Last update: 26 June 2014
This paper tries to figures out what the heck is going on in all these different Hecke algebra modular representation worlds.
Let and be a proper map, and let be a pure perverse sheaf on A transverse slice at is a subvariety of containing with a with strictly positive weights such that
(a) |
is in generic position with respect to (why
and not ??),
i.e. where and |
(b) | There is a isomorphism taking to such that is for some given on |
A local system is a locally constant sheaf. Let be a and let be a in The orbit can be identified with where and is the stabilizer of There is a homomorphism and the representations of on the fiber of of local systems are exactly the pullbacks of finite dimensional representations of to In this way the irreducible local systems on can be indexed by (some of the) irreducible representations of [CGi1433132, Lemma 8.4.11].
[KS], [L1, 13.1(a)] Let be a proper morphism between smooth connected varieties and let be given by Then the singular support (or characteristic variety) of is a closed Lagrangian subvariety of contained in
Let be a smooth not necessarily connected and the constant perverse sheaf on Fix a proper map where is a consisting of finitely many orbits. Then is an algebra under sheaf theoretic convolution [CGi1433132, (8.6.6)] via the map where is projection onto the and factors [CGi1433132, p. 116].
Assume that consists of finitely many Then the of form an algebraic stratification of [CGi1433132, Cor. 3.2.24] and the decomposition theorem states that where the sum is over pairs of a and an irreducible equivariant local system on and are finite dimensional vector spaces [CGi1433132, Theorem 8.4.12]. Let where is a linear isomorphism that does not necessarily preserve the gradings.
[CGi1433132, Theorem 8.6.12] The nonzero in the decomposition ??? are the simple modules.
The automorphism of given by switching the two factors induces an involutive algebra antiautomorphism If is an module the contragredient module is the vector space for and
Let and let be the injection. Setting and are contragredient modules via the vector space isomorphism [CGi1433132, Cor. 8.6.25 and Prop. 8.6.15]. These are, respectively, the standard and costandard module for [CGi1433132, Prop. 8.6.15, 8.1.9, 8.1.11].
The functors and are adjoint functors and so the identity map in gives rise to a morphism [CGi1433132, (8.3.18)]. Similary, there is a morphism and applying the functor to the sequence gives [CGi1433132, (8.5.2)] This composition is an module homomorphism [CGi1433132, (8.6.18)] and it defines a bilinear form on by via the isomorphism [CGi1433132, Cor. 8.6.25].
In the decomposition of in ???, the local systems can be viewed as representations of the component group and this gives rise to actions on and which commute with the action of [CGi1433132, Lemma 3.5.3]. Take components and define for each irreducible representation of The map restricts to an and defines a contravariant bilinear form on
Let be a transverse slice at with (assumed to have strictly positive weights). Let be the inclusion and let and Set
Let be the projective space corresponding to the Let be the unique sheaf on whose pullback to is If there is an exact triangle which, after applying gives the exact triangle Applying gives the long exact sequence If is large and and are given by then, for smaller than So the long exact sequence becomes Since and are all pure of the same weight, has weight and has weight Thus, the map is zero and there are short exact sequences which provide an exact sequence in the category of graded modules, where the actions are given by identifying with
The filtration of given by produces the Jantzen filtration of Alternatively, the Jantzen filtration can be described in terms of the bilinear form ??? on since The generalized decomposition numbers of the convolution algebra are the polynomials
The generalized decomposition numbers for the convolution algebra are given by where is the stalk at of the intersection cohomology sheaf appearing in the decomposition ???.
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Proof. |
Then is a equivariant pure perverse sheaf on Let and the natural maps. Since and increase weights and and decrease weights, and since and it follows that and are pure. Thus in Identifying with Thus and are free modules and Next we want to claim that i.e. we must show that Assuming this, the result follows from the decomposition theorem |
By the decomposition theorem Let be a minimal idempotent in Then is the corresponding projective Then is the multiplicity of the simple module in the composition series of Let be the multiplicity of the simple module in the composition series of and let be the Euler characteristic of with coefficients in the local system where is the dual local system to Then, with matrix notation, [CGi1433132, Theorem 8.7.5].
