Extensions of

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 02 February 2012

Extensions of

Let 𝔼 be the splitting field of fx [x]. Note that if σGal( 𝔼/𝔽) then σ is a permutation of the roots and σD = -1 lσ D. Thus D2 is always fixed by σ and so D2𝔽. If D𝔽 then D is a degree two extension of since the minimal polynomial of D is x2-D2 . If D then Gal(𝔼/) An, the alternating group.

Example 1. If fx= x2+bx +c [x] and fx= x2+bx +c= (x-α1) (x-α2) _ [x] then α1 = α2 since α1=b -α1. If σGal( α1/ ) is the element given by σα1 =α2 then σα2 =α1, since α2+σ α2 = σ(α1 +α2) = σb=b = α1+ α2. So Gal( α1/ ) = 1σ /2 = S2. Now the discriminant D2= b2- 4c and D= b2 -4c α1. So α1 = D and σD= -D.

Example 2. Let fx = x3+ a2x2+ a1x+ a0=0. Change variable x=y- a2 3 . Then fx = y3- a2y2+ 3ya22 9 - a23 27 + a2y2- 2a2x2 3 y+ a23 9 + a1y- a1a2 3 +a0 =0. So assume fx = x3+bx +c and let 𝔼 be the splitting field offx. If fx is separable and irreducible then D2= -4b3 -27c2 and Gal(𝔼/𝔽) = { S3, if   D𝔽, /3, if   D𝔽. } If fx = x3+bx +c = (x-α1) (x-α2) (x-α3) then e3 = α1 α2 α3 = -c, e2 = α1 α2 + α2 α3 + α1 α3 = b, e1 = α1 + α2 + α3 . α1 α2 α3 {1} α1 α2 α3 1 1,3 1 23 1 23 D A3 S3 A concrete example is fx = x3-2 which has roots 21/3,   ω 21/3,   ω2 21/3, where ω is a primitive cube root of unity and Gal(𝔼/) S3. 𝔼 = 2 1 3 ω {1} | | 2 1 3 σ /3 | | σ,τ σ3=1 ,   τ2=1 ,   στ=τ σ - 1 S3 Examples of the two cases are fx = x3- 3x+1 which has D2=81, and fx = x3+ 3x+1 which has D2= -135, and roots of these polynomials are ????

Example 3. Let fx = x4-2 which has roots 2 1 4 i 2 1 4 - 2 1 4 - i 2 1 4 , and let 𝔼 be the splitting field of fx. Then Gal(𝔼/𝔽) = σ,τ σ3=1 ,   τ2=1 ,   στ=τ σ - 1 is the dihedral group of order 8. 2 1 4 i (1-i) 2 1 4 (1+i) 2 1 4 2 i (i 2 1 4 ) 2 1 4 σ3τ στ σ2 σ2τ τ (i 2 ) (i) ( 2 ) στ σ2 σ2 τ σ2 στ

Example 4. Let fx = x4+1 which has roots ωω3 ω5ω7 where ω= e 2πi 8 , and let 𝔼 be the splitting field of fx. Then Gal(𝔼/) = σ,τ σ2=1,   τ2=1,   στ=τσ /2 × /2 is the Klein four group.
Let a,b and consider the extension a b which is the splitting field of fx = (x2-a) (x2-b) . Then Gal( a b /) = σ,τ σ2=1,   τ2=1,   στ=τσ /2 × /2 is the Klein four group with σ a =- a , τ a = a , and σ b = b , τ b =- b ,
a b {1} b a a b στ σ τ στ Note that a b since a+b 2 = a+2 ab+ b2 ( a+b) and so (ab) (a+b) = (ab+ba) (a+b) . So (b-a)a (a+b) .

Example 5. Let f(x)= xn-1 which has roots ω ω2 ... ωn-1 where ω= e 2πi n , and let 𝔼 be the splitting field of f(x). Then Gal(𝔼/) /n * and | /n * |=φ(n), where φ(n) is Euler's phi function.

Example 6. Assume 𝔽 contains a primitive nth root of unity and let 𝔼 be a finite Galois extension of 𝔽. Then Gal(𝔼/𝔽) /n if and only if 𝔼   is the splitting field of an irreducible   xn-b   for some   b𝔽.

Example 7. Assume 𝔼=𝔽 x1...xn and 𝕂=𝔽 e1...en , where e1e2...en are the elementary symmetric functions. Then 𝔼   is the splitting field of   f(x)= i=1n (x-xi) 𝕂[x] and Gal(𝔼/𝕂) Sn.

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