Representation theory Lecture Notes: Chapter 2

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 29 October 2013

The groups G(r,p,n)

Let r,p,n be positive integers such that p divides r. The group G(r,p,n) is the group of n×n matrices such that

(a) There is exactly one nonzero entry in each row and each column,
(b) The nonzero entries are rth roots of unity,
(c) The (r/p)th power of the product of the nonzero entries is 1.
The group G(r,1,n) has order rnn!, since condition (c) is trivially satisfied, there are r choices for each of n roots of unity and there are n! permutation matrices. The group G(r,p,n) is the normal subgroup of G(r,1,n) of index p given by the exact sequence 1 G(r,p,n) G(r,1,n) /p 1 tλw λ1++λn Some special cases of these groups are:
(1) G(r,1,1)=/r, the cyclic group of order r,
(2) G(r,r,2)=WIr, the dihedral group of order 2r,
(3) G(1,1,n)=Sn=WAn-1, the symmetric group of n×n permutation matrices,
(4) G(2,1,n)=WBn, the hyperoctahedral group, or Weyl group of type Bn,
(5) G(2,2,n)=WDn, the Weyl group of type Dn,
(6) G(r,1,n)= (/r)Sn= (/r)nSn, where Sn acts on (/r)n by permuting the factors.

Let /r={0,1,,r-1} and let ξ=e2πi/r. For each λ=(λ1,,λn)/r, let tλ be the diagonal matrix with diagonal entries (tλ)ii=ξλi. Then G(r,1,n) = { tλσ|λ (/r)n, σSn } and G(r,p,n) = { tλσ G(r,1,n)| λ1++λn=0 modp } . where the multiplication in G(r,1,n) is determined by the relations tλtμ = tλ+μ, λ,μ(/r)n, wtλ = twλw,λ (/r)n,w Sn, where wλ=(λw(1),,λw(n)) if λ=(λ1,,λn).

The groups G(r,p,n) are complex reflection groups. The reflections in G(r,1,n) are the elements tiktj-k (i,j),k (/r), 1i<jn,and tik= t(0,,0,k,0,,0) = ξk ith ,k(/r), 1in. The reflections in G(r,p,n) are those reflections in G(r,1,n) which are also in G(r,p,n). These are tikp,0k (r/p)-1,and all tiktj-k (i,j),k (/r),1i <jn.

Define t1= ξ ,s1= ξ ξ-1 , si=(i-1,i)= ,2in.

The group G(r,1,n) can be presented by generators t1,s1,,sn-1 and relations sisj = sjsi, if |i-j|>1, sisi+1si = si+1sisi+1, 2in-1, t1s1t1s1 = s1t1s1t1, t1r=1and si2=1, 2in. (b) The group G(r,p,n) has a presentation by generators t1p,s1,s2,,sn and relations t1r/p = 1and si2=1, 1in, sisj = sjsi, for |i-j|>1 andi,j 2, sisi+1si = si+1sisi+1, for2in-1, s1s3s1 = s3s1s3,and s1sj=sjs1, forj>3, t1ps2 t1ps2 = s2t1p s2t1p,and s0t1p= t1ps0, forj>2, t1ps1t1ps1 2(r/p)factors = s1t1ps1t1p 2(r/p)factors ,and s1s2s1 rfactors = s2s1s2 rfactors ,

Note that only the groups ???? can be generated by n reflections.

Let λ=(λ(0),λ(1),,λ(r-1)) be a r-tuple of partitions with n boxes total. A standard tableau of shape λ is a filling of the boxes of λ with 1,2,,n such that, in each partition λ(j),

(a) the rows increase from left to right,
(b) the columns increase from top to bottom.
The rows and columns of each partition λ(j) are numbered as for matrices and T(i)is the box containingi inT, c(b)=j-i, ifbis in position (i,j), and s(b)=ξj, ifbis in λ(j), where ξ=e2πi/r. The numbers c(b) and s(b) are the content and the sign of the box b, respectively.

(a) The irreducible representations Sλ of the group G(r,1,n) are indexed by r-tuples of partitions λ=(λ(0),,λ(r-1)) with n boxes total.
(b) dimSλ= # of standard tableaux of shape λ.
(c) The irreducible G(r,1,n)-module Sλ is given by Sλ=-span { vT|T is a standard tableau of shapeλ } with basis {vT} and with G(r,1,n) action given by s1vT = s(T(1))vT, sivT = (si)TTvT +(1+(si)TT) vsiT,i=2,3, ,n, where (si)TT= { 1c(T(i))-c(T(i-1)), ifs(T(i)) =s(T(i-1)), 0, ifs(T(i)) s(T(i-1)), c(T(i)) is the content of the box containing i in T,
siT is the same as T except that i and i-1 are switched,
vsiT=0 if siT is not standard.

For each 0kr-1 the elements tik, 1in, form a conjugacy class in G(r,1,n) and the elements tiktj-k(i,j), 1i<jn, 0kr-1, form another conjugacy class in G(r,1,n). Thus the elements zs(k)=i=1n tik,1kr-1, andz=1r i<j1kr-1 tiktj-k (i,j), are elements of Z(G(r,1,n)). So zs(k) and z must act by a constant on any irreducible representation Sλ of G(r,1,n). Define x1=0, xk = ( 1i<jk0r-1 titj-(i,j) ) - ( 1i<jk-10r-1 titj-(i,j) ) =1r 1i<k,0r-1 titj-(i,j), for2kn,and yk = (i=1kti)- (i=1k-1ti) =tk,for1kn.

The elements x1,,xn and y1,,yn all commute with each other and the action of these elements on the irreducible representation Sλ of G(r,1,n) is given by ykvT=s(T(k)) vTand xkvT=c(T(k)) vT, for all standard tableaux T.


The proof is by induction on k using the relations xk=skxk-1 sk+=0r-1 yk-1sk yk-1- andyk=sk yk-1sk. The base cases x1vT=0=c (T(1))vT andy1vT =s(T(1)) vT are immediate from the definitions. Then ykvT = skyk-1sk = sk ( s(T(k-1)) (sk)TT vt+ (1+(sk)TT) s(T(k)) vskT ) = sk ( s(T(k))sk vT+ ( s(T(k-1))- s(T(k)) ) (sk)TTvT ) = s(T(k))vT+0 =s(T(k))vT, and xkvT = ( skxk-1sk+ 1r=0r-1 skyk-1- yk ) vT = sk ( c(T(k-1)) (sk)TT vT+c(T(k)) (1+(sk)TT) vskT+1r =0r-1 s(T(k-1))- s(T(k))vT ) = sk ( c(T(k))skvT+ ( c(T(k-1))- c(T(k)) ) (sk)TTvT+ 1r=0r-1 ( s(T(k))-1 s(T(k)) ) vT ) = { sk(c(T(k))) skvT+ ((-1)+1)vT, ifs(T(k))= s(T(k-1)), sk(c(T(k))) skvT+(0+0) vT, ifs(T(k)) s(T(k-1)), = c(T(k))vT.

The cyclic group of order r

The cyclic group G(r,1,1) of order r is the group generated by a single element g with the relation gr=1. The group G(r,1,1)={1,g,g2,,gr-1} can be realized as the group /r={0,1,,r-1} or as the group of rth roots of unity in , G(r,1,1)= { e2πik/r| k=0,1,,r } . Since G(r,1,1) is abelian every element is in a conjugacy class by itself. Since G(r,1,n) is commutative every irreducible representation is one dimensional. A representation ρ:G(r,1,n) is completely determined by the value ρ(g) and the relation gr=1 forces ρ(g)r=1. So ρ is an irreducible representation of /r if and only if ρ(g) is an rth root of unity. This proves the following theorem.

