p-groups and Sylow theorems

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 14 October 2011


Let p be a prime p 0.

If G is a p-group then G contains an element of order p.

If G is a p-group then Z(G){1}.

Let p be a prime and let G be a group of order p2. Then G is abelian.

If G is a p-group of order pa, then there exists a chain, {1} N1 N2 Na-1 G of normal subgroups of G, such that | Ni|=pi.

Sylow theorems

Let G be a finite group of order pab where p is prime, a >0 and p does not divide b.

(First Sylow theorem) G has a subgroup of order pa.

(Second Sylow theorem) All the p-Sylow subgroups of G are conjugates of each other.

(Third Sylow theorem) The number of p-Sylow subgroups of G is 1 mod p.


The second theorem implies that the number of p-Sylow subgroups of G divides the order of G. This is because if we consider the action of G on the p-Sylow subgroups by conjugation, the only orbit consists of a p-Sylow subgroup and all its conjugates, which by the second Sylow theorem is all the p-Sylow subgroups of G. Since the cardinality of the orbit must divide the order of G, the number of p-Sylow subgroups of G divides the order of G.

Classifying the groups of order 21

By the third Sylow theorem, 1, 8, 15, 22, ... are the possibilities for the number of 7-Sylow subgroups, and 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, ... are the possibilities for the number of 3-Sylow subgroups.
   The second Sylow theorem forces that there be exactly 1 7-Sylow subgroup and either 1 or 7 3-Sylow subgroups since the number of Sylow subgroups must divide 21, the order of the group.

Since there is only 7-Sylow subgroup of G, call it K, and all conjugates of K equal K, K is normal in G. Since K has order 7, K/7.

Case 1. 1 3-Sylow subgroup.
If there is only 1 3-Sylow subgroup, call it H, then H is also normal in G and is isomorphic to /3. Now the intersection KH={1} since any element in the intersection must have order dividing both 3 and 7, the only possibility being 1, the only element of order 1. Now, HK is a subgroup of G since K is normal in G, and since HK={1}, |HK|= |H||K| =37=21 =|G|. So G=HK. Then Theorem ??? gives that GH×K /7 × /3 .

Case 2. 4 3-Sylow subgroups
Let H be one of the 3-Sylow subgroups of G. Once again, H/3 and H is normal in G. By the same reasoning as before, HK ={1} and HK =G. Theorem ??? states that this is enough to write G as a semidirect product of H and K. The number of ways to do this depends on how many different homomorphisms θ: HAut(K) there are. Suppose that x is a generator of H and y is a generator of K. Then θ is completely determined by where x goes i.e. what x-1yx is. We know that it is of the form yi since it is an element of K. Suppose that x-1yx =yi. Then y= x-3yx3 = yi3 forcing i3= 1mod 7. The possiblities for i are 2 and 4. The semidirect products obtained by these two possibilities are isomorphic since if x-1yx =y2 then x-2yx2 =y4, and since x and x2 are both generators of H the map sending xx2, yy will be an isomorphism of the two semidirect products. So in this case G /3 ×θ /7 and any two such semidirect products are isomorphic.

Groups of order 10

Order 1 {1}
Order 2 /2
Order 3 /3
Order 4 /4, /2 × /2
Order 5 /5
Order 6 /6, /2 × /3
Order 7 /7
Order 8 /8, /4 × /2, /2 × /2 × /2,
the dihedral group D4,
the quaternion group Q8,
Order 9 /9, /3 × /3
Order 10 /10 /5 × /2
/5 ×θ /2, where θ=???



If G is a p-group then G contains an element of order p.


If G is a p-group then Z(G){1}.


Let p be a prime and let G be a group of order p2. Then G is abelian.


If G is a p-group of order pa, then there exists a chain, {1} N1 N2 Na-1 G of normal subgroups of G, such that | Ni|=pi.


(First Sylow theorem) G has a subgroup of order pa.


(Second Sylow theorem) All the p-Sylow subgroups of G are conjugates of each other.


(Third Sylow theorem) The number of p-Sylow subgroups of G is 1 mod p.


Notes and References

These notes are a retyping of an old tex file of Arun Ram dated 13 January 1992.


[Ar] M. Artin, Algebra, ????, Prentice-Hall ???.

[BJN] P.B. Bhattacharya, S.K. Jain and S.R. Nagpaul, Basic abstract algebra, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press 1994.

[Ram] A. Ram, Notes in abstract algebra, University of Wisconsin, Madison 1992-1994.

[Bou] N. Bourbaki, Algèbre, Chapitre ?: ??????????? MR?????.

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