(mλ)Tmλ (wWq(w)Tw) = q-(w0)+(wλ)-(mλ) W(q2) (wWλq(w)Tw) q(mλ)Tmλ (wWq(w)Tw) = q-(w0)+(wλ)-(mλ)+(nλ) W(q2) ( xWtλW q(x)-(nλ) Tx ) = q(w0)W(q2) ( xWtλW q(x)-(nλ) Tx ) where the powers of q inside the sum are all nonpositive. Thus q-(w0) W(q2)sλU+ =μλKλμ (q-2) xWtμW q(x)-(nμ) Tx. By ???, Kλμ(q-2) is a polynomial in q-2 and Kλλ(q-2)=1.

For all z,zW, Kλμ(q)= qλ-μ,ρ Pznμz,nλ (q-1), where Pvw(q) denotes the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial for the affine Weyl group W.

Fock space from Hecke algebras

If νP+ let Wν be the stabilizer of ν and let W/Wν be the set of minimal length coset representatives of cosets of Wν. Define 1ν=1Wν(q2) wWνTw, and, for each μWν let Tμ=Tw1ν, whereμ=wνwith wW/Wν. The elements Tμ, μWν, form a basis of the H-module H1μ. Define a [q]-lattice in H1ν by Lν=[q]-span {Tμ|μWν} and define Cμ-, μWν, by Cμ-= Cμ-and Cμ-=μmod qLν. The parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials are given by Cμ-= λWν Pλμ-(-q) Tλ.

Pλμ-= zWν (-q-1)(z) Puz,v, where μ=uν and λ=vν, u,vW/Wν.


Fix >0 and define the -alcove A by A= { νP+| ν,αi 0,1in, andν,α0 < } . Let ε0=1W0(q2) wW(-q-1)(w) Twso thatε02= ε0andTiε0 =(-q)-1ε0. Define =νA ε0H1ν and=[q] -span{|λ+ρ|λP+}, where, for λP, |λ=ε0 XβTw1ν, ifλ=β+w νwithνA ,βP,wW /Wν.

(Straightening for |λ) Assume μ+wν,αi0. Then

(a) If siwν=wν then (1+q)|μ+wν= -(1+q)|siμ+siwν,
(b) If μ=siμ then 2|μ+wν= -2q|siμ+siwν,
(c) In general |μ+wν= -q|siμ+siwν -|siμ+wν- q|μ+siwν.


If μ+wν,αi0 then 0 = ε0(q-1+Ti) (Xμ+Xsiμ) Tw1ν = ε0(Xμ+Xsiμ) (q-1+Ti)1ν = q-1|μ+wν+ |siμ+siwν +q-1|siμ+wν +|μ+siwν.

{|λ+ρ|λP+} is a basis of .


Using ??? |λ= ε0XμTw1ν= ε0Tw0-1 Xw0λTw0 Tw-1-11ν = ε0Tw0-1 Xw0λ Tw0w1ν = (-1)(w0) q-(w0)-(wν) |w0λ For λP+ define Gλ+ρ- by Gλ+ρ- =Gλ+ρ-and Gλ+ρ-=|λ+ρ modq.

Gλ+ρ-= μP+ Pλμ- (-q)|μ+ρ, where Pλμ- is the parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig poylnomial.


(Steinberg’s tensor product theorem) Let λP+. Then Gλ+ρ-= Sλ(1) Gλ(0)+ρ- ,whereλ= λ(0)+λ(1) , with λ(0) n-restricted.


Let Uξ𝔤 be the quantum group at the value ξ. For each λP+ let Δ(λ) be the Weyl module of highest weight λ and let L(λ) be the simple module of highest weight λ.

(Lusztig conjecture) Let ξ be a primitive th root of unity. Define a vector space isomorphism Φ: R(Uξ𝔤) [Δ(λ)] |λ+ρ. Then Φ([L(λ)]) =Gλ+ρ-.



Let C=(αi,αj)iI be a Cartan matrix. Define free abelian groups P=iIωi andQ=iIαi, and a pairing,:P×Q given by ωi,αj=δij.

A crystal is a set B with maps wt:BP εi:B{-} and φi:B{-}, ei:BB{0} and fi:BB{0}, such that

(1) If eib0 then wt(eib)= wt(b)+αi, εi(eib) =εi(b)-1, φi(eib) =φi(b)+1, fieib =b, and if fib0 the wt(fib)= wt(b)-αi, εi(fib) =εi(b)+1, φi(fib) =φi(b)-1, eifib =b,
(2) φi(b)= εi(b)+ wt(b),αi, and
(3) If φi(b)=- then eib=fib=0.
The crystal graph of B is the graph with vertex setBand labeled edgesbiei bwheneib0. The μ-weight space of a crystal B is the set Bμ= { bB|wt(b) =μ } . The character of B is the weight generating function of B, χB=bB ewt(b)= μPCard (Bμ)eμ [P]. A normal crystal is a crystal B such that εi(b)=max {k|eikb0} andφi(b)= max{k|fikb0}. If B is a normal crystal and bB the i-string of b is the set { fiφi(b) bii fi2bi fibib ieib iei2b ii eiεi(b) b } , and (3) is equivalent to wt(eiεi(b)b) ,αi = - wt(fiφ(b)b) ,αi so that every i string in a normal crystal B is a model for a finite dimensional 𝔰𝔩2-module.

If B is a normal crystal define a bijection si:BB by sib= { fiwti(b) b, ifwti(b) 0, ei-wti(b) b, ifwti(b)0, so thatwt(sib)= siwt(b),for all bB. The map si flips each i-string in B. The equality wt(sib)=siwt(b) implies χB[P]W, for any normal crystalB.

[Kashiwara, Duke 73 (1994), 383-413] Let B be a normal crystal. The maps si:BB iI, define an action of W on B.