In the "examples"
(a) | In the category of finite dimensional??? representations of algebraic groups in characterstic is the indecomposable projective cover of are the Weyl modules the matrix is the identity and ??? is "???-reciprocity". |
(b) | In the category of highest weight modules of a semisimple Lie algebra, is the indecomposable projective cover of are the Verma modules, the matrix is the identity and ??? is "BGG-reciprocity". |
(c) | In the category of finite dimensional representations of the affine Hecke algebra of type A, is always trivial, are the standard modules, and the matrix is the identity. |
Let be a semisimple connected algebraic group over and let be the Lie algebra of The varieties are the flag variety and the nilpotent cone, respectively. The Springer resolution (of the singularities of is the map The Steinberg variety is
Let be the of an element Let be an triple. The Lie algebra decomposes into modules under the adjoint action of this triple and the various weight spaces of this action are orthogonal with respect to the Killing form on Since is the span of the lowest weight vectors and is the span of the non lowest weight vectors, are complementary subspaces in which are orthogonal with respect to the Killing form. Let be the Jacobson-Morozov homomorphism corresponding to the Setting defines a on with strictly positive weights and [CGi1433132, 3.7.19]
Note that [LuBKT1, Prop. 11.10] says that has a nondegenerate symplectic form where is the Killing form.
Let semisimple, and define
Fix and let be the of As subspaces of and this identifies the conormal bundle to the orbit as a subspace of
Let be the first projection.
(Compare [L2, Cor. 13.6]) Assume that If is a simple perverse sheaf on such that some shift appears as a direct summand of then
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Proof. |
By ???, is a closed Lagrangian subvariety of and is contained in Let us compute Fix an element and let and where is the unipotent radical of Then To justify this let us show that is naturally the transpose of the map With respect to the Killing form, is the dual space to and is the dual space to If and then both and raise weights with respect to the Borel subalgebra So is nilpotent. So Since it follows that is dual to Finally, the equality demonstrates that and are transpose maps. Using the nondegenerate form to identify with If then there is a Borel subalgebra such that and The element must be in the 0 weight space of relative to the Borel subalgebra and must lie in the positive part of with respect to since acts on by nonzero scalars. Thus is nilpotent and So So |
[Gro1994-2, Theorem 2] Assume that Consider be an indexing triple. Let be an triple and let be the orbit of Then
[Lus1989-2, §7] Let The following are equivalent.
(a) | |
(b) | In the reflection representation of for all |
(c) | For any semisimple element consists entirely of nilpotent elements. |
Consider an infinite page of graph paper (i.e. with diagonals labeled (lower left to upper right) by the elements of A segment is a finite sequence of consecutive boxes in a row of this page of graph paper, or, more precisely, an equivalence class of pairs of integers where the equivalence relation is Consider a book of pages of graph paper with page numbers labeled by the cosets of in The diagonals of each page are labeled by and the content of a box is A multisegment is a finite multiset of segments in this book.
Let and let be a semisimple element in Let such that Up to conjugation by elements of one can assume that is a diagonal matrix and that is a direct sum of Jordan blocks. Thus can be specified by the sizes of its Jordan blocks and by its diagonal entries Thus the pair corresponds to a multisegment where the rows have lengths and contents
Alternatively, one can think of this multisegment as a decomposition of the vector space as an module for the where The lengths of the segments are the dimensions of the and the contents of the boxes are the weights of
An aperiodic multisegment is a multisegment which does not contain any box of height or, more precisely, if, for each at least one of the pairs is not in the multisegment.
[L2, Proposition 15.5] Let The pairs where is semisimple and for an are indexed by the aperiodic multisegments.