(a) The irreducible representations Sλ of the cyclic group G(r,1,1) are indexed by 0λr-1.
(b) dimSλ=1, for all λ=0,1,,r-1.
(c) The irreducible representations (and the irreducible characters) of G(r,1,1) are given by the maps ρk: G(r,1,1) g e2πi/r 0kr-1.
(d) The irreducible G(r,1,1)-module Sλ is given by the one dimensional vector space Sλ=vλ with G(r,1,1)-action given by gkvλ=ξkλ vλ,where ξ=e2πi/r.

Fix u0,,ur-1. The cyclic algebra Hr,1,1=Hr,1,1(u0,,ur-1) is the algebra given by a single generator X which satisfies the relation (X-u0) (X-u1) (X-ur-1) =0, (1.2) i.e. Hr,1,1 is the quotient of the polynomial ring [X] by the ideal generated by the polynomial in ???. The algebra Hr,1,1 has basis {Xk|0kr-1} and, if uk=ξk, where ξ=e2πi/r, then Hr,1,1=G(r,1,1) is the group algebra of the cyclic group.

The proof of the following theorem is exactly the same as the proof of Theorem ???. The hypotheses in the statement are exactly what is needed to guarantee that the maps ρk defined in part (c) are distinct (and nonzero???)

Assume that u0,,ur-1 are all distinct (and nonzero???).

(a) The irreducible representations Hλ of the cyclic algebra Hr,1,1 are indexed by 0λr-1.
(b) dimHλ=1, for all λ=0,1,,r-1.
(c) The irreducible representations (and the irreducible characters) of Hr,1,1(u0,,ur-1) are given by the maps ρk: Hr,1,1(u0,,ur-1) X ui 0kr-1.
(d) The irreducible Hr,1,1-module Hλ is given by the one dimensional vector space Hλ=vλ with Hr,1,1-action given by Xvλ=uλvλ.

The dihedral group G(r,r,2) of order 2r

The dihedral group G(r,r,2) is the group of 2×2 matrices given by G(r,r,2)= { (ξk00ξ-k), (0ξkξ-k0) |k=0,1,,r-1 } ,whereξ=e2πi/r. Conjugation by the matrix P=?? shows that G(r,r,2) is isomorphic to the group of matrices G(r,r,2)= { (ξk00ξ-k), (0ξkξ-k0) |k=0,1,,r-1 } ,whereξ=e2πi/r. In this form G(r,r,2) is the group of symmetries of a regular r-gon (embedded in 2 with its center at the origin), id s1 s2 s1s2 s2s1 s1s2s1 s2s1s2 s1s2s1s2 with s1 being the reflection in Hα1 and s2 the reflection in Hα2.

(a) The generators t=(ξ00ξ-1) and s=(0110) and the relations tr=1, s2=1, st=t-1s, form a presentation of G(r,r,2).
(b) The generators s1=(0ξξ-10) and s2=(0110) and the relations s1s2s1s2 mfactors = s2s1s2s1 mfactors ,s12=1, s22=1, form a presentation of G(r,r,2).

The conjugacy classes of G(r,r,2) are 𝒞1={1} 𝒞w0= { s1s2s1s2 rfactors } 𝒞s1 = { s1s2 kfactors s1 s2s1 kfactors |0k<r/2 } , 𝒞s2 = { s1s2 kfactors s2 s2s1 kfactors |0k<r/2 } , and 𝒞k = { (s1s2)k, (s2s1)k } ,1k<r/2

The irreducible representations of the dihedral group G(r,r,2) are given as follows. The one dimensional representations ρ++ and ρ-- are given by ρ++(s1) =1,ρ++ (s2)=1and ρ--(s1) =-1,ρ-- (s2)=-1, and, if r is even, there are additional one dimensional representations ρ+- and ρ-+ given by ρ+-(s1)=1, ρ+-(s2)=-1, and ρ-+(s1)=-1, ρ-+(s2)=1. The two dimensional irreducible representations Sλ, 0<λ<r/2, are given by Sλ(s2)= (0110) andSλ (s1)= (0ξλξ-λ0), whereξ= e2πi/r.


There are four things to show:

(a) The ρλ are irreducible,
(b) The ρλ are representations of G(r,r,2),
(c) The ρλ are all nonisomorphic, and
(d) The ρλ are complete set of irreducible representations.

(a) It is straightforward to check that ρλ(s1)2=ρλ(s2)2=Id for all the given ρλ. It remains to check that ρλ(s1s2)r=Id. This follows since ρλ (s1s2)r= 1, ifris odd and ρλis one dimensional, ρλ (s1s2)r= ±1, ifris even and ρλis one dimensional, ρλ(s1s2)= (ξλ00χ-λ) , whenρλis two dimensional.

(b) All one dimensional representations are irreducible. Let ρλ be a given two dimensional representaitons and let M1, with basis {m1,m2} be the corresponding G(r,r,2) module. Let N be a nonzero submodule of M and let n=c1m1+c2m2 be a nonzero vector in N. Suppose c10. Then ( s1s2-ξ-λ ξλ-ξ-λ ) n=c1m1N, and so m1N and m2=s2m1N. So N=M. So M is irreducible.

(c) Since the values χλ(s1s2)= ξλ+ξ-λ=2 cos(2πλ/r), 1λ<r/2, are all distinct, the characters of all the two dimensional representations ρλ, 1λ<r/2, are distinct. Thus these representations are nonisomorphic.

(d) If m is odd λdλ2= 12+12+ λ=1r/2-1/2 22=2+4(r/2-1/2) =2r, and, if m is even, λdλ2= 12+12+12+12+ λ=1r/2-1 22=4+4(r/2-1)=2r. In either case λdλ2=|G(r,r,2)|, and so the ρλ are a complete set of inequivalent irreducible representations of G(r,r,2).

The Iwahori-Hecke algebra of G(r,r,2)

Let p,q*. The Iwahori-Hecke algebra of the dihedral group Hr,r,2=Hr,r,2(p,q) is the algebra given by generators T1,T2 and relations T1T2T1T2 rfactors = T2T1T2T1 rfactors T12=(p-p-1) T1+1, T22=(q-q-1) T2+1. The last two relations guarantee that T1 and T2 are invertible, T1-1=T1- (p-p-1) andT2-1= T2-(q-q-1). If r is odd then p=q is forced since ( T1T2 r-1factors ) -1 T2 ( T1T2 r-1factors ) =T1. The elements { 1 , T1T2T1T2 kfactors , T2T1T2T1 kfactors , T1T2T1T2 rfactors |1k<r } form a basis of Hr,r,2. If p=q=1 then Hr,r,2=G(r,r,2) is the group algebra of the dihedral group of order 2r.

Assume that p,q satisfy ????. The irreducible representations of Hr,r,2(p,q) are given as follows. The one dimensional representations ρ++ and ρ-- are given by ρ++ (T1) = p, ρ++ (T2) = q, and ρ-- (T1) = -p-1, ρ-- (T2) = -q-1, and, if r is even, there are additional one dimensional representations ρ+- and ρ-+ given by ρ+- (T1) = p, ρ+- (T2) = -q-1, and ρ-+ (T1) = -p-1, ρ-+ (T2) = q. The two dimensional irreducible representations ρλ, 0<λ<r/2, are given by ρλ(T2)= (a(1+ad)1d) and ρλ(T1)= ( -dξ(1+ad)ξ ξ-1-aξ-1 ) ,whereξ= e2πi/r, a= (q-q-1)ξ+ (p-p-1) ξ-ξ-1 ,andd- (q-q-1)ξ-1 +(p-p-1) ξ-1-ξ .


Instead of repeating the proof of Theorem ??? and trying to mind our p’s and q’s let us give a proof which shows how this result can be derived.

The quadratic relations in ??? are equivalent to (T1-p) (T1+p-1)=0 and (T2-q) (T2+q-1)=0, and these imply that any one dimensional representation χ:Hr,r,2 must have χ(T1) equal to p or -p-1 and χ(T2) equal to q or -q-1. If r is odd then T1 is conjugate to T2 and so χ(T1)=χ(T2). This determines the one dimensional representations of Hr,r,2.