Let B1 and B2 be crystals. A morphism ψHom(B1,B2) is a map ϕ:B1B2{0} such that wt(ψ(b))=wt (b),εi (ψ(b))=εi (b),φi (ψ(b))=φi (b), and ifbieib andψ(b)0and ψ(eib)0 thenψ(b)i eiψ(b) A strict morphism is a morphism that commutes with all ei and all fi.

The tensor product of B1 and B2 is the crystal B1B2= { b1b2| b1B1,b2 B2 } with wti(b1b2) =wti(b1)+ wti(b2), εi(b1b2) = max { εi(b1), εi(b2)- wt(b1),αi } , φi(b1b2) = max { φi(b1)+ wt(b2),αi, φi(b2) } , ei(b1b2)= { eib1b2, ifφi(b1) εi(b2), b1eib2, ifφi(b1)< εi(b2), andfi (b1b2)= { fib1b2, ifφi(b1) >εi(b2), b1fib2, ifφi(b1) εi(b2), If B1,B2,B3 are crystals, then the map (B1B2)B3 B1(B2B3) (b1b2)b3 b1(b2b3) is a crystal isomorphism and so we may simply write B1B2B3 for the tensor product of B1, B2 and B3.

If B1 and B2 are normal crystals then B1B2 is normal.


If B is a crystal the dual crystal is the crystal B*{b*|bB} with wt(b*)=-wt(b), εi(b*)= ϕi(b), and φ(b*)= εi(b), ei(b*) =(fib)*, and fi(b*)= (eib)*. The crystal graph of B* is obtained by reversing all the arrows in the crystal graph of B.

Irreducible crystals B(λ)

A normal crystal B is irreducible if the crystal graph of B has a single connected component??? A highest weight path is an element bB such that eib=0 for all iI.

The irreducible highest weight crystals B(λ) are indexed by λP+.


We would like to show that there is a unique normal crystal B(λ) of highest weight λ. Define B(λ+μ) is the connected component of bλ+bμ+ inB(λ) B(μ). Thus, by definition there is a canonical injection ιλ+μλμ: B(λ+μ) B(λ)B(μ) bλ+μ+ bλ+bμ+

Let λ+μP+. The crystal B(λ+μ) is well defined, i.e B(λ+μ) B(γ+δ) ifλ+μ= γ+δ.


This reduces the problem of finding B(λ) to the fundamental weights.

Let λP+. Then B(λ) exists.

Another characterization? B(λ)= { bbλ- B() Bλ-| εi*(b) λ,αi ,for alliI } .

For each m>0 and each λP+ there unique injective maps Sm: B(λ) B(mλ) bλ+ bmλ+ such that wt(Smb)= mwt(b), εi(Smb) =mεi(b), φ(Smb) =mφi(m), and Sm(eib) =eimSm (b)andSm (fib)= fimSm(b) b.

B(λ)= B(-w0λ). The crystal B() Define projections πλλ+μ:B(λ+μ)B(λ) by the composition πλλ+μ: B(λ+μ) B(λ)B(μ) B(λ) bbμ+ b, bb 0, ifbbμ+. The projective system defined by the πλλ+μ allows us to define B()=lim B(λ)so that πλ:B() B(λ),is such that πλλ+μ πλ+μ=πλ, for all λP+. For each jI define a crystal Bj()= {bj(n)|n} jbj(-1) jbj(0) jbj(1) j with wt(bj(n))= nαjεi (bj(n))= { -n, ifi=j, -, ifij, φi(bj(n))= { n, ifi=j, -, ifij, and ei(bj(n))= { bj(n+1), ifi=j, 0, ifij, andfi (bj(n))= { bj(n-1), ifi=j, 0, ifij.

(a) For each jI there is a crystal injection Φj: B() B()Bj() b0 b0bj(0) b bfjnbj(0), withn>0ifbb0.
(b) Let (i1,i2,) be a sequence of elements of I such that each iI appears an infinite number of times. Then the subcrystal of Bi2()Bi1() given by B()= { bi2(-a2) bi1(-a1) |ai0, ak=0for k0 } , the subcrystal of Bi2()Bi1() generated by bi2(0)bi1(0).

If {i1,i2,} is a sequence of elements of I such that each iI appears an infinite number of times the composition Φi3Φi2Φi1 realize B()= { bi2(-a2) bi1(-a1) |ai0, ak=0fork0 } .

For each λP+, define a crystal Bλ-={bλ-} with wt(bλ-) =λ,εi (bλ-)=- ,φi (bλ-)=- ,ei (bλ-)=0, fi (bλ-)=0, for all iI. Then B(λ) is the normal subcrystal ofB() Bλ- generated byb0+ bλ-.

Define *:B()B() to be the unique involution such that Φi((finb*)*) =bfinbi (0),for alliI. THIS DEFINITION NEEDS REWORKING!

Representation crystals

The quantum group is the (q) algebra given by generators Ei, Fi, Ki, Ki-1, iI, with relations EiFj- FjEi= δij ( Ki-Ki-1 q-q-1 ) KiKi-1= Ki-1Ki=1, KiKj= KjKi, KiEj= qαj,αi EjKi, KiFj= q-αj,αi FjKi, 0=r=0ij [ijr] EirEjEiij-r, 0=r=0ij [ijr] FirFj Fiij-r, forij, where ij=-αj,αi+1, and [k]= qk-q-k q-q-1 ,[k]!=[k] [k-1][2] [1],[nk] = [n]! [k]![n-k]! .

(Drinfel’d) The algebra Uq𝔤 is the unique Cartan preserving Hopf algebra deformation of G.


An integrable Uq𝔤-module is a Uq𝔤-module M such that M=μPMμ, whereMμ= { mM|Kim= qμ,αi m,for alliI } , and for each mM and iI, Eikm=0 and Fikm=0 for k0.