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Proof. |
Let and let be an Assume that If is not nilpotent and let be the Jordan decomposition of Then and is an invertible transformation on The decomposition of is stable since and stable since commutes with So the number of segments on which begin at and end at is the same as the number of segments that begin at and end at Conversely, if the segment is periodic and contains a box of length then it is easy to construct which is not nilpotent by construct a map "perpendicular" to on the periodic part. |
Let be a finite Weyl group and let be the length of The Iwahori-Hecke algebra is the algebra with basis and multiplication determined by the relations for simple reflections in Setting for we have Define a involution by The Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials for are defined by finding the unique elements of such that These are renormalized versions of the original Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials defined in [KL1]: If then
If is replaced by an affine Weyl group then ??? defines the affine Hecke algebra and the resulting polynomials are the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials for the affine Weyl group
Let be an affine Weyl group and let be the corresponding finite Weyl group. Let be the set of alcoves for the hyperplane arrangement of which are in the dominant chamber. The minimal length representatives of cosets in are in bijection with the alcoves in the dominant chamber via where is the fundamental alcove for the affine Weyl group. The "sign" representation of is given by (i.e. and the module has basis indexed by the alcoves in Define an involution on by ??? and For each there is a unique element such that The polynomials are the parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials for corresponding to the sign representation of Soergel [Soe1998, Prop 3.4] proves the following identity of Deodhar [Dd],
Let be the Borel subgroup consisting of upper triangular matrices in Let and let be the vector with in the entry and all other entries The group is the stabilizer of the fixed flag and the coset space can be identified with the flag variety of flags in The orbits on are indexed by the permutations in the symmetric group and the closures are the Schubert varieties in
Let such that The partial flag variety is naturally identified with the coset space where is the parabolic subgroup The orbits on are indexed by the matrices or, equivalently, by the double cosets in where The Schubert variety in is the closure of the orbit The double coset contains a unique longest element
[KLu1980, Theorem 4.3] Let and be matrices of the form ??? and let be the stalk at a point of the of the intersection cohomology sheaf of the Schubert variety Then where is the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial for the symmetric group and denotes the longest element of the double coset in ???.
Let be the symmetric group. The affine symmetric group is the group with multiplication given by Let be the element of with in the position and all other entries and define
Let be a field. If is an dimensional vector space over then A lattice is a free submodule of rank in Fix a sequence of lattices, The stabilizer of this sequence in is an Iwahori subgroup of The coset space can be identified with the set of sequences of lattices The orbits on are in bijection with the double cosets in and are indexed by the elements of the affine symmetric group The affine Schubert varieties are the closures of the orbits in The orbits have and respectively.
[KLu1980, Theorem 5.5] If let be the stalk of the intersection cohomology sheaf of the Schubert variety at a point of the orbit Then where is the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial for the affine Hecke algebra of the affine symmetric group
Let (resp. be the graph with vertices indexed by (resp. and edges (resp. An vector space (or vector space) is a collection of finite dimensional vector spaces indexed by the vertices of If is an vector space let where the direct sum is over the edges of and the product is over the vertices. Then is a variety with a action. A representation of the quiver is an element of for some vector space and the isomorphism classes of representations are the orbits in
One makes analogous definitions of the representations of the quiver A nilpotent representation of is a representation of such that, for all there is an such that
Let be an dimensional vector space and Let and suppose that is a semisimple element such that all eigenvalues of of the form Then induces a grading on given by are exactly the nilpotent representations of the quiver on the graded vector space The group is naturally identified with and thus, the variety
If is a representation of on let and define a matrix This gives a bijection between representations of with vector space and matrices as in ???
Let be the stabilizer of
[Zel1985, Theorem 1] Let be nonnegative integers such that and let be as in ???.
(a) | The map defined by ??? is a bijection between the (isomorphism classes of) representations of such that and matrices as in ??? which satisfy for |
(b) | The map which sends to the flag where is an isomorphism between and an open subvariety of |
(c) | The closure of the orbit of in is locally isomorphic to the Schubert variety in |
Combinatorial reading of word from multisegment.
[L1, Theorem 11.3, Corollary 11.6]
(a) | The closure of a orbit of a nilpotent representation in is locally isomorphic to the closure of an affine Schubert variety of type where |
(b) | The local intersection cohomology of the closure of any stratum of vanishes in odd degrees and has Poincaré polynomials given by some of the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials for the affine Weyl group of type |
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Proof. |
Let be a sequence of vector spaces over labeled by the vertices of Let and let be the parabolic subgroup of the affine symmetric group given by If then can be identified with be choosing an basis of A lattice is a free submodule of rank in Let be the stabilizer in of the fixed sequence of lattices Then and The group has finitely many orbits on the set and the closure of each of these orbits is an affine Schubert variety. An element of determines a nilpotent representation of the quiver where the last map is multiplication by and the other maps are inclusions. Conversely, a nilpotent representation of on the vector spaces determines an element of the subset of via where the map is the product such that appears times. The subset is an open dense subvariety of which is isomorphic to the variety of all nilpotent representations of the quiver The fibers of the map from to isomorphism classes of nilpotent representations of are the of and the intersections of these orbits with are the of |
Following [Lus1998, 1.4] define the affine Hecke algebra as the algebra given by generators
and with relations
where is the angle between
Let be the set of group homomorphisms from the group to in An has central character if where the action of on is the linear extension of its action on If it exists, the central character of a module is defined uniquely up to the action of on It follows from Dixmier's version of Schur's lemma [Wa] that every element of acts on an irreducible module by a constant. Thus, every irreducible has a central character.