Let ρ:Hr,r,2M2() be an irreducible two dimensional representation of Hr,r,2. By the relation (T1-ρ)(T1+p-1)=0 the eigenvalues of ρ(T1) are in the set {p,-p-1}. If ρ(T1) has two equal eigenvalues then it is a multiple of the identity. If v is an eigenvector of ρ(T2), and ρ(T1) is a constant multiple of the identity then v is a submodule of ρ and this contradicts the irreducibility of ρ. So ρ(T1) must have eigenvalues p and -p-1. Similarly ρ(T2) must have eigenvalues q and q-1.

By the defining relations T1 T1T2 mfactors = T1 T2T1 mfactors = T1T2 mfactors Ti, where i=1 if r is odd and i=2 if r is even. So T2(T1T2)m= T1 T1T2 mfactors T1T2 mfactors = T1T2 mfactors Ti T1T2 mfactors = T1T2 mfactors T1T2 mfactors T1 =(T1T2)m T1, and similarly one shows that T2(T1T2)m=(T1T2)mT2. So (T1T2)m is in the center of Hr,r,2.

By Schur’s lemma ρ(T1T2)m= cId,for somec. Since ρ(T1) has eigenvalues p and p-1 and ρ(T2) has eigenvalues q and q-1, det(ρ(T1))= det(ρ(T2))= -1 and so det(ρ(T1T2)m) =(-1)2m=1. On the other hand, det(ρ(T1T2)m)=c2 and so c=±1. Since c does not depend on p and q and (s1s2)m=1 in the group G(r,r,2) it follows that c=1. So ρ(T1T2)m=Id.

Thus the eigenvalues of ρ(T1T2) are rth roots of unity. Since det(ρ(T1T2))=(-1)2=1 we can write (possibly after some change of basis in the module ρ) ρ(T1T2)= (ξk00ξ-k) whereξ=e2πi/r andk. If k=0 or (if r is even and) k=r/2 then ρ(T1T2)=±1 and ρ is not irreducible. So without loss of generality we can assume that 0<k<r/2.

Suppose that ρ(T2)=(abcd). The relation T22=(q-q-1)T2+1 implies that a+d=q-q-1 and ad=bc=1. So we can assume ρ(T2)= (aad+11d) ,witha+d=q-q-1. Then ρ(T1)= ρ(T1T2T2-1) =ρ(T1T2)ρ (T2)-1= (ξk00ξ-k) (-d(ad+1)1-a)= ( -dξk(1+ad)ξk ξ-k-aξ-k ) . Now Tr(ρ(T1))= p-p-1=-d ξk-aξ-k, andTr(ρ(T2)) =q-q-1=a+d, and these equations determine a and d as given in the statement of the theorem.

The symmetric group

The symmetric group is the group of permutations of 1,2,,n, i.e. the group of bijections w:{1,2,,n}{1,2,,n} under the operation of composition. There are multiple notations for permutations:

(1) Two line notation: where w(i) in the second line is below i in the first line. w= ( 123456 416253 )
(2) Cycle notation: Where (i1,i2,,ir) indicates w(i1)=i2, w(i2)=i3, , w(ir-1)=ir, w(ir)=i1. Cycles of length 1 are usually dropped from the notation. w=(142)(36)(5) =(142)(36).
(3) Matrix notation: where the w(i)th entry of the ith column is 1 and all other entries are 0. w= ( 010000 000100 000001 100000 000010 001000 )
(4) Diagram notation: where the ith dot in the top row is connected to the w(i)th dot in the bottom row. w=
The symmetric group sn is the group of n×n permutation matrices and Card(Sn)=n!.

The transpositions in Sn are the permutations (i,j), 1i<jn (in cycle notation). The simple transpositions are si=(i,i+1)= i i+1 ,1in-1.

The symmetric group Sn can relations be presented by generators s1,s2,,sn-1 and relations sisj = sjsi, if|i-j| >1, sisi+1si = si+1sisi+1, 1in-2, si2 = 1, 1in-1.


There are three things to show:

(a) The simple transpositions in Sn satisfy the given relations.
(b) The simple transpositions generate Sn.
(c) The group given by generators s1,,sn-1 and relations as in the statement of the theorem has order n!.

(a) The following pictures show that the simple tranpositions si=(i,i+1), 1in-2 satisfy the given relations. = = = = =

(b) The diagram of any permutation can be “stretched” to guarantee that no more than two edges cross at any given point. Then w can be written as a product of simple transpositions corresponding to these crossings. w= = =s1s3s5s4s2 s5s3.

(c) Let Gn be the free group generated by sysmbols s1,s2,,sn-1 modulo the relations in the statement of the theorem. Let Gn-1 be the subgroup generated by s1,s2,,sn-2. We will show that

(1) Every element wGn can be written in the form w=w1sn-1w2, with w1,w2Gn-1.
(2) Every element wGn can be written in the form w=asn-1sn-2sk, 1kn, and aGn-1.

(1) Since sn-12=1 every element wGn can be written in the form w=w1sn-1 w2sn-1w3 sn-1w-1 sn-1w, wherewjGn-1. By induction, either w2Gn-2 or w2=asn-2b where a,bGn-2. In the first case w = w1sn-1 w2sn-1 w3sn-1 w-1sn-1 w = w1w2sn-1 sn-1w3 sn-1 w-1sn-1 w = w1w2sn-1 w3sn-1 w-1sn-1 w, and in the second case w = w1sn-1 w2sn-1 w3sn-1 w-1sn-1 w = w1sn-1a sn-2bsn-1 w3sn-1 w-1sn-1 w = w1asn-1sn-2 sn-1bw3sn-1 w-1sn-1w = w1asn-2sn-1 sn-2bw3sn-1 w-1sn-1w = w1sn-1 w3sn-1 w-1sn-1w where w1=w1asn-2Gn-1 and w3=sn-2bw3Gn-1. In either case the number of sn-1 factors in the expression of w has been reduced. The statement in (1) follows by induction.

(2) By (1) any element wGn is either an element of Gn-1 or can be written in the form w=w1sn-1w2, with w1,w2Gn-1. In the first case w=wsn-1s with =n and the statement is satisfied. If w=w1sn-1w2 then, by induction, w2=asn-2sn-3s, for some 1n-2 and aGn-2. So w=w1sn-1a sn-2s= w1asn-1 s=w1 sn-1s, where w1=w1aGn-1. Statement (2) follows.

From (2) it follows that Card(Gn)Card(Gn-1)·n, and, by induction, that Card(Gn)n!. Since Sn is a quotient of Gn and Card(Sn)=n! we have GnSn.

A partition of n is a collection of n boxes in a corner (gravity goes up and to the left and pushes the boxes tightly into the corner). λ= (3.2) If λi is the number of boxes in row i then λ=(λ1λ2) is a sequence of nonnegative integers and we write λn. For example, the partition in (??) is λ=(55311) and λ15. A standard tableau of shape λ is a filling T of the boxes of λ with 1,2,,n such that

(a) the rows of T are increasing left to right,
(b) the columns of T are increasing top to bottom.
For example T= 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 7 12 15 8 9 14 11 16 18 13 17 is a standard tableau of shape λ=(55311). The rows and columns of the partition λ are numbered as for matrices, T(i)is the box containingi inT, and c(b)=j-i, if bis in position (i,j)in λ. The number c(b) is the content of the box b. 0 1 2 3 4 -1 0 1 2 3 -2 -1 0 -3 -2 -1 -4 -5 Contents of boxes

(a) The irreducible representations Sλ of the symmetric group Sn are indexed by partitions λ with n boxes.
(b) dimSλ= # of standard tableaux of shape λ.
(c) The irreducible Sn-module Sλ is given by Sλ=-span { vT|T is a standard tableau of shapeλ } with basis {vT} and with Sn action given by sivT= (1c(T(i+1))-c(T(i))) vT+ (1+1c(T(i+1))-c(T(i))) vsiT, where
c(T(i)) is the content of the box containing i in T,
siT is the same as T except that i and i+1 are switched,
vsiT=0 if siT is not standard.


