Geometric Representation Theory

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 26 June 2014



This paper tries to figures out what the heck is going on in all these different Hecke algebra modular representation worlds.

Geometric constructions

Let M and N be G-varieties, μ:MN a proper map, and let be a pure perverse sheaf on M. A transverse slice at xN is a subvariety V of N containing x with a *-action with strictly positive weights such that

(a) V is in generic position with respect to μ! (why μ! and not μ*??),
i.e.iV!μ![2d](d)iV*μ! where d=codim(V) and iV:VY.
(b) There is a *-equivariant isomorphism rV taking 0 to x such that iV!μ! is *-equivariant for some given *-action on r.

A G-equivariant local system is a G-equivariant locally constant sheaf. Let N be a G-variety and let 𝕆 be a G-orbit in N. The orbit 𝕆 can be identified with G/Gx where x𝕆 and Gx is the stabilizer of x. There is a homomorphism π1(𝕆,x)π0(𝕆,x)=Gx/Gx and the representations of π1(𝕆,x) on the fiber of x of G-equivariant local systems are exactly the pullbacks of finite dimensional representations of Gx/Gx to π1(𝕆,x). In this way the irreducible G-equivariant local systems on 𝕆 can be indexed by (some of the) irreducible representations of Gx/Gx [CGi1433132, Lemma 8.4.11].

[KS], [L1, 13.1(a)] Let μ:MN be a proper morphism between smooth connected varieties and let M= { (x,ξ)| xM,ξker ( Tμ(x)*N Tμ(x)*μ Tx*M ) } and μ:MT*N be given by (x,ξ)ξ. Then the singular support (or characteristic variety) SS(μ!𝒞M) of μ!𝒞M is a closed Lagrangian subvariety of T*N contained in im(μ).

The category Db(X)

The category Compb(Sh(X)) is the category of all finite complexes A= ( 0A-m A-m+1 An-1An 0 ) ,m,n>>0, of sheaves on X with morphisms being morphisms of complexes which commute with the differentials. The jth cohomology sheaf of A is j(A)= ker(AjAj+1) im(Aj-1Aj) . A morphism in Compb(Sh(X)) is a quasi-isomorphism if it induces isomorphisms on cohomology. The category Db(Sh(X)) is the category Compb(Sh(X)) with additional morphisms obtained by formally inverting all quasi-isomorphisms.

Assume that X is a G-variety with a finite number of orbits such that the decomposition X=𝕆 into G-orbits is an algebraic stratification of X. A constructible sheaf is a sheaf that is locally constant on strata of X. A constructible complex is a complex such that all of its cohomology sheaves are constructible.

The derived category of bounded constructible complexes of sheaves on X is the full subcategory Db(X) of Db(Sh(X)) consisting of constructible complexes. Full means that the morphisms in Db(X) are the same as those in Db(Sh(X)). Let [i]:Db(X)Db(X) denote the functor that shifts all complexes by i. The Verdier duality functor :Db(X)Db(X) is defined by requiring HomDb(X) (A1,A2[i]) =HomDb(X) ( Δ* (A1A2) [-i],X [2dimX] ) ,for alli, where Δ:XX×X is the diagonal map. The Verdier duality functor satisfies the properties (A)=A, (A[i])= A[-i],and HomDb(X) (A1,A2)= HomDb(X) (A2,A1). If f:XY is a morphism define f* = derived functor of sheaf theoretic direct image, f* = derived functor of sheaf theoretic inverse image, f!A=(f*A) ,forADb(Y), andf!A= (f*A), forADb(X). Then HomDb(X) (f*A1,A2) = HomDb(Y) (A1,f*A2) ,and HomDb(X) (A2,f!A1) = HomDb(Y) (f!A2,A1). If f:XZ and g:YZ define the base change formula is X×ZY π2 Y π1 g X f Z g!f*A= (π2)* π1!A, forADb (X), where X×ZY={(x,y)X×Y|f(x)=g(y)}.

The set ExtDb(X)k(A1,A2), the hypercohomology H*(A)=H*(X,A) of a complex ADb(X), the cohomology H*(X) of X, the Borel-Moore homology H*(X) of X, and the dualizing complex 𝔻X are defined by ExtDb(X)k (A1,A2) = HomDb(X) (A1,A2[k]), Hk(A)= Hk(X,A) = HomDb(X) (X,A[k]), Hk(X) = HomDb(X) (X,X[k]), Hk(X) = HomDb(X) (X,(X[k])), 𝔻X = X, respectively. The Yoneda product ExtDb(N)p (A1,A2)× ExtDb(N)q (A2,A3) ExtDb(N)p+q (A1,A3) is given by HomDb(N) (A1,A2[p])× HomDb(N) (A2[p],A3[p+q]) HomDb(N) (A1,A3[p+q]), using the canonical identification HomDb(N)(A2,A3[q])HomDb(N)(A2[p],A3[p+q]).

