Uniform spaces, metric spaces and completion

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 29 April 2011

Uniform spaces

Let X be a set and let N be a subset of X×X. Define NΔ = {x | (x,x)N} , Nt = {(y,x) | (x,y)N}, and N×XN = { (x,y) | there exists zX such that (x,z) M and (z,y) M }.

A uniform space is a set X with a collection 𝒳 of subsets of X×X such that

(a)   If NX×X, U𝒳 and NU then N𝒳.
(b)   If N1,, N 𝒳 then N1 N 𝒳.
(c)   If N𝒳 then {(x,x) | xX}N.
(d)   If N𝒳 then {(x,y) | (y,x)N} 𝒳 .
(e)   If N𝒳 then there exists M𝒳 such that M×XMN.
Uniformly continuous functions are for comparing uniform spaces.
Let (X,𝒳) and (Y,𝒴) be uniform spaces. A uniformly continuous function from X to Y is a function f:XY such that
if W𝒴 then there exists V𝒳 such that if xyV then (f(x),f(y)) W.

Let (X,𝒳) be a uniform space. The uniform space topology on X is the topology generated by the sets

BV(x) = {yX | (x,y) V}.
HW: Let f:XY be a uniformly continuous function. Then f:XY is continuous.

Cauchy filters and completions

Let (X,𝒳) be a uniform space. A Cauchy filter is a filter on X such that

if D𝒳 then there exists N such that N×ND.

HW: A convergent filter is Cauchy.

A complete space is a uniform space for which every Cauchy filter converges.

A minimal Cauchy filter is a Cauchy filter which is minimal with respect to inclusion of filters. The completion of X is the uniform space Xˆ is constructed as Xˆ = { minimal Cauchy filters x^ on X} with uniform structure 𝒳^ generated by the sets Vˆ = { (x^,y^) | there exists Nx^ y^ such that N×NV }, for V𝒳 such that if (x,y)V then (y,x)V and uniformly continuous map ι:X Xˆ given by ι(x) =𝒩(x) , where 𝒩(x) is the neighborhood filter of x.

HW: Show that Xˆ is a universal object in the cateogry of Hausdorff uniform spaces: Let (X,𝒳) be a uniform space. The completion of X is a complete Hausdorff uniform space Xˆ with a uniformly continuous map ι:X Xˆ such that if Y is a complete Hausdorff uniform space and f:XY is a uniformly continuous map then there exists a unique g:Xˆ Y such that f=gι.

X Y Xˆ ι f g .

Metric spaces

A metric space is a set X with a function d:X×X 0 such that

(a)   If xX then d(x,x) =0,
(b)   If x,yX and d(x,y) =0, then x=y,
(c)   If x,y,z X then d(x,z) d(x,y) +d(y,z).

Let X be a metric space. Let xX and let ε>0. The ball of radius ε at x is the set

Bε(x) ={pX | d(x,y) ε}.
Let X be a metric space. The metric space uniformity on X is the uniformity consisting of the sets Dε = xy | dxy <ε for ε >0 The metric space topology on X is the topology generated by the sets
Bε(x), for xX and ε >0.

Let X be a metric space. The completion of X is the metric space

X^ = {Cauchy sequences x^ inX} /
with metric d:X^ ×X^ 0 defined by
d( x^ , y^ ) = limn d(xn,yn) .
where two Cauchy sequences x^ and y^ are equivalent,
x^ y^ ,     if    limn d(xn,yn) =0 .

Trying to make a category of metric spaces: Lipschitz continuity, isometries


(a)   completion of to get .
(a)   completion of to get .
(b)   completion of to get p.
(b)   completion of to get p.
(c)   completion of 𝔽[x] to get F[[x]].
(c)   completion of 𝔽(x) to get F((x)).
(d)   completion of Cc(X) to get C0(X).
(d)   completion of Cc(X) to get Lp(μ) .

Notes and References

These notes follow Bourbaki [Bou] Chapter II. The category of uniform spaces is a natural home for uniformly continuous functions, Cauchy sequences and completion. The treatment of metric spaces and completion follows [BR] Chapter 2 Exercise 24. A uniform space is almost a metric space: By [Bou??] the separable Hausdorff uniform spaces are exactly the separable metric spaces.


[Bou] N. Bourbaki, General Topology, Springer-Verlag, 1989. MR1726779.

[BR] W. Rudin, Principles of mathematical analysis, Third edition, International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics, McGraw-Hill 1976. MR0385023.

[Ru] W. Rudin, Real and complex analysis, Third edition, McGraw-Hill, 1987. MR0924157.

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