Fix semisimple and Let and let The following theorem says that the convolution algebra is a (very nice!) homomorphic image of the affine Hecke algebra
[CGi1433132, Prop. 8.1.5]. Fix and semisimple. Define a one dimensional representation of the center of the affine Hecke algebra by Then
[Gro1994-2], [CGi1433132, Remark 8.8.8] Assume The irreducible modules are indexed by triples such that where is an triple, and appears in with nonzero multiplicity.
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Proof. |
Theorem ??? says that the nonzero in the decomposition are the simple modules with central character Suppose that satisfy the conditions in the statement of the theorem. Let be the Langlands decomposition of and let be the corresponding Kazhdan-Lusztig-Langlands parabolic subgroup of Let where is the Lie algebra of and define Then is a smooth subvariety of and the injection and the decomposition theorem applied to gives where is supported on components of disjoint from and is supported on Taking the stalk at gives By [CGi1433132, Prop. 8.8.2] appears in with nonzero multiplicity and so is nonzero. So is nonzero. |
Using the map given by projection onto the second factor, for all [CGi1433132, 8.1.7]. Then are the standard and costandard modules for respectively [CGi1433132, Prop. 8.6.15, 8.1.9, 8.1.11].
The transverse slices for this situation seem to be given on [CGi1433132, p. 172]. See also [L2, Prop. 10.6].
The involutive antiautomorphism of induced by switching the two factors of the Steinberg variety is given by and the bilinear form is contravariant [Lus1998, Lemma 12.12].
The general method of ??? produces a Jantzen filtration of and the generalized decomposition numbers for the affine Hecke algebra are the polynomials Theorem ??? applied to this situation yields the following refinement of [CGi1433132, Theorem 8.6.23].
[Gin1987-2, Theorem 2.6.2] and [Gro1994-2].
The affine Hecke algebra of type A is the algebra given by generators and relations
(a) | for |
(b) | if |
(c) | for |
(d) | if |
(e) |
(a) | The elements all commute with each other. |
(b) | The elements are a basis of |
(c) | The center is the ring of symmetric functions |
An module has central character if The central character of a module is unique up to the action permuting the coordinates of
The aperiodic multisegments with boxes index the irreducible representations of the affine Hecke algebra of type
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Proof. |
In type the component group for a point is always and so the local system is always trivial and so we may simply write where the sum is over orbits in Thus, by Theorem ??? the irreducible modules are indexed by pairs such that for an By Theorem ???, these triples are indexed by aperiodic multisegments. |
Let be the sizes of the Jordan blocks of and let Let be the "parabolic" subalgebra of generated by and Define a one dimensional representation of by Then the standard module of is given by
From Theorem ??? we obtain the following corollary (a refinement of [Zel1985, Cor. 1]). An alternative way of obtaining this result is explained in [OR].
Let be the affine Hecke algebra corresponding to
(a) | If is not a root of the generalized decomposition numbers for the affine Hecke algebra are where are the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials of the symmetric group |
(2) | If is a root of unity the generalized decomposition numbers for the affine Hecke algebra are where are the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials of the affine symmetric group |
Put in a converse to this last theorem.
Let be a field, and The cyclotomic Hecke algebra is the affine Hecke algebra with the additional relation Note that for any permutation
A partition is if for all
[Mat1998, Theorem 4.8 and Theorem 3.7] Let Let and and consider the cyclotomic Hecke algebra with these parameters.
(a) |
are nonzero and
Then the simple modules
are indexed by multipartitions
such that
(b) |
If the simple
are indexed by multipartitions
such that
[Ar2] The algebra is semisimple if and only if
(a) | for |
(b) | is not a primitive root of unity for any |
In the generic case, when the algebra is semisimple the irreducible representations are indexed by of partitions with boxes total. One can construct an integral form of the Ariki-Koike algebra and an integral form of the module so that the module can be defined for the algebra for any choice of This module is called the Specht module for the algebra (though it ought to be called a Young module).