The category of perverse sheaves on X is a full subcategory of Db(X) which is abelian. The simple objects in the category of perverse sheaves are the intersection cohomology complexes ICϕindexed by pairs ϕ=(𝕆,χ), where 𝕆 is a G-orbit on X and χ is an irreducible local system on X. By ???, the local systems χ on 𝕆 can be identified with (some of the) representations of the component group ZG(x)/ZG(x) where x is a point in 𝕆. If X is smooth the constant perverse sheaf 𝒞X on X is given by 𝒞X|Xi=Xi [dimXi], on the irreducible components of X. Since the intersection cohomology complexes ICϕ are the simple objects of the category of perverse sheaves, ExtDb(N)0 (ICϕ,ICψ)= ·δϕψand ExtDb(N)k (ICϕ,ICψ)= 0,ifk>0.

The decomposition theorem

Let M be a smooth G-variety and let N be a G-variety with finitely many G-orbits such that the orbit decomposition is an algebraic stratification of N, N=𝕆,and μ:MN is a G-equivariant projective morphism. Let 𝒞M be the constant perverse sheaf on M. The decomposition theorem [CGi1433132, 8.4.12] says that μ*𝒞M= iϕ=(𝕆,χ) Lϕ(i)ICϕ [i]LϕI Cϕ, where μ* is the derived functor of sheaf theoretic direct image, ϕ runs over the indexes of the intersection cohomology complexes ICϕ, Lϕ(i) are finite dimensional vector spaces, indicates an equality up to shifts in the derived category, and Lϕ=i Lϕ(i).

The convolution algebra

Let μ:MN be a proper map. Using the Yoneda product to define a multiplication, the convolution algebra is the associative algebra defined by A=ExtDb(N)* (μ*𝒞M,μ*𝒞M) =k ExtDb(N)k (μ*𝒞M,μ*𝒞M). The decomposition theorem gives A = k i,j,ϕ,ψ Hom (Lϕ(i),Lψ(j)) ExtDb(N)k (ICϕ[i],ICψ[j]) = k i,j,ϕ,ψ Hom (Lϕ(i),Lψ(j)) ExtDb(N)k+j-i (ICϕ,ICψ) k0 ϕ,ψ Hom (Lϕ,Lψ) ExtDb(N)k (ICϕ,ICψ) = (ϕEnd(Lϕ)) ( k>0 ϕ,ψ Hom (Lϕ,Lψ) ExtDb(N)k (ICϕ,ICψ) ) . Since the product only raises degrees on the ExtDb(N)k it follows that the right hand sum is an ideal of A. This ideal is nilpotent since the complexes are bounded. The quotient of A by this ideal is the left hand sum, which is a semisimple algebra since it is a direct sum of matrix algebras. It follows that radA= ( k>0 ϕ,ψ Hom (Lϕ,Lψ) ExtDb(N)k (ICϕ,ICψ) ) , and the nonzeroLϕ are the simpleA-modules. (2.2)

Projective modules and reciprocity

Let eψ be a minimal idempotent in ϕEnd(Lϕ). Then Pψ=Aeψ=Lψ ( k>0ϕ Lϕ ExtDb(N)k (ICϕ,ICψ) ) is the projective cover of the simple A-module Lψ. Define an A-module filtration PψF1F2 by Fm=kmϕ LϕExtDb(N)k (ICϕ,ICψ). Then Lψ=Pψ/F1 andgrFPψ is a semisimpleA-module. Thus the multiplicity of the simple A-module Lϕ in a composition series of Pψ is [Pψ:Lϕ]= dimExt* (IC𝕆χ,IC𝕆,χ) =k0dim ExtDb(N)k (ICϕ,ICψ).