There are four things to show:

(a) The Sλ are Sn-modules,
(b) The Sλ are nonisomorphic,
(c) The Sλ are all irreducible,
(d) The Sλ, λn, are all the irreducible Sn-modules.

(a) In order to show that Sλ is an Sn-module there are three relations to check

(a1) si2=1,
(a2) sisj=sjsi, if |i-j|>1,
(a3) sisi+1si= si+1sisi+1.

(a1) The action of si preserves the subspace S spanned by the vectors vQ indexed by the standard tableaux in the set {Q,siQ}. Depending on the relative positions of the boxes containing i and i+1 this space is either one or two dimensional. Case (A) Case (B) Case (C) In case (A) the space S is one dimensional and si acts by the matrix M(si)=1. In Case (B), S is one dimensional and si acts by the matrix M(si)=-1. In case (C), S is two dimensional and si acts on the subspace S by a matrix of the form M(si)= ( 1a-b1+1b-a 1+1a-b1b-a ) In cases (A) and (B) it is immediate that M(si)2=1 and in case (C), since Tr(M(si))=0 and det(M(si))=-1, it follows from the Cayley-Hamilton theorem that M(si)2=Id.

The action of si and sj commute if |i-j|>1 because si only moves i and i+1 in T and sj only moves j and j+1. The condition |i-j|>1 guarantees that {i,i+1} and {j,j+1} do not intersect.

(c) According to the formulas for the action, si and si+1 preserve the subspace S spanned by the vectors vQ indexed by the standard tableaux Q in the set {L,siL,si+1L,sisi+1L,si+1siL,sisi+1siL}. Depending on the relative positions of the boxes containing i, i+1, i+2 in L, this space is either 1, 2, 3 or 6 dimensional. Representative cases are when these boxes are positioned in the following ways. Case (1) Case (2) Case (3) Case (4) In Case (1) the space S is one dimensional and spanned by the vector vQ corresponding to the standard tableau a b c where a=i, b=i+1, and c=i+2. The action of Ti and Ti+1 on S is given by the matrices M(si)=(1), andM(si+1) =(1), respectively. In case (2) the space S is two dimensional and spanned by the vectors vQ corresponding to the standard tableaux a b c a c b where a=i, b=i+1, and c=i+2. The action of Ti and Ti+1 on S is given by the matrices M(si)= (100-1) andM(si+1)= (1/23/21/2-1/2) In case (3) the space S is three dimensional and spanned by the vectors vQ corresponding to the standard tableaux c a b b a c a b c where a=i, b=i+1, and c=i+2. The action of Ti and Ti+1 on S is given by the matrices M(Ti) = ( 1 0 0 0 1x1-x3 1+1x3-x1 0 1+1x1-x3 1x3-x1 ) and ϕS(Ti+1) = ( 1x2-x3 1+1x3-x2 0 1+1x2-x3 1x3-x2 0 0 0 1 ) respectively, where x1=c(L(i)), x2=c(L(i+1)) and x3=c(L(i+2)). In case (4) the space S is six dimensional and spanned by the vectors vQ corresponding to the standard tableaux c b a c a b b c a a c b b a c a b c where a=i, b=i+1, and c=i+2. The action of Ti and Ti+1 on S is given by the matrices M(si)= ( 1x1-x2 1+1x2-x1 0 0 0 0 1+1x1-x2 1x2-x1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1x1-x3 1+1x3-x1 0 0 0 0 1+1x1-x3 1x3-x1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1x2-x3 1+1x3-x2 0 0 0 0 1+1x2-x3 1x3-x2 ) and M(si+1)= ( 1x2-x3 0 1+1x3-x2 0 0 0 0 1x1-x3 0 0 1+1x3-x1 0 1+1x2-x3 0 1x3-x2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1x1-x2 0 1+1x2-x1 0 1+1x1-x3 0 0 1x3-x1 0 0 0 0 1+1x1-x2 0 1x2-x1 ) where x1=c(L(i)), x2=c(L(i+1)) and x3=c(L(i+2)). In each case we compute directly the products M(si)M(si+1)M(si) and M(si+1)M(si)M(si+1) and verify that they are equal.

Define elements xk, 1kn, in the group algebra Sn of the symmetric group x1=0,and xk=i<k (i,k),2kn, where (i,k)Sn is the transposition which switches i and k. The action of xk on the Sn-module Sλ is given by xkvT=c(T(k)) vT,for all standard tableauxT, where c(T(k)) is the content of the box containing k in T.


The proof is by induction on k using the relation xk=sk-1 xk-1sk-1 +sk-1. Clearly, x1vT=0=c(T(1))vT for all standard tableaux T. By the induction assumption and the definition of the action of sk-1 on Sλ, xkvT = ( sk-1xk-1 sk-1+sk-1 ) vT = sk-1 (xk-1sk-1+1) vT = sk-1 ( c(T(k-1)) c(T(k))-c(T(k-1)) vT+c(T(k)) ( 1+ c(T(k-1)) c(T(k))-c(T(k-1)) ) vsk-1T+vT ) = sk-1 ( c(T(k)) c(T(k))-c(T(k-1)) vT+c(T(k)) ( 1+ c(T(k-1)) c(T(k))-c(T(k-1)) ) vsk-1T+vT ) = c(T(k))sk-1 sk-1vT=c (T(k))vT. qed

Let T be a standard tableau with n boxes and let T- be the standard tableau T except with the box containing n removed. Then T is the unique standard tableau given by adding a box (containing n) to T- in the diagonal of boxes with content c(T(n)). Thus, by induction on the number of boxes in T, Tis uniquely determined by the sequence ( c(T(1)), c(T(2)), , c(T(n)) ) .

Example. If (c(T(1)),,c(T(n)))= (0,1,-1,0,2,-2,-1,-3,1,3,2,-4,-3,-5,-6) then T= 1 2 5 10 3 4 9 11 6 7 8 13 12 14 15 It follows that the vector vT is, up to constant multiples, the unique vector in all the Sλ such that xkvT=c(T(k))vT, for all 1kn. This proves that the Sλ are nonisomorphic.

(c) Let us show that Sλ is irreducible. Let N be a nonzero submodule of Sλ and let n=TaTvT be a nonzero vector in N. Fix T such that aT0. It follows from the lemma and the fact that T is determined by the sequence (c(T(1)),,c(T(n))) that the element in Sn given by pT=k=1n jc(T(k))-njn xk-j c(T(k))-j ,acts onSλby pTvS=δST vT, for all standard tableaux S of shape λ. So (1/aT)pTn=vTN.

Let Q be a standard tableau of shape λ and let k be minimal such that k+1 is southwest (strictly south and strictly west) of k in Q. k k+1 If k exists then skQ is a standard tableau and if k doesn’t exist then Q is the column reading tableau, i.e. Q is given by filling the boxes of λ sequentially down columns from left to right. C= 1 6 9 12 14 2 7 10 13 15 3 8 11 4 5 Column reading tableau By repeating the procedure with skQ in place of Q repeatedly we construct a sequence Q,sk1Q, sk2sk1 Q,,skr sk2sk1 Q=C, which ends at the column reading tableau C. By concatenating this sequence with a similar sequence for T, T,s1T,, sms2 s1T=C we obtain a sequence T,s1T,,C,, sk1Q,Q=sk1 skrsm s1T of standard tableaux of shape λ which begins at T and ends at Q.