There is a unique contravariant form on where is the vector indexed by the row reading tableau of shape Letting the Jantzen filtration of is
The generalized decomposition numbers of the Ariki-Koike algebras are the polynomials
The generalized decomposition number for the Ariki-Koike algebra are given by KL polynomials. where is the parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial of the affine Hecke algebra corresponding to the sign representation of
The Iwahori-Hecke algebra of type A is the algebra From Theorems ??? and ???
(a) | is semisimple if and only if is not a primitive root of for |
(b) | The simple modules are indexed by the regular partitions with boxes. |
A partition is if it is an aperiodic multisegment. The irreducible representations of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra where is a primitive root of unity are indexed by the regular partitions with boxes. The Specht modules are indexed by the partitions of
(LLT conjecture) Let be the coefficients in the expansion of the canonical basis of the Fock space in terms of the PBW basis. If is a partition and is an regular partition then where is the Specht module and is the irreducible module for the Iwahori-Hecke algebra of type A when is a primitive root of unity.
The proof of the following theorem is a "direct calculation" which verifies that the and functors act on Specht modules in the same way that the and operators act on the multipartition basis of the Fock space.
[Ari1996] The and functors make the direct sum of the Grothendieck groups of the categories of finite dimensional modules of the Ariki-Koike algebras into an irreducible highest weight module of highest weight where are the fundamental weights of
A similar calculation verifies that the and functors act on standard modules in the same way that the and operators act on the PBW basis of for the quantum group of type or type
It is interesting to note that every standard module for is a Specht module for some choice of parameters for
[Ari1996] The and functors make the direct sum of the Grothendieck groups of the categories of finite dimensional modules of the affine Hecke algebras of type A into a module isomorphic to
Under this identification the simple modules form the canonical basis of and the standard modules form the "PBW" basis. There is an inner product on the quantum group which should "become" the inner product/Jantzen filtrations on modules for the affine Hecke algebra.
By [Lus1998, Cor. 13.6] and [Lus1998, Cor 15.6] the canonical basis of is indexed by a subset of the aperiodic multisegments. On the other hand the PBW basis of is indexed by all positive integral linear combinations of the positive roots (elements in the nonnegative part of the root lattice), and these correspond exactly (HOW DO WE DO THIS?? what do elements in the positive root lattice of look like?) to the description of aperiodic multisegments as sums of indecomposable representations of the quiver. This shows that the canonical basis is indexed by the set of aperiodic multisegments.
By [Lus1989-2, Cor. 10.7] the transition matrix between the canonical basis of the negative part of the quantum group and the PBW basis is given by the Poincaré polynomials of the intersection cohomology sheaves for the quiver variety. Theorem ??? shows that these polynomials are Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials for the affine symmetric groups The correspondence is made precise and summarized in the following theorem.
Define the canonical basis of here.
(a) | Let and be multisegments and let and be the corresponding elements of the PBW-basis and the canonical basis of respectively. Then where are the Kazhdan-Lusztig poylnomials of the symmetric group |
(b) | Let and be aperiodic multisegments and let and be the corresponding elements of the PBW-basis and the canonical basis of respectively. Then where are the Kazhdan-Lusztig poylnomials of the affine Weyl group |
By [Lus1998, Cor. 11.8] the canonical basis "descends" to the modules
Assume that is an root of unity and where are the parameters of The generalized Fock space is the module given by with basis indexed by multipartitions with components and with action where The irreducible highest weight module is the submodule of generated by the highest weight vector (of weight Define a involution on by for The canonical basis of is determined by the conditions
The canonical basis of corresponds to the simple modules of the algebras where the parameters in these algebras are determined by The Verma module has canonical basis in correspondence with the canonical basis of since The canonical basis of corresponds to the simple modules of the affine Hecke algebras and the PBW basis corresponds to the standard modules of Viewing as a quotient corresponds to restricting from modules to Under this restriction the PBW basis corresponds to the Specht modules of This gives an indexing of the Specht modules by aperiodic multisegments, and this corresponds (CHECK THIS) to the Jimbo indexing of the canonical basis of
A cylindrical multipartition is a multipartition such that for each A cylindrical multipartition is if it is an aperiodic multisegment.