There is a bijection {simple integrableUq𝔤-modules} 1-1 P+ L(λ) λ


Let M be a integrable Uq𝔤-module. The crystal operators ei:MM and fi:MM are the linear operators determined by ei (Fi(k)m)= Fi(k-1)m andfi (Fi(k)m)= Fi(k+1)m, for all k0 and mM such that Eim=0 and Fi(k)m0. The convention is that Fi(-1)m=0.

A crystal basis of M is a pair (L,B), L=μPLμ, B=μPBμ, where Lμis a free[q] -module with Mμ=(q) [q] Lμ, Bμis a basis of Lμ/qLμ, for all μP, and such that L is stable under ei and fi and the images of the operators ei and fi on Lμ/qLμ with the definitions wt(b)=μ, ifbBμ, εi(b)=max {k|eikb0} ,andφi(b)= max{k|fikb0}, make B into a crystal.

For each λP+ let L(λ) be the irreducible Uq𝔤-module of highest weight λ and fix a highest weight vector vλ+ in L(λ). Define homomorphisms of Uq-𝔤-modules πλ: Uq-𝔤 L(λ) u uvλ+ Define (λ) = [q]-span { fik fi1 vλ+| i1,,ik I } ,and B(λ) = { images offik fi1 vλ+in (λ)/q(λ) } .

(a) Let λP+ and let L(λ) be the irreducible Uq𝔤 module of highest weight λ. Then ((λ),B(λ)) is a crystal basis of L(λ).
(b) There is a unique crystal basis ((),B()) of Uq-𝔤 such that, for all λP+, πλ(())= (λ)and πλ(B()) =B(λ){0}, where πλ:()/q()(λ)/q(λ) is the map induced by πλ.

Quiver crystals

Let (I,Ω±) be the directed graph with vertex set I and an edge (ij)Ω± if αi,αj=-1. Fix an orientiation of (I,Ω±), i.e. a map c: Ω± * ij cij such thatcij +cji=0. Recall that P+=iI 0ωi andQ-=- iI0 αi.

Fix λ=iIλi ωiP+and theI -graded vector spaceλ= iIλi. For each -ν=iI-νi αiQ-fix theI -graded vector spaceν= iIνi. There is a natural GLν=iIGLνi() action on the variety X(λ)λ-ν = ( (ij)Ω± Hom(νi,νj) ) ( iIHom (νi,λi) ) ( iIHom (λi,νi) ) = { x= ( (ij)Ω± xij ) (iIxi) (iIxi) | xijHom (νi,νj), xiHom (νi,λi), xiHom (λi,νi) } Write x=ij xij, x=iI xi,and x=iI xi,for xX(λ)λ-ν. Use the orientation to define a GLν-invariant symplectic form on X(λ)λ-ν by ω(x,y)= (ij)Ω± cijTr (xjiyij)+ iITr (xiyi)- iITr (yixi), forx,y X(λ)λ-ν. The corresponding moment map μ:X(λ)λ-ν 𝔤𝔩νis given byμ (x)i=xi xi+ (ij)Ω± cij (xjixij). A point xX(λ)λ-ν is stable if every x-invariant I-graded vector space Uker(x) is 0. Let Χ(λ)λ-ν = μ-1(0)st/ GLν= { GLν-orbits of stable points in μ-1(0) } , Λ(λ)λ-ν = { [x]Χ(λ)λ-ν |x=0and xis nilpotent } , B(λ)λ-ν = { irreducible components of Λ(λ)λ-ν } . If bB(λ)λ-ν define εi(b)=εi ([x])=εi(x) =dim ( coker ( xi jI xij ) ) for a generic point [x] in b. Let X(λ)λ-(ν-dαi)λ-ν= { (x,V)| xX(λ)λ-ν ,im(x)V ν, dim(V)=ν-dαi,V isx-stable } and define X(λ)λ-(ν-dαi) q1 X(λ)λ-(ν-dαi)λ-ν q2 X(λ)λ-ν x|V (x,V) x Passing to GLν-orbits of stable points these maps induce Χ(λ) λ-(ν-dαi) εi=0 q1 q2-1 ( Χ(λ) λ-ν εi=d ) q2 Χ(λ) λ-ν εi=d where Χ(λ) λ-ν εi=d = { [x] Χ(λ)λ-ν |εi(x)=d } . The result is a bijection eid: B(λ) λ-(ν-dαi) εi=0 q2q1-1 B(λ) λ-ν εi=d .

Let λP+. The set B(λ)=νQ- B(λ)λ-ν with the mapsei: B(λ)B(λ){0} defined by ??? is a realization of the highest weight crystal of weight λ.


Let (I,Ω+) be a quiver, let Ω- be the opposite orientation and let Ω±=Ω+Ω-. For each -ν=-iI νiαiQ- fix anI-graded vector space V=iIVi, such that dim(Vi)=νi. Let GV = iI GL(Vi), 𝔤𝔩(V) = iI End(Vi), and EV = (ij)Ω+ Hom(Vi,Vj), XV = (ij)Ω± Hom(Vi,Vj). Define a moment map μ:XV𝔤𝔩V by μ=iIμi whereμi(x)= (ij)Ω± xjixij- xijxji, and let ΛV= { xXV|μ(x) =0andxis nilpotent } . Let B()-ν= {irreducible components ofΛV=} andB()= -νQ- B()-ν. For bB define wt(b)=-ν,if bB()-ν, andεi(b)= εi(x)=dimcoker ( (jiVj) xjiVi ) , where x is any generic point of b.

Let X0(-ν)={xX(-ν)|μ(x)=0} and let X0(-ν+rαi,-rαi) be the set of triples (x,ϕ,ϕ) such that xX0(-ν),and 0V(-ν+rαi) ϕV(-ν) ϕV(-rαi) 0 is an exact sequence of I-graded vector spaces such that im(ϕ) is x-stable. For each (x,ϕ,ϕ)X0(-ν+rαi,-rαi) let x:V(-ν+rαi) V(-ν+rαi) andx:V(-rαi) V(-rαi) be the induced maps, 0 V(ν)k ϕk V(ν)k ϕk 0 0 xki xki xki xki xki xki 0 W ϕi V(ν)i ϕi r 0 xij xij xij xij xij xij 0 V(ν)j ϕj V(ν)j ϕj 0 0 The maps X0(-ν+rαi) X0(-ν+rαi)×X0(-rαi) ω X0(-ν+rαi,-rαi) π1 X0(-ν) x (x,0)=(x,x) (x,ϕ,ϕ) x induce an isomorphism eir=ω π1-1: { bB()-ν |εi(b)=r } { bB()-ν+rαi |εi(b)=0 } . These maps determine maps ei on B().