If P is a standard tableau in this sequence and vPN and skP is the next standard tableau in the sequence, then ( sk- 1c(P(k+1))-c(P(k)) ) vP = ( 1+ 1c(P(k+1))-c(P(k)) ) vP = ( c(P(k+1))-c(P(k))+1 c(P(k+1))-c(P(k)) ) vskP. Since skP is standard, c(P(k+1))-c(P(k))+10 and so it follows that vskPN. Thus since vTN it follows that vQN.

So vQN for all standard tableaux of shape λ. So N contains a basis of Sλ. So N=Sλ. So N is irreducible.

Step 4: Let fλ be the number of standard tableaux of shape λ. Then n!=λn (fλ)2.


The proof is accomplished by giving a bijection between permutationswSn and pairs(P,Q)of standard tableaux, of the same shape, withnboxes. The matching of wSn with a pair (P,Q) is accomplished by a recursive algorithm which begins with (P0,Q0)=(,) and, at step i, “inserts” w(i) into (Pi-1,Qi-1) to obtain (Pi,Qi). The output of the algorithm is the pair of tableaux (P,Q)=(Pn,Qn).

The insertion step for inserting w(i) into (Pi-1,Qi-1):

Place w(i) into the first column of Pi-1 as follows. If w(i) is greater than all entries of column 1 of Pi-1 then place w(i) at the end of column 1. Otherwise there is a unique entry in column 1 which can be replaced by w(i) and preserve the standardness condition. (This is the smallest entry larger that w(i).)

If w(i) displaces an entry from column 1 the the displaced entry is inserted into column 2 (in exactly the same way that w(i) was inserted into column 1). The displaced entries are successively inserted into the next column, and the process continues until there is no displaced entry.

The resulting standard tableau is Pi, which contains one more box than Pi-1. The tableau Qi is obtained by adding a box filled with i to Qi-1 so that Pi and Qi are the same shape.

To show that the algorithm produces a bijection it is necessary to confirm that the process can be reversed. To see this note that, given (Pi,Qi), the position of the box containing i in Qi tells which box of Pi must be “uninserted” to obtain Pi-1. The column by column insertion of this box will bump out an entry from column 1 of Pi and this entry is w(i) for the permutation w which corresponds to the pair (P,Q).

Example. Let ε1,,εn be a basis of n. The inversion set of a permutation wSn is R(w)= { εj-εi |i<j andw(i)> w(j) } . The Bruhat-Chevalley order on Sn is the partial order on Sn given by wvifR(w) R(v).

Let λ be a partition and number the boxes of λ along diagonals (northwest to southeast within a diagonal) beginning with the southwest most diagonal and proceeding northeastward. 6 9 11 13 15 4 7 10 12 14 3 5 8 2 1 Numbering of boxes Using this numbering identify each standard tableau of shape λ with a permutation wSn given by w(i)=entry in boxi, or, equivalentlyw-1 (j)=box containingj. For example the standard tableau in ??? corresponds to the permutation w= ( 123456789101112131415 131183914142751261510 ) S15. Let w be a standard tableau with n boxes and let w- be the standard tableau with n-1 boxes obtained by removing the box containing n from w. Then w is the unique standard tableau given by adding a box containing n to w- in the diagonal of boxes with content c(w-(n)). Thus, by induction on the number of boxes in w, wis uniquely determined by the sequence ( c(w-1(1)), c(w-1(2)), , c(w-1(n)) ) . Define Zλ = { εj-εi| i<jand boxiand boxjare in the same diagonal } Pλ = { εj-εi| i<jand boxiand boxjare in adjacent diagonal } Jλ = { εj-εiPλ |boxjis northwest of boxi } where, in the definition of Jλ, northwest means strictly north and weakly west. The sets Zλ, Pλ and Jλ completely determine the partition λ.

Let λ={wSn|wis a standard tableau of shapeλ}. Then

(a) λ= { wSn| R(w)Zλ= ,R(w) Pλ=Jλ } .
(b) λ is an interval in the Bruhat-Chevalley order on Sn, λ= [wmin,wmax]= { vSn| wminvwmax } , where wmin is the column reading tableau of shape λ and wmax is the row reading tableau of shape λ.


(a) The condition R(w)Zλ= is equivalent to

(A) w(i)<w(j) if i<j and boxi and boxj are in the same diagonal.
The condition R(w)Pλ=Jλ is equivalent to
(B) w(i)<w(j) if i<j, boxi and boxj are in adjacent diagonals, and boxj is southeast of boxi, and
(C) w(i)>w(j) if i<j, boxi and boxj are in adjacent diagonals, and boxj is borhteast of boxi.
w(i) w(j) > Case (A) w(i) w(j) > Case (B) w(i) w(j) < Case (C) Thus the condition R(w)Pλ=Jλ is equivalent to the condition for filling a standard tableau and the condition R(w)Zλ= is redundant.

The Iwahori-Hecke algebra of type A

Fix q*. The Iwahori-Hecke algebra Hn=Hn(q) of type An-1 is the associative algebra with 1 given by generators T1,,Tn-1 and relations TiTj = TjTi, if|i-j|>1, TiTi+1Ti = Ti+1TiTi+1, 1in-2, Ti2 = 1, 1in-1. If q=1 then Hn=Sn, the group algebra of the symmetric group.

The Iwahori-Hecke algebra Hn of type A has basis Tw, wSn.




We will show two things.

(a) Every element of Hn can be written as a linear combination of elements of the form w1Tn-1w2, where w1,w2Hn-1.
(b) Every element of Hn can be written as a linear combination of elements of the form aTn-1Tn-2T, where 1n and aHn-1.

(a) Every element of Hn can be written as a linear combination of elements of the form w1Tn-1 w2Tn-2 w3Tn-1 w-1Tn-1w ,wherewj Hn-1. Then, by induction, w2 is a linear combination of elements of the form aTk-2b where a,bHn-2. So Tn-1w2 Tn-1= Tn-1a Tn-2b Tn-1= aTn-1 Tn-2 Tn-1b =aTn-2 Tn-1 Tn-2b, since all elements of Hn-2 commute with Tn-1. So w1Tn-1 w2Tn-2 w3Tn-1 w-1 Tn-1w is a linear combination of elements w1Tn-1 w2Tn-2 w4Tn-1w5 w-1Tn-1 w, where w1=w1aTn-1 and w2=Tn-2bw3 are in Hn-1. In this way the number of Tn-1 factors has been reduced by one. Thus, by induction, h is a linear combination of elements hHn-1 and elements h1Tn-1h2 with h1,h2Hn-1.

(b) By (a) any element hHn-1 can be written as a linear combination of elements of the h1Tn-1h2 with h1,h2Hk-2. By induction, h2 can be written as a linear combination of elements of the form aTn-2Tn-3 T,for some 1k-2and aHn-2. So h1Tn-1h2 is a linear combination of elements of the form h1Tn-1a Tn-2Tn-3 T=h1a Tn-1Tn-2 T,whereh1 aHn-1. So every element hHn-1 is a linear combination of elements hHn-1 and elements of the form h1Tn-1T ,withh1 Hn-1. So dim(Hn)dim(Hn-1)·n. Thus, by induction, dim(Hn)n!.

Assume that qk1 for all k=2,,n.

(a) The irreducible representations Hλ of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra Hn of type A are indexed by partitions λ with n boxes.
(b) dimHλ= # of standard tableaux of shape λ.
(c) The irreducible Hn-module Hλ is given by the vector space Hλ=-span { vT|T is a standard tableau of shapeλ } with basis {vT} and with Hn action given by TivT= ( q-q-1 1-q2(c(T(i))-c(T(i+1))) ) vT+ ( q-1+ q-q-1 1-q2(c(T(i))-c(T(i+1))) ) vsiT, where c(T(i)) is the content of the box containing i in T,
siT is the same as T except that i and i+1 are switched,
vsiT=0 if siT is not standard.