In this case the top element of the crystal graph is The rule for adding boxes is the same as in the Kleshchev case except that order of reading the addable and removable nodes is different.
The canonical basis of is indexed by the cylindrical multisemgments.
The isomorphism gives the correpondence between the Jimbo parametrization by aperiodic multisegments and the parametrization of the nodes of the crystal graph by Kleshchev multipartitions.
Let be a multipartition. In successively pair each unpaired addable node of content with the nearest higher unpaired removable node of content (if it exists) until there are no more possible pairings. If it exists, a good node of content is the highest unpaired node of content after pairing the addable and removable nodes of content Highest means that the node has maximal content among unpaired nodes in the partition with minimal. It would be best to define an ordering on the boxes??? A Kleshchev multipartition is an of partitions such that one obtains after consecutively removing good nodes. This definition is obtained by thinking of the crystal graph of as
The canonical basis of is indexed by the Kleshchev multipartitions
Let be the parameters of the Ariki-Koike algebra Assume that the are integers (we can always reduce to this case).
Goodman and Wenzl prove "directly" that the polynomials which describe the canonical basis are the same as parabolic KL polynomials by doing the appropriate matching up and then showing that they are both computed by the same algorithm. The matching up is given as follows.
Consider the Fock space module for the quantum group The canonical basis of this module is indexed by regular partitions The truncated Fock space has basis labeled by the regular partitions with Identify these with dominant integral weights of by letting The affine Weyl group of type is the reflection group defined by the hyperplane arrangement in the space Let and be the affine and Iwahori-Hecke algebras corresponding to and respectively.
[GWe1999] Let be the parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials for coming from the sign representation of as given in ????. Let be a partition??? and an regular partition. Then and is the alcove which contains in its closure and which lies on the positive side of all the hyperplanes containing
Let be a Lie algebra such that is reductive and is semisimple for
Let be the category of graded modules which are locally finite for and semisimple for Let be set of isomorphism classes of irreducible finite dimensional modules and for define A tilting module is a module which admits a flag and a flag. Define where the tilting module with parameter is the unique indecomposable module such that
(a) | for all |
(b) | has a with |
Suppose, in addition, that contains an element such that for all and Let be the category of all which are locally finite for and semisimple for This is the category "without the grading". Let be the set of isomorphism classes of finite dimensional irreducible representations of
If is a Kac-Moody algebra then The Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture for the case when is symmetrizable was established by Kashiwara.
[Kas90] Assume is symmetrizable and let be such that Then where is the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial for the Weyl group corresponding to
Let be a subset of the simple roots and let be the corresponding "parabolic" subalgebra of Let for a dominant integral weight for
[Soe1998, Prop. 7.5] Let be symmetrizable. Let be such that for all simple roots Then
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Proof. |
Let be the finite dimensional irreducible representation of of highest weight Let be the Verma module for of highest weight Applying the functor to the BGG-resolution gives an exact sequence where is for a dominant integral weight for Thus, for all and all dominant integral weights for The result now follows from ??? and ???. |
This introductory material is taken from [CP, § 11.2].
Let be a primitive root of unity where is odd and greater than for all All representations are complex representations.
Let be the irreducible with highest weight and highest weight vector Let be the generated by and define the via the homomorphism given by Define
[CP, Theorem 11.2.8] The finite dimensional simple of type are
Let be the Frobenius map. Let denote the simple of highest weight let be its pullback.
[CP, 11.2.9 and 11.2.11] (Tensor product theorem) Let and write with and for Then
The following theorem was conjectured by Lusztig [Lu??] and proved by Kazhdan-Lusztig via the passage to the category of representations of affine Lie algebras of level via Theorem ??? below.
Let Then where is of minimal length such that is in and is the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial for the affine Weyl group
Let be a finite dimensional complex semisimple Lie algebra. Let Then is the loop algebra and is an affine Kac-Moody Lie algebra.
