Vector spaces

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 28 May 2011

Vector spaces and linear transformations

Properties (a), (b), (c) and (d) imply that a vector space V is an abelian group with an action of the field 𝔽. Hence, a vector space is just a module over a field.

Important examples of vector spaces are:

(a)   k and k, for k>0,
(b)   𝔽k, where 𝔽 is a field and k>0.

HW: Show that is V is a vector space over 𝔽 and vV then 0v=0. (Notice that the 0 on the left side of this equation is in 𝔽 and the 0 on the right hand side is an element of V.)
HW: Show that if V is a vector space over 𝔽 and c𝔽 and vV then cv=0 if and only if either c=0 or v=0.

Linear transformations are for comparing vector spaces.

Let 𝔽 be a field and let V and W be vector spaces over 𝔽.

  • A linear transformation from V to W is a function f:VW such that
    (a)   If v1,v2 V then f(v1 +v2) = f(v1) + f(v2) ,
    (b)   If c𝔽 and vV then f(cv) =cf(v).
  • A vector space isomorphism is a bijective linear transformation.
  • Two vector spaces V and W are isomorphic, VW, is there exists a vector space isomorphism f:VW between them.

Two vector spaces are isomorphic if the elements of the vector spaces and the operations and the actions match up exactly. Think of two vector spaces that are isomorphic as being "the same".

HW: Let f:VW be a linear transformation. Show that f(0)=0. (Notice that the 0 on the left hand side of this equation is in V and the 0 on the right hand side is an element of W.
HW: Let f:VW be a linear transformation. Show that if vV then f(-v) =-f(v).

  • A subspace W of a vector space V over a field 𝔽 is a subset WV such that
    (a)   If If w1,w2 W then w1+w2 W,
    (b)   0W,
    (c)   If wW then -wW,
    (d)   If wW and c𝔽 then cwW.
  • The zero space, (0), is the set containing only 0 with operations 0+0 =0 and c0=0, for c𝔽.

  • Let V be a vector space and let S be a subset of V. The span of S, span(S), or the subspace generated by S, is the subspace of V such that
    (a)   Sspan(S),
    (b)   If W is a subspace of V and S W then span(S)W.

The subspace span(S) is the smallest subspace of V containing S. Think of span(S) as gotten by adding to S exactly those elements of V that are needed to make a subspace.


  • A subgroup of a vector space V over a field 𝔽 is a subset WV such that
    (a)   If If w1,w2 W then w1+w2 W,
    (b)   0W,
    (c)   If wW then -wW,

Let V be a vector space over 𝔽 and let W be a subgroup of V.

  • A coset of W in V is a set v+W= {v+w | wW}, where vV.
  • V/W (pronounced "V mod W") is the set of cosets of W in V.

Let V be a vector space over a field 𝔽 and let W be a subgroup of V. Then the cosets of W in V partition V.

Notice that the proofs of Proposition (vsptn) and Proposition (gpptn) are essentially the same.
HW: Write a very shrot proof of Proposition (vsptn) by using (gpptn).

Quotient spaces Subspaces

Let V be a vector space over 𝔽 and let W be a subgroup of V. We can try to make the set V/W of cosets of W in V into a vector space by defining an addition operation and an action of 𝔽.

Let W be a subgroup of a vector space V over a field 𝔽. Then W is a subspace of V if and only if V/W with operations given by (v1+W) + (v2+W) = (v1+v2) +W and c (v+W) = c v+W is a vector space over 𝔽.

  • The quotient space V/W is the vector space of cosets of a subspace W of a vector space V over a field 𝔽 with operations given by (v1+W) + (v2+W) = (v1+v2) +W and c (v+W) = c v+W .

We have made V/W into a vector space when W is a subspace of V.

kernel and image of a linear transformation

  • The kernel, or null space, of a linear transformation f:VW is the set kerf={vV | f(v)=0W}, where 0W is the zero element of W.
  • The image, or range, of a of a linear transformation f:VW is the set imf={f(v) | vV }.

Let f:VW be a linear transformation. Then

(a)   kerf is a subspace of V.
(b)   imf is a subspace of W.

Let f:VW be a linear transformation. Let 0V be the zero element of V. Then

(a)   kerf={0V} if and only if f is injective.
(b)   imf=W if and only if f is surjective.

Notice that the proof of Proposition (vsinjsur)(b) does not use the fact that f:VW is a linear transformation only the fact that f:VW is a function.

(a)   Let f:VW be a linear transformation and let N=kerf. Define f^: V/kerf W v+N f(v) Then f^ is a well defined injective linear transformation.
(b)   Let f:VW be a linear transformation and define f: V imf v f(v) Then f is a well defined surjective linear transformation.
(c)   If f:VW is a linear transformation then V/kerfimf, where the isomorphism is a vector space isomorphism.

Direct sums

Suppose V and W are vector spaces over a field 𝔽. The idea is to make V×W into a vector space.

  • The direct sum VW of two vector spaces V and W over a field 𝔽 is the set V×W with operations given by (v1,w1) + (v2,w2) = (v1+v2, w1+w2) and c(v,w)= (cv,cw) , for v,v1, v2V, w,w1, w2w and c𝔽. The operations in VW are componentwise.
  • More generally, given vector spaces V1, V2,, Vn over 𝔽 the direct sum V1 V2 Vn is the set V1× V2×× Vn with the operations given by (v1,, vi,, vn) + (w1,, wi,, wn) = (v1+w1 ,, vi+wi,, vn+wn) and c(v1,, vi,, vn) = (cv1,, cvi,, cvn) , where vi,wi Vi, c𝔽, and vi+wi and cvi are given by the operations in Vi.

HW: Show that these are good definitions, i.e. that, as defined above, VW and V1 V2 Vn are vector spaces over 𝔽 with zeros given by (0V,0W and (0V1, , 0Vn, respectively. (0Vi denotes the zero element in Vi.)

Notes and References

These notes are written to highlight the analogy between groups and group actions, rings and modules, and fields and vector spaces.


[Ram] A. Ram, Notes in abstract algebra, University of Wisconsin, Madison 1993-1994.

[Bou] N. Bourbaki, Algèbre, Chapitre 9: Formes sesquilinéaires et formes quadratiques, Actualités Sci. Ind. no. 1272 Hermann, Paris, 1959, 211 pp. MR0107661.

[Ru] W. Rudin, Real and complex analysis, Third edition, McGraw-Hill, 1987. MR0924157.

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