The proof of this theorem is exactly analogous to the proof of Theorem ??? once one knows what the analogues of the Murphy elements are for this setting.

Define elements Xεk, 1kn, in the Iwahori-Hecke algebra Hn of type A by Xε1=1, andXεk= Tk-1Tk-2 T2T12T2 Tk-2Tk-1, 2kn, The action of Xεk on the Hn-module Hλ is given by XεkvT= q2c(T(k)) vT,for all standard tableaux T, where c(T(k)) is the content of the box containing k in T.


The proof is by induction on k using the relation Xεk= Tk-1 Xεk-1 Tk-1. Clearly, Xε1vT=vT=q2c(T(1))vT, since c(T(1))=0 for all standard tableaux T. By the induction assumption and the definition of the action of Tk-1 on Hλ, XεkvT = Tk-1 Xεk-1 Tk-1vT = Tk-1 ( q2c(T(k-1)) (q-q-1) 1-q2(c(T(k))-c(T(k-1))) vT+q2c(T(k)) ( q-1+ (q-q-1) 1-q2(c(T(k))-c(T(k-1))) ) vsk-1T ) = q2c(T(k)) Tk-1 (Tk-1-(q-q-1)) vT=q2c(T(k)) vT.

The hyperoctahedral group

The hyperoctahedral group WBn is the group of signed permutations of 1,2,,n, i.e. bijections w:{-n,,-2,-1,1,2,,n}{-n,,-2,-1,1,2,,n} such that w(-i)=-w(i). There are multiple notations for signed permutations

(1) Two line notation: where w(i) in the second line is below i in the first line, for 1in. w= ( 123456 3-15-62-4 )
(2) In cycle notation as permutations in the symmetric group S2n. w= (1,3,5,2,-1,-3,-5,-2) (4,-6).
(3) Matrix notation: where the (|w(i)|,i) entry is 1 if w(i) is positive and -1 if w(i) is negative, and all other entries are 0. w= ( 0-10000 000010 100001 00000-1 001000 000-100 )
(4) Diagram notation: where the ith dot in the top row is connected to the |w(i)|th dot in the bottom row and the edge is labeled by -1 if w(i) is negative. w= -1 -1 -1
The hyperoctahedral group is also called the Weyl group of type Bn and the Weyl group of type Cn and is the same as the group On()= {AMn()|AAt=Id}. It is the group of n×n matrices such that
(a) there is exactly one nonzero entry in each row and each column,
(b) each nonzero entry is ±1.
The group WBn is isomorphic to the wreath product (/2)Sn and has order 2nn!.

The reflections in WBn are the elements sεi=(i,-i) sεi-εj= (i,j)(-i,-j), sεi+εj= (i,-j)(-i,j) The simple reflections are s1=(1,-1)= -1 andsi= (i-1,i)= -1 for 2in.

The hyperoctahedral group WBn can be presented by generators s1,s2,,sn-1 and relations sisj = sjsi, if|i-j| >1, sisi+1si = si+1sisi+1, 2in-1, s1s2s1s2 = s2s1s2s1, si2 = 1, 1in.


There are three things to show:

(1) The simple reflections in WBn satisfy the given relations.
(2) The simple reflections in WBn generate WBn.
(3) The group given by generators s1,,sn and the relations in the statement has order 2nn!.

(1) The following pictures show that s1,,snWBn satisfy the relations in the statement of the theorem. -1 -1 = -1 = -1 = -1 -1 -1 = -1 -1 = -1 -1

(2) For each 1in let ti=(i,-i)= -1 ith =sisi-1 s3s2s1s2s3 si-1si. Every wWBn can be written as w=πti1tik where πSn is the permutation given by π(i)=|w(i)| and {i1,,ik}={i|w(i)is negative}. Pictorially, w= -1 -1 -1 = -1 -1 -1 =πt1t3t6 Since s2,,sn generate Sn and tk=sks2s1s2sk for 1kn, it follows that s1,,sn generate WBn.

Let Gn be the free group generated by s1,s2,,sn modulo the relations in the statement of the theorem. We will show that every element wGn is either

(a) wGn-1,
(b) w=w1snsn-1sk, with w1Gn-1, 2kn,
(c) w=w1snsn-1s2s1s2sk, with w1Gn-1, 1kn.
Let wGn and assume that w=w1snw2snw3sn w-1snw, wherewjGn-1. First we will show that every element of Gn can be written in the form w=w1snw2sn, withw1w2 Gn-1. Suppose w=w1sns2snw3, with w1,w2,w3Gn-2. Then, by the induction assumption, w = w1 sn a sn-1 b sn-1 sn c sn-1 d sn-1 = w1 a sn sn-1 b sn-1 c sn sn-1 d sn-1 = w1 a sn x sn-1 y sn-1 sn sn-1 d sn-1 = w1 a x sn sn-1 y sn sn-1 sn d sn-1 = w1 a x sn sn-1 sn y sn-1 sn d sn-1 = w1 a x sn-1 sn sn-1 y sn d sn sn-1 = Asnβ sn-1γsn-1 snsn-1 = Aβsnsn-1 γsnsn-1sn = Aβsnsn-1sn γsn-1sn = Aβsn-1 sn sn-1γsn-1 sn = w1sn w2sn. It follows that if w=w1snw2snw3sn with w1,w2,w3Gn-2 then w=w1snw2snsn=w1snw2. Then, by the induction assumption w=w1snw2sn, with
(1) w2Gn-2, or
(2) w2=asn-1sk and aGn-2, or
(3) w2=asn-1s2s1s2sk and aGn-2.

Case 1. w=s1sns2sn=w1w2snsn=w1w2Gn-1.

Case 2. w = w1snasn-1 sksn = w1asnsn-1sn sn-2sk = w1asn-1sn sn-1sn-2 sk = w1snsn-1 sk,with w1Gn-1.

Case 3. w = w1snasn-1 s2s1s2 sksn = { w1asnsn-1 snsn-2s2 s1s2sk, ifk<n-1, w1asnsn-1 s2s1s2sn-1 sn, ifk=n-1, = { w1asn-1sn sn-1sn-2 s2s1s2sk, ifk<n-1, w1asnsn-1 s2s1s2sn-1 sn, ifk=n-1, = wasnsn-1 s2s1s2sk, withw1 Gn-1. So Card(Gn)Card(Gn-1)·2n. So Card(Gn)2nn!.

Let (α,β) be a pair of partitions such that the total number of boxes in α and β is n. A standard tableau of shape (α,β) is a filling T of the boxes of α and β with 1,2,,n such that, in each partition,

(a) the rows of T are increasing left to right,
(b) the columns of T are increasing top to bottom.
T= 1 5 7 4 10 12 8 13 2 3 9 6 11 α β The rows and columns of each partition are indexed as for matrices, T(i)= box containingiinT, c(b)=j-i, if the box bis in position(i,j), sgn(b)= { 1, ifbis inα, -1, ifbis inβ, The numbers c(b) and sgn(b) are the content and the sign of the the box b, respectively. 0 1 2 -1 0 1 -2 -1 0 1 2 -1 0 Contents of boxes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Signs of boxes

(a) The irreducible representations S(α,β) of the hyperoctahedral group WBn are indexed by pairs of partitions (α,β) with n boxes total.
(b) dimS(α,β)= # of standard tableaux of shape (α,β).
(c) The irreducible WBn-module S(α,β) is given by S(α,β)=-span {vT|Tis a standard tableau of shape(α,β)} with basis {vT} and with WBn action given by s1vT = sgn(T(1))vT, sivT = (si)TT vT+ (1+(si)TT) vsiT, i=2,3,,n, where s1=(1,-1) and si=(i,i-1)(-i,-(i-1)),
(si)TT= { 1c(T(i))-c(T(i-1)), ifsgn(T(i)) =sgn(T(i-1)), 0, ifsgn(T(i)) sgn(T(i-1)),
c(T(i)) is the content of the box containing i in T,
sgn(T(i)) is the sign of the box containing i in T,
siT is the same as T except that i and i-1 are switched and
vsiT=0, if siT is not a standard tableau.