Standard and costandard modules

Let ψ=(𝕆,χ) and let x𝕆. The local system χ on 𝕆 can be identified with a representation of the component group ZG(x)/ZG(x), where ZG(x) is the centralizer of x in G and ZG(x) is the connected component of the identity in ZG(x). Let ix:{x}N be the injection. Then ix!μ*𝒞M is the stalk of μ*𝒞M at x and the Yoneda product makes H*(ix!𝒞M) = HomDb({x}) (,ix!μ*𝒞M[*])= HomDb(N) ( (ix)! [-*],μ*𝒞M ) , H*(ix*𝒞M) = H*({x},ix*μ*𝒞M) =HomDb({x}) (𝔻,ix!μ*𝒞M[*]) =HomDb(N) ( (ix)! [-*],μ*𝒞M ) , into a right A-module. The action of an element aExtk(μ*𝒞M,μ*𝒞M)=HomDb(N)(μ*𝒞M,μ*𝒞M[k]) sends H* ({x},ix!μ*𝒞M) H*+k ({x},ix!μ*𝒞M). There is an action of ZG(x)/ZG(x) on H*(ix!μ*𝒞M) which commutes with the action of A. Thus the χ-isotypic component H*(ix!μ*𝒞M)χ of H*(ix!μ*𝒞M) is an A-module. Similar arguments apply to H*(ix*μ*𝒞M). Thus we can make the following definition: If ψ=(𝕆,χ) the standard and costandard A-modules are ψ!=H* (ix!μ*𝒞M)χ and ψ*= H*(ix*μ*𝒞M)χ. Using the decomposition theorem ψ!=H* (ix!𝒞M)χ= kϕ LϕHk (ix!ICϕ)χ. Define a filtration H*(ix!𝒞M)χF1F2 by Fm=jm ϕLϕ Hj(ix!ICϕ). Then Fm is an A-module and grF(ψ!) is a semisimple A-module. This (and a similar argument for H*(ix*μ*𝒞M)) show that the multiplicity of the simple A-module Lϕ in composition series of ψ! and ψ* are [ψ!:Lϕ]= kdimHk (ix!ICϕ)χ and [ψ*:Lϕ]= kdimHk (ix*ICϕ)χ. Define the standard KL-polynomial and the costandard KL-polynomial of A to be Pϕψ!(q)= kqkdimHk (ix!ICϕ)χ andPϕψ* (q)=kqk dimHk (ix*ICϕ)χ, respectively. Then ??? says that [ψ!:Lϕ]= Pϕψ!(1) and [ψ!:Lϕ]= Pϕψ*(1). These identities are analogues of the original Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture describing the multiplicities of simple 𝔤-modules in Verma modules.


Let dϕ=dim𝕆ϕ and assume thatExtDb(N)dψ+dϕ+k (ICϕ,ICψ)=0, for all oddk. Then [Pψ:Lϕ] = kdim ExtDb(N)k (ICϕ,ICψ) = kdim ExtDb(N)dϕ+dψ+k (ICϕ,ICψ) = k(-1)kdim ExtDb(N)dϕ+dψ+k (ICϕ,ICψ) = (-1)dϕ+dψ 𝕆χ ( 𝕆,i𝕆!I Cϕ! i𝕆!I Cψ ) = (-1)dϕ+dψ 𝕆χ ( 𝕆,(-1)dϕ α,k [ki𝕆!(ICϕ):α] α!(-1)dψ β, [i𝕆!(ICψ):β]β ) = 𝕆,α,βχ ( 𝕆,k [ki𝕆!(ICϕ):α*] α!(-1)dψ [i𝕆!(ICψ):β]β ) = α,βk dimk (iα!ICϕ) (𝕆χ(𝕆,α*!β)) dim (iβ!ICψ) = α,β [α!:Lϕ] (𝕆χ(𝕆,α*β)) [β!:Lψ] = α,βPϕα (1)Dαβ Pψβ(1) = (PDPt)ϕψ, where

(1) the third equality follows from the vanishing of Ext groups in odd degrees,
(2) χ denotes the Euler characteristic,
(3) P is the matrix (Pϕα(1)), and
(4) D is the matrix (𝕆χ(𝕆,α*β)).
This identity is the "BGG reciprocity" for the algebra A.

