More Localisation

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 15 June 2012

The functor [S-1]

Let A be a ring. A set S_A is multiplicative, if S_ satisfies

  1. 1S_
  2. If s1,s2S_ then s1s2S_.

Let A be a ring and SA. The multiplicative closure of S is a subset S_A such that

  1. S_ is multiplicative and S_S.
  2. If TA is multiplicative and TS then TS_.

The ring of fractions with denominators in S is A[S-1] = {as | aA, sS_} with as = as if there exists   tS_   with   t(as-sa) = 0 and with as + bt = at+sb st and as bt = ab st .

Let M be an A-module. The module of fractions with denominators in S is the A[S-1]-module S-1M = {ms | mM, sS_} with ms = ms if there exists   tS_   with   t(sm-sm) = 0 and ms + nt = tm+sn st and as nt = an st .

Let f:MN be an A-module homomorphism. Define S-1f: S-1M S-1N by (S-1f) (ms) = f(m) s .

HW: Let A be a ring and let SA. Show that S-1: { A-modules } { S-1A-modules } is an exact functor.

HW: Formulate and prove an appropriate universal property for A[S-1].

HW: Formulate and prove an appropriate universal property for S-1M.

HW: Show that S-1M = MAA[S-1].


  1. Show that if A= and S = {s | s0} then S=S_ and A[S-1] = .
  2. Show that if A=, p, and S = {s | sp} then S=S_ and A[S-1] = (p).
  3. Show that if A=, p and S = {pk | k0} then S=S_ and A[S-1] = [1p].

Notes and References

Localisations are covered in [AM, Ch.3] and [Bou, Comm. Alg., Ch.II§2]. In particular the solution to HW2 is found in [AM, Prop. 3.1 and Cor. 3.2] and [Bou, Comm. Alg., Ch.II Prop. 1 and Def. 2]. The solution to HW3 is discussed in [Bou, Comm. Alg., Prop 3 and following 3 paragraphs]. The solution to HW1 is found in [AM, Prop. 3.3].



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