We must show that

(1) The S(α,β) are WBn modules,
(2) The S(α,β) are irreducible WBn-modules,
(3) The S(α,β) are inequivalent WBn-modules,
(4) These are all the simple WBn modules.

The proofs are similar to the proofs of the analogous statements in the symmetric group case.

Define elements xk, 1kn, in the group algebra of the hyperoctahedral group WBn by yk=(k,-k), for1k n, x1=0,and xk=i<k (i,k)(-i,-k) +(i,-k)(-i,k) ,2kn. The action of these elements on the WBn-module S(α,β) is given by ykvT=sgn(T(k)) vTandxk vT=c(T(k))vT, where sgn(T(k)) and c(T(k)) are the sign and the content of the box containing k in T, respectively.


By induction, ykvT = skyk-1skvT = skyk-1 ( (sk)TTvt+ (1+(sk)TT) vskT ) = sk ( sgn(T(k-1)) (sk)TTvT +sgn(T(k)) (1+(sk)TT) vskT ) = sgn(T(k))sk ( skvT+ ( sgn(T(k-1))- sgn(T(k)) ) ( 1+sgn(T(k)) sgn(T(k-1)) ) c(T(k))-c(T(k-1)) ) vT = sgn(T(k))vT.

(d) Note that dim(S(α,β))= (n|α|) fαfβ, where fα is the number of standard tableaux of shape α. Thus fα is the dimension of the irreducible module Sα for the symmetric group S|α|. Then α,βdim (S(α,β))2 = α,β (n|α|)2 (fα)2 (fβ)2 = k=0n (nk)2 (αk(fα)2) (βn-k(fβ)2) = k=0n n!k!(n-k)! k!(n-k)!(nk) = k=0nn! (nk)= 2nn!.

The Iwahori-Hecke algebra of type Bn

Fix p,q*. The Iwahori-Hecke algebra H of type Bn is the algebra given by generators T1,,Tn and relations TiTj=tjTi, if|i-j|>1, T1T2T1T2= T2T1T2T1 andTiTi+1 Ti=Ti+1Ti Ti+1 T12=(p-p-1) T1+1and Ti2=(q-q-1) Ti+1,2in.

The Iwahori-Hecke algebra HBn has dimension 2nn!.

(a) The irreducible representations H(α,β) of HBn are indexed by pairs of partitions (α,β) with n boxes total.
(b) dimH(α,β)= # of standard tableaux of shape (α,β).
(c) The irreducible HBn-module H(α,β) is given by S(α,β)= -span { vT|T is a standard tableau of shape (α,β) } with basis {vT} and with HBn action given by T1vT = sgn(T(1)) psgn(T(1)) qc(T(1)) vT, TivT = (Ti)TT vT+ (1+(Ti)TT) vsiT, i=2,3,,n, where (Ti)TT= q-q-1 1-(CT(T(k-1))/CT(T(k))) ,withCT (T(k))=sgn (T(k)) psgn(T(k)) qc(T(k)), c(T(i)) is the content of the box containing i in T,
sgn(T(i)) is the sign of the box containing i in T,
siT is the same as T except that i and i-1 are switched, and
vsiT=0, if siT is not a standard tableau.


Let us show that the action satisfies the given relations. The relations TiTj=TjTi, |i-j|>1, i,j2, and TiTi+1Ti=Ti+1TiTi+1, 2in are taken care of by the case of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra of type A.

Define Xε1=T1, Vεi=Ti Ti-1T2T1 T2Ti-1Ti, in HBn. Then The action of Xεi, 1in, on the HBn-module H(α,β) is given by XεivT=CT (T(i))vT,


By the definition of the action T1vT= CT(T(1))vT= Xε1vT and, by induction, XεivT = TiXεi-1 TivT = Ti ( CT(T(i-1)) (Tk)TTvT +CT(T(i)) (q-1+(Tk)TT) vskT ) = CT(T(i))Ti (Ti-(q-q-1)) vT = CT(T(i))vT.

Note that 1- CT(T(i-1)) CT(T(i)) = 1- sgn(T(i-1)) sgn(T(i)) · psgn(T(i-1)) qc(T(i-1)) psgn(T(i)) qc(T(i)) = sgn(T(i)) psgn(T(i)) qc(T(i))- sgn(T(i-1)) psgn(T(i-1)) qc(T(i-1)) When p=q q-q-1 1- CT(T(i-1)) CT(T(i)) = q-q-1 sgn(T(i)) qsgn(T(i))+c(T(i))- sgn(T(i-1)) qsgn(T(i-1))+c(T(i-1)) = -sgn(T(i-1)) q-c(T(i-1))-sgn(T(i-1)) (q-q-1) 1-sgn(T(i-1)) sgn(T(i)) qsgn(T(i))+c(T(i))-sgn(T(i-1))-c(T(i-1)) = { 1/[c(T(i))-c(T(i-1))], ifsgn(T(i))= sgn(T(i-1)), (q-q-1)/ (1+qc(T(i))-c(T(i-1))±2), ifsgn(T(i))= -sgn(T(i-1)), and at q=1 this is { 1/(c(T(i))-c(T(i-1))), ifsgn(T(i))= sgn(T(i-1)), 0, ifsgn(T(i))= -sgn(T(i-1)).

Let u0,u1,,ur-1 and let q*. The cyclotomic algebra Hr,1,n is the algebra given by generators Xε1,T2,T3,,Tn and relations TiTj = TjTi, if|i-j|>1, TiTi+1Ti = Ti+1TiTi+1, 2in-1, Xε1Tj = TjXε1, j>1, Xε1T2 Xε1T2 = T2Xε1 T2Xε1, (Xε1-u0) (Xε1-u1) (Xε1-ur-1) =0, Ti2 = (q-q-1) Ti+1, 2in. If pj=ξj where ξ=e2πi/r and q=1 then Hr,1,n=G(r,1,n). Define Xεk=Ti Ti-1T2 Xε1T2 Ti-1Ti, for1in, and Xλ= (Xε1)λ1 (Xεn)λn, forλ=λ1ε1 +λnεn, λi. Then [X]=-span { Xλ|λ= λ1ε1+ λnεn, λi } is a commutative subalgebra of Hr,1,n.

If wSn define Tw=Ti1Tip if w=si1sip and p is as small as possible. The cyclotomic Hecke algebra Hr,1,n has basis XλTw,where wSn,λ=λ1 ε1++λnεn ,0λjr-1, and dim(Hr,1,n)= rnn!.

(a) The irreducible representations Hλ of Hr,1,n are indexed by r-tuples λ=(λ(0),,λ(r-1)) of partitions with n boxes total.
(b) dimHλ= # of standard tableaux of shape λ.
(c) The irreducible Hr,1,n-module Hλ is given by Hλ=-span { vT|T is a standard tableau of shapeλ= (λ(0),,λ(r-1)) } with basis {vT} and with Hr,1,n action given by Xε1vT = CT(T(1))vT, TivT = (Ti)TTvT+ (q-1+(Ti)TT) vsiT, i=2,3,,n, where (Ti)TT= q-q-1 1-(CT(T(k-1))/CT(T(k))) ,withCT(b) =us(b) q2c(b), c(T(i)) is the content of the box b,
T(i) is the box containing i in T,
siT is the same as T except that i and i-1 are switched, and
vsiT=0, if siT is not a standard tableau.

The action of the elements Xεi, 1in, on Hλ is given by XεivT=CT (T(i))vT, for all standard tableaux T of shape λ.