Borel-Moore homology

Recall that the Borel-Moore homology is defined by Hi(X)=H-i (X,𝔻X)= HomDb(X) (X,X[i]). Let f:XY be a proper map. Then, since f*=f!, H*(Y,f*)=H*(X,), f!𝔻Y=𝔻X and there is a canonical map f!f!𝔻Y𝔻Y there is a pushforward f*:H*(X) H*(Y), coming from the map H*(X)=H*(X,𝔻X)=H*(X,f!𝔻Y)=H*(Y,f*f!𝔻Y)=H*(Y,f!f!𝔻Y)H*(Y,𝔻Y)=H*(Y). If f:XY is a flat map with smooth fibers of complex dimension d then f!=f*[2d] and there is a canonical map 𝔻Xf*f*𝔻X which induces the pullback f*:H*(Y) H*+d(X) via H*(Y)=H-*(Y,𝔻Y)H-*(Y,f*f*𝔻Y)=H-*(Y,f*f!𝔻Y[-2d])=H-*(X,F!𝔻Y[-2d])=H-*-d(X,f!𝔻Y)=H-*-d(X,𝔻X)=H*+d(X). If X is a smooth variety, i:YX is a codimension d subvariety and j:ZX is a closed subvariety the pullback YZ ι Z j j Y i X ι*:H*(Z) H*-d(YZ) is defined by H*(Z)= H-i(Z,𝔻Z)= H-i(Z,j!𝔻X) H-i(Z,j!i*i*𝔻X)= H-i(Z,ι*j!i*X[2dimX])= H-i(ι*Z,j!𝔻Y[2d])= H-i(YZ,𝔻YZ[2d])= Hi-2d(YZ).

For arbitrary CW-complexes M1 and M2 let :H*(M1) H*(M2) H*(M1×M2) be the Kunneth isomorphism for Borel-Moore homology [CGi1433132, 2.6.19]. Let M be a smooth oriented manifold and let Z and Z be closed subsets of M. Let m=dimM and let Δ:MM×M be the diagonal imbedding. The cup product Hi(Z)Hj (Z) Hi+j-m (ZZ) is given bycc= Δ*(cc).

Let M1, M2 and M3 be connected oriented manifolds. Let pij:M1×M2×M3Mi×Mj be the canonical projections and fix closed subsets Z12M1×M2 andZ23M2× M3such that p13:p12-1 (Z12) p23-1(Z23) M1×M3is proper. This map has image Z12Z23 as described in ???. The convolution in Borel-Moore homology H*(Z12) H*(Z23)* H*(Z12Z23) is given byc12*c23 =(p13)* (p12*c12p23*c23).

Equivariant K-theory

Let X be a quasiprojective variety with a linear algebrac group G acting on X. The equivariant K-theory of X is KG(X)= Grothendieck group of the category ofG-equivariant coherent sheaves onX. If X and Y are G-varieties and f:XY is a G-equivariant morphism define the pullback f*:KG(Y) KG(X)by f*[]= [f*], where f*:Sh(Y)Sh(X) is the pullback functor on sheaves. By definition f*=𝒪Y𝒪X, and this functor is not always flat, which means that the definition above is not well defined on K-groups, and so if f is not flat it is necessary to be more careful and define f*[]=(-1)iTori𝒪X(𝒪Y,) where Tori𝒪X(𝒪Y,)=i(f*𝒪Y𝒪XF) for a finite G-equivariant locally free resolution F of . If X and Y are quasiprojective G-varieties and f:XY is a proper morphism then define the pushforward f*:KG(X) KG(Y)by f*[]=i (-1)i [Rif*], where the inner f*:Sh(X)Sh(Y) is the direct image functor on sheaves and Ri denotes the ith derived functor.

Let CohG(X) denote the category of G-equivariant coherent sheaves on X. If Z and Z are G-varieties define :CohG(Z) CohG(Z) CohG(Z×Z) by= pZ*𝒪Z×Z pZ*, where pZ:Z×ZZ and pZ:Z×ZZ are the projections. Let M be smooth and let Δ:MM×M be the diagonal imbedding. Let Z and Z be closed G-invariant subvarieties of M and define the tensor product KG(Z)KG (Z) KG(ZZ) by[] []=Δ* (). Let M1, M2 and M3 be smooth quasiprojective G-varieties. Let pij:M1×M2×M3Mi×Mj be the canonical projections and fix G-stable closed subvarieties Z12M1×M2 andZ23M2×M3 such thatp13:p12-1 (Z12) p23-1(Z23) M1×M3 is proper. This map has image Z12Z23= { (m1,m3) M1×M3| (m1,m2) Z12and (m2,m3) Z23for somem2 M2 } . The convolution in equivariant K-theory KG(Z12) KG(Z23)* KG(Z12Z23) is given by12* 23=(p13)* ( p12*12 p23*23 ) .

Example 1. Consider our setup μ:MN and let Z=M×NM={(m1,m2)M×M|μ(m1)=μ(m2)}. Then ZZ = { (m1,m3)| μ(m1)=μ(m2) =μ(m3)for some m2M } = Z. In this case convolution is a product KG(Z) KG(Z)* KG(Z).

