Topological spaces and Continuous functions

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 4 March 2014

Topological spaces

A topological space is a set X with a specification of the open subsets of X where it is required that

(a)   is open and X is open,
(b)   Unions of open sets are open,
(c)   Finite intersections of open sets are open.
In other words, a topology on X is a set 𝒯 of subsets of X such that
(a)   𝒯 and X𝒯,
(b)   If 𝒮𝒯 then ( U𝒮 U ) 𝒯 ,
(c)   If n 0 and U1 U2 Un 𝒯 then U1 U2 Un 𝒯.

A topological space is a set X with a topology 𝒯 on X.

Let X be a set and let 𝒯 be a topology on X.

HW: Let X be a topological space. Let 𝒞 be the collection of closed sets of X. Show that 𝒞 satisfies:

(Ca) If 𝒮𝒞 then C𝒮C𝒞.
(Cb) If >0 and C1,C2,,C𝒞 then C1C𝒞.

HW: Let X be a set and let 𝒞 be a collection of subsets of X which satisfies (Ca) and (Cb).

(a) Show that 𝒯={AX|Ac𝒞} is a topology on X such that 𝒞 is the set of closed sets in X.
(b) Show that 𝒯 is the unique topology on X such that 𝒞 is the set of closed sets in X.

Continuous Functions

Continuous functions are for comparing topological spaces.

Let X and Y be topological spaces.

Let f:XY be a continuous function and let EX.

(a)   If E is connected then f(E) is connected.
(b)   If E is compact then f(E) is compact.

Proof of (a):

Proof of (b):

Let Y be a topological space. Let yY.

Let X and Y be topological spaces. Let aX.

HW: Let X and Y be topological spaces and let f:XY be a function. Show that f:XY is continuous if and only if fsatisfies: if aX then fis continuous at a.

HW: Let X be a topological space. For xX let 𝒩(x) be the set of neighborhoods of x. Show that the collections 𝒩(X) satisfy:

(VI) If AX and there exists N𝒩(x) such that AN then A𝒩(x).
(VII) If >0 and N1,N2,,N𝒩(x) then N1N2N𝒩(x).
(VIII) If N𝒩(x) then xN.
(VIV) If N𝒩(x) then there exists W𝒩(x) such that if yW then N𝒩(y).

HW: Let X be a set with a collection of subsets of X, 𝒩(x) for each xX, such that the 𝒩(x) satisfy (VI), (VII), (VIII), (VIV). Let 𝒯= { AX|if xAthenA 𝒩(x) } .

(a) Show that 𝒯 is a topology on X.
(b) Show that the 𝒩(x), xX, are the neighborhood filters for the topology 𝒯.
(c) Show that 𝒯 is the unique topology on X such that 𝒩(x), xX, are the neighborhood filters for 𝒯.

Let I be a set and let Xi, iI, be topological spaces.

HW: Show that the topology on iIXi is the weakest topology such that the projections pri:iIXiXi, for iI, are continuous.


(1) Let X be a set. The discrete topology on X is the topology such that every subset of X is open.

(2) A metric space is a set X with a function d:X×X 0 such that

(a)   If xX then d(x,x) =0,
(b)   If x,yX and d(x,y) =0, then x=y,
(c)   If x,y,z X then d(x,z) d(x,y) +d(y,z).

Let X be a metric space. Let xX and let ε>0. The ball of radius ε at x is the set Bε(x) ={pX | d(x,y) <ε}. Let X be a metric space. The metric space topology on X is the topology generated by the sets Bε(x) , for xX and ε >0.

HW: Show that the metric space topology is a topology on X.

HW: Let X= {0,1} and let 𝒯= {, {0}, X}. Show that 𝒯 is a topology on X and that there does not exist a metric d:X×X 0 on X such that 𝒯 is the metric space topology on X.

Generating topologies

Let X be a topological space. Let xX.

HW: Show that is a base of the topology on X if and only if satisfies if xX then {V|xV} is a fundamental system of neighborhoods of x.

This is found in [Bou, Ch I §1.3 Proposition 3].

HW: Show that the topology on iIXi has base { iIAi| Aiis open inXi, Ai=Xifor all but a finite number of iI } .

HW: Let xiIXi. Show that { iIAi | Aiis open inXi, Ai=Xifor all but a finite number of iI, xiIAi } is a fundamental system of neighborhoods of x.


  1. f-1 (CD) = f-1 (C) f-1 (D) .
  2. f -1 (CD) = f-1 (C) f-1 (D) .
  3. f -1 (f(E)) E .
  4. Give an example where f-1 (f(E)) E .
  5. If E is compact then E is closed.

Notes and References

This material is found in almost every textbook on introductory topology or mathematical analysis. One comprehensive reference is Bourbaki -- see [Bou, Ch I § 1 nos. 1,2,4] for open sets, closed sets and neighborhoods, [Bou, Ch I § 3 no. 1] for subspaces, [Bou Ch I § 4 no. 1] for products, [Bou Ch I § 9 no. 1 Axiom C'''] and [Bou, Ch. I § 9 no. 4] for compact sets, [Bou, Ch. I § 11 nos. 1,2] for connected sets, and [Bou, Ch. I § 2 no. 1] for continuous functions.

The most important theorem in the theory of continuous functions is the following. This theorem will be proved in the section on Limits in Topological spaces.

Let X and Y be topological spaces and let aX. A function

f:XY is continuous at a    if and only if    limxa f(x) = f(a).


[Bou] N. Bourbaki, General Topology, Springer-Verlag, 1989. MR1726779.

[BR] W. Rudin, Principles of mathematical analysis, Third edition, International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics, McGraw-Hill 1976. MR0385023.

[Ru] W. Rudin, Real and complex analysis, Third edition, McGraw-Hill, 1987. MR0924157.

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