Ordered Sets

Ordered sets

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 07 January 2012

Ordered sets

Let S be a set.

Let S be a poset and let x,yS. Write x<y if xyandxy .

Let S be a poset and let E be a subset of S.

HW: Show that if S is a poset and E is a subset of S and a greatest lower bound of E exists then it is unique.

HW: True or false: If S is a poset and E is a subset of S then a greatest lower bound of E exists.

HW: True or false: If S is a poset and E is a subset of S and a minimal element of E exists then it is unique.

HW: True or false: If S is a poset and E is a subset of S then a minimal element of E exists.

HW: True or false: If S is a poset and E is a subset of S then a largest element of E exists.

HW: True or false: If S is a poset and E is a subset of S and a largest element of E exists then it is unique.


Let S be a poset.

HW: Show that if S is a right filtered poset and a is a maximal element of S then a is the largest element of S.

HW: Show that every well ordered set is totally ordered.

HW: Show that there exists totally ordered sets that are not well ordered.

Let S be a poset.

Let X be a totally ordered set. An open set is a subset EX such that E is a union of open intervals. IS THIS DEFINING A TOPOLOGY OR NOT? SHOULD THIS REALLY BE HERE, OR IN THE EXERCISES? OR IN TOPOLOGIES?

HW: Show that if S is a lattice then the intersection of two intervals is an interval.

HW: Give an example of a poset X such that the collection 𝒯={ unions of open intervals} is not a topology.

Notes and References

The orders on the number systems ,, are indispensible for ordinary daily measurements. Perhaps surprisingly, there is no partial order on which makes an ordered field. A frequently used partial order which is not a total order is inclusion of sets.

The definitions of left filtered and right filtered are used in the theory of inverse and direct limits. The definitions and examples of upper and lower bounds, suprema and infima, maxima and minima, and largest and smallest element, are a natural way to introduce students to analyses and proofs of existence and uniqueness.

Fundamental definitions and properties of partially ordered are treated thoroughly in [Bou, Ens Ch. III]. The exposition of Stanley [St, Ch. 3] has an inspiring modern point of view and a wealth of information on the important subject of posets.


[Bou] N. Bourbaki, Théorie des Ensembles, Chapter III, Masson, Springer-Verlag, 1970 MR??????

[St] R. Stanley, Enumerative combinatorics I, Chapter 3, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 49, Cambridge University Press, 1997. MR??????

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