Example 2. If xN and Mx=μ-1(x) then Mx= { (m2,m3)| m2=m3andμ (m2)=x } . Then ZMx= { (m1,m3)| μ(m1)=μ(2)= μ(m3)=x } =Mx and so convolution KG(Z) KG(Mx) *KG(Mx) makes Mx into an KG(Z)-module.

Chern character and Riemann-Roch

The (homological) Chern character is a -linear map ch*:K(X)H*(X) such that

(1) ch*([𝒪X])=[X]+lower degree terms,
where 𝒪X is the stucture sheaf of X, [X] is the fundamental class of X, and lower degree terms consists of a sum of homogeneous elements of H*(X) of degree <2dimX.
(2) If M is smooth, UM is a Zariski open set, and XM is closed, and f:XUX is the inclusion, then ch*(f*[]) =f*(ch*[]) ,forK(X)
(2) If X and Y are subvarieties of smooth varieties M and N respectively and f:XY is a proper map then TdN·f*(ch*) =f*(TdM·ch*) ,forK(X), where TdM denotes the Todd class of M in H*(M).
(3) If Z and Z are closed subvarieties of a smooth variety M then ch*([][]) =ch*([]) ch*([𝒢]).
(4) Let ZM1×M2 and define RR:K(X)H* (Z)byRR ([])= (1TdM2) ch*([]). Let M1, M2 and M3 be smooth varieties and let Z12M1×M2 and Z23M2×M3 be closed subvarieties so that convolution is defined. Then RR(12)* RR(23)= RR(12*23), where the product on the left is convolution in K-theory and the product on the right is convolution in Borel-Moore homology.

Convolution algebras and Borel-Moore homology

Define Z=M×NM= { (m1,m2) M×M|μ(m1) =μ(m2) } . Then we have a commutative diagram Z=M×NM ι M×M μ12 μ1×μ2 N=NΔ Δ N×N which (via base change) provides an isomorphism H*(Z) = HomDb(Z12) (Z12,(Z12[*])) = HomDb(Z12) ( μ12*N,ι! 𝒞M1×M2 [m1+m2][-*] ) = HomDb(N) ( N,(μ12)* ι! 𝒞M1×M2 [m1+m2-*] ) = HomDb(N) ( N,Δ! (μ1×μ2)* (𝒞M1𝒞M2) [m1+m2-*] ) = HomDb(N) ( N,Δ! ( (μ1)*𝒞M1 (μ2)*𝒞M2 ) [m1+m2-*] ) = ExtDb(N)m1+m2-* ( (μ1)*𝒞M1, (μ2)*𝒞M2 ) . Let xN and define Mx=μ-1(x). Then the commutative diagram Mx ι M μ μ {x} ix N induces (via base change) an isomorphism H*(Mx) = HomDb(Mx) ( Mx, (Mx[*]) ) = HomDb(Mx) ( μ*{x}, ((ι*M)[*]) ) = HomDb({x}) ( {x},μ* (ι!M[2m]) [-*] ) = HomDb({x}) ( {x},ix!μ* 𝒞M[m-*] ) = Hm-* (ix!μ*𝒞M) and another isomorphism H*(Mx) = HomDb(Mx) ( Mx, Mx[*] ) = HomDb(Mx) ( μ*{x}, Mx[*] ) = HomDb({x}) ( {x},μ* Mx[*] ) = HomDb({x}) ( {x},μ!ι* M[*] ) = HomDb({x}) ( {x}, ix*μ! M[*] ) = HomDb({x}) ( {x}, ix*μ* 𝒞M[*-m] ) = H*-m (ix*μ*𝒞M).

