
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 29 September 2012


Let A be a ring and let 𝒜 be the category of A-modules. By a theorem of Freyd (see [Benson I p. 22]) this setup is equivalent to letting 𝒜 be an abelian category.

A complex of A-modules is a -graded A-module C, with a morphism d:CC such that Cn+1 dn+1 Cn dn Cn1 such that degd=-1 and dd=0.

A morphism is a graded A-module homomorphism u:C C such that degu=0 and d u=ud.

The homology of a complex C is H(C) = Z(C) B(C) , where Z(C) =kerd and B(C) =imd.

A quasiisomorphism is a morphism f:CC such that H(f): H(C)H( C) is an isomorphism.

A complex is exact if H(C) =0.

The Grothendieck group of 𝒜 is the abelian group generated by symbols [M], for M𝒜, with relations [M1] =[M2], if M1M2 and [M]= [M1] +[M2], if there exists an exact sequence 0 M1 M M2 0.

The Euler characteristic of a graded A-module M is χ(M)= n (-1)n [Mn] and PM(t) = n tn[Mn] is the Poincaré polynomial of M.

Let 0C u Cv C0 be an exact sequence of complexes. The long exact sequence in homology is the exact triangle H(C) H(u) H(v) H(C), (u,v) ,H(C) [t]mm mmα Hn+1( C) n+1 (u,v) Hn( C) Hn(u) Hn(C) Hn(v) Hn( C) n(u,v) Hn-1( C) Hn-1 (u) Hn-1(C) Hn-1 (v) Hn-1 ( C)

if z) Z(C) such that [ z) ]=αα, and
xCn such that v(x)= z , then
t Cn-1 such that u( t)=dx .

Derived functors

A complex is exact if H(C)=0. An exact functor is a functor F:𝒞𝒟 such that if if 0X f YgZ 0 is exact then 0 F(X) F(f) F(Y) F(g) F(Z)0 is exact.

A left exact functor is a functor F:𝒞 𝒟 such that if if 0X f Yg Z is exact then 0 F(X) F(f) F(Y) F(g) F(Z) is exact.

A presentation of an A-module M is an exact sequence RX M0, where R and X are free modules.

An injective resolution of M is an exact sequence 0M I0 I1 I2 , with all Ik injective.

A projective resolution of M is an exact sequence P-2 P-1 P0 M0, with all P-k projective.

Let F:𝒞 𝒟 be a left exact functor. The right derived functors of F are RiF: 𝒞𝒟 given by RiF(M) =Hi(F(I)), where I is an injective resolution of M.

Let F:𝒞 𝒟 be a right exact functor. The left derived functors of F are LiF:𝒞 𝒟 given by LiF(M) =H-i (F(P)), where P is a projective resolution of M.

Let 0NM P0 be an exact sequence. The long exact sequence is 0 F(N) F(M) F(P) δ0 R1F(N) R1F(M) R1F(P) δ1 R2F(N) R2F( M) R2F( P)

A quasiisomorphism is a morphism of complexes f:C D such that H(f) :H(C) H(D) is an isomorphism.

The derived category of 𝒜 is the category D(𝒜) with a functor Q:Kom(𝒜) D(𝒜) such that

Kom(𝒜) Q D(𝒜) F F 𝒞

Let D+(𝒞) denote the left bounded derived category of 𝒞 . Let F:𝒞 𝒟 be a left exact functor. The derived functor of F is the functor RF:D+ (𝒞) D+(𝒟) determined by RF(K)i =F(Ki), for KKom(𝒞).

Then RiF= Hi(RF).


Ext: Ext𝒞i(M,N) =Hom D(𝒞) (M[0], N[i]) , Exti(M,) =RiHom(M ,), Exti( ,N) =RiHom( ,N).

Tor: Let be the left adjoint functor to Hom so that Hom(MV,N) Hom(M, Hom(N,V)), for all N.

Then Tori(,N) =Ri( AN), and Tori(M,) =Ri(M A) .

Sheaf cohomology: Let X be a topological space. The sheaf cohomology of X is Hi (X;) =RiΓ (X;), where Γ: {sheaves on X} {abelian groups} (X) is the global sections functor.

Group cohomology: Let G be a group and let M be a G-module. The cohomology of G is Hi(G; ) =Ri( G), where MG={m M | gm=m for all gG} is the invariants of M.

Lie algebra cohomology: Let 𝔤 be a Lie algebra and let M be a 𝔤-module. The cohomology of 𝔤 is Hi (𝔤;) =Ri( 𝔤), where M𝔤 ={mM | xm=m for all x𝔤} is the invariants of M.

Notes and References


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