
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 5 November 2011


Let 𝔽 be a field. If a0, a1, a2, 𝔽 use the notation a0+ a1x+ a2x2+ = i 0 aixi.

The polynomial ring 𝔽[x] is the set 𝔽[x]= { i 0 aixi | ai𝔽 and all but a finite number of the ai are equal to 0 } with operations given by ( i 0 aixi ) + ( i 0 bixi ) = ( i 0 (ai+bi) xi ) and ( i 0 aixi ) ( j 0 bjxj ) = ( k 0 ckxk ) ,where ck= i+j=k aibj .

The degree function is deg:𝔽[x] 0 , where deg(p0+ p1x+ p2x2+ ) is the maximal nonnegative integer d such that pd0 .

Let a𝔽. The evaluation homomorphism is eva: 𝔽[x] 𝔽 p(x) p(a), where p(a) = p0+ p1a+ p2a2+ if p(x) = p0+ p1x+ p2x2+ .

The ring of formal power series in x is 𝔽[[x]] = { i 0 aixi | ai𝔽 } , with operations given by ( i 0 aixi ) + ( i 0 bixi ) = ( i 0 (ai+bi) xi ) and ( i 0 aixi ) ( j 0 bjxj ) = ( k 0 ckxk ) ,where ck= i+j=k aibj .

Examples. The following are elements of 𝔽[[x]] :

11-x = 1+x+x2 +x3+,
ex = 1+x+ x2 2! + x3 3! + = i 0 xi i! ,
sinx = x- x3 3! + x5 5! - x7 7! + = i 0 (-1)i x(2i+1) (2i+1)! ,
cosx = 1- x2 2! + x4 4! - x6 6! + = i 0 (-1)i x2i (2i)! ,
ln(1-x) = x+ x22 + x33 + x44 + = i >0 xii.

  1. 𝔽[x] is an integral domain.
  2. 𝔽[[x]] is an integral domain.

HW: Show that 𝔽[x] with the degree function deg is a Euclidean domain.

The field of fractions of 𝔽[x] is the set 𝔽(x) = { a(x) b(x) | a(x), b(x) 𝔽[x], b(x)0 } with a(x) b(x) = c(x) d(x) , if a(x) d(x) = b(x) c(x) , and with operations given by a(x) b(x) + c(x) d(x) = a(x)d(x) + b(x)c(x) b(x)d(x) and a(x) b(x) c(x) d(x) = a(x)c(x) b(x)d(x) .

The field of fractions of 𝔽[[x]] is the set 𝔽((x)) = { a(x) b(x) | a(x), b(x) 𝔽[[x]], b(x)0 } with a(x) b(x) = c(x) d(x) , if a(x) d(x) = b(x) c(x) , and with operations given by a(x) b(x) + c(x) d(x) = a(x)d(x) + b(x)c(x) b(x)d(x) and a(x) b(x) c(x) d(x) = a(x)c(x) b(x)d(x) .

  1. The invertible elements of 𝔽[x] are the invertible elements of 𝔽.
  2. The invertible elements of 𝔽[[x]] are a0+ a1x+ a2x2+ 𝔽[[x]] with a0 invertible in 𝔽.

𝔽((x)) = { xkp(x) | k, p(x) 𝔽[[x]], p00 } {0} .

Let p(x) 𝔽((x)). The order ν(p) of p(x) = l plxl is the minimal integer l such that pl 0.

HW: Show that the order function ν:𝔽((x)) is a normalized discrete valuation (see [BouC] Ch. VI §3 no.6 def.3).

Notes and References

The polynomial ring is the universal commutative ring generated by a set with one element. It shares many properties with the integers , the universal commutative group generated by a set with one element. PUT IN SOME REFERENCE TO BOURBAKI.


[BouC] N. Bourbaki, Commutative algebra, Masson, Hermann ??? MR???????? (20??e:20????)

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