Weights in equivariant K-theory

Let T be an algebraic torus. Let M be a smooth quasiprojective variety with an action of T. Let MT= {T-fixed points ofM}, andι:MT M be the inclusion. Then N=TMTM= the normal bundle ofMTinM has an action of T on the fibers. Thus the normal bundle N can be decomposed N=λNλ, according to the irreducible representations λ of T. Let λT=i0 (-1)i (iN)= λ (i(-1)iλi(ΛiNλ)) KT(MT)=R(T) K(MT). Then then composition ι*ι*:KT(MT)KT(MT) is equal to multiplication by the element λT, KT(MT) ι* KT(M) λT ι* KT(MT) An element tT is regular if λt=the evaluation ofλT att, obtained by evaluating all elements of R(T) at t, is an invertible element of K(MT). Equivalently, an element tT is regular if (a)Mt=MT, or, if(b)λ(t) 1for allλsuch that Nλ0. For a regular element tT define rest:KT(M)t K(MT), byrest=(ι*)-1 =(λt)-1ι*. By [CGi1433132, 5.11.7], if f:XY is a T-equivariant proper morphism and if t is an element which is both X-regular and Y-regular, then the following diagram commutes: KT(X) f* KT(Y) rest rest K(XT) f* K(YT) Thus, if Y is a point, then ptT=pt and restf* = i(-1)i restHi(X,) = i(-1)i Tr(t,Hi(X,)), and f*rest = i(-1)i Tr(t,Hi(XT,(λt-1)(|XT))). If XT is a collection of disjoint points and is the constant sheaf then i(-1)iTr (t,Hi(X))= restf*X= f*restX= i(-1)i Tr(t,Hi(XT,(λt-1)XT)) =Card(XT), which is the Grothendieck-Lefschetz trace formula. In Carter [Ca] p. 504, the Grothendieck trace formula is given as |XFn|= i=02d (-1)iTr (Fn,Hi(X)), where F is Frobenius on X over 𝔽q.

Monodromy filtration on Ψ

Let Ψ be an object of an abelian category and let q be a nilpotent endomorphism of Ψ. By [Del1980, Prop. 1.6.1] there exists a unique finite increasing filtration Ψ{i-1} Ψ{i} of Ψ that qΨ{i}Ψ{i-2} and qk induces an isomorphism qk:GrkΨ Gr-kΨ. If Ψ is a vector space and q is a nilpotent endomorphism in Jordan form then for each Jordan block of q there is a basis {e-d,e-d-2,,ed-2,ed} such that qei=ei-2. Then let Ψ{k}=span{ei|ik}. If Ψ is considered as an 𝔰𝔩2-module where q acts as f in an 𝔰𝔩2-triple, then Ψ{k} is the span of all weight spaces which have weights k.

Jantzen filtrations on kerq and cokerq

Consider Ψ as above with a nilpotent action of q. Define an increasing filtrations on !=kerqand *=cokerq by (!)(i)= { kerqimq-i , fori0, kerq, fori0, and*(i)= kerqi+imqimq. Conceptually, !=kerq is the span of the lowest weight vectors in Ψ and * is the span of the highest weight vectors in Ψ. The Jantzen filtrations are the filtrations on these subspaces coming from the weights of Ψ as an 𝔰𝔩2-module. PICTURE OFΨ

The weight filtration

Let X0 be a scheme of finite type over 𝔽q and let 0 be a sheaf on X0. The Frobenius map is Frq: 𝔽q 𝔽q x xq The sheaf 0 on X0 defines a sheaf on X with an action of a Frobenius map Fq*:Frq*. The set of points of X defined over 𝔽qn is XFn= {Fnfixed points ofX}= {points ofXdefined over𝔽qn} and Fn acts on the fibers x for each xXFn.

A sheaf 0 on X0 is pointwise pure of weight w (w) if, for all n and all xXFn, the eigenvalues of Fn on x are algebraic numbers all of whose complex conjugates have absolute value (qn)w/2. The sheaf 0 is mixed if it has a finite filtration with pointwise pure quotients. If KDb(X0) then

(a) KDb(X0) is mixed if all its cohomology sheaves kK are mixed.
(b) K has weights w, if, for each i, iK has weights w+i. We write KDwb(X0).
(c) K has weights w if K has weights w. We write KDwb(X0).
(d) K is pure of weight w if KDwb(X0)Dwb(X0).
The weight structure of a complex can be determined locally [BBD1982, Prop. 5.1.9]
(a) KDwb if and only if ix*K has weights w for each closed point xX0, ix:{x}X0.
(b) KDwb if and only if ix!K has weights w for each closed point xX0, ix:{x}X0.
Let f:X0Y0 be a separated morphism. Then f!: Dwb(X0) Dwb(Y0) f*: Dwb(Y0) Dwb(X0) f!: Dwb(Y0) Dwb(X0) f*: Dwb(X0) Dwb(Y0) : Dwb×Dwb Dw+wb Ext: Dwb×Dwb D-w+wb : Dwb D-wb Note that the first statement is the main theorem of [Del1980].

Let 0 be a mixed perverse sheaf on X0. Define the weight filtration of 0, 0(i) 0(i+1), of 0 by setting 0(i)0 to be such that 0(i) has simple subquotients inDib (X0)and 0/0(i) has simple subquotients inD>ib (X0). By [BBD1982, Thm. 5.3.5], the weight filtration is the unique increasing filtration of 0 such that Gri0 is pure of weighti. Note that the proof of the existence of the weight filtration uses the stability properties in (???).

