Preprojective algebras

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 17 February 2011

Representations of quivers

Let Q be a Dynkin diagram of type A,D or E with vertex set I. For γ= γ1 α1 ++ γn αn , with γ1, ,γn 0, define

Qγ = {MQ-mod | dim(M)=γ }     and     Gγ= i=1n GLγi ().

Preprojective algebras

Let Q be a Dynkin diagram of type A,D or E with vertex set I. Let Q be the quiver with an extra edge a*, in the opposite direction, for each edge a in Q. Let Q be the path algebra of Q. For each vertex i of Q let

ri = aQ, s(a)=i a*a - aQ, e(a)=i a*a , (pprels)
where s(a) is the source of a and e(a) is the target of a. The preprojective algebra is
Λ= Q ri | iI . (ppalg)

For γ= γ1 α1 ++ γn αn , with γ1, ,γn 0, define

Λγ = {MΛ-mod | dim(M)=γ }     and     Gγ= i=1n GLγi ().
The preprojective cycles of type γ are the irreducible components
Λb Irr(Λγ) . (ppcyc)
The character of a Λ-module M is the element of the shuffle algebra given by
ch(M)= i1, id χ( (M) i1, ,id ) fi1 fid , (Λch)
where (M) i1, ,id is the subset of the full flag variety of M of composition series of M of type (i1, ,id) and χ( (M) i1, ,id ) is the Euler characteristic of (M) i1, ,id .


= γ M(Λγ) Gγ ,      where
M(Λγ) is the space of constructible functions on Λγ and M(Λγ) Gγ is the subspace of constructible functions constant on the orbits of Gγ. Let
fi= ch( Z αi ),      where    Z αi = Λ αi pt ,
and let be the subalgebra of generated by the fi. By [Lu2, Theorem 12.13] the map
U𝔫- fi fi      is an algebra isomorphism.

The a*-forgetting morphism is

πγ : Λγ Qγ
According to [GLS, §10.3], it was proved by Lusztig [Lu1] that there are bijections
{Λb} {Gγ -orbits on Qγ} {multisegments b of weightγ} π-1 (Qb) Qb b .

The type An quiver

Let Qn be

- a1- - a2- - a3- an-2 an-1
Then Qn is
- a1-* - a1- - a2-* - a2- - a3-* - a3- an-2* an-2 an-1* an-1
and the preprojective algebra Λ is generated by a1 ,, an , a1*, , an* , with relations
a1 a1*=0 , an-1* an-1 =0 ,     and     ai* ai = ai+1 ai+1* .
1 2 0 n-1 n 0 i-1 i i+1

A typical Λ-module can be viewed as a linear combination of the basis elements with "red" maps corresponding to the ai and "blue" maps corresponding to the ai*. If we view the basis elements as boxes, then the a*-forgetting morphism takes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9     to     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Example: Type A2. In this case

Q2 is - a1- and Q2 is - a1-* - a1- .
Λα1 = { - a1-* - a1- 0 } pt         and         Λα2 = { 0 - a1-* - a1- } pt
Λ α1+α2 = { - a1-* - a1- | a1, a1* with a1 a1* =0 }
has two irreducible components
Λ (1,0,1) = { (a,0) | a } and Λ (0,1,0) = { (0,a*) | a* }
and G α1+α2 =×× × acts on Λ α1+α2 with three orbits
Λ (1,0,1) -{(0,0)} , Λ (0,1,0) -{(0,0)} ,and {(0,0)} .

Λ (1,0,1) Λ (0,1,0)

and, when γ=2α1 +2α2 ,

Λ 2α1 +2α2 = { 2 - a1-* - a1- 2 | a1, a1* with a1 a1* =0 }
has three irreducible components
Λ (1,1,1) = {(a,a*) Λγ | rk(a)1 and rk(a*)1 },
Λ (2,0,2) = {(a,a*) Λγ | a*=0 }    and    Λ (0,2,0) = {(a,a*) Λγ | a=0 }

As computed in [GLS, §5.6],

ch( Λ (1,0,1) ) =f1 f2 and ch( Λ (0,1,0) ) =f2 f1,
ch( Λ (2,0,2) ) = 14 f1 f1 f2 f2, ch( Λ (0,2,0) ) = 14 f2 f2 f1 f1,
ch( Λ (1,1,1) ) = 12 f2 f1 f1 f2, = 12 f1 f2 f2 f1,

Notes and References

This summary of the theory of quiver representations and preprojective algebras is part of joint work with A. Ghitza and S. Kannan on the relationship between MV-cycles and the Borel-Weil-Bott theorem. The theory began from the ideas of [Lu1-2] and has been developed at length in [GLS] and later papers of Geiss, Leclerc and Schroer.


[GLS] C. Geiss, B. Leclerc and J. Schröer, Semicanonical bases and preprojective algebras, Ann. Sc. École Norm. Sup. 38 (2005), 193-253. (2003), 567-588, arXiv:math/0402448, MR2144987.

[Lu1] G. Lusztig, Quivers, perverse sheaves and quantized enveloping algebras, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 4 (1991), 365-421.

[Lu2] G. Lusztig, Semicanonical bases arising from enveloping algebras, Adv. Math. 151 (2000), 129-139.

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