The group Sp(n) Un()

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 5 November 2011

The group Sp(n) Un()

The maximal compact subgroup of Sp2n() is

Sp(n) =U2n() Sp2n() .

The fundamental representation θ: U1() SU2().

The action of * on the 2-dimensional -vector space by right multiplication provides

θ: * GL2() transpose GL2() x0+x1i +x2j+x3k ( x0+x1i -x2+x3i x2+x3i x0-x1i ) ( x0+x1i -x2+x3i x2+x3i x0-x1i )
This gives a group homomorphism
θ: * GL2() a+cj ( a c -c a ) for a=x0+x1i and c=x2+x3i in .
The Pauli matrices are
θ(i) = ( i 0 0 -i ) , θ(j) = ( 0 -1 1 0 ) , θ(k) = ( 0 i i 0 ) ,
θ: U1() SU2().

More generally, for n >0, the function

θ: GLn() GL2n() (gij) (θ (gij) ) satisfies θ(gt) = θ(g) t
and is a group homomorphism. Restriction to Un() gives an isomorphism,
θ: Un() Sp(n)= U2n() Sp2n()
Un() = {g GLn() | ggt =1} , U2n() = {g GL2n() | ggt =1}
Sp2n() = {g GL2n() | gJgt=J } ,where J= ( 0 10 01 -10 0-1 0 )

Sp2() =SL2().

Notes and References

These notes were influenced by the Wikipedia articles ????. They were prepared for lectures and working seminars in Representation Theory at University of Melbourne in 2008-2011.


[St] R. Steinberg, Lectures on Chevalley groups, Notes prepared by John Faulkner and Robert Wilson, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., 1968. iii+277 pp. MR0466335.

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