A perverse sheaf on X is an object KDcb(X,) such that for every stratum S HjiS*K=0, forj>-12dim (S),andHj iS!K=0,for j<-12dim(S), where iS:SX is the inclusion.

(0) The category of perverse sheaves on X is artinian and noetherian. Every object has finite length.
(a) [BBD1982, 5.3.4] Every simple mixed perverse sheaf 0 on X0 is pure.
(b) If 0 on X0 is a pure perverse sheaf then on X is semisimple.
(c) If 0 on X0 is an indecomposable pure perverse sheaf then 0S0En where S0 is simple and En has fiber span-{e1,,en} with F-action given by the regular unipotent element in GLn. (En is indecomposable of weight 0.)
(d) Any mixed perverse sheaf A has a finite increasing filtration W by weights such that each grWiA is pure. Every morphism is compatible with these filtrations.
(e) Every pure indecomposable perverse sheaf is of the form S0E where S0 is a simple perverse sheaf and E is a finite rank cyclic [t]-module.
(g) The simple perverse sheaves on X are j!*L[dimU], wherej*! =Im(pj!pj*), j:UX with U smooth, connected and of the same dimension in all irreducible components, and L is an irreducible -sheaf on U.


(a) There exists j:U0X0 lisse connected of dimension d and a lisse sheaf L0 on U0 such that 0=j!*(L0[d]) (by [BBD1982, 4.3.1]). One may retract U0 [BBD1982, 4.3.2]. The lisse sheaf L0 is irreducible, and it follows from the definitions that one can take it to be pure. One may take U0 affine and it only remains to apply [BBD1982, 5.3.2].

(c) The proof is identical to the proof of [Del1980, 3.4.1(iii)]. Let =direct sum of the simple perverse sheaves in. We want to show that =. Let 0=0/0 (0 since is stable under Frobenius). The (image of) the extension 000 00 is 0 in Ext1(,) by [BBD1982, 5.1.15 (iii)] (which follows readily from the stabilities) and the fact that 0 and 0 are pure of the same weight. Thus . If is nonzero then it has a simple subobject, but this contradicts the maximality of . So =.

Nearby cycles and vanishing cycles

Let R be the ring of a Henselian discrete valuation,
K the field of fractions of R,
K the algebraic closure of K,
k=R/𝔪 the residue field of R,
k the algebraic closure of k.
Let S=Spec(R), which Deligne [Del1980] calls a "trait". Then s:speckS is the closed point of S,
η:specKS is the geometric point of S,
s:speckS is the localization of s in S,
η:speckS is the geometric point localized at η.
Let f:XS be a (finitely generated, quasiprojective, flat) scheme over R. Then Xs=X×Sspec(k) is the special fiber,
Xη=X×Sspec(K), and
Xη=X×Sspec(K) is the generic fiber.
Let be a sheaf on X. Then we have the following diagram s η η Xs i X j Xη k Xη f f f spec(k) S spec(K) spec(K) where s=i*, η=j*, η=k* j*. The nearby cycles complex is Ψf=i* Rj*k*k* j*. The adjunction morphism Rj*k*k*j* gives a morphism θf:i*Ψf. The vanishing cycles complex is Φf=cone (θ:i*Ψf). Φf i* θf Ψf which, explicitly, is the complex Φf= ( 0s θf (Ψf)0 (Ψf)1 ) , where (Ψf)0 occurs at the 0th spot. The hypercohomology of Φf describes the deviation between the cohomology of the generic fiber and the special fiber.

Example. Let S=1,
spec(K)=, which is the universal cover of 1\{0} via the projection p:1\{0} given by p(z)=ez.
Let X be a smooth complex algebraic variety. Then we have the diagram f-1(0) i X j f-1(1\{0}) k X* f f f {0} 1 1\{0} p Note that fΓ(X,𝒪X),
Y=f-1(0) is the subvariety of X defined by the single equation f=0,
X*=X× is a fiber product via the maps p and f and jk:X*X is "projection onto the first factor".