This is a realization of the crystal B().


Path crystals

Let B be the set of paths in 𝔥* where a path in 𝔥* is the image of a piecewise linear map p:[0,1] 𝔥*such that p(0)=0 andp(1)P. PICTURE Define functions wt:BP, εi(p): B0 and ϕi:B0 ei:BB{0} and fi:BB{0} by wt(p) = p(1) = the endpoint ofp, εi(p) = |min{p(t),αi|0t1}| = distance from the most negative point toHαi, φi(p) = |p(1),αi-min{p(t),αi|0t1}| = distance from the most negative point top(1), ei(p) = { tp(t)+ ri(t)αi, ifri(0) =0, 0, otherwise, fi(p) = { tp(t)- i(t)αi, ifi(1) =1, 0, otherwise, where ri:[0,1][0,1] and i:[0,1][0,1] are the monotone functions given by ri(t) = 1-min { 1,p(s),αi -εi(p)|0 st } i(t) = min { 1,p(s),αi -εi(p)| ts1 } To visualize these operations note that p(t),αi is the “distance of the pointp(t) from the hyperplaneHαi.” PICTURE For a path “traveling back and forth with respect to Hαi”, place a hyperplane Hmnp parallel to Hαi and through the most negative point of p. Draw another parallel hyperplane Hmnp+1 one unit in the positive direction from Hmnp (i.e. x,αi=y,αi+1 for xHmnp, yHmnp+1). Water poured down the tube created by Hmnp and Hmnp+1 will create a waterfall and wet those parts of p corresponding to where the function i is increasing. PICTURE The new path fip is the path which follows the same trajectory as p except that the “wet parts” are “reflected with respect to the αi direction”. In the case, figure 2, where the “the water flows in the positive direction” then fip=0.

The set B is a normal crystal.


Define the concatenation or tensor product of paths p1 and p2 to be the path p1p2 given by (p1p2)(t)= { p1(2t), 0t1/2, p1(1)+ p2(2t-1), 1/2t1. The reverse of the path p is the path p* given by p*(t)=p(1-t) ,0t1. For k0 the k-stretch of p is the path kp given by (kp)(t)=p (kt),0t 1. Let C be the dominant chamber, let ρ be the half-sum of the positive roots and set C-ρ= { x-ρ𝔥* |xC } . PICTURE Write pC-ρ if p(t)C-ρ for all 0t1. The definitions imply that pBis a highest weight path if and only ifpC-ρ.

Let B be a subcrystal of B such that Bμ is finite for all μP. Then χB= bBbC-ρ swt(b), where sλ denotes the Weyl character corresponding to λP+.


Let μP+. Then χBaρ |aμ+ρ= ( wW (-1)(w) ewρ ) ( pB ewt(p) ) |aμ+ρ= wWpB (-1)(w) ewt(p)+wρ |eμ+ρ. (2.15) Let pB and wW be such that wt(p)+wρ=μ+ρ. Let t0 be maximal such that there is an iI with wρ+p(t0)Hαi. If t0 does not exist then pC-ρ and w=1. If t0 does exist set Φ(p)= { fi-wρ,αi p, ifwρ,αi <0, eiwρ,αi p, ifwρ,αi >0. Then wt(p)+wρ=wt(Φ(p))+siwρ and the pairs (p,w) and (Φ(p),siw) cancel in the sum (???).

Let λP+ and let bλ+ be a highest weight path with wt(bλ+)=λ. For example, bλ+ might be the path given by bλ+(t)=tλ, 0t1. Define B(λ)= { fik fi2 fi1 bλ+| 1i1,,ik n,k0 } so that b(λ) is the collection of paths obtained by applying finite sequences of fi to bλ+.

Let λP+.

(a) sλ= bB(λ) ewt(b).
(b) sλ(qρ)= αR+ [λ+ρ,α] [ρ,α] = bB(λ) qwt(b),ρ
(c) sλ(1)= αR+ λ+ρ,α ρ,α =Card(B(λ)).
(d) If Kλμ are defined by sλ=μPKλμmμ then Kλμ=Card(B(λ)μ),


Let JI. The crystal ResJBisB with only those crystal operatorsej ,fjforj J. This is a crystal for the parabolic subsystem (WJ,CJ,P).

Let λP+ and let B(λ) be the irreducible highest weight crystal of highest weight λ. ResJB(λ)= pB(λ)pCJ-ρJ B(wt(p)) B(λ)B(μ)= pB(μ)pλpC-ρ B(wt(p)) B(λ)*B (-w0λ).


Let μ,ν,λP+ and let τPJ+. cμνλ = Card ( { bB(μ)| wt(bμ+b) =λand bμ+bC-ρ } ) ,and cJ,τλ = Card ( { bB(λ)| wtJ(b)=τ andbCJ -ρJ } ) . Then sμsν=λ cμνλsλ andsλ= τPJ+ cJ,τλ sτJ.


For paths p1,p2B define d(p1,p2)=max { |p1(t)-p2(t)| |0t1 } .