[KLu1980, I-IV] For many there is an equivalence of categories where is the category of modules of finite length such that
(a) | acts by the value |
(b) | acts locally finitely, and |
(c) | acts locally nilpotently, |
Let be the principal block (the smallest direct summand containing the trivial representation) of the category of finite dimensional modules where is a primitive root of unity. The simple objects of are indexed by the set of alcoves in the dominant chamber. By the Kazhdan-Lusztig equivalence the block is equivalent to the block of containing with where is such that for all and is the half sum of the positive roots of
[Soergel] Let be the affine Weyl group of the Weyl group of and let and be the corresponding affine and Iwahori-Hecke algebras, respectively. Let be the unique indecomposable tilting module in which admits a flag ending with a surjection Then where is the parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial for corresponding to the sign representation of
Let be a field of characteristic and let be a semisimple split simply connected algebraic group over Let be a Borel subgroup of and a maximal torus.
Let The Weyl module associated to is The simple module are where is the unique simple submodule of
[Soe2000, Theorem 1.2] Let be the stalk of the intersection homology sheaf on the Schubert variety at a point of the Schubert cell Then
This is part of the Lusztig conjecture [Lu7].
Let be an algebraically closed field of characteristic
Let be the general linear group with entries in Let The modules are the reductions mod of the characteristic irreducible representations of The are the simple modules. The simple module is the unique module in the head of and the unique module in the socle of The tilting module is the unique indecomposable module of highest weight which has both a and filtration.
(a) | for arbitrary heighest weights, what does conjugation mean in this context? |
(b) | (Steinberg's tensor product theorem) |
(c) |
A partition is a partition that does not have equal parts. Let be the symmetric group. The irreducible representations of the symmetric group in characteristic are indexed by the partitions with boxes. Their reductions mod are the Specht modules The irreducible modules are indexed by the regular partitions with boxes.
[Gre1980, Theorem 6.6g] and [Er, Proposition 2.3]
(a) | Let such that is regular. |
(b) | Let and be partitions of with length Then |
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Proof. |
(a) Apply the Schur functor. (b) is a consequence of the following equality. |
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[Lus1989-2, §7] Let The following are equivalent.
(a) | |
(b) | In the reflection representation of for all |
(c) | For any semisimple element consists entirely of nilpotent elements. |
![]() |
Proof. |
We may assume that is semisimple. It is well known that, as polynomials in divides where is the rank of Hence (a) implies (b). It is also well known that Hence (b) implies (a). Assume that (b) doesn't hold. Then we can find a maximal torus of with Lie algebra and an element such that for some We may assume that is of finite order, hence semisimple. Hence (c) does not hold. So (c) implies (b). Assume now that (c) doesn't hold. Let be a semisimple element and a non-nilpotent element such that The same identity is then satisfied by the semisimple part of so that we can assume that is semisimple and nonzero. Let and let be the homomorphism defined by where If with not a root of the is clearly nilpotent, a contradiction. Hence the image of contains only roots of Being a closed subgroup of the image of must be finite. Since the centralizer is connected we have Hence is a connected component of so it contains some element of finite order. Hence we can assume that has finite order. Let be the space of all maximal tori of It is well known that has the same rational homology with compact support as an affine space. Now acts on by conjugation. By the fixed point theorem it follows that so that there exists a maximal torus of normalized by Let be the Lie algebra of Then and has as a Hence But acts on as an element of the Weyl group of and we see that (b) doesn't hold. Thus (b) implies (c). |
(1) | Note that [CGi1433132, Lemma 8.5.3] is Schur's lemma for sheaves. For [CGi1433132] and In fact!, What Grojnowski does seems to be buried in the proof of [CGi1433132, Theorem 8.6.23]. |
(2) | Note that [CGi1433132, p. 463] says that "the question whether has a unique simple quotient remains open, as far as we know". |
If are two integers then the vector spaces form an indecomposable representation of The segments index the indecomposable representations of and, since every representation of is a direct sum of indecomposable representations the multisegments index the (isomorphism classes of) representations of
The segments index the indecomposable representations of Every representation of is a direct sum of indecomposable representations and so the multisegments index the isomorphism classes of representations of
If are two integers then the vector spaces form an indecomposable representation of
A segment is a finite sequence of consecutive boxes in a row of this page of graph paper, or, more precisely, an equivalence class of pairs of integers where the equivalence relation is The segments index the indecomposable representations of the quiver
These notes are from /Work2004/Dell_Laptop/Unpublished/GRT/GRT12.6.00.tex
Research supported in part by National Science Foundation grant DMS-9622985.