Frobenius, the Galois group and Monodromy

The inertia group is the kernel I in 0IGal(K/K) Gal(k/k)0. Suppose k=𝔽q, q=pn. The Frobenius automorphism is the element of Gal(𝔽q/𝔽q) given by 𝔽q 𝔽q x xq The geometric Frobenius F is the inverse of the Frobenius automorphism. The Weil group is the subgroup of Gal(𝔽q/𝔽q) given by W(𝔽q/𝔽q)= {Fn|n}. Identify W(𝔽q/𝔽q)= Gal(𝔽q/𝔽q)ˆ, the profinite completion of . The Weil group W(K/K) is the inverse image of Gal(k/k) in Gal(K/K). There is an exact sequence OPItZ^ Z(p)(1)0 with Z^(p)(1) =p (1),t= pt, so that the products are over all primes p,
P is a pro-p group,
t:I(1) is the -component of the map t,
kert is a profinite group of order prime to .

Let (ρ,V) be an -adic representation of Gal(K/K). The local monodromy group is the image ρ(I). The logarithm of the unipotent part of the monodromy is the unique nilpotent endomorphism N:V(1)Vsuch that ρ(σ)=exp (t(σ)N), forσI1, where I1 is a finite index subgroup of I. Note that N commutes with the action of W(k/k).

Let be a sheaf on X. Then η is an -adic representation of W(K/K). The sheaf 0 on X0 is pointwise pure of weight β if, for every xX0, F acts on x with eigenvalues of absolute value qβ.

[Del1980,1.8.1 and 1.8.4] Assume that 0 is pointwise pure of weight β.

(a) The eigenvalues of F on s are of absolute value qα with αβ.
(b) Let M be the filtration induced by the action of the logarithm of the unipotent part of the modnoromy on 0η. The representation of W(k/k) on GriM(0η) is pure of weight β+i.

The Langlands classification

Let W be an index set for the G orbits on N. Define a partial order on W by w1w2if 𝕆w1𝕆w2. The lower order ideals in this partial order correspond to the closed G-invariant subsets of N.

Let 𝒞 be an abelian category with a fixed collection of subcategories 𝒞J, indexed by the lower order ideals J in W. For any lower order ideals J1J2 let 𝒞J2\J1= 𝒞J2𝒞J1 be the corresponding quotient category. The category 𝒞 is W-stratified if

(a) 𝒞J1J2=𝒞J1𝒞J2,
(b) 𝒞J1J2 is the smallest subcategory that contains 𝒞J1 and 𝒞J2,
(c) If J1J2 then 𝒞J1𝒞J2,
(d) If J1J2 then the quotient map jJ2\J1*:𝒞J2 𝒞J2\J1 has left and right adjointsj(J2\J1)! andj(J2\J1)*.
(e) imbedding condition see [BBe1993, 2.6.4.(iii)].
Think of 𝒞 as the category of modules associated to X and think of 𝒞J as the subcategory of modules supported on the closed G-invariant subset of X corresponding to J. Define ji!andji* to be the left and right adjoints toji*: 𝒞i𝒞i. For each pair (i,L) where L is an irreducible object of 𝒞i define the corresponding standard and costandard objects of 𝒞 by (i,L)!= ji!(L) and(i,L)* =ji*(L), respectively. Then ji!*:𝒞i 𝒞igiven by ji!*=Im (ji!ji*) transforms irreducible objects into irreducible ones. If any object of 𝒞 has finite length (or, equivalently, all objects of the 𝒞i have finite length) then the irreducible objects of 𝒞 are ji!*(L) running over all pairs(i,L), where L is an irreducible object in 𝒞i.


[BBe1993] A. Beilinson and J. Bernstein, A proof of Jantzen conjectures, in I.M. Gelfand seminar, S. Gelfand and S. Gindikin eds., Adv. in Soviet Math. 16 Part 1 (1993), 1–50.

[BBD1982] A. Beilinson, J. Bernstein, and P. Deligne, Faisceaux pervers, in Analyse et topologie sur les espaces singuliers (I), Astérisque 100, Soc. Math. France, 1982.

[CGi1433132] N. Chriss and V. Ginzburg, Representation theory and complex geometry, Birkhäuser Boston, Inc., Boston, MA, 1997. x+495 pp. ISBN: 0-8176-3792-3, MR1433132 and MR2838836.

[Del1980] P. Deligne, La Conjectture de Weil. II, Publ. Math. IHES 52 (1980), 137-252.

[FKi1988] E. Freitag, R. Kiehl, Etale cohomology and the Weil conjecture, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, 3 Folge, Band 13, Springer-Verlag, 1988.

Notes and References

These notes are from /Work2004/Dell_Laptop/Unpublished/GRT/GRT12.6.00.tex

Research supported in part by National Science Foundation grant DMS-9622985.

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