The operators ei:B B{0} andfi :BB{0} are the unique operators such that

ei(b1b2) = { eib1b2, ifφi (b1)εi (b2), b1ei b2, ifφi (b1)<εi (b2), and fi(b1b2) = { fib1b2, ifφi (b1)>εi (b2), b1fi b2, ifφi (b1)εi (b2),
(2) The operators sip= { fiwt(p),αi p, if wt(p),αi >0, p, if wt(p),αi =0, eiwt(p),αi p, if wt(p),αi <0, define an action of W on B.
(3) εi(b)= max{k|eikb0} and φi(b)= max{k|fikb0}.
(4) If ei(b)0 then fieib=b and (eib)*=fib*.
If fi(b)0 then eifib=b and (fib)*=eib*.
(5) If bB and k>0 then k(eib)= eik(kb) andk (fib)= fik(kb).
(6) There is a constant c, depending only on (W,C,P) such that
If eib10 and eib20 then d(eib1,eib2) <c·d(b1,b2), and
If fib10 and fib20 then d(fib1,fib2) <c·d(b1,b2).


The crystal Bnk

Let n = i=1n εi,with the εian orthonormal basis, W = Sn,acting on nby permuting theεi, C = { μ=μ1ε1+ +μnεn |μ1< μ2<<μn } , L = i=1n εi, and let bi be the straightline path from 0 to εi. Then Bnk= { bi1 bik| 1i1,,ik n } is the set of length k paths in n where each step is a unit step in one of the directions ε1,,εn. To compute the operators ei and fi on a path b=bi1bik in Bnk place the value +1 = εi,αi over eachbi, -1 = εi+1,αi over eachbi+1, 0 = εj,αi over eachbj,ji, i+1, Ignoring 0s read this sequence of ±1 from left to right and succesively remove adjacent (+1,-1) pairs until the sequence is of the form cogood good +1+1+1 conormal nodes -1-1-1 normal nodes The -1s in this sequence are the normal nodes and the +1s are the conormal nodes. The good node is the leftmost normal node and the cogood node is the right most conormal node. The good node is exactly at the position where the path b is at its most negative point with respect to the hyperplane Hαi. Then εi(b) = (# of normal nodes), φi(b) = (# of conormal nodes), ei(b) = same asbexcept with the cogood node path step changed to bi, fi(b) = same asbexcept with the good node path step changed to bi. For example, if n=5 and k=30 and b= b4b3b2b1 b2b2b4b4 b1b2b3b3 b2b1b1b2 b3b3b2b1 b4b5b5b1 b1b1b1b2 b2b4 then the parentheses in the table ( ) -1 ( ) -1 ( ( ) ) +1 0 0 0 +1 -1 -1 0 0 +1 -1 0 0 -1 +1 +1 -1 0 0 -1 +1 0 0 0 b4 b3 b3 b1 b2 b2 b4 b4 b1 b2 b3 b3 b2 b1 b1 b2 b3 b3 b2 b1 b4 b5 b5 indicate the (+1,-1) pairings and the numbers in the top row indicate the resulting sequence of -1s and +1s. Then ε1(b) = 2,φ1(b)=3, ei(b) = b4b3b3b1 b2b2b4b4 b1b2b3b3 b2b1b1b2 b3b3b2 b2_ b4b5b5b1 b1b1b1b2 b2b2b4, fi(b) = b4b3b3b1 b2b2b4b4 b1b2b3b3 b1_ b1b1b2 b3b3b2b1 b4b5b5b1 b1b1b1b2 b2b2b4,

The highest weight paths in Bnk are the b=bi1bik such that for every 1jk and every 1in the ( # ofbiin bi1bij ) ( # ofbi+1 inbi1 bj ) . The map Q:{highest weight paths inBnk} 1-1 {standard tableaux withkboxes andnrows} is given by making the standard tableau Q(b)such thatentry jis in rowiif bhasbiin position j(i.e. ifbij =bi). For example, if k=n=4 then B4={b1,b2,b3,b4} and the map Q is given by b1b1b1b1 1234 b1b2b3b4 1 2 3 4 b1b1b1b2 123 4 b1b1b2b3 12 3 4 b1b1b2b1 124 3 b1b2b1b3 13 2 4 b1b2b1b1 134 2 b1b2b3b1 14 2 3 b1b1b2b2 12 34 b1b2b1b2 12 13 24 Let xi=eεi. For a highest weight path bBnk wt(b)=λ1ε1+ +λnεn if the shape ofQ(b)is λ=(λ1,,λn) and so the character of the crystal Bnk is (x1++xn)k =λn(λ)n fλsλ,where fλ= (# of standard tableaux of shapeλ).


An-1 2 3 n-1 n A -2 -1 0 1 2 An-1(1) 2 3 0 n-1 n Let I= { {1,2,,-1}, in typeA-1 , in typeA /, in typeA-1(1) The elements of I index the (isomorphism classes) of simple representations of the quiver.

A segment is a row of boxes on graph paper with diagonals indexed by [i,d)= [i,i+d-1]= (d;i+d-1] to denote a row of boxes of length d such that the leftmost box has content i and the rightmost box has content i+d-1. The set of segments is R+= { { [i;d)| iI,1d-i } , in typeA-1, { [i;d)| iI,d0 } in typeA, { [i;d)| iI,d/ } in typeA-1(1), The elements of R+ index the (isomorphism classes) of indecomposable (nilpotent) representations of the quiver. A multisegment is a collection of segment, i.e. an element of B()= αR+ 0α A multisegment is aperiodic if it does not contain [0;d)+ [1;d)++ [-1;d), for anyd>0. Pictorially, a multisegment is aperiodic if it does not contain a box of height . Let B()= {aperiodic multisegments}. In types A-1 and A, B()=B(). The elements of B() index the isomorphism classes of nilpotent representations of the quiver.

The partial order

Consider graph paper with diagonal indexed by . A segment is a row [i,j]=PICTURE of boxes. A multisegment is a collection of rows of boxes. PICTURE Alternatively a multisegment λ can be viewed as a function λ:{segments} 0where λ([i,j])= (# of rows[i,j] inλ). The set of segments is ordered by inclusion. PICTURE Define λ([i,j])= [r,s][i,j] λ([r,s]). Then λ([i,j])= λ([i-1,j+1]) -λ([i-1,j])- λ([i,j+1])+ λ([i,j]). PICTURE and so the multisegment λ can be specified by the numbers λ([i,j]). Note that λ([i])= (# of boxes inλin diagonali). Define a partial order on multisegments by λμifλ ([i,j]) μ([i,j]) for all segments[i,j].

