Uniform spaces

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 23 July 2014

Uniform spaces

A uniform space is a set X with a collection 𝒳 of subsets of X×X such that

(a) if VX×X and B𝒳 and BV then V𝒳,
(b) if >0 and V1,V2,,V𝒳 then V1V2V 𝒳,
(c) if V𝒳 then {(x,x)|xX}V,
(d) if V𝒳 then {(y,x)|(x,y)V}𝒳,
(e) if V𝒳 then there exists M𝒳 such that M×XMV where M×XM= { (x,y)| there existszXsuch that (x,z)M and(z,y)M } .

Let (X,𝒳) be a uniform space. An entourage is a set in 𝒳.

Uniformly continuous functions are for comparing uniform spaces.

Let (X,𝒳) and (Y,𝒴) be uniform spaces. A uniformly continuous function from X to Y is a function f:XY such that if W𝒴 then there exists V𝒳 such that if (x,y)V then (f(x),f(y))W.

Let (X,𝒳) be a uniform space. The uniform space topology on X is the topology on X such that if xX then 𝒩(x)= { BV(x)= {yX|(x,y)V} |V𝒳 } is the neighbourhood filter of x.

Homework: Let (X,𝒳) and (Y,𝒴) be uniform spaces and let f:XY be a uniformly continuous function. Show that f:XY is continuous (with respect to the uniform space topology on X and Y).

Cauchy filters and Cauchy sequences

Let (X,𝒳) be a uniform space.

A Cauchy filter is a filter on X such that if V𝒳 then there exists N such that N×NV.

A Cauchy sequence is a sequence x1,x2, in X such that if V𝒳 then there exists n0>0 such that if m,n>0 and m>n0 and n>n0 then (xm,xn)V.

Homework: Let (X,𝒳) be a uniform space and let x1,x2, be a sequence in X. Let be the filter consisting of all subsets of X which contain all but a finite number of points of {x1,x2,}. Show that is a Cauchy filter if and only if x1,x2, is a Cauchy sequence.

Homework: Let (X,𝒳) be a uniform space and let be a filter on X. Show that if is convergent then is Cauchy.

Homework: Let (X,𝒳) be a uniform space and let x1,x2,x3, be a sequence in X. Show that if x1,x2, is convergent then x1,x2, is a Cauchy sequence.

Homework: Give an example of a Cauchy sequence that does not converge.

Homework: Give an example of a Cauchy filter that does not have a limit point.

A complete space is a uniform space (X,𝒳) such that if is a Cauchy filter on X then has a limit point.

Homework: Let (X,𝒳) be a complete space and let YX. Show that if Y is closed then Y is complete.

Homework: Let (X,𝒳) be a Hausdorff uniform space and let YX. Show that if Y is complete then Y is closed.

Homework: Let {(Xi,𝒳i)|iI} be a collection of uniform spaces. Show that iIXi is complete if and only if the collection {(Xi,𝒳i)|iI} satisfies if iI then Xi is complete.

Completions of uniform spaces

Let (X,𝒳) be a uniform space.

A minimal Cauchy filter on X is a Cauchy filter on X such that if 𝒢 is a Cauchy filter on X and 𝒢 then 𝒢=.

The completion of X is the set Xˆ= {minimal Cauchy filtersxˆonX} with uniform structure 𝒳ˆ generated by the sets Vˆ= { (xˆ,yˆ) Xˆ×Xˆ| there existsNxˆ yˆsuch thatN×N V } for V𝒳 such that if (x,y)V then (y,x)V and with the uniformly continuous map i:XXˆgiven by i(x)=𝒩(x), where 𝒩(x) is the neighbourhood filter of x.

Homework: Show that the sets Vˆ for V𝒳 such that if (x,y)V then (y,x)V generate a uniform structure on Xˆ.

Homework: Show that Xˆ is Hausdorff.

Homework: Show that the uniform structure on X is the inverse image of the uniform structure on Xˆ under i:XXˆ.

Homework: Show that i:XXˆ is uniformly continuous.

Homework: Show that Xˆ is complete.

Homework: Show that i(X) is dense in Xˆ.

Homework: Show that if Y is a complete Hausdorff uniform space and if f:XY is a uniformly continuous function then there exists a unique uniformly continuous function g:XˆY such that gi=f X f Y i g Xˆ

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of handwritten notes from the pdf 140721UniformSpacesscanned140721.pdf.

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