The Weyl group of type Dn

The Weyl group of type Dn is the group of n×n matrices such that

(a) there is exactly one nonzero entry in each row and each column,
(b) the nonzero entries are ±1,
(c) the product of the nonzero entries is 1.
Condition (c) says that there are an even number of -1 in the matrix. The Weyl group WDn is a normal subgroup of index 2 in WBn and has order 2n-1n!. The reflections in WDn are sεi-εj= (i,j)(-i,-j) ,and sεi+εj= (i,-j)(-i,j) ,1i<jn. The simple reflections in WDn are s1 = (-1,2)(1,-2)= -1 -1 , si = (i-1,i)= ,2in.

The Weyl group of type Dn has a presentation given by generators s1,,sn and relations corresponding to the Dynkin diagram Dn and si2=1, for 1in. An 2 3 n-1 n Bn 1 2 3 n-1 n Dn 1 2 3 4 n-1 n E6 2 3 4 5 6 1 E7 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 E8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 F4 1 2 3 4 H3 1 2 3 5 H4 1 2 3 4 5 I2(m) 1 2 m

The affine symmetric group

The affine symmetric group Sn is the group of permutations with edges labeled by elements of . For each λ=(λ1,,λn)n let tλ= t(λ1,,λn)= λ1 λ2 λn Then every element wSn can be written uniquely in the form w=tλw, withλn andwSn. w= 5 32 0 -7 -61 1 = 5 32 0 -7 -61 1 =t(5,32,0,-7,-61,1) ( 123456 362415 ) . The multiplication in Sn is determined by tλtμ= tλ+μ andwtλ= twλw, wSn,λ,μ n, where λ+μ=(λ1+μ1,,λn+μn) and Sn is acting on n by wλ= w(λ1,,λn)= (λw(1),,λw(n)). So Sn=nSn.

The affine symmetric group Sn has a presentation by generators s0= -1 0 0 0 0 1 ,ω= -1 0 0 0 0 0 , si= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,1in-1, and relations sisj = sjsi, |i-j|>1, sisi+1si = si+1sisi+1, si2 = 1, ω-1siω = si+1, where the indices on the si are always interpreted mod n.


The theorem is proved by using the relations s0 = t(-1,0,0,,0,1) sn-1sn-2 s2s1s2 sn-2sn-1, ω = t(-1,0,0,,0) s1s2sn-2 sn-1, Using these expressions one can write tλ in terms of s0,,sn-1 and ω and prove that the equation tλtμ=tλ+μ, for λ,μn, is a consequence of the relations in the statement of the theorem.

For each r there is a surjective homomorphism Sn G(r,1,n) tλw tλw, where λ=(λ1,,λn), and i=i (modr). Thus, if M is a G(r,1,n)-module there is an action of Sn on M given by (tλw)m= (tλw) m,for alltλ wSn. So every irreducible G(r,1,n) module is an irreducible Sn-module. Are these all irreducible Sn-modules? The answer is ??? as we shall see in ???, by using Clifford theory.

The affine Hecke algebra

Let q*. The affine Hecke algebra Hn is the algebra given by generators Xε1,T2,T3,,Tn and relations TiTj = TjTi, if|i-j|>1, TiTi+1Ti = Ti+1TiTi+1, 2in-1, Xε1Tj = TjXε1, j>1, Xε1T2 Xε1T2 = T2Xε1 T2Xε1, Ti2 = (q-q-1)Ti+1, 2in. If q=1 then Hn=Sn, the group algebra of the affine symmetric group.

Define Xεk=Ti Ti-1T2 Xε1T2 Ti-1Ti, for1in , and Xλ= (Xε1)λ1 (Xεn)λn, forλ=λ1ε1 +λnεn,λi . Then XλXμ= Xλ+μ, for allλ,μ n. Then [X]=-span { Xλ|λ= λ1ε1+ λnεn,λi } is a commutative subalgebra of Hn isomorphic to the group algebra of n.

The affine Hecke algebra is the unique algebra structure on [X]H such that [X]=[X]1 and H=1H are subalgebras and XλTi=Ti Xsiλ+ (q-q-1) Xλ-Xsiλ 1-Xεi-εi-1 , for all λn and 1in.

Define T0=Xε1-εn TnTn-1T3 T2T3Tnand ω=X-ε1 T2T3Tn.

The affine Hecke algbera Hn is presented by generators T0,T1,,Tn,ω and relations TiTj = TjTi, if|i-j|>1, TiTi+1Ti = Ti+1TiTi+1, ωTiω-1 = Ti+1, Ti2 = (q-q-1) Ti+1, 0in-1. where the indices are always taken modulo n.

If wSn let Tw=Ti1Tip if w=si1sip and p is minimal. The affine Hecke algebra Hn has basis XλTw,where wSn,λ= λ1ε1++ λnεn,λj .

The evaluation homomorphism is the surjective algebra homomorphism defined by Hn Hr,1,n Ti Ti, Xεk TkT2Xε1T2Tk, Via this homomorphism every irreducible Hr,1,n module M is an irreducible Hn module. Conversely, Let M be an Hn-module. Let u0,,ur-1 be such that the minimal polynomial p(t) of the linear transformation of M determined by the action of Xε1 divides the polynomial (t-u0)(t-u1)(t-ur-1). The the Hn action on M is an Hr,1,n(u0,,ur-1;q) action on M.

So any Hr,1,n(u0,,ur-1;q)-module M is an Hn and conversely, any Hn module M is an Hr,1,n(u0,,ur-1;q) module for some appropriate choice of r and u0,,ur-1. So Hn the representation theory “contains the representation theory” of all the algebras Hr,1,n(u0,,ur-1;q).

The degenerate affine Hecke algebra

Let x1,,xn be commuting variables and let [x1,,xn] be the polynomials in x1,,xn. Let Sn be the group algebra of the symmetric group. The graded Hecke algebra is the vector space [x1,,xn]Sn with multiplication such that

(a) [x1,,xn]= [x1,,xn]1 is a subalgebra,
(b) Sn=1Sn is a subalgebra,
(c) sixi-1si= xi-si, for 2in.
If γ=(γ1,,γn) is an n-tuple of nonnegative integers let xγ=x1γ1xnγn. The elements { xγw|γ= (γ1,,γn), γi0 ,wSn } form a basis of Hn. The map Hn Sn si si x1 0 xk i<k(ik) 2kn, is a surjective algebra homomorphism.

Lusztig’s approah to the passage from the affine Hecke algebra to the graded Hecke algebra is as follows. Let h:[X]* be W-invariant h(Xα)=1. Then I=kerh is a maximal ideal of [X]. Then the associated graded of the filtration [X]I I2is S(𝔥*) =gr[X]. The “derivative” of f is the image d(f) of f-h(f) in I/I2. Then d(ff)=h(f) d(f)+h(f) d(f),forf,f [X]. Then H is a [X] module and we have a filtration HIH I2H such that (IkH)(IH) Ik+H. So consider grH=H= k0 Hk, whereHk= (IkH)/ (Ik+1H). Let w be the image of Tw in H/IH=H0. r=d(q)I/I2. Then H is the graded Hecke algebra (Prop. 4.4 in [Lus1989]). Prop. 4.5 in [Lus1989] says that Z(H)= S(𝔥*)W. There should be an analogue of the Pittie-Ram theorem for the graded Hecke algebra.

The degenerate affine Hecke algebra Gn is the algebra generated by [x1,,xn] and Sn with the relations xiTj = Tjxi, if|i-j|>1, six = xi+1si-1,

There is a surjective “evaluation” homomrphism Gn Sn si si,xk i<k(i,k) The degenerate affine Hecke algebra is obtained from the affine Hecke algebra by setting xk to be the “derivative” of Xεk at q=1, xk= Xεk-1 q-1 |q=1.

Notes and references

This is a typed exert of Representation theory Lecture notes: Chapter 2 by Arun Ram. Research supported in part by National Science Foundation grant DMS-9622985.

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