If [b,c][a,d] are segments define a degeneration R[b,c],[a,d] :{multisegments}{multisegments} by R[b,c],[a,d] λ([a,d]) = λ([a,d])-1, R[b,c],[a,d] λ([b,d]) = λ([b,d])+1, R[b,c],[a,d] λ([a,c]) = λ([a,c])+1, R[b,c],[a,d] λ([b,c]) = λ([b,c])-1, R[b,c],[a,d] λ([i,j]) = λ([i,j]), if[i,j] [a,d],[a,c] ,[b,d],[b,c] . The degeneration R[b,c],[a,d]λ is elementary if λ([i,j])=0 for all[b,c][i,j] [a,d]except [i,j]=[b,c], [a,c],[b,d] or[a,d]. Pictorially a degeneration takes PICTUREPICTURE and PICTUREPICTURE forc=b-1, or, equivalently, PICTUREPICTURE

Let A be the quiver (I,Ω+) with I=,Ω+= {ii+1|i}. Fix an I-graded vector space V = iIVi, and letEV = ii+1 Hom(Vi,Vi+1), GLV = iGL (Vi),which acts on EV, and 𝒩V = { xEV|x is a nilpotent element of Hom(V,V) } . The map 𝒩V {multisegments} x λx given by λ([i])= dim(Vi)and λ([i,j]) =rank(λ:ViVj) provides a bijection { multisegmentsλ|λ ([i])=dim (Vi) } { GLVorbits in 𝒩V }

Let λ and μ be multisegments and let 𝕆λ and 𝕆μ be the corresponding orbits in 𝒩V/GLV. Then the following are equivalent

(1) λμ,
(2) 𝕆λ𝕆μ,
(3) λ=Ri1Rirμ for some sequence of elementary degenerations Ri1,,Rir.


(1) (2): PICTURE+εPICTURE PICTURE, and so 𝕆PICTURE 𝕆PICTURE. (2) (3): If 𝕆μ𝕆λ then μ([i,j])=rank (μ:ViVj) rank(λ:ViVj) =λ([i,j]). (3) (1): Assume λ([i,j]) μ([i,j]) for all segments [i,j]. Find a sequence Ri1Rir of elementary degenerations which takes μ to λ, i.e. Ri1Rirμ =λ.

The crystal graph

Let λ= [ (λ+ρ)1 (λ+ρ)2 (λ+ρ)n (μ+ρ)1 (μ+ρ)2 (μ+ρ)n ] = ( (λ+ρ)1 (λ+ρ)2 (λ+ρ)n d1 d2 dn ] be a multisegment and assume that it is ordered so that

(a) (λ+ρ)i (λ+ρ)i+1,
(b) (μ+ρ)i (μ+ρ)i+1 if (λ+ρ)i= (λ+ρ)i+1,
These conditions are equivalent to saying that
(a) The 𝔤𝔩(n)-weight λ is integrally dominant,
(b) μ=wν where ν is integrally dominant and w is longest in its coset Wλ+ρWμ+ρ.
Place -1 above each (λ+ρ)j=i,
+1 above each (λ+ρ)j=i-1,
0 above each (λ+ρ)ji,i+1.
Then, ignoring 0s, read the sequence of +1s, -1s left to right and successively cancel adjacent (-1,+1) pairs to get a sequence of the form cogood good +1+1+1 conormal nodes -1-1-1 normal nodes The -1s in this sequence are the normal nodes and the +1s are the conormal nodes. The good node is the leftmost normal node and the cogood node is the right most conormal node.

Define wt(λ)=iI -(number of boxes of contentiinλ) αi,and εi(λ)= (number of normal nodes), φi(λ)= (number of conormal nodes), eiλ= ( same asλbut with the good node (λ+ρ)j=i changed toi-1 ) , fiλ= ( same asλbut with the cogood node (λ+ρ)j=i-1 changed toi ) , for each iI.

Remark. If this algorithm is being executed where I=/ then take (λ+ρ)j=, when i=0 and (λ+ρ)j0 mod , and
(λ+ρ)j=0, when i=1 and (λ+ρ)j0 mod .

(a) In type A-1(1), B() is the connected component of in the crystal graph B().
(b) B() is the crystal graph of Uv-𝔤.

The crystals B(Λ)

Type A-1: Let λ=i=1 λiεi= iIγiωi P+, and identify λ with the partition which has λi boxes in row i. Let B(λ)= {column strict tableaux of shapeλ} and define an imbedding B(λ) B() P [ 1 1 1 2 2 2 n n n i1 i2 iλ1 iλ1+1 iλ1+λ2 ik ] where the entries i1i2ik are the entries of P read in Arabic reading order.

The tensor product representation

The -dimensional simple Uq𝔰𝔩-module of highest weight ω1 is given by L(ω1)=-span {v0,,v-1} with Uq𝔰𝔩l-action eivj= { vi-1, ifj=i, 0, ifji, fivj= { vi, ifj=i-1, 0, ifji, kivj= { qvi-1, ifj=i, q-1vi, ifj=i-1, vj, ifji,i-1. Then L(ω1)k= -span { vj1vjk |1j1,j2, ,jk } . If v=vj1vjk place +1over eachvi-1 inv, -1over eachvi inv, 0over eachvj,j i,i-1. Then the Uq𝔰𝔩-action on L(ω1)k is given by ei(v)= v- q-(sum of±1s beforev/v-) v-, fi(v)= v+ q(sum of±1s afterv+/v) v+, ki(v)= q(sum of±1s forv) v, where the first sum is over all v- which are obtained from v by changing a vi to vi-1 and the second sum is over all v+ which are obtained from v by changing a vi-1 to vi.

The Fock space

Let μ𝔥* for 𝔤𝔩n. Define μ=-span {multisegmentsλ=λ/μ}. Define an action of Uv𝔰𝔩ˆ on μ by eiλ= c(λ/λ-)i q(sum of±1s beforeλ/λ-) λ-, fiλ=c(λ+/λ)i q(sum of±1s beforeλ+/λ) λ+, kiλ= q(sum of±1sequence forλ)λ, Dλ= q(# of boxes of content0inλ)λ.

(a) These formulas make μ into a Uv𝔰𝔩ˆ-module
(b) If Lμ=[q,q-1]-span{multisegmentsλ=λ/μ} so that the multisegments form a [q,q-1] basis of Lμ then ei[λ]= [eiλ] modqLμand fi[λ]= [fiλ]mod qLμ.


The permutations of the sequence +1 +1,,+1,-1,-1,,-1 are indexed by the elements of St/Sk×St-k where t is the number of nodes after (-1,+1) pairing. The group (/2)p acts on the (-1,+1) pairs by changing a pair (-1,+1) to (+1,-1). For each 1kr define uk= σSt/Sk×St-k τ(/2)t q(σ) (-1)(τ) (στλ[k]). Then uk=λ[λ]mod qLμand eiuk=[k] uk-1. The first statement is clear. To obtain the second statement eiuk = σSt/Sk×St-k τ(/2)t q(σ) (-1)(τ) (eiστλ[k]) = eichanges a pair σSt/Sk×St-k τ(/2)t q(σ) (-1)(τ) (στλ[k])- + eichanges a node σSt/Sk×St-k τ(/2)t q(σ) (-1)(τ) (στλ[k])- = 0+ τ(/2)t σSt/Sk×St-k eichanges a node q(σ) (-1)(τ) (στλ[k])- = τ(/2)t[k] ( σSt/Sk-1×St-k+1 q(σ) (-1)(τ) (στλ[k])- )

The Hall algebra

A quiver (I,Ω+) is a directed graph with vertex set I and edge set Ω+I×I, with no loops. A nilpotent representation of the quiver (I,Ω+) is a pair (V,x) consisting of an I-graded vector space over 𝔽q, V=iIVi and an elementx (ij)Ω+ Hom(Vi,Vj), which is nilpotent as an element of End(V). The dimension of V is the vector dim(V)= (dim(Vi))iI in (0)I. A morphism ϕHom(V,W) is a map ϕiIHom (Vi,Wi) such thatϕjxij =xijϕi, for all edges ijΩ+. An extension FExt1(V,W) is an exact sequence 0VFW0 of morphisms of representations.

The following proposition shows that the constants dimHom(M,N) and dimExt1(M,N) depend only on the dimension vectors of M and N.

Let M and N be representations of (I,Ω+) with dimension vectors μ and ν respectively.

(a) dimHom(M,N)=???,
(b) dimExt1(M,N)=???
(c) Exti(M,N)=0, for all i>1.
(d) χ(M,N)= dim(Hom(M,N))- dim(Ext1(M,N))= -ijΩ+μiνj +iIμiνi.


The Ringel-Hall algebra is the vector space 𝒰- with basis { Eλ|Eλ is an isomorphism class of nilpotent representations of(I,Ω+) } with multiplication given by EμEν=λ q -dimHom(μ,μ) -dimHom(ν,ν) +dimHom(λ,λ) -χ(μ,ν) Fμνλ (q-2)Eλ, where Fμνλ(q) = Card { γλ|γ νandλ/ γμ } = ( # of submodulesγofλ of typeνand cotypeν ) .

The type A case

The indecomposable representations [i,)k= { 𝔽q, ifiki+-1, 0, otherwise, of (I,Ω+) are identified with segments. By the analogue of the Krull-Schmidt theorem for representations of quivers every representation is isomorphic to a direct sum of indecomposable representations and so the isomorphism classes of representations of (I,Ω+) are identified with multisegments. Let Eν denote the isomorphism class of the representation ν and let Ei=E[i,1). Then {Eν|νis a multisegment} is a basis of the Hall algebra𝒰-.

Let M and N be representations of (I,Ω+) with dimension vectors μ and ν respectively.

(a) χ(M,N)= dim(Hom(M,N))- dim(Ext1(M,N))= -ijΩ+μiνj +iIμiνi.
(b) dimHom(E[j,],E[i,k])= { 1, ifijk, 0, otherwise.
(c) dimExt1(E[i,k],E[j,])= { 1, ifijk, 0, otherwise.


(a) Since χ(M,N) is linear in M and linear in N it is sufficient to check that the formula is correct on indecomposable modules. This follows directly from parts (b) and (c).

(b) Let {mi,mi+1,,mj} be a basis of M such that xi(i+1)(mi)=mi+1 and let {ni,,nk} be a basis of N such that yr(r+1)(nr)=nr+1. Any homomorphism ϕHom(M,N) must have kerϕ being a submodule of M and imϕ being a submodule of N and so the only elements of Hom(M,N) are multiples of the map ϕ:MN given by ϕ(mr)= { nr, ifjrand irk, 0, otherwise.

(a) Fν,iν+(q)= { qν+(>;i] ( 1+q++ qν+(;i]-i ) , ifν+=ν- (-1;i-1]+ (;i], 0, otherwise.
(b) Fi,ν+ν(q)= { q+ν(i;l] ( 1+q++ q+ν[i,)-1 ) , if+ν=ν- [i-1;-1)+ [i;), 0, otherwise.


(a) Count submodules of type i in ν+ such that the quotient is of type ν. These are 1-dimensional spaces P in ν((;i])i which are not completely contained in ν((>;i])i, i.e. P satisfies

(a) dim(P)=1,
(b) Pνi+,
(c) Pν+((<;i])i =0,
(d) P ν+((>,i])i.
The number of such subspaces is q#(;i]-1 q-1 - q#(>;i]-1 q-1 =q#(>;i] ( qν+((;i])-1 q-1 ) .

(b) Count submodules of ν+ of type ν such that the quotient is of type i. Choosing such a submodule amounts to choosing a codimension 1 space in the ith graded part of [i;) which is not completely contained in [i;<). The number of such subspaces is (q#[i;)-1) (q#[i;)-q) (q#[i;)-q#[i;)-2) (q#[i;)-1-1) (q#[i;)-1-q) (q#[i;)-1-q#[i;)-2) - (q#[i;<)-1) (q#[i;<)-q) (q#[i;<)-q#[i;<)-2) (q#[i;<)-1-1) (q#[i;<)-1-q) (q#[i;<)-1-q#[i;<)-2) = (q#[i;)-1) q-1 - (q#[i;<)-1) q-1 = q#[i;<) (q#[i;)-1) q-1 .

For each multisegment ν= ( λ1 λ2 λr d1 d2 dr ] place +1over eachλj=i-1, -1over eachλj=i, 0over eachλj=i,i-1.

Let [M] be the class of the representation indexed by the multisegment M. EiEν = c(ν+/ν)=i q(sum of the±1beforeν+/ν) Eν+and [M][ei] = [M-] q(sum of the labels after+M/M) [+M], where the first sum is over all multisegments ν+ which are obtained from ν by adding a box of content i to the end of a row of ν, and the second sum is over all multisegments +M obtained from M by adding a box of content i to the beginning of a row of M.


(a) Let ν+=ν+(,i]-(-1;i-1]. Then dimHom(ν+,ν+)- dimHom(ν,ν) = ( dimHom(ν,(,i])- dimHom(ν,(-1,i-1]) ) + ( dimHom((,i],ν)- dimHom((-1,i-1],ν) ) + dimHom((,i],(,i])- dimHom((,i],(-1,i-1]) + dimHom((-1,i-1],(,i])+ dimHom((-1,i-1],(-1,i-1]) = ( ν[i,>0)- ν(-1,i-1] ) + (ν(,i]-0) +1-1-0+1 = ν[i,>0)- ν(-1,i-1]+ ν(,i]+1. Since dimHom(i,i)=1 and χ(ν,i)= -νi-1+ νi= ν[i,>0)- ν(>0,i-1], -dimHom(i,i) -dimHom(ν,ν) +dimHom(ν+,ν+) -χ(ν,i)= ν(,i-1]+ ν(,i]. Thus the coefficient of Mν+ in EνEi is qν(,i-1]+ν(,i] Fν,iν+(q-2) = qν(,i-1]+ν(mi] q-2ν+(>;i] ( 1+q-2++ q-2ν+(,i]+2 ) = qν(,i-1]+ν(mi] q-2ν(>;i] q-2(ν(,i]+1) q2 ( 1+q2++ q2ν(,i] ) = qν(,i-1]-ν(mi] ( 1+q2++ q2ν(,i] ) .

(b) Let +ν=ν+[i,)-[i+1,-1). Then dimHom(+ν,+ν)- dimHom(ν,ν) = ( dimHom(ν,[i,))- dimHom(ν,[i+1,-1)) ) + ( dimhom([i,),ν)- dimHom([i+1,-1),ν) ) +dimHom([i,),[i,)) -dimHom([i,),[i+1,-1)) +dimHom([i+1,-1),[i,)) +dimHom([i+1,-1),[i+1,-1)) = (ν[i,)-0)+ ( ν(>0,i]- ν[i+1,-1) ) +1-0-1+1 = ν(>0,i]+ ν[i,)- ν[i+1,i-1) +1. Since dimHom(i,i)=1 and χ(i,ν)=-νi+1 +νi=ν(>0,i]- ν[i+1,>0), -dimHom(i,i) -dimHom(ν,ν) +dimHom(+ν,+ν) -χ(i,ν) =ν[i,) +ν[i+1,). Thus the coefficient of M+ν in EiEν is qν[i,)+ν[i+1,) Fi,ν+ν (q-2) = qν[i,)+ν[i+1,) q-2+ν[i,>) ( 1+q-2++ q-2+ν[i,)+2 ) = qν[i,)+ν[i+1,) q-2ν[i,>) q-2(ν[i,)+1) q2 ( 1+q2++ q2ν[i,) ) = qν[i+1,)-ν[i,) ( 1+q2++ q2ν[i,) ) .

For each vertex iI let [ei] be the class of the representation given by Vi= { 𝔽q, ifj=i, 0, ifji, and, for each edge ij in Ω+ let eij be the representation given by Vk= { 𝔽q, ifk=ior k=j, 0, otherwise andxij= id𝔽q.

Let (I,Ω+) be a type A quiver with the canonical orientiation. Then Ei2Ei+1- (q+q-1)Ei Ei+1Ei+ Ei+1Ei2 = 0and Ei+12Ei- (q+q-1)Ei Ei+1Ei+ EiEi+12 = 0, in the Hall algebra.


Using Proposition ??? we get Ei2 = q-1E2(1,i], Ei+12 = q-2E2(1,i+1], and EiEi+1 = qE(1,i+1]+(1,i] +E(2,i+1], Ei+1Ei = E(1,i]+(1,i+1], and Ei2Ei+1 = qE(1,i+1]+2(1,i]+ qE(2,i+1]+(1,i]+ q-1E(2,i+1]+(1,i], EiEi+1Ei = E(1,i+1]+2(1,i]+ E(2,i+1]+(1,i], EiEi+12 = q-2E(1,i+1]+2(1,i]. The result follows. The calculation for the other case is similar.

Notes and References

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[KS] M. Kashiwara, ?? Duke Math. J. 73 no. ? (1994), 383-413.

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Notes and references

This is a typed exert of Representation theory Lecture notes: Chapter 6 by Arun Ram. Research supported in part by National Science Foundation grant